AGNPH Stories

Crimson Roses by ayn_blackfox


Chapter One - The Beginning

Crimson Roses
Chapter One
The Beginning

The City of Xeon. The biggest city of the Hydoen continent and it's capital. It's divided into five areas North, South East, West and Central. The Central area is where the main market area is and where the castle is. The castle is the second biggest castle on the planet. It's much smaller than the one in GreenWood, the capital of the Gerunin continent. The castle is protected by a 20 foot wall all around. At the top of the wall, in each corner is a look out tower that can see over the city and out into the country side. These tower work good in case of an enemy attack. The North area holds the huge arena where every three years, all of the able warriors come to get the title of Hydoen Iron Champion. It's called the Fire Crown Arena because when the the ten torces are lit, it looks like a king's crown that has been set a blaze. The south area is where the Yaymen Shrine is. This shrine was built to honor the Four Anicent Sages that built this mighty city. It's off limits to all except those who serve the shrine and the Royal Family, the king, queen and prince. The East and West areas areas are the residential areas of the city. Xeon is protected by a mighty wall that sorrounds the city.

In the Far West part of the city, lives Ra-Tero. He is the current running Hydoen Iron Champion and has been undefeated for many years. Ra-Tero is the strongest Umbreon of all the land. At 6 feet 7 inches tall and his shear amount of big, hard toned muscles, he was built to be Iron Champion. No other can compare to him. He seems to be able to take out any body who is given to him, but it's not just in his pure strength that helps him defeat enemies. It's his intellect. Unlike a lot of the other warriors, he is not just all muscle and no brain. He's both. Even with all of this he's not immune to illness. Recently, Ra-Tero has came down with an illness that leaves him weak with a slight fever and very nasty cough. Dr. Refredman, a long term friend and the family doctor tells him the he has came down with Wenatatis. It's curable but only with the herb Catu-Catu for the Vappore Valley.

Karrie, Ra-Tero's husband will stay at her husband's side until he gets better. She has decided to let her only son, Xander to go look for the herb. She is confident that Xander will find the herb to cure his father. Karrie even tells Xander to fullfil his dream to find that special someone who's hand he wants to take in marriage. Over anything else seh wants her son to be safe. Even though Xander was taught the ways of the sword and shield by his father, Karrie just wants her son to come back in one piece.

Kissing his mother and father bye, Xander, an umbreon boy of red rings sets out to find the Catu-Catu herb. He was told by Dr. Refredman that's it found to the east in the Vapore Valley. He heads out the east gate of Xeon to the Hajim Grassland. Xander has everything he could possible need and more. His pack is rather light considering the amonut of stuff he has. Other than, Xander feels the warm sunshine heating up the land. A gentle breeze, keeping him cool. The weather is perfect.

The Hajim Grassland is not very big an lead to the bigger Tamarian Forest. At this time, the sun is starting to set. Xander looks at his map to see that it will take twice as long to get through the forest. He as already been walking for serval hours having just rested about 3 miles back. He decides to head through the forest as much as he can until he has to stop for the night. He has no plans of pushing him self too hard. Xander enters the forest. He can hear the birds singing their evening tunes as he makes his way through. It's a bit dim, but peaceful. Xander like the sounds he hears. It's much better than the big city. He feels relaxed.

By night fall, Xander seems to have gotten pretty far. He look around and pitches his tent by tying a rope in between two tree and drapes a very big, heavy duty, green sheet on the rope. He then used small spikes to give it a triangle shape and make it wind resistant. He starts a small camp fire to warm up his frying pan so can have a little somethng to eat before hitting the sack. The orange-red fire crackles gentle as the small cast iron frying is heated up. Xander opens a bag of rice and empties it into the frying pan. He even adds a bag of vegetables. He fries up the mix constantly stirring it. He stops to grab a bowl from his pack so he can eat his dinner.

But then something catches his attention in the distance. Something is moving just beyind the bushes. Xander goes over to to see what is over there. To his suprise he find a young nine tailed vixen. Her visible fur is coated in dust, her eyes are weary. She looks like she has been traveling a very long time. Xander immediately goes over and helps the vixen over to his camp. He gives her a warm blanket and some nice hot food.

"You look like you have been traveling for a very long time." Xander said. "My name is Xander."

"I'm Prysa. I have been traveling for three days with out rest." Pyrsa said eating the rice and vegetable mix.

"My name is Xander. Nice to meet you, Prysa." Xander said.

Xander notes that Prysa has finished the bowl of Rice. He rubs his head some and shrugs his shoulders, having never seen someone eat a full bowl of rice and vegetables as fast she did. He knows given her circumstance he understands.

"Feel free to have some more, Pyrsa." Xander said finally getting over to his bowl of food.

"Thanks." Pyrsa said. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Xeon." Xander said.

"You are quite a long ways off." Prysa said. "What brings you out to these parts?"

"My father is ill. I need to find the herb to cure is illness." Xander said. "I promised mother that I would return with it so father can get well."

"And you're traveling alone?" Pyrsa asked.

"Yes." Xander said. " Where are you from if I may asked."

"I'm from the Villa of Flames." Prysa said.

"I have not heard of it." Xander said.

"Well everyone there has the ability to control fire." Pyrsa said. "But I want much more. I want to be able to control all of the elements."

"Wow. Now I see why you are traveling." Xander said. "Well it's getting late. I know we both need rest."

"Your tent looks big enough for two." Prysa said.

"Yes and I have an extra sleeper you can use to." Xander said.

"Thanks." Pyrsa said.

Xander gives Prysa the extra sleeper he has and goes in the tent. He takes off his boots and slips into his sleeper. Pyrsa soon follows him slipping into hers next to Xander. Before she can say a word Xander is sleeping like a baby. She smiles and closes her eyes to go to sleep and rest.

A few hours later, Pyrsa is awaken by the sound of Xander mumbling in his sleep. He looks over to him. His rings glowing slowly. She smiles some. The latern in between them still brightly lit.

In his dream, Xander is being persued by someone dressed in all black. The person's face is cloaked. Xander is fleeing from whoever this is.

"Leave me alone." Xander cries as he runs.

The black figure just laughs as it draws closer to him. Xander starts to panic. He tries to run faster but can't seem to go any faster. Panic set in.

"Just leve me alone." Xander cries. "

The figure continues to laugh as it gets even closer to Xander.

"You will join us." The figure said.

"No! Never." Xander said running as fast as he can.

Suddenly, He trips and falls. The black figure looms over him. Xander panic as it reaches out for with with it's black gloved hand with it long, creepy fingers. Suddenly Xander springs awake in the tent. His heart is racing. He looks around to see that Pyrsa is still in the tent with him. She is staring at him with a smile.

"You must have been having a bad dream." Prysa said.

"Yes. I've had this same dream over and over again." Xander said. "I'm not going to get into it."

"Oh that's a bit scary." Prysa said.

"To be honest, I'm scared." Xander said. "I always have been. This dream has me in fear. I don't know what it means or anything."

"It's OK." Pyrsa said. "Being scared is something that everyone has to go through."

"Thanks." Xander said.

"Xander. Come over here." Prysa said.

Xander goes over to her. "Yes?" He asked.

Prysa gives him a hug. "As long I as I'm here, there is no need to feel scared." Pyrsa said. "So now my question is, may I travel with you?"

"Yes you can." Xander said smiling. "I'd loved to have you traveling with me." Xander hugs Prysa.

"Now you can go back to sleep." Pyrsa said.

"Thanks." Xander said. He goes back over to his sleeper and falls asleep.

Prysa smiles softly. She leans over and kisses Xander on the cheek. This makes Xander smile in his sleep. Pyrsa then goes back to her sleeper and falls asleep. The two of them sleep silently as the latern goes out. The forest is calm and quiet.

By dawn, Prysa wakes up. She yawns and strecthes her arms out. She looks over at Xander and smiles as he sleeps silently. He leaves the tent and looks around. The early morning light is dim but gives just enough to see clearly. Prysa goes walks over to a nearby creek. The water is muddy though from the recent rain storm that came though. She sighs and heads back to the tent.

Xander wakes to see that Prysa is not in her sleeper. He quickly looks outside the tent. To see Prysa walking towards him. He ducks back inside knowing she is safe. He opens a small bag that has a mix of nuts and dried fruit in it. A trail mix of sorts. He eats a hand full of the mix just as Pyrsa enters the tent. She looks at Xander.

"Do you have a map?" Pyrsa asked.

"Yes." Xander said handing her the map.

Prysa looks at the map. She turns the map back to Xander. She points to a river on the map. Xander looks at the map.

"Can we go here?" Pyrsa asked.

"The Veries River? Sure." Xander said.

"Thanks, Xander." Pyrsa said.

"Wants some of this nut and fruit mix?" Xander asked.

"Is it safe?" Prysa asked with a wink.

"Yes but I have an unponed bag, if you want that." Xander said. He hands her a bag of the trail mix.

"Thanks." Prysa said. She opens the bag and eats the trail mix.

Xander puts his boots on and starts to pack up. Prysa helps him. They fold up the sleepers. The tent sheet, as big as it is, folds up to the size of a large, but thin book. This allows it to fit perfect into Xander's bag with the frying pan, cups and bowls. The rope is coiled and hooked to the side of the bag. Xander grabs his back, leaving the from their camp site and moving, north east a short distance to the Veries River.

It's does not take long to reach the Veries River. It's crystal water is said to have a strange mystical power. It's flow is slow, unaffected by the rain that has came through. Xander and Prysa head down to the bank of the river. The water is cool to the touch. Pyrsa looks at Xander with a smile.

"I bet you wonder why I wanted to come here." Pyrsa said.

"Yes I do." Xander said putting his bag down. "This river is said to have mystical powers of some sort."

"I plan to put that to the test." Prysa said. "I've been traveling alot and I have not bathed since." Prysa blushes a little.

"If you want to bathe then feel free to." Xander said.

"Thanks, Xander." Prysa said giving Xander a kiss.

Xander looks at Prysa and smiles. "I'll just sit right here and watch you." Xander said. "If you need help, I'll come help you."

Prysa nods in agreement. Xander takes off his bag and sits in the grass. Prysa having took off her clothes goes into the calm, cool water. As she gets deeper into the water, the dust and dirt she had on her fur gets washed off by the river water. Her gold-white fur gets resotred to it's former perfect color. She goes out until the water is just under her cunny. She giggles as the cool water tickles her.

Xander watches Prysa bathe enjoying the gentle sunshine that leaks through the tree tops. He smiles and crosses his legs relaxing. Prysa looks at Xander and gestures for him to come join her. Xander refuses and continues to watch her.

"Come on in the water is great." Prysa said.

"I don't know." Xander said.

"You don't know what you're missing." Prysa said ducking under the water. The rest of her body gets restored back it's natural color. When she resurfaces, her fur shines lustfully in the sun light that comes through the trees.

Seeing her true fur color, Xander's jaw drops. "She is wonderful." Xander mutters. He gets up and takes off his clothing and joins Prysa. The cool water tickles him. He giggles some.

"Change of heart?" Pyrsa asked.

"Yes." Xander said. "Your fur... It's awesome."

"Thank, you." Prysa said blushing.

Xander smiles and dips down into the water. The water washes him like it Prysa. Xander's fur turns a more shiny, lusty black. His rings are full of color as well. Xander resurfaces and looks at Pyrsa. He can feel his body strangley energized and looking cleaner than it ever has before. Prysa smiles at Xander. She hugs Xander but pushes into down into the water. She giggles as he goes down. Xander resurfaces again.

"What was that for?" Xander asked.

"Loosen up a bit. Relax. Have fun. You can't be serious all the time." Prysa said.

"Well...OK." Xander said. He then tackles Pyrsa down in the water.

Pyrsa meeps just before going under water. She resurfaces and splashes Xander back. Xander ducks but gets splashed any way. Xander dives under and gets up close to Prysa and pulls her under. They both resurface very cloes to each other. They breath a little heavy. Prysa gives Xander a hug but feels something poke her in the leg. She reach down and grabs what ever has poked her. Xander groans feeling his cock being grabbed. Prysa looks to see Xander's rock hard maleness in here hands.

"Oh, my, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Prysa said.

"It's OK." Xander said weakly.

Prysa lets go of Xander's cock and goes back on to shore grabbing her clothes and washes them off. Xander sighs watching Prysa wash her clothing. He then goes to shores and gets dressed himself. He sighs. Pyrsa gets dressed too. She goes over to Xander.

"Where we going next?" Prysa asked.

"We should to go over to the next town." Xander said looking at his map. "It's short distance from here."

"Yeah we can stock on supplies there." Prysa said.

So they leave the river heading east. The forest starts to open up some as the reach the end of the trail. They are slighly up hill and in the clearing, they can see a town at the bottom of the hill. They walk down towards the town. They hope the shops are open this early in the morning so they can stock up on supplies.

End of Chapter One

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