AGNPH Stories

From Civil to Feral by slimfox


Story Notes:

Uploaded all three parts at once for reader convenience.


Mac, now twenty-six, had become a proud dad of three beautiful Pokémon. They consisted of a male eevee named Silver, who was the oldest. A female eevee named Trinity, and a male rockruff named Colt, who was the youngest. They were all healthy and loved him dearly. Silver of whom even strived to be a great fisherman like him.

Since they had two dads, they referred to Lycai as “paw” while Mac was dad. They did it that way so it would be easy for them to remember as paw had paws whereas dad didn’t. They were playful kids who didn’t seem to care that one of their dads wasn’t a Pokémon. Trinity in particular liked to be the leader of the group, despite being the middle child, and would look to her mother for advice on how to lead. Once she asked her how she ordered dad and paw around to which she had to explain they all worked together.

Their family wasn’t the only thing that changed, but their den as well. They had finally gotten around to finishing expansions as Zangoose, who was the kids’ godfather, took them out while they finished building. The den now consisted of four areas. The front area where the family ate and conversed, a back area that was their sleeping quarters, a left area that acted as their food storage, and a right area where Mac kept his medicine and saw docile patients. Outside was a fire pit for brewing medicine and cooking food. Sure, it wasn’t very feral, but no one mind and Mac didn’t want to forget his human roots.

One rainy afternoon, Mac was wrapping a leaf bandage around Lycai’s left paw while Silver looked on with curiosity. Earlier that day Lycai wanted to show his kids how he could fish, since he had gotten quite good at it, but still wasn’t a master like Mac. However, he didn’t look where he walked and stepped on a sharp rock. Fortunately, Sylvie, who was with them, helped him home. He was teary eyed and in incredible pain.

“I was so excited I forgot to look,” Lycai whimpered sadly.

Mac patted his mate on the head, “I understand, but really we should get out for training more.”

Since having kids Lycai and Mac had had less time to fish. In particular, Lycai stayed home with Sylvie and gathered berries and materials with her and the kids while Mac fished. Sure, they hung out with their friends, but overall stayed with their kids. Mac of whom was resistant to hang out with his friends as he wanted to be a better parent to them than his mother was to him. Though, he eventually found out from talking to other fathers in the woods that taking a break from his kids once in awhile was actually good for him and his kids as it didn’t make them develop separation anxiety. Despite this epiphany, he still was adamant about being a better parent.

Mac finished wrapping the bandage around Lycai’s paw and he put it down gingerly.

“How long will paw be like this?” Silver asked worriedly.

Mac rubbed his son’s head, “He’ll be like this for a week. So you’ll have to go easy on him.” He then muttered to himself, “And so will I.”

“Hey dad, could you teach me how to make medicine?” Silver asked. “It looks pretty cool.”

Mac laughed, “Of course, but when you get older.”

Lycai decided to go lay down as his paw still ached a bit. Silver decided to help him as Sylvie was busy feeding Trinity and Colt. Silver had already weaned off Sylvie’s milk, but Trinity and Colt still had to be fed that way. Since Pagoda Woods was in a tropical climate region they couldn’t go by seasons, rather they went by coral moons. A coral moon was when the moon had a coral colored tint to it. When four coral moons were witnessed that marked one season and when sixteen moons were witnessed a year had past. Collectively they decided to wean their kids off of milk after they went through twenty moons. Trinity still had four moons while Colt had eight moons.

Once Sylvie had finished feeding the two they went off to play around with their brother. They had to play quietly as Lycai had dozed off and didn’t want him to wake up. Lycai was an easygoing person and wouldn’t get annoyed if he was woken up. Still, Sylvie and Mac wanted their mate to get a good rest. Luckily, the rain had stopped so Sylvie took the kids out to play with their friends. Mac decided to get out too. He lightly shook Lycai who opened a sleepy eye.

“We just went out to give you some quiet,” Mac whispered.

Lycai nodded and licked Mac’s cheek before drifting back to sleep. Mac then quietly left the den and stretched as he walked away from it.

As he walked through the wet grass he thought he could hear someone call his name. He then looked up and saw Treecko and Zangoose sitting on a tree branch masturbating.

“Come up and join us,” Treecko said motioning him with his foot.

Mac climbed up the tree and joined them on the branch. He sat next to Zangoose and started masturbating. He liked having this guy time with his buddies as it really relaxed him. The three reached their climax as they sprayed their warm, wet cum on the ground below. They panted heavily as they came. Eventually they finished and took a large breath.

“So, what’s up?” Treecko asked putting his foot on the branch.

“Nothing much, just had to fix Lycai’s paw. He stepped on a sharp rock fishing,” Mac replied.

“Ouch,” Treecko said recoiling.

The three continued on chatting as their cocks slowly began to shrink. Treecko asked how Zangoose’s mate was and he said he was quite well and the two were inseparable. Zangoose had started dating an alolan sandslash named Slicer recently. Mac really liked him as he was great with the kids and treated Zangoose well. He also had a sense of humor to boot. Soon Mac grew bored and told them he was heading off. He climbed down the tree and waved goodbye to them which they returned.

As he continued walking he came across Slicer who was walking while stroking his cock with one hand while he had the other behind his head. He stopped when he saw Mac and flagged him over.

“Yo Mac, I was just talking to Sylvie. She said she’s heading back to the den,” Slicer said.

“Ok thanks, I probably should head back too,” Mac responded.

“Before you do, I heard two Pokémon talking about a lost kid in the woods. You should probably see what that’s about seeing as you do have parental instincts,” Slicer continued.

“Thanks, I will. Where did they say he was?” Mac asked.

Slicer gave him the directions and he darted off to find the kid. He found him cowering next to a tree. He was an espurr who was quite dirty and his little face was full of fear. He was slightly older than Colt.

Mac tried to approach him, but he recoiled further and when he could recoil no more he started to whimper loudly. Mac relented as to not make him scream. He didn’t want to leave him so he just sat a distance away from him and meditated. Espurr kept cowering until he realized Mac wasn’t doing anything. He then walked nervously up to him. When he got close Mac slowly extended his hand out to Espurr who touched it. Mac then moved his hand to gingerly rub Espurr’s head. Espurr was still nervous, but allowed Mac to rub him. Mac then made a big move and picked up Espurr who didn’t mind. He then put Espurr to his chest and softly rubbed the back of his head. He was trembling and clung on to Mac’s chest as he buried his face in it.

“You’re ok buddy,” Mac assured him in a low voice.

Espurr eventually stopped trembling and Mac was able to talk to him.

“Hi, I’m Mac,” he said softly.

“I’m Espurr,” Espurr replied.

“What happened?” Mac asked him.

“I was trying to… find food… and then I got attacked by a pack of murkrow while trying to pick a strawberry. I lost them, but it was all so scary that I just couldn’t handle it,” Espurr explained.

“I see, your mother must be really worried about you. I know I’d be out of my mind if my kids got lost,” Mac said.

Espurr tilted his head, “What’s a mother?”

Mac was stunned by the question. He didn’t know how to respond to it.

“Well, a mother is a female figure who raises you and takes care of your well being. Usually, but not always, she is the one who helped create you. A father is the same, but is male,” Mac told him at last. He added that last part anticipating Espurr not knowing what a father was.

“Oh,” Espurr said sadly.

“How come you don’t know? Did you know your mother, or even have one?” Mac asked.

“Well, I was raised by a nidoqueen who insisted we call her “queen”,” Espurr replied.

Mac raised his eyebrow slightly and put Espurr down who sat on the ground next to him. He then asked him to tell him more about “queen”.

“I was one of twelve children Queen raised. We were all different species with none of us looking similar to her, but we didn’t care. From the moment we could talk Queen insisted that we call her that and anything else would result in severe punishment,” Espurr began.

“What was the punishment?” Mac asked.

“I’m not sure as I never said anything other than queen, but from what I saw from the others who did they had a large bruise on their back,” Espurr said.

“Anyway, Queen was rather selfish. She’d leave for days at a time leaving us to fend for ourselves. When she did show up she’d always sport scratches and bruises. She gave us mashed berries and would confiscate the meal if we didn’t act properly and replace it with scraps of food she didn’t eat, if she even did. The younger ones including me saw other females have their young suck from the dots on their chest so we tried doing it too. Queen didn’t like that and violently shook us off which hurt a lot,” Espurr continued starting to tear up.

Mac held Espurr again and wiped away his tears. Espurr then nuzzled up to the skin on Mac’s arm which caused Mac to chuckle.

Espurr then stopped and continued, “Then one day I was just playing and I bumped my head on a tree. I came crying to Queen looking for comfort, but instead she yelled at me for making her dirty after having a bath. She then.. took my ears, wrapped each one with a vine, and hung me by them for the night.”

Espurr then started whimpering before turning around and burying his face in Mac’s chest as he started sobbing profusely. Mac held him tight as he felt Espurr’s tears pour onto him.

“Let it all out, cry as much as you need to,” Mac said rubbing his back softly.

Espurr cried for a bit before calming down. He looked up at Mac in surprise. He didn’t think Mac would let him cry into him.

“You can stop now, I got a good idea of Queen,” Mac told him. Though Espurr wanted to tell Mac everything.

“Recently, she disappeared again, however unlike last time she didn’t come back for a really long time. One of us went looking for her and found out she had died after a brutal beating and clawing. After word spread some female and even male Pokémon came by and took some of us away leaving only me and two others. I figured we would help each other, but they growled at me saying now that they were free it’s every mon for themself. So I had to fend for myself for four days now and I’m super hungry,” Espurr said looking at his stomach.

Mac then put Espurr on his shoulders and held his feet.

“Then we’ll get you some grub!” Mac said cheerfully.

“Really?! Thanks Mac,” Espurr said.

As the two walked Espurr asked what Mac meant when he said create. Mac wasn’t sure how to answer that so he told him that when two Pokémon want a kid they get together and make their ideal kid with materials from the woods. Then overnight a star from the sky hits the doll and turns it into an egg that will hatch into a Pokémon that the doll was based off of. Espurr was amazed and totally bought it. Mac then breathed a sigh of relief.

Mac and Espurr then came across an apple tree. Mac put Espurr down while he climbed the tree. He looked over each apple before finding three that were perfect. He jumped down and gave two apples to Espurr before biting into the other one. Espurr chowed down on both apples quite quickly leaving nothing left on the core.

“You sure were hungry,” Mac commented biting on his apple.

“Yeah, hopefully my psychic powers will improve enough to where I can do that myself,” Espurr commented.

After Mac finished he laid on the ground with Espurr who looked worried. Mac asked him what was wrong.

“I can’t remember where my den is. I suppose I’ll have to find another one,” he said worriedly.

Mac sat up. “Don’t Espurr, you can come home with me. I couldn’t sleep knowing you’re out here alone,” he told him.

Espurr looked surprised, “Really!?”

Mac nodded as Espurr jumped into his lap. He thanked him and asked him if he could repay him which Mac laughed off saying he didn’t need the thanks. He then carried Espurr home in his arms. He looked quite content in the comfort of Mac’s arms.

Before going home, he stopped by a stream to wash Espurr and him off. He eventually arrived home where his mates and children were waiting.

“Sorry I’m late. Just had to deal with this little guy,” he apologized.

“Yeah, Slicer told us. Boy, he sure is cute,” Lycai said looking at Espurr.

Mac came in the den and put Espurr down he introduced him to his family and his family to him. His kids looked at Espurr who looked at them curiously. They then started complimenting Espurr who thanked them. Sylvie then told them all to play in the rest area so they could talk. Silver then asked Espurr if he would like to play chase my tail which Espurr agreed to.

“I had to bring him home guys. I couldn’t let him wander around in the woods,” Mac explained.

“It’s alright, we can keep him tonight and look for his mom tomorrow,” Sylvie told him.

Mac looked at his mate concerningly, “He doesn’t have a mom. She died in a fight. Actually, I was hoping we could adopt him. I know we have three already, but I’m really drawn to him,”

“Does he have a father?” Sylvie asked.

“No, he really didn’t even have a mother either. She was neglectful and abusive and wasn’t really called a mother. That’s also why I want to adopt him so I can show him what a true parent is,” he explained tearing up.

Sylvie looked at Lycai who nodded in agreement. Sylvie then wiped away Mac’s tears with her ribbon.

We’ll show him what a true parent is as he’ll have three parents,” Sylvie said.

Mac hugged Sylvie tightly before pulling in Lycai as well as. The three of them shared a group hug before going to ask Espurr something. They entered the room and called Espurr’s name. He went over to Mac.

“Espurr, would you like us to adopt you?” Mac asked.

Espurr was in awe as Silver, Trinity, and Colt rubbed against him and told him to say yes. Espurr then jumped in Mac’s arms while yelling yes. As he was held in Mac’s arms Sylvie and Lycai began licking him affectionately.

Later that evening, while the adults and Silver ate solid food. Trinity and Colt fed off Sylvie. Espurr was hesitant to eat that way too since he wasn’t biological, but after Sylvie told him that it didn’t matter as she was his mother and was entitled to a nipple. He happily started sucking on one.

“Think you’ll be ok having three hang off you again?” Mac asked.

“I will, after all I missed that feeling. It really makes me feel like a mother,” she smiled.

Over the next few months the family spent almost all their time bonding with Espurr and showing him how differently they were from Queen. They also helped him deal with his trauma from her. He also got used to calling Mac “dad”, Lycai “paw”, and Sylvie “mom” like the other did. He also was given the name Chi which he liked. They also introduced him to Zangoose who took to him. Once they got him comfortably settled in they began introducing him to their friends and their kids. Mac even got his friend Reuniclus to help Chi with his psychic powers. He stayed with him for every session, and when he had other obligations he had Lycai or Sylvie take his place making sure someone was always with him cheering him on.

One day the family took a trip to the lake. Sylvie played with Silver and Trinity in the water while Chi and Colt played on the grass in the flowers. Mac and Lycai sat on a hill looking on. Chi then came up to Mac and Lycai and gave them a daisy each before running off to give Sylvie one. Mac put the daisy in his hair before helping Lycai put his in his mohawk.

“You know, I think adopting Chi was the best decision we’ve ever made,” Lycai said looking at his mate.

Mac smiled back while looking at the daisy in Lycai’s mohawk. He then looked at Chi who happily gave his mother a daisy. He had never seen him smile like that before.

“It sure was, it sure was,” Mac smiled while shedding a single tear.

-End of the Trilogy-

Chapter End Notes:

That's the end of From Civil to Feral. Hope you enjoyed all three parts. 

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