AGNPH Stories

One-Shot Pokemon Lemons by Vulpsis


Author's Chapter Notes:

After inflicting a serious injury to Breloom Whimsicott tries to keep him conscious anyway she can.

M Breloom F Whimsicott: Scrutinized Recovery

Breloom hopped around the forest with his fists up and ready. He threw uppercuts and roundhouse kicked the air as if he were pulling tricky combos on an invisible opponent. During these rapid movements he kept a constant effort to shake off his effect spores to step up his game. The sounds of his training eventually attracted a young whimsicott. Her white fluffy head stood out to Breloom from where she sat while she watched him continue on his training. After several more minutes of his little workout Breloom sat down against a tree and took in several deep breaths. He panted exhaustively while sweat dripped off his forehead. The air around him was filled with multi colored spores. Aft that gradually fell onto the forest floor below and for a while he sat there until Whimsicott finally got up and walked up to him.
"Hello!" Whimsicott chimed when she got close. Breloom raised a brow at Whimsicott, the grass fighting type taking in one last intake of breath before replying back.
"Hello?" He greeted back with confusion. It wasn't often that other pokemon came up and greeted him so her approach was peculiar to him to say the least.
"What were you doing just now?" Whimsicott asked, her little brown arms hiding behind her small body as she tilted her head to the side.
"What you mean right now? I'm Resting." Breloom said before leaning his head down so that he could wipe the sweat off his forehead.
"No, when you were punching and kicking at the air." Breloom sighed and blushed slightly from the question. He always went out his way of choosing a secluded area to avoid pokemon watching him train. He loved his privacy and didn't like being put on the spot like this, he was shy like that.
"Training, that's all."
"Why? Gonna beat someone up?" Whimsicott asked, her inquiring gaze never leaving Breloom's.
"Not if I don't have to." Breloom bluntly stated. Whimsicott only giggled and sat down next to him and nuzzled up right against him. Breloom's shyness got the best of him and tried to inch further away only for her to lean back closer against him. Breloom then sighed from frustration. "I'd appreciate if you didn't do that."
"Do what?" Whimsicott asked, looking up at him with her big orange eyes.
"Rub against me, it makes me nervous."
"Hmmm...” Whimsicott raised an arm to her chin as if she truly had to ponder before replying. “Nah!” Breloom sighed and stood up making Whimsicott fall on her belly.
"Please I'd like to rest." Breloom stated with a stern gaze. Whimsicott pouted as she got up herself.
"Noooo you're comfortable." Breloom getting agitated with her spoiled attitude snapped back.
"Leave me alone or else!"
"Or else what? Gonna beat me up?" Breloom gulped, Whimsicott despite being shorter than him was looking up at him with angry eyes. She then began to tease him by lifting her hands and positioned them like a boxers. He didn't really want to fight her but he had to be assertive lest she uses him as a doormat. Then what would others say if word got out?
"If I have to…I will". Whimsicott smirked, she closed her eyes and lifted her head in a playfully smug fashion.
"I don't think you can win. I can beat you up before you can even touch me! " This got Breloom's blood pumping. He stomped down his foot to intimidate her and glared at her with frustrated eyes.
"Is that so?! Wanna prove it in an actual battle?! " Whimsicott loosely shook her hands pretending to shiver in fear before smiling up at him one last time.
"Fine let's go tough shroom!"

The two Pokemon distanced themselves before the battle began. Breloom was the first to move, he started sprinting towards Whimsicott with his hands ready for punching. Whimsicott immediately sent out a barrage of razor leafs after him. The flurry of leaves ripping through the wind was nothing for him though. Breloom sneered at her before he stopped to punch each individual leaf away. (Alright my training is really paying off!) He thought to himself before he ran again towards the cotton Pokemon. He dashed, his fist curled and ready for a mach punch. She was in her sights and he was ready to prove her wrong but all he heard was her giggle when he was suddenly sent crashing down against the floor. Confused and angry he got back up looking around trying to ignore the burning pain on his face from the fall. "Damn…what was that! ?"
"That was my grass knot attack" She replied from above him in the tress. He looked up in disbelief, she was just standing there in front of him and out of nowhere she attacked him without him realizing what was going on. She jumped down and landed right in front of him gracefully. Gritting his teeth he dashed towards her again with the same mach punch only to crash on the floor again. He aid there for a moment, his face firmly planted into the ground once more before he pushed himself back up to see her landing from above once again. He stood back up slowly, trying his best to hide his bruised face. He spat on the floor before standing tall once again. She was right, he couldn't touch her.
"Fine if punching won't work, I'll just attack from a distance!" He then spawned a couple seed bombs in his hands and threw them at her with all the strength he could muster. Whimsicott shook her head before taking in a deep breath. Her chest puffed up from all the air before she spilled it all out. Large powerful winds then magically erupted from the tiny grass pokemon. The seeds, along with Breloom himself were blown back. Breloom shouted in fear and was lifted off his feet. Him, along with his seed bombs, were then blown away at incredible speeds until he crashed headfirst into a thick tree. He felt his entire body spasm involuntarily in pain and for the first time in his life he saw stars form in his blurry vision.
Whimsicott gasped when she saw and heard the impact, she didn't mean to use a hurricane that powerful, she just wanted to teach him a lesson for threatening to beat people up! She quickly ran up to him as fast as she can. When she got up to him Breloom was coughing.

" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to send you flying that hard I'm so sorry…" Whimsicott stood over him and scanned the injured breloom with worried eyes. Breloom breathed out and struggled to take in air. He simply grunted. The pain of slamming into the tree began to settle in and rapidly rise. His breathing grew labored as he struggled to swallow up and overcome the reins of pain that held him back.
"It's okay…We Breloom can…Take a lot…more." He finally managed to mutter. After saying that he tried to force himself back up, to prove that he was okay. But the simple movement sent his perception of the area into a nauseating whirlwind of colors and before he knew what was going on Whimsicott gently sat him back down.
"No don't get up yet! Let me help you heal at least!" Whimsicott pleaded, the once mischievous tone in her voice now completely replaced with concern. Breloom shivered against the tree.

Quickly, his eyes began to close and his breathing grew calmer and deeper. .Whimsicott began to panic, she was worried that falling asleep would be bad for him if he was seriously hurt. She needed to know if anything changed, especially since his head was possibly concussed or worse. She quickly bounced on top of his body and tried smacking him a bit to wake him up. "Hey! Stay awake!" Breloom's entire body shivered once more before he opened his eyes slightly into her worried face.
"Your…feet…they're crushing…my…" Whimsicott tilted her head in confusion until she looked down and realized what she was standing on. His member's head was peeking out from a slit since her tiny stubby feet were stomping on that general area.
"O-oh, sorry!" She then accidentally stepped on his member while she tried to rearrange herself. Breloom grunted, not from pain but from feeling the pressure making his member pulse as it poked out a bit more from its hiding spot. Whimsicott then had q light bulb pop in her head. She needed to keep him awake and report if he felt any changes and at the same time she needed to ease his pain. She quickly lowered herself off of Breloom's body by brushing herself against him and made sure to rub against his member as much as she could. She cold feel Breloom's body shudder as all of her soft tiny brown body rubbed along his most sensitive part.
Eventually she sat on the floor on her knees and wrapped his cone shaped member with her stubby arm.
"Maybe I can make it up to you hmmm?" She teased in a gentle sing song voice. Breloom gasped from feeling her soft, smooth touch. He closed his eyes while she used both her hands. The two wrapped around him now and rubbed up and down slowly, massaging every inch of his revealing cock.
"Ah... That feels good..." Breloom said dreamily. It almost felt like a dream, his mind began to grow faint and nearly dozed off until Whimsicott grabbed his attention. "Hey…open your eyes, look at me." reluctantly he struggled to open his eyes, only to be greeted with her bouncy orange eyes as she held his cock in her hands. "Stay awake…watch me~" she said in a low whisper before she twirled her warm moist tongue around his tip. He gasped from the unexpected pleasure and bucked hips buck towards her. She giggled before she dragged her tongue up from the base to the top, her beautiful eyes never leaving his. Breloom watched as if in a trance, her lusty gaze was mesmerizing and he didn't want to blink in case he missed a moment. Her lips then forced a smile before she slowly slipped his cock into her mouth. He couldn't help but feel his mind melt as he watched her take it in and out of her cute little mouth. Still, her eyes remained fixed on his. Her eyes watered a bit while she began to take him in all the way. He can feel her throat muscles swallowing around him, massaging him and trying to drain his cock of any pre that leaked out from his tip. Her head then began to bob up and down, those lustful eyes fixated on his own making this whole experience even more erotic for him. She smiled and even giggled a bit while she sucked his cock, and before he knew what she was doing she had force his entire member down her throat. Her lips met with his hips while she quietly gagged on his treat. She kept this pose far longer than he expected and Breloom couldn't help but gasp. She was swallowing him harder than before while her tongue slowly tasted every inch of his shaft. This act alone was enough to force any man to cum. His cock began to pulse as his hips began to buck forward even faster, he can feel the climax slowly forcing it's way out as he shut his eyes and…

She stopped. She quickly pulled back left his cock out in the clear open air. The he warm saliva that coated his member dripped onto the grass below while it bobbed in the cool air.
"Why? You were so close?..." Breloom whined. He didn't notice that he was no longer sleepy and the pain he had experience had died down to a constant dull reminder of what happened.
"Nuh uh! Not yet, I told you to keep your eyes open! " Breloom grumbled, his eyes pouting while he felt his climax quickly ebb away. Whimsicott then sat back on her rear, her smug look now making Breloom blush.
"You're such a prankster..."
"I know, how are you feeling?"
"My head still hurts but... But..." Breloom was interrupted when he felt Whimsicott's stubby feet rub up and along the sides of his cock.
"But?" Whimsicott asked, her mischievous eyes raising a brow at Breloom. He gasped laid on her back and gripped his member with her feet. Breloom struggled to find the right words as her feet continued to treat him while her eyes grabbed his attention once more.
"B-but... I..." He was about to close his eyes again until he heard her voice.
"Hey…watch me. You have to stay awake. Now, do you remember your name? " He gulped and he tried to keep their eye contact from breaking.
"That's a... Stupid question..." As if punishing him one of Whimsicott's feet rested behind his member and acted as a wall while the other stomped against it. He cried out and felt another trickle of pre leak out from the action. He accidentally closed his eyes again and was instantly treated with another stomp. When his eyes shot open she giggled, a vivid blush showing on her face.
"I'm good with my feet right? Now, what is your name? " she repeated.
"Breloom..." He finally answered.
"And do you know where you are?" Her feet began to take turns rubbing over and around his tip. Small amounts of his seed continously spilled out from this special treatment.
"South from the lake... West from the... The... Mountains..." Breloom could hardly speak, he could barely keep his eyes opened. He tried not to go over the top so soon from just looking at her while her feet continued to brush up and down against the tip of his cock. She giggled again as she leaned down and rubbed some of his pre onto her hands. She then began to taste it while tilting her head towards him in an innocent like gesture.
"Tasty~" Being driven to the edge Breloom moaned out as his climax quickly built up. Whimsicott sensed it and instead of teasing him like last time she began to rub faster, her tiny feet rubbing every inch, spreading his pre all over like lube. Breloom can feel his release inching out more and more until…

Whimsicott quickly stopped again, this time a tiny amount of cum managed to leak out and spill on top of her before his pent up orgasm quickly faded away again. Breloom almost felt like crying from yet another rejection. His pulsing cock was beginning to throb in pain from all the teasing she has been doing to him. He couldn't help pouting as he watched her clean up that small leak, her face blushing while she slowly licked up all of the pre off her body. Breloom couldn't help but feel his blood rushing to his face, she was toying with him more and more and... ashamedly he enjoyed it. She was a nuisance sure, but he was beginning to look forward to the next trick she had in store for him.

After smacking her lips from the cleanup Whimsicott pressed her body against his, her soft body purposely rubbing all over his stiff member. She wrapped her tiny legs along his waist aND guided his cock against her tiny slit between her legs.
"Alright…time for the real fun…and don't forget…" she whispered as her face leaned closer to his. "Watch me~" She whispers into his ear before leaning up from her seated position against Breloom and gnawing gently at his mushroom cap.
Whimsicott gently guided his throbbing cock in slowly. She bit her lip while quietly gasping in both pain and pleasure. After only slipping in a couple inches Whimsicott had to stop, she laid against Breloom's body while she continued her gasping.
"Is this really your first time?" He asked, a hand raising her chin so he could clearly see her. Her usual smug expression was gone and replaced with embarrassed eyes. Breloom chuckled. "How can you be so amazing and still be a virgin?"
"I'm not a virgin! I just... Just never did it with a different specie before... I mean, you're a lot bigger than other Whimsicott!" she said, her eyes defiantly staring at Breloom. He simply smiled, her expression doing the usual and attracting him more and more.
"It's my first time too..." He said before throwing his arms around her and hugging her in closer. "Let's take this slow... I'll watch you" Whimsicott giggled quietly and smiled before noting. He began to buck his hips and slide out of her slowly before pushing back in, each time more of his cock slid in just a little more deeper. Whimsicott began to quietly gasp in a mixture of blissful pain again.
"It…hurts…" Whimsicott whispered in between gasps. Breloom began to slide out of her slowly.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, Their eye contact never breaking.
"No…I want…more." She whispered. Truth be told she did want more, all this teasing had her riled up more than Breloom. Now that he was being open to her she wanted to be closer to him, to share the pain she inflicted on him and to feel his manhood deep inside her. Then, to Breloom's surprise, Whimsicott suddenly forced herself down onto him all the way, forcing his entire cock inside of her.

Breloom gave off a sudden moan from feeling her pussy wrapped completely around him. Whimsicott was overwhelmed by the thrust, her sharp cry from stuffing herself so suddenly echoed out in the forest.
"W-why did you..." Whimsicott interrupted him by leaning forward and kissing him directly against his lips. His mind then entered a state of heat he's never known. The once smug Whimsicott was now moaning and yearning for his touch and taste, her little body bounced against him as they sat against the tree. His arms held her while he continued to buck his hips against her and deep down, he wanted more too...
Before he knew what he was doing he had thrown Whimsicott onto the floor with his arms still wrapped around her. He laid over her now and began thrusting in and out of her. Her cries were both mingled with pain and ecstasy while the sounds of her fluids gushing accompanied the background. Breloom gritted his teeth while fucking her harder and harder, her tight smooth walls were clamping around him violently as her fluids gushed along his thick cock. Whimsicott continued to let out a series of heated cries and moans. She squirmed and rolled left and right underneath him. Breloom however forced his body roughly against her so she wouldn't be able to move. He looked down at her, his eyes burning with dominance whike she held tightly against him, her orange eyes expressing her submissive side. Seeing his newfound dominant side and his alpha expression made her body's temperature spike up. That look of determination on his face turned her on and before she knew it he leaned down and pressed his lips around hers. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. He was kissing her Back! She felt her mind melt as his big strong tongue slipped into her mouth and wrap around her tongue. She shut her eyes as her body began to slip away in a complete state of orgasmic bliss...
Breloom began to thrust into her harder and faster. He can feel that pent up orgasm rising back out. He can feel her walls spasm around his, squeezing and clamping trying to force his seed out. He can feel his climax now growing stronger than ever. He held her little body up against him as tight as he can before he delivered one more powerful thrust into her one last time with all his strength. He couldn't help but shout out from the pressure he felt. It felt like he had just erupted inside of her, endless streams of his seed poured into her and filled her body up with its sticky warmth. Whimsicott held him throughout, her little body panting from exhaustion. His cum made her body feel warm and special, she can feel his cock pumping more and more into her. Breloom then sighed with relief before resting against her and panting as well.

The two laid against each other for quite a while. Breloom clearly didn't have any lasting injuries now and that gave Whimsicott some relief. The two didn't say anything for a while and they both silently sat back against the tree. The suno eventually began to set but the two paid no mind.
"Feel Better?" Asked Whimsicott.
"Yes, much better." Breloom then wrapped an arm around her fleece like cotton. Whimsicott giggled. The pain has long since passed and the daylight was beginning to fade but Breloom and Whimsicott decided to lay there for just a little bit longer.
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