AGNPH Stories

Macabre Pleasures 4 by silvergunner



May was riddled with pain as her body, bruised and sore thanks to those Rockets who captured her, was thrown upright onto a chair and her wrists and legs tied to the chair. She felt absolutely wretched.

"You must be proud to be part of our new experiment" sneered Jessie as she read through May's medical files. "Interesting. 100% pure DNA, no modification unlike the other children..."

"Other children?" murmured May through her cut lips.

"In 1987, all children in the Pokemon isles were given the Type-4 vaccine" said Jessie. "It caused Cell Mutation and DNA modification. That is why not many people your age exist around here"

May remembered her childhood. She was the only one in her lessons, apart from a boy who disappeared in his 3rd year at the school. All her boyfriends had been older or younger than her, and people kept saying she was 'lucky'. Did that mean...

"Looks like we have an Ascender" said James. "We need to find out if her body works normally. This could be a handy time to test Project 452's Breeding Capabilities"

May felt the cords binding her unravel and her bruised and battered body slowly stood up, half bent-over in pain. Suddenly, an iron cell trap dropped over her head, trapping her escape. In front of her dropped a drooling, hideous creature. Like a Pikachu but with bloodshot eyes, ripping claws, much bigger and having a Navy hue. "Go, Pikablu" said James, and the monster rushed at May.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and Pikablu's ear was blown off. It screeched in pain, and James had to life the cell to retrieve Pikablu. May used this time to escape the trap, and rush out the door. As she came out, she saw a blue-cloaked man holding shotguns running down the corridor. "Who could it be?" she thought.
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