AGNPH Stories

THL: Understanding the world by zackarykidder


Story Notes:

I wonder who will be fought next o.o and astani weapons now hmm what game is astani a reference too hmm.

Author's Chapter Notes:

Written by DerTheVaporeon

Please enjoy!

Crossing by DerTheVaporeon

School has been rather amazing, to be honest. Ami and I have learned a lot, about the ‘so boring’ math, gymnastics, history, literature, sports, poetry, social norms, and much more, though it took quite a while. We would meet Sato once every recess in the depths of the playground, playing with her and talking her into coming to school. Soon, she was accepted by the teacher, who seemed more than happy about it. Perhaps it was too into our minds, but… Anyway, Sato loved how she would have to learn more, and we even shared the classroom, passing ourselves notes once a while, sneakily. Sato taught me how to do telepathy eventually, to avoid tossing notes and such.

One day, at recess, we were heading to the girls’ lockers, and as soon as I turned towards Sato, she was heading for the boys’ lockers, and I warned her not to go there. At first, she was rather nervous, her face looking feverish, but after trying to convince her, she pouts lightly and heads into our lockers. She warned us not to come into the cabinet until she was done doing her things. When she walked out, she went to wash her hands and we talked about visiting her home again, and find more of the weird stone tables for Dad and Mom to read for us. Where the others were, we really had no idea, but we can find them!



As soon as we walked out, we fell down some hole and hit the ground. We went unconscious for a while, and when we woke up, we wound up in a different place. For one, the lockers were separate from the building, but we found ourselves in a really, really bizarre tunnel. Torches lit the walls, like in those dragon lair tales, and the floor was made of cobblestone. Ami and Sato seemed really scared, but I nodded at them, and assured them everything would be fine. They smile at me and I give them a comforting hug, as we then head forward and see if there was any exit of sorts. Where are we?

We turned corners, went upstairs, turned corners again, went downstairs lots, checked the forking paths, and made our way through. It wasn’t easy, though, because we learned to beat up some nasty slimes and bats and they were getting in the way, and then we decided to just leave alone those who didn’t want to cause trouble. Soon, the place shifted from stone to obsidian with some funny pink blobs and warm blue/red cables. We head down deeper until we arrive to a place with blue swirls, glassy floor, and floating platforms.

When we were careless, Sato yelled and held against the border of the floor.

“Sato!” I yelled at him as Ami and I ran up to her.

“H-Help me! I don’t wanna fall down!” She cries loudly, almost slipping off from the glassy floor.

When we made it, it was too late. She would have dropped into the platforms with spikes, if not for something that happened. She was lifted with psychic energy as she screamed, and was settled next to us.

“C-Calm down, you are safe!” Ami hugged her tight, as I did.

“T-Thank you! Thank you!” Sato cries. “I was really scared!”

“I…” I tried to reach her to save her, but… did Ami lift her to safety with Psychic? “I didn’t do it. Ami?”

All Ami did was reply with a shrug, looking worried.

“Idiots, why are you risking yourselves like that? This place is dangerous, and I mean the garden of my home!” A brash male voice was heard from behind us as we turn. An Umbreon boy in a monkish tunic walked towards us, his blue rings glowing along with his violet eyes, a moon marking in the place of his uncovered left leg's ring marking. He looked at us like Sato did back when we met her. “You girls are sure a mess to deal with, aren’t you? What gives that you are here?”

Okay, he sounded like those bullies from school, which Sato would drive off somehow, but he sounded different, like he has never met a friend before, nor grasped the concept in the slightest. “Well, we were walking out of a portal and wound up in your castle, fresh prince.” I say sternly, breathing deeply. “Can you explain that?”

“Ah, uhh…” He muttered something we couldn’t hear, but he then turned to Sato, and then locked sight with each other.

“Uhm, hello?” Ami calls out gently.

“Oh geez! S-Sorry. I had opened that to capture a bully who owed me a sandwich. I guess that didn’t work as expected.” He then returns to looking at Sato, smiling at her. “It worked on my favor, though. You girls helped me find the Guardian Spirit of the Sun.”

Sato fixes her glasses, and then looks at him with a serious face, something she only does to the bullies. Her tone seemed more towards being polite, though. “Ah, I remember seeing you before, perhaps before our parents died.” She gives a loud huff from her nose, making him flinch in surprise. “I am Sato, remember, you dummy?”

“S-Sato? I-I barely remember seeing you as a baby!” He hugs her tightly, making her blink, the girl pushing him.

“C-Cross, what are you doing? The girls don’t know you!” She calls out towards him.

“Oh geez! S-Sorry.” He pulls away and clears his throat. “I am Cross, Guardian Spirit of the Moon, and this is my home. I just came from picking up a stone table.”

“I am Eclipse, and this is my sister, Ami! Nice to meet you!” I say with a smile, and go straight to the point. “A stone… table?”

 “Yes. They tell of a prophecy that will happen in a decade or two, maybe less, in between, or more… but you girls wouldn’t understand it, even if you knew how to read!” He sticks out his tongue cutely.

“Cross! This isn’t the time to fool around.” Sato calls out. “Would you deny them the knowledge of the Creation of the Eclipse?”

“What makes you ask so, dummy?” Cross… crosses his arms.

“We got a stone table.” Ami says out loud.

“W-What… You found one?!” Cross says out loudly, but then he laughs. “For a second there I thought I was alone in this. You have it with you, don’t you?”

“We… don’t.” I reply.

“Agh… Girls.” He pouts softly, sitting down.

“Hey, if it makes you feel better… can we work on the Eclipse Creation together? It would be fun if you joined us.” She smiled at him, holding a hand towards him, which he slowly held and got him up.

“S-Sure… but I call dibs on letting me go to school. Plus, I would like to see the girls out there.” He looks away, smiling. “Oh, by the way, those monsters out there are my pets, and they don’t like unexpected visitors, so I guess I gotta take you out here by a portal.”

“Why would he… want to meet the girls? I guess we could let him into school and teach him manners, if the teachers don’t find out soon.” Sato whispered telepathically.

“We will let him into school, and watch him.” I whisper back, and we both nod, before I speak to him. “Alright, come to us at the playground tomorrow!”

Eventually, Cross gave the tablet to Sato and looks into a portal, and he uses Psychic to float us over to the portal, which forced us to land in the teachers’ lockers. The Dragonair looks at us with a soft glare, asking where we have been for 1 hour after recess. We tried to explain her, but she found our words to be too “silly”. Sato kept the stone tablet from our experience in the bathroom, but the teacher took it away, and we were put into detention. This day sucked, but we met a new friend, at least.



We were taught manners about not running from school and not hiding, though we didn’t know why Cross stared at the teacher indirectly. Not that I would like to know. Soon, our parents came to pick us up, and then looked at Sato.

“Is she your friend?” He asks coldly, to which I nod slowly.

“She has no parents.” Ami replies.

“We’ll adopt her, but we don’t really like what you did today. We are disappointed in you. Do that again and you’re going to be grounded.” Mom scoffs quietly. “We love you, but what if you were to get lost like last time?”

 “A stranger would really trick you and get you in the wrong path, you know.” Dad says. “Be glad the first time it was just a girl.”

Sato tried to say something, but then she looks at us. “Please, don’t make the same mistake again… I don’t know what else would happen.” We nod slowly and hug her. I hope we don’t meet any strangers like the class and our parents say. I wonder if we’ll see Cross again, and the tablet is held by the teacher, for now.

Chapter End Notes:

This chapter introduces a new character, a Umbreon named Cross, and he's the Guardian Spirit of the Moon. :D

I wrote this from 9 A.M. to 11:36 A.M. today. Took a while to post. Hope you enjoyed!

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