AGNPH Stories

starting over by borenas


red lake

-Red lake-

Ash walked through pallet just as sad as he was a year ago. One year ago he lost his buddy, pickachu. Because team rocket couldn't get him they had the order from Giovanni to kill him in which they succeeded. At the loss of his best friend he released all of his pokemon so he could go back home and live his life there, with his family and friends whom supported him in his journey.
Brock and misty both went back to their gym's, because the journey was over and ash didn't want them to be with him because of the memory's they shared over the journey and the loss of his buddy.

He walked out of pallet and into the woods, down a path he had walked many times before. He knows where the path will bend or fork, he knows how long it will take to reach the end of the path, he knows that he has nothing else to do.

He walked over the path through the woods towards the lake, hidden deep in the center of the forest, a place where he can find inner peace and forget about the great loss he has suffered. He would just sit there on the sand looking into the water, forgetting everything: who he was, what he had seen and done in his life. He'd just stare and let his mind wander. But this time...

When he was looking into the water he noticed something, the water seemed a little reddish. Blood. He saw some blood in the water. He got up and walked into the water trying to find the source of the blood cause, slowly he reached his hands into the water to see if he could find or feel something. His hands floated through only water until he bumped into something smooth, he got a good grip of it and pulled it towards the surface, what he got in is hands shocked him. He held a vaporeon in his hands with really deep wounds which would mean its death if not treated really quickly.

He carried the pokemon towards a grassy spot where he laid it down, he pulled his shirt off and ripped it apart so he could bandage most of the wounds before he would carry the pokemon to the lab of professor oak. The journey back to pallet was a tough one, because the high tempo he walked to get it back he stumbled a lot and every time he did he was getting more afraid he was too late.

Once in the streets of pallet people from everywhere came rushing to him when they saw the pokemon in his arms, asking him what happened, but he ignored them the only thing he said was:

"it doesn't matter what happened we have to get it to professor oak quickly."

With that said a few strong man took the pokemon over from ash and hurried over to the lab where the prof could treat it. They hurried through the main gate towards the big mansion ( or whatever he lives in.) where ash started banging on the door. A few moments later some foot steps could be heard from behind the door before it was opened and the head of professor oak peeked out, asking what was wrong.

"I have found this vaporeon in the lake deep in the woods, something has hurt it greatly."

The eyes of the professor grew wide when he saw the injured pokemon and swung the door open to let them carry the pokemon inside.

"bring it to the lab quickly!" he shouted, and the others obeyed.

From that moment the professor started treating the pokemon hoping he could save its life. He already knew what has caused these injury's because he has seen them before, apparently ash had forgotten.

Hours turned into days, no one was allowed into the lab except those whom he asked to come. As the days passed ash got more worried thinking the professor would fail. 5 days had passed since he brought the vaporeon to the lab, having everything but forgotten about it ash tried to kill some time by watching some porn on the internet. Since the death of his buddy he spend a lot of time behind the electronic device surfing from site to site not knowing what to do, until he stumbled on a pokemon porn site by accident.

He couldn't help it but he always got hard when he saw a pokemon male or female getting fucked by other males. As his cock started to harden he unzipped his pants and slid his hands under his briefs to get to his cock. Slowly his fingers wrapped around his meat and started to stroke it up and down. The more pictures there appeared on the screen the faster the stroking got. When he got to the newest picture he started to jack off furiously. There on the screen he saw a vaporeon, her whole face covered in cum while a thick cock plowed through her now wide cunt.

Ash knew it wouldn't take long for him to cum, certainly not with a hot picture like this on the screen. He started to stroke his cock even tighter griping it like a vice, he had to cum, he had to get relief. As he felt his balls drew up, his climax nearing, he wanted to lose himself in the pleasure. He was almost there when...

"ash professor oak is on the phone for you!"

"damn" ash cursed.

He totally forgot about the vaporeon. He quickly pushed his cock back under his briefs and pulled his pants up and buttoned them again before he dashed off the stairs to get to the phone.

"hello professor oak?"

"ash the vaporeon is ok now can you come over here please?"

"yes I will be right with you, see ya in a few minutes."

As he walked out the door he started to cure mentally. "I almost came, now ill walk around with a boner all day."

- to be continued-
criticism, comments and ideas for the next part are much appreciated.
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