AGNPH Stories

One-Shot Pokemon Lemons by Vulpsis


Author's Chapter Notes:

A skittyand wWailordare left at a daycare. WWhat could possiblyfgo wrong?

M Wailord F Skitty: Out of Proportion

Johnny lowered his map and gazed down from the hill at the little town with watery eyes. He traveled for days to reach the well known little town of Capecoast. It was the only town in this region that housed a daycare for his massive Wailord since the daycare runs by the ocean. He was on a traditional journey and was hoping to leave Wailord there and pick him up before the Pokemon League began. All the exhaustion he felt from traveling way off course seemed to melt away in an instant. After traveling for so long the trainer felt a renewed skip to his step before running towards the town.

At the receptionist desk he handed the pokeball that contained Wailord to the elderly lady.
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of him! We do have a 2 per trainer special going on right now though. Would you like us to care for another pokemon? " She asked Johnny while she accepted the pokeball. He took a moment to think about it. A couple days ago he did catch a young energetic skitty. He couldn't train her however since she would run off on her own and had no combat skills against the stronger pokemon he was coming across.
"Yeah I do actually, a skitty. She's a bit too young for my journey." Johnny explained while clipping off the ball from his belt. The elderly lady smiled as she reached out to accept the second pokeball.
"Well I do love cats, I'd be happy to take care of your skitty for you!"

Johnny left to continue on his journey. Days passed since Wailord and Skitty were left at the daycare. Skitty made friends quickly with all the pokemon in the town while Wailord kept to himself at the seashore that edged along the town. Days then turned into weeks and Skitty began to grow bored of running around the gardens or playgrounds that both the town and the daycare had to offer. It was a small town so the pokemon that came by were the same ones that would usually get picked up the same day.

On one particularly boring afternoon she looked over at the seashore and saw Wailord awfully close to the land. She never really spoke with him since he kept to himself. They were the only two at the daycare though and she wanted to find out if he knew when Johnny would come home. She ran up to his large blue body that rested atop of the sea and tried calling out his name. Wailord didn't respond, he just floated there on the water with the wind gently rocking him with the waves. She tried again and shouted his name a couple more times. No response.
Skitty finally grew frustrated and began to make an uproar. She was jumping up and down screeching out with a high pitch squeal to the point where her face turned red. Wailord finally responded with a sudden violent shake before turning to face her.
"What? I was napping!" Skitty stopped her uproar almost immediately and sat down , her cute innocent face smiling up at him.
"Hi, I'm bored." Skitty merely stated calmly. Wailord sighed, he didn't appreciate how she was screaming one second and suddenly decided to act cute the next.
"And?! Go bother someone else!" Wailord snapped before turning and causing waves to crash near the Skitty.

Skitty jumped back away from the crashing water. She was shocked at his rudeness and cold attitude. Tears began to stream down her slitted eyes before she began to shout again.
"But there's nobody here and you're the only one here and I just wanted to know when Johnny's coming back and you're so mean!!!" Skitty shouted all this while tears poured down her cheeks. Wailord sighed again and began to turn to face her once more. His large body took time to swerve since he tried to be more gentle to avoid creating waves.
"Don't cry, I don't know when he's coming back." Wailord srated gently to calm the crying kitty down. Skitty stopped wailing and only sniveled to hold back the tears.
"W-Will you h-hang out with me today?" She whimpered to him.
"Fine...If it means you'll stop crying. " Wailord said in a defeated tone.
"Yay!" Skitty then hopped up in place and instantly her fake tears was gone.
"You... You were faking! Weren't you?" Wailord asked, astonished at how mischievous this seemingly innocent skitty was.
"Hehe yeah, fooled ya!" Skitty announced while gloating. Wailord didn't know whether he should be mad or laugh at the situation. He gazed down to examine her with beady black eyes. She was just sitting there, her tail wagging and her nice pink fur looking well brush and soft and… Wailord shook his head and all those thoughts away.

Skitty noticed Wailord's sudden change in demeanor and tilted her head at him.
"Are you alright? Do you have water in your ears?" She asked him.
"No, I'm alright. I'm sorry, I just have my own problems right now. Anyways, how do you like this place? " Wailord asked trying to steer the conversation away. Skitty disregarded the question though and inquired further.
"Problems? Like what? Do you miss Johnny too?" She asked. Wailord shook his head.
"No I'm confident he'll come back. It's just that I'm stuck here when the other wailord are gathering to mat- ahahaha to make friends." Wailord laughed nervously. He knew about Skitty's young age so he tried to keep things plain and simple for her. Skitty rested on her belly before looking up at him with a smirk on her face.
"Oh okay, I thought it was your mating season or something." She said casually. The Wailord could feel a great deep blush forming on his large blue face.
"How do you know about … that?!" Wailord questioned with shock. Skitty jumped back up on her four tiny legs.
"The other Pokemon told me. They told me that their trainers drop them off here so they can mate. One of them even told me to stay away from you because of that hehheh" Skitty laughed the notion off but Wailord's blush only grew redder.
"Your friend is probably right."
"Unless you wanna try to mate!" Skitty suddenly suggested. Wailord's heart rate skyrocketed. He stammered trying to come up with a proper response. His big nervous body began shaking up the waters from what he just heard.
"What? That'd be impossible! I-"
"You're showing." Skitty interrupted.
"what?" Wailord questioned. He didn't understand the statement until Skitty's face blushed as she pointed at the water below him with a paw.
"You, you're showing. it's so big I can see it in the water! "

The Wailord froze in place like a boulder in the ocean. His mighty blush grew so red that it was hard to tell if he was ashamed or just couldn't breathe anymore.
"Just turn around on your back and I'll climb on top of you. We'll figure something out! " Skitty cheerfully suggested. Wailord grumbled as he did what she asked. He easily rotated himself so that his white colored underside was now on top. His movements though caused water to splash against the shore where Skitty was. She had to step back a few paces to avoid getting wet once more before she bent her hind legs and, with amazing skill, bounced on top of Wailord and landed elegantly on her legs.

His underside felt rubbery and surprisingly smooth under her paws. Further south Skitty saw his large arousal laying flat against his stomach. She playfully walked towards it across his chest and examined it.
"Wow you're really big"
"What did you expect from a whale pokemon? Just be careful and don't sli-ah ahahahaa!" Wailord shivered, he didn't expect her fluffy paws to feel around the tip of his 5 foot member so suddenly. Skitty giggled from his cute reaction.
"Somebody's sensitive~" She teased. Growing curious on how much more he would react she began rubbing the member with both of her of her short paws. Wailord relaxed and said nothing more. He let Skitty have her way with him just so she can relieve the tension that had been building up over the weeks he stayed here.
"A-ah... Skitty... You're not so innocent, are you?" Wailord waited for a response but all Skitty did was shush him. Her two little paws managed to squeeze out copious amount of his salty sea pre and grew soaked from the semen. Soon her paws were scrubbing the thick liquid like soap against the top few inches of his cock. The smell was starting to get to Skitty, it urged her to get closer, to sample it's taste and to feel it inside of her quivering sex. But she didn't want to get ahead of herself, she wanted to mess with Wailord some more.
"This look salty, I want to taste it…" she ahhh'd her mouth wide open and slipped in a couple inches of his cock. Wailord gasped from the foreign contact of her mouth. Her tongue was a bit rough but inside was a comfortable warmth and an inviting sticky moisture he had never felt right at his tip. She swirled her lithe kitty tongue around a few times in an attempt to lick up all the leaking pre.

Try to pleasure him with her mouth alone proved to be a challenoe. Cum began to dribble out the sides of her mouth and trailed down the large member while a pool of it began to soak Skitty's entire body. She tried to swallow it all But even though it was just pre Skitty couldn't handle it. Eventually she leaned back and gasped for air, her mind and body drunk off of the unintended pheromones that poured off from his spiny.

After catching enough air she leaned back forward and resumed massaging the tip of Wailord's cock that continued to lay flat due to its weight alone.
"The whole point of mating is to have an egg right? So…" She trailed off. Wailord pondered what she was going to do next since he couldn't see her or anything that was happening except for the sand of the shore.
"Skitty, you're not thinking about doing that, right? It won't fit all you can do is..."
"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." She said with smug confidence. Wailord stood quiet. He wished so badly that he see her doing those naughty things to him.

Skitty jumped up onto the behemoth and laid her stomach on the edge of his member. She then guided the cum spewing tip against her pussy by using her hind paws to push the tip against her moist cunt. Once inside Skitty pushed her hips against the large penis and cried out in bliss. It only slipped in a few inches but the girth quickly filled her up and rubbed her burning nerves that sought for a male's touch for so long. Skitty loved this sensation of Wailord thrusting into her like that. It satisfied her nerves and her instinctual desires at the same time.
Wailord could barely contain himself. The tip was his most sensitive part and feeling Skitty's hot tightness completely squeeze him felt so good it was almost torture. Her pussy had a vice like grip on him that caused his seemingly endless amount of pre to spill out even more. Her pussy was choking his cock and milking it while her fluffy and warm body dragged along the larger inches of his sensitive cock.

Skitty began humping against the member a bit faster, her juices and Wailord's seed began to leak out and spill onto the water pokemon's stomach. He could feel the warmth of the liquids quickly cooling as it slid down his side and into the waters below. Skitty could feel her climax building up like a wave. His thick cock brushed along her G-spot repeatedly, each hump made her sensitive nerves flare up in pleasure again and again. She could sense that Wailord was close too, his deep moans grew louder and longer while his cock noticeably swelled within her.

It didn't take much longer before Skitty cried out. Her fluids began to pour out of her as her walls clamped tightly around Wailord. Wailord couldn't stand it anymore and the sound of Skitty shouting in ecstasy was enough to drive him over the edge. His climax came hard and fast, the force of his cum rushed out and forced Skitty back and away from him member. She didn't travel far though, she landed on her back as gallons upon gallons of his seed poured all over her body. This only went on for a few seconds but for the two it felt much longer than that.

Skitty continued to lay on her back long after the climax. She was still panting as well as Wailord whose huge body inflated and deflated like a bright blue and white balloon. After a few minutes Skitty got back up and examined her fur. She was a mess, most of his cum haD already dried and made her fur bristle in some spots and sticky in others.
"Wow…that was good." She exclaimed before jumping down to the shore. Wailord noticed her ruined appearance while he flipped back to his normal position.
"Oh…sorry about that." He apologized with a nervous chuckle. Skitty giggled athe his embarrassed reaction as she laid down on the sand.
"Don't worry about it… I'll just clean it up myself. I'll have to get used to it anyways~". Skitty laughed a bit more when she saw Wailord blush yet again. He understood what she was implying, and he couldn't believe that he was being used like a toy by a little skitty. He didn't mind though, she is pretty cute.
A couple weeks after that eventJohnny came back to the daycare. He couldn't do it, after 5 badges every gym proved impossibly hard. He decided to withdraw his pokemon from the daycare and go on a hiatus. When he arrived at the desk the elderly lady looked delighted to see him.
"Oh it's you! We were raising your pokemon and surprisingly it had an egg! Do you want it?" She asked, her expression filled with the surprise of delivering good news. Johnny looked dumbfounded. He didn't consider this possibility, one of his pokemon must have mingled with the others.
"Is that so? Who does it belongs to? "
"Why the young skitty! She's actually had a couple and they hatched into cute little Skitty!"
"I don't know if I want the added responsibility. Can't you give them to the owner of the Father? "
"Why that's you too!"
"Wait, so Skitty and... And..."
"Wailord!" She said as if completely ignorant of the absurdity of this news. Johnny didn't say anything. He merely paid the fee, accepted all his old and new Pokémon and left.
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