AGNPH Stories

Pence's Mistakes by cubone_gal


Chapter 1

This story is a little bizzare, so be wary. It's also not inteded for underage audiences (Under 18). SO be warned...

Ch. 1, A Careless Mistake

His name was Pence, a mercenary for hire. He was a human of typical build, but a cruel disposition. Pence was having a hard time with business lately, losing most of his contracts and regulars to physically superior Pokemorphs. One in particular was, at that time, pretty close to running him out of business. This Razorhorn character was an anthro Nidorino, and very good at stealing Pence's customers. Now, Pence stood outside of a large building. A few days earlier, Pence agreed to an experiment out of desperation; Pence was to become the first human to become a Pokemorph. Pence swallowed hard and entered the building. The scientist was, in Pence's opinion, a madman, but he had to take a chance to save the only job he knows how to do, his mercenary job. The scientist told Pence that the serum he was going to make would take a dramatic affect in twelve hours, but would continue to morph him for 24 more afterward.
"Are there any other strings?" Pence said crossly.
The scientist calmly stated, "Besides the obvious risk of your survival? No. You just need to choose a Pokemon to be your template."
"I'll take anything from the Nido family."
"My selection in that regard is rather limited, the only thing I have is this Nidorina..."
"Whatever, I'll take that."
"You're sure? Is your thirst for revenge against this Razorhorn fellow really that strong?"
"I'll not rest until he and his comrades lie dead at my feet."
"Very well..."

The mercenary exposed his arm and took the injection. He spun around and took off, tuning out the scientist's last reiteration of his warnings. He stormed into the small village at the end of the jungle, his home, and looked at Razorhorn's shop. He had to admit, Razor was a much more pleasant person, but no better at getting the job done than Pence or his comrades. Pence waved off all of the greetings his co-workers threw at him, as usual, but it was not long before he was racked with pain. He clutched himself and dropped into unconsciousness...

Pence rubbed his eyes wearily. He remembered the conversation he had with the scientist that he enlisted for his aid. He tried to stand but he was knocked off his feet by a sudden sensory overload. All of his senses were more acute. His hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell, were all increased threefold, and he could almost taste particles in the air and feel movement. He sprung to his feet awkwardly, and examined his body. He now stood almost six feet tall; his frame became much more muscular, yet more slender, like a predator. Pence's skin was a light blue, with darker spots and a white underbelly. He looked down at his three-clawed feet and Pence raised his hands, with fingers tipped in light claws. He was only clad in a pair of torn pants, no doubt the rest of his attire was torn to shreds as he slept. He looked his face over in the mirrors, staring at his own crimson eyes, long ears, short horn, and the single tooth that jetted out of place in his razor sharp maw. His chin-length hair was now a dark blue, and he noticed a few spikes on his back. It had worked, he was indeed now a Pokemorph, and ready for revenge.

Pence shoved his concerned teammates away and made his way to his rival's headquarters. The wooden door shattered under the force of one kick and a group of three humans literally leaped from their seats. Pence took no time in dispatching them one-by-one. He rammed the horn on his head into the skull of one of the humans, and the other died with one swift kick to the spine. The remaining member of Razor's team tried to flee, but he couldn't outrun Pence's newfound speed. Pence shattered both of his legs with his tail, and grabbed him by his neck. "Where's the rest of your group?" Pence growled to the frightened human.
"Th-they went on a three day job!"
"To where!?"
"I-into the jungle!"
Pence snapped the poor man's neck and left towards the jungle to track down his new prey. He was happier than he was for months. A few hours into the jungle, Pence caught whiff of a human's scent. He couldn't identify the individual, but he was sure that it was Razorhorn's group. He tracked them relentlessly and stopped by a Pokemorph village two hours into the jungle. They had no information, so he continued his relentless pursuit. It wasn't long before he stumbled across a being that obviously had contact with his target.

A young female Pikachu stood walking back to her village. Pence could pick up faint traces of Razorhorn's scent on her person. Pence stared at her nigh perfect figure for a few moments when a thought came into his mind. Pence was no stranger to raping his female targets or their innocent companions, but he was never so bold as to attempt to rape a Pokemorph. He grinned and the single fang that escaped its place showed even larger. He crouched in the dense vegetation like a predatory cat, and pounced upon his victim. He said nothing to her and ignored her frightened cries as he tore her attire apart revealing her unguarded genitals. He quickly unbuckled himself and impaled her upon his long cock. He was somewhat disappointed when he discovered her lack of virginity, but he hadn't had intercourse in nearly a month. He lost track of time as he continued to pump his shaft into her clit. He muffled her cries with his hand and ignored her desperate attempts to electrocute him. Pence felt her orgasm begin to rack her body, and she curled as much as he would allow. His seed was about to burst forth, and he quickly pulled out of her and showered her breasts with his cum. He never dared impregnate his victims; pence felt that there is a threshold that he should never cross. He pulled himself off the ground and sped off before she could recover, tracking his target with more resolve than ever before.

About four hours later, nighttime took hold of the area. Unwilling to go on without some rest, Pence found an abandoned village and took refuge within one of its structures. He found himself a niche to rest his body in. Pence was amazed by the fact that his new body offered so much more physical prowess than ever before, even higher than most other Pokemorphs. He grinned again as he drifted off to sleep. Pence woke lightly; a ray of sunshine was beaming into his face. He removed his hands from his eyes and looked them over again. Pence gasped as he found that his fingers were longer and more slender, as well as his arms. He put his hands back over his mouth as he heard the higher pitched sound of his own voice. Horror shook his body as he examined himself. His hands drifted to his chest, which now housed a set of luxurious breasts. He shoved his feminine hands into his pants and probed his featureless crotch. He probed deeper and his fingers reached the opening of his new virgin clit. Pence was now a female. She felt her perfectly curved hips and ass and nearly screamed in horror. She ran over to a nearby mirror and examined her half-naked body. Even her face was now that of a female's, with softer features and more prominent eyelashes. Every aspect of her body was nearly perfect. She stumbled backwards at this horrifying occurrence and started to pour her thoughts into it. What went wrong!? She sat down awkwardly. She thought for a few more moments, and then it hit her. She was injected with the genetic code for Nidorina, which were always female Pokemon. She slumped against the wall as she realized her lust for revenge blinded her. She merely sat there a few more moments until another problem hit her. Here she was, a female Pokemorph, in the middle of a jungle filled with those who would not hesitate to take her.

Pence took off into the jungle, looking for the route she had previously taken. She sniffed the air for signs of her own scent, and pinpointed her own path. With her bearings now strait, she started off in the direction of her town. She walked along pondering how to explain her awkward situation to the scientist that gave her the injection. On the path Pence found her hands drifting toward her new breasts. She blushed and forced her hands to her sides in shame. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her, and she found a secluded spot to experiment with herself. She began to fondle her nipples, which, to her surprise, were quite sensitive to pleasure. She lied down and began to play with her breasts more enthusiastically. She let out a few moans of pleasure and another thought reached her mind. Her right hand tended to her nipple as her left drifted to her pants. Discarding them, the she began to explore and finger the depths of her pussy. She began to moan as she plunged two fingers into her wet clit. She was now lost in folds of pleasure, and minutes began to fly by. The masculine part of her mind then regained control and tore her fingers from her cunt. She stood up and searched for her discarded pants. Donning them, she continued on her way.

After a few hours she stumbled across the village she passed by on her search. She covered her bare tits with her arm. The villagers chatted amongst themselves as she awkwardly treaded through the main street. A series of shouting froze her in her tracks. She spun around to see, to her horror, the young Pikachu she had raped the previous day. The girl was shouting and pointing at Pence. Before she could react, Pence was being cornered by several Pokemorphs. A Raichu burst his way to the front of the crowd with the Pikachu girl. She nodded toward the Raichu and he began to walk toward Pence. Pence assumed a battle stance, but the strength she had felt the previous day had nearly halved. The Raichu spoke, "My daughter has your scent all over her."
"Well, obviously I couldn't have raped her." Pence retorted, bitterly.
"I disagree. I've seen a lot of things happen in my days. Besides, I can smell your scent all over her and we all agree." The Raichu said. The villagers all nodded and began to whisper in a foreign language. "Well, let's see how you like it, bitch." Pence raised her arms to defend herself, but the crowd overpowered her. Someone put a rag over her mouth, and the last thing she could recall was the familiar smell of chloroform.

Pence stirred and tried to get up, but something held her back. She looked around frantically. She was surrounded by a small group of Pokemorphs, all male, and held down, naked. A Charmeleon noticed her waking, and grumbled something in another language. The others laughed. A Pikachu, Charmeleon, Houndoom, Vaporeon, Gliger, and Grovyle surrounded her. They all realized she was awake, and snatched her off the ground. The Houndoom slid under her on the ground of the dark room and the the Grovyle spread her weak legs apart. The grass-type Produced his nearly foot-long cock out of its sheath, and the others soon followed. Pence tried to scream a protest, but her mouth was covered by the Pikachu's hand. The Grovyle shoved his member into her virgin cunt, inciting a cry of pain from Pence's muffled lips. As the Grovyle began to get into a rhythmic humping, the Houndoom shoved his equally large shaft into her asshole. Pence began to writhe in pain, but the others held her still. The Pikachu removed his hand and quickly stuck his cock into her screaming mouth. She thought about biting him, but the risk to her life was obvious. The Charmeleon straddled her belly and began to massage her breasts. He then slid his erection between her tits and began to torture her nipples with his claws. She tried to struggle, but the weight on her person was too much and her strength was quickly fading. The Grovyle began to shove his member as far as it would go, and she could almost feel his and the Houndoom's cocks touching each other inside her. The Gliger picked her right hand off the ground and began to guide it up and down his shaft. The Vaporeon tended to her other one. The Pikachu clutched her indigo hair as he slid his cock back and forth inside her mouth. She wanted to vomit, but the pain of her loins took precedence. It seemed like days to her, as they continued to moan and grip her beautiful body harder. A few moans of pleasure escaped her cock-filled mouth; her body began to betray her. She felt the Grovyle's cum pour into her blood soaked cunt for the first time. The others soon let their seed out inside her ass, mouth, and all over her body. They released her as she spun onto her knees, gagging on the Pikachu's seed. He grabbed her head and made her swallow it down, much to her disdain. She then sat down and clutched her privates, only to find them bleeding readily. Her heavily damaged masculine pride held back tears.

The six men left talking contently with one another, leaving her in what appeared to be a cell. She stood up and walked to the door, which had a small, barred window at eye-level. She looked outside to see her tormenters donning armor and assuming posts about her cell. She was exhausted. "Wh-what are you going to do with me?" Pence stuttered.
The Charmeleon guard turned to her, "Well, you're a captured slave, now."
"What!? Slave!?"
"Yup, that's what we do here with our criminals. But, be happy. You already have a master. With a body like that I'm not surprised."
"What do you mean!? I-" She stopped. She slid to the ground disheartened.
The guard turned to her, "Hey, it could be worse. He won't be here for a few months, so me and the guys will get you used to it." Pence looked down, defeated. "I can sympathize, miss, especially considering the fact that you used to be a guy, but with your record I think you've had this coming." Pence thought for a minute. Maybe he was right. She thought this over. But It couldn't be! She hadn't had her revenge! Only time would reveal her fate.
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    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Reviewer: Raw19
    Date:Nov 6 2015 Chapter:Chapter 1

    Another i've read plenty in my time and still highly enjoy. Most excellent.