AGNPH Stories

Cubone Crisis by cubone_gal



Cubone crisis

The following story is my first lemon, contains adult material, and contains M/F Sex, anthromorphic pokemon, and non-consensual sex. It does have a plot to follow as well. If you do not want to read a story on rape, turn away! Run! Avert your eyes! If you do, well, read on... perv...

Erin's eyes drowsily opened, revealing the darkness that seemed to whisper her doom. She rubbed her head groggily. Her mother's skull still rested upon her semi-reptilian head, as with all Cubone, even the anthromorphs. She shook her head and began to explore her person with her hands. Her hands slid across her tan skin, feeling out her well curved form. She explored her lighter colored belly, and the condition of her long scarlet hair. Her breasts were bare, along with the rest of her body. She jumped back in shock and slammed her head against the ceiling of whatever container confined her. She searched her boundaries, to find that she was held within a box of some sort. She searched for her weapon with no avail. She felt extraordinarily weak, as if all the strength she had previously had had been sapped from her body. She once again tried to recall what had happened. She recalled the companions which accompanied her through this dangerous land, which countless antagonists would jump at the chance to rob and maim others. The one she remembered most clearly was Cid, who was a gigantic anthromorphic Nidoking, then her other comrade, Arthas, came to mind. He was an anthro Gengar. She rubbed her aching head again. They were attempting to reach another town, which Arthas desperately needed to reach. That was the last of her recollection. Fear and uncertainty began to well up within her, and she removed her mother's skull and cradled it for comfort.

Elsewhere, Cid savagely beat through the dense vegetation permeating this jungle. Arthas had ran off to his hometown, to attend to his families needs. Cid grumbled to himself, "Arthas had better hurry his purple ass back here... He can fly, and that'd be helpful finding Erin..." He examined his state, his camo vest and pants were torn from the vegetation. He had discarded his combat boots for better maneuverability, not as though he needed them with his thick carapace. His white shirt was clinging to him due to the moisture, and his dog tags rattled with every heavy and frustrated step. His military days were long past, but his training did come in handy for protecting his comrades. He, Arthas, and Erin had long been friends, and vowed to watch each other's backs. This thought sickened him, as he went over the kidnapping in his head. Their assailant seemingly came from wind itself, moving with speeds that could split the air. His hulking form tried to keep pace, but it was to no avail. Erin was suddenly gone, and Arthas, in his state of panic, rushed onward. Cid shook his head in frustration, and his mind wandered to his home, where his wife, no doubt, was awaiting his arrival. He grinned as he thought of the "welcome home" sex he received after he returned from every trip. He once again cleared his mind, and continued to flounder about the dense jungle.

The assailant was named Daisho, after the Japanese blade. He was an extremely skilled ninja, and a high-priced mercenary. The tall Scyther walked alongside his client, who was a Seviper. He didn't know, nor for that matter cared about, his name, but his pay was to be quite large. They reached the village square, where perhaps a hundred reptilian Pokemorphs stood in anticipation. Daisho broke the silence, "I expect my pay soon..." The snake looked at the mercenary angrily. He hissed, "You'll be paid after I inspect the catch for the ceremony!" The Scyther scoffed. "I don't approve of this ridiculous ceremony." The snake-man replied, "Then you can go after it is done." Daisho glared. "I'm staying here to make sure SHE leaves here alive." The Seviper grinned, "It's apparent that her wellbeing isn't as important as your money." Daisho went over the arrangements in his head. He was paid an outrageous sum to find an attractive reptilian Pokemorph. After he had caught her, he learned that in this ceremony, every male in this area had rites to rape her in any way they see fit. It was in his honor never to back out of a contract, but this situation filled him with guilt. He turned away as they pried the lid open.

Erin cringed in the light, and her already weak muscles curled as much as possible. She clutched the skull to her chest, scared witless. For as long as she could remember she was considered psychotic by her peers, with her obsession with her mother's skull, her generally optimistic attitude despite her species, and her sometimes spontaneous behavior. All of that changed, now, as she was nearly paralyzed with fear. She was roughly lifted from the crate, and her eyes began to focus. She was being held by two large Pokemorphs she had never seen. The Seviper standing in front of her probed her body. He smirked and began to speak with the Scyther with his back turned to them. "She's actually quite a catch, she looks unbelievably powerful for a creature that has obviously refused to evolve." The obviously distraught Scyther responded, "She is, she put up so much fight that I had to weaken her with some of my most potent venoms. It should last for about two more hours, I assume you'll have her restrained by then." The snake man looked at her again, " We'll wait until then, she'll need that strength." Erin tried to speak, but even her vocal cords were to weak to do anything but whimper. The two metallic guards dragged her to the platform in the town square. Her arms were shackled with chains to the pole in the middle of the platform. She was muzzled and gagged to prevent any intelligible speech, and she was left there, in the sitting position, with her arms suspended over her head. She began to tear as they area cleared. The Scyther picked her mother's skull up and placed it back on her head. He walked away, and paused. During that pause, she barely made out two words, "I'm sorry..."

Erin mustered the strength to stand, by which time the poison had worn off. She still felt extremely weak, in no shape to put up a struggle of any kind. The ebony snake stood in front of her on the stand in the center of the town. The area was nestled in a jungle, and if one were to give it a passing glance they would see a tribal and primitive community untouched by time. In reality, they were all very intelligent and had the sophistication to use technology, yet they preferred the tribal air that was given to them long ago. The Seviper cleared his thought and began his announcement. Starting now and for the rest of the week, our ceremony begins. You each may use her as you please, but only for an hour, and you may only take half of that hour in one day. You may use her again, so be it that all others have a chance or pass on the offer. If you manage to kill her, the consequences will be dear." The snake walked away from the platform with a large grin. The full weight of the situation hit Erin like a train. She dropped to her knees, and began to quiver. Her eyes snapped open as she felt another weight on the wooden platform. She spun around to catch a glimpse of a large Salamence behind her. He roughly grabbed her collarbone and force her to her knees. His breath washed over her as he explored her virgin cunt. Tears began to well up within her as she was penetrated for the first time in her life. She felt his claws grip her sides as he started to rape her. Her muffled screams of pain were audible to everyone around the platform, including Daisho, who merely shook his head with remorse and headed for the pub. It seemed like an eternity to the Cubone girl, as the dragon on top of her continued his work. His claws migrated to her well shaped breasts, and he began to knead them a few more whines escaped Erin's muzzle. The claws on her toes dug into the wood as she was rocked by her first orgasm. Tears streamed town the white sides of the skull. Her cunt was filled with warmth as the dragon came within her bleeding cunt. He pulled out of her and gave a few slow licks to her labia, and exited the platform. She dropped into a sitting position as she became aware of the torment she'd have to endure for the next week.

Cid flung his arms up in frustration. Arthas stood before him explaining his family's plight. "Look Cid, I know it's really frustrating that my family issue was nothing more than a stupid prank by my cousins, but family is family, man!" Cid growled, "Erin was taken and that's all you can say!!!" The Gengar put his clawed hand to his chin, and tugged on his trench coat. "Yeah, that's about all I can say..." "Well get up there and help me look!" Cid yelled at his incompetent friend. "Look, big guy, you don't know how big this God-forsaken veggie heap is, I-" Arthas's words were choked off as his friend grabbed him by the neck and hurled him into the air. Cid crossed his arms in worry, fearing the loss of one of his comrades.

Erin almost started to cry as the silver form of the anthromorphic Lairon ascended the stairs. He said nothing as he lifted her from the ground by her hips and grinned. He mounted her and shoved his hard cock into the flesh of her asshole. This incited another scream of pain from the poor Cubone, as he slid in and out of her. She collapsed from her knees with the pain. Her weeping drew the attention of her tormentor. "Aw, don't blame me, it is no fault of mine you're so good-looking, bitch." She felt blood running into her wet cunt, and struggled in vain against her torturer. The grip on both of her perfectly shaped ass cheeks tightened as his seed shot into her. He pulled out of her and showered her back with his cum. With one last slap on the butt he was off, leaving Erin in more pain than she could ever remember. She curled up as the next set of footsteps began.

Daisho had been drowning himself in his beer for almost an hour. He glanced about the bar, finding many females conversing about the ceremony. Apparently they were to abstain from their actual mates until the end of the ceremony. He put his head on the table and tried to drown out Erin's cries of pain. His mind wandered to the bag of coins he had tied to his belt. He looked at the loose and frayed black pants he wore, and the sad state of his black vest. He stuck his blade through the handle on his mug and took another heavy drink. He had never felt so remorseful before. The lives of countless men and women were taken by his own mantis-like blades arms. But, they were either warriors or targets for assassination. Another muffled cry came from outside, and he covered his head with his blades.

The Cubone screamed again as the massive member of the Rhydon pressed deeper into her ass. The huge being's feature felt as though studded with razorblades to her, as it probed deeper and deeper. He released her tail and grabbed a handful of his victim's crimson hair, forcing her to cry again. She heard a voice from beside the platform, and she opened one eye to see a large creature wearing golden armor over his azure scales. The Feraligatr roared at the rock type. "You've been on her long enough, come back tomorrow!" The Rhydon released her to yell at his accuser, and the gold clad guard leaped onto the platform and drove the butt of his spear into the skull of the dinosaur-like being. The unconscious form of the Rhydon fell from the platform. The Feraligator then eyed the girl himself, and found himself aroused. He seized her by the arm and flipped her onto her back. She stared up at him fearfully. He removed his armored pants and straddled her belly. He took a good lick of the area between her breasts, and slid his cock between them. He grabbed her breasts and began to massage them as he pumped his member between her breasts. She was relieved that the other areas of her body were being left alone and for now, but both her cunt and especially her asshole were still burning from their previous encounters. She began to cringe as his claws dug into her tits, but it was a tickle when compared to her lower areas. This lasted for about twenty-five minutes, and his cock burst, spraying his hot cum all over her breasts and face. She then felt concern for her mother's skull, as the sprays of the anthro's seed sprinkled it's muzzle. The relieved guard went back to his post, and she was immediately seized by another man, who instantly went for her cunt.

She soon lost count of her rapists, and midnight was at hand. The Seviper motioned for the intercourses to stop for fifteen minutes, and he knelt beside her. He removed the muzzle and gag, but said, "Say one word and you get no food, understand me?" She nodded weakly, and was presented with food and water. She finished her rations, and the muzzle and gag were replaced. She would then sleep for about four hours, and it would all begin again at the dawn of a new day. Daisho looked on as she fell into slumber, despite the burning of her cunt and asshole, and the stinging from the numerous spankings she had suffered. He sat back at the bar and shoved a few more coins toward the barkeeper, who was amazed with his dexterity despite his obvious lack of fingers. He rested his head against the bar, and drifted into a drunken slumber.

Cid rubbed his tired eyes, and looked for a sign of Arthas. The Ghost type stepped from a shadow, his red eyes gleaming in the darkness. "Well?" Cid said, apprehensively. "Oh, right. I didn't find Erin, but I DID find, like, five dollars in change and a good porno." Cid smacked his companion, and sat down next to the fire. He passed Arthas a can of military rations. Cid went over their friendship in his head. They had always been there for each other, like brothers and sister. He looked at Arthas, who, now too, was obviously concerned with their friend. Sleep didn't come easy that night.

Erin was awoken with heavy footsteps. She turned onto her back to see a large Charizard looming over her. She nearly screamed as he pulled her off the ground. He grinned and snarled, "This'll be fun, don't you worry." He pressed her back against his chest and raised her right leg. His other hand lifted her off the ground by her ribs, and he inserted his massive member into her pussy. She screamed as loud as she could as he moved her up and down. His claws began to dig into the flesh under her left breast, leaving three long scratches on her. He bit into her shoulder inciting another scream, and her leg began to suffer another set of claw marks. Blood ran down her form as she continued to scream. Her orgasm rocked her body after an eternity, as he came with her. He dropped her to the floor, and licked her neck. he walked away to make room for another.

Daisho spent that day in a drunken haze, contemplating his whole life. He had been born and raised as an assassin. He was trained to lack compassion for any living being. Why was it that this one person's suffering stabbed at his heart so? He whittled the hours away with booze and Erin's cries. Eventually he threw his mug down. He walked away from the bar, and stumbled to the corner booth. He grabbed his head and managed to decide to wait until he was sober to ponder his actions.

By the end of that day, Erin was covered in scratches and cuts from her rapists, and was drenched in cum from countless men. Her whole body ached and burned. Her cunt was in more pain than the previous day, as well as the sensitive flesh of her asshole. She had to lie with her ass cheeks propped up in the air, as they stung with the slightest touch. Her sore nipples pressed against the ground, making them sting even more. She rolled onto her side after her meal, and she was so tired that night that sleep engulfed her.

Daisho woke up late that morning, and first had to deal with the staggering hangover he was suffering. He spent an hour recovering, and stepped outside. He saw Erin on her knees and a massive Blastoise cramming his huge member into her ass. He saw the tears dripping from the skull, and her muffled whining and screaming met his ears. The Scyther spun around. He couldn't go back on his contract, but there are other methods. Erin opened her eyes to see Daisho looking at her. He mouthed some words, but she couldn't make them out. She let out another cry as the Blastoise pulled her arms backward, sending his cock deeper into her ass. Daisho took off, in search of those who can break his contract for him.

Arthas cowered before his friend, who had uprooted a whole tree in frustration. "Don't blame me! Blame my idiot cousins! Or the guy that took her! Pleas don't kill me!!!!" The tree came down, but the Ghost merely phased through it. He shot his spiked friend a grin, but soon remembered their situation. They both sat down on the fallen tree, and Cid put his head in his hands. Hope seemed to be flitting away, but Cid looked up and saw the form of a tall, sleek, mantis-like being. Cid jumped to his feet and raised his fists in a fighting stance. "Calm down, I am Daisho, and I know where to find your friend." Arthas jumped up and shook the Scyther rapidly, "Really!? Lead the way man!" Daisho shoved the Gengar away from him. He thought of his fortune that neither of them saw him during the capture. "The road is simple. But, with someone of his girth, maneuvering through the trees is nigh impossible. I speculate that it will be a day's journey if we hurry without stop." Cid flung his arm up in a salute, "Thanks, how can we repay you for this?" Daisho looked coldly into the Nidoking's eyes, "You can't..." With that, the trio began their ascent to the village.

Erin screamed as her hair was pulled and the Charizard's cock was shoved deeper into the walls of her wet pussy. He came and released her, having spent the second half of his hour. Soon after, the Rhydon pressed into her ass once again, parting the newly healed flesh. She screamed in pain, and her weak body began to give way. This day was the worst of them all. She was in more pain than she thought possible, but she still clung to the reminder of freedom. But she didn't think she could last the rest of the week. She was once again fed and put to sleep. The next morning she awoke to yet another rape, and she started to become too tired to even scream. A total of seven more had their fun with her until the Blastoise came to have his second round. His member slid into her ass, and she had enough energy for one more scream. Her mind echoed with a large crash. She decided that she had lost it, the last threads of sanity escaping her mind. But, the crash came again, and this time she was sure it was external. She looked up to see a raging Cid beat several of her tormentors into unconsciousness. Arthas descended upon the area, lighting the battlefield with blackness. The two decimated the majority of the male population, and many fled. The Blastoice was yanked off of her, and a loud snap entailed his fate.

Cid looked down at the broken form of his companion. She was completely covered in blood and cum. Her flesh was full of cuts and tears from the claws of her tormentors, and her pussy and thighs were drenched with her own juices. A grin found its way on her face as she lost consciousness. Cid removed his jacked and wrapped her in it, and then carried her from the village. Arthas let out a sigh of relief and thought for a moment. "Hey, what happened to that Daisho guy?" Asked a curious Arthas. Cid responded, "I think that he ran off after we got here. But that's not important. We have to get her to the Pokecenter. Make sure she's okay... and not pregnant." Arthas nodded in agreement, as they jogged back thought the newly cut path of jungle terrain.

The Seviper cowered behind the counter in the bar. "You know, you shouldn't hide in my favorite building." An icy voice from behind him rang out. The snake man jumped up and turned around. Daisho put his blades to his throat. "Why kill me? You've got no reason!" The serpent stated. Daisho grinned. "I was taught the fine art of revenge too. This is for using me to further your perverted designs." That was the last voice the serpent ever heard.

Erin checked out with a clean bill of health. Though, she was still incredibly weak from her encounter, but she would inevitably return to fighting condition. Her cheer returned to her, though she was still marked with the scars of those terrible days.
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    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Reviewer: Raw19
    Date:Nov 6 2015 Chapter:Ch1

    I've read this several times over the years and it never gets old. Dark and painful with a happy ending. Most excellent.