AGNPH Stories


Choice is something that is something that is overly abundant in modern society, but do you really chose what you want or do you choose what you think is best from a list of options like a multiple choice question.
Lumen is an eevee who is being pressured to evolve and Lumen has to make a choice

  1. Choices (1877 words) [Reviews: 3]

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    Reviewer: kolofox
    Date:Jul 19 2014 Chapter:Choices
    wow that's dark... Interesting read though, I didn't find many errors and all the grammar seems to be in place. good work, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
    Reviewer: redacted
    Date:Jul 20 2014 Chapter:Choices
    ... Somewhat reminds me of how our society is today.
    Good job, this is all well written, however you did make several errors. For example; you used 'there' when it should have been 'their' or 'they're'.
    And for the paragraphs, they're all too spaced out, try and look at printed books for help. Yes, I realize this is just an online short story, but you might as well make it as grammatically correct as possible.
    Again, well done, I look forward to reading the next chapter.
    Reviewer: tomu
    Date:Aug 4 2014 Chapter:Choices

    This is promising. I quite like what you've done here. 
    That being said, there could be some formatting and flow corrections, but it's mostly all there, and it looks very nice.
    I like the way you explained away all of the evolutions; I think it would be harder for me to just pick one eeveelution!