AGNPH Stories

Pence's Mistakes by cubone_gal


Chapter 2

Months rolled on. Pence was visited and gang raped by her guards daily, but eventually, her body began to betray her and welcome intercourse. Though, her masculine pride was wounded perpetually. Eventually her mind wandered to the guards lack of contraceptives, but she was unsure of weather or not they could actually impregnate her. She soon grew accustomed to her lifestyle as a member of a daily orgy, and soon she stopped being a toy and became a participant. This wounded her mind, but was fairly necessary for survival.

One morning, as she woke, she heard the guard talking to a voice she'd never heard before. She cautiously peeked out of her cell. A human male was conversing with the Grovyle guard, who was fairly unhappy with the situations. The human was about five foot seven, with long, blonde, slicked back hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. He was wearing multiple earrings and a fancy grey coat. He was obviously her purchaser. She clothed herself wearily, uncertain of her fate. The guard and the human exchanged hands, and the Charmeleon entered her cell to shackle her arms. Her chain was given to the human and they both walked off on the path to the port city. They waded through the jungle, Pence all the while keeping a malicious disposition. The human smirked, and continued their track, dragging Pence at his heels. Soon they came to a clearing and Pence gawked at the sight. The human had brought a military vehicle with several guards with him. She said, "How did you get all this?"
The human laughed, "How do you think I bought you?" Pence hopped into the car along with the human as they drove off. She fell asleep a few hours into the drive, but was awoken in front of a small mansion. He yanked her out of her stare and shoved her inside. The place was not the most grand she had ever seen, but it was much more prolific than the common man could afford. She noticed three more Pokemorphs, all of which were clad in erotic attire. The anthros included an Eevee, Sneasel, and Banette. He and his guards led her upstairs into a lavish bedroom.

She looked around for a few moments. "So, what am I to call you?" she asked mockingly.
"You will address me as 'Master'" He coldly retorted.
"Oh, and why would I do that?" She asked once again. He smirked. his eyes lit up as yellow lights and her body and mind was wracked with pain. She stuttered, " Y-you're not human..."
He laughed, "I'm human... to an extent. I'm a brilliant geneticist, and I've given myself the mental faculties of an Alakazam. I may not be able to read your thoughts, but I know you'll not step out of line now." Pence sighed, once again defeated. Her master gestured toward a guard and began speaking, "Bring my new woman some new clothes." He gestured for Pence to strip down, so she grudgingly complied. The human began to look her naked body over, grinning widely. The guard came and handed her a set of black and silver bikini undergarments. The bottom piece was a V-string thong, and the top piece barely covered her nipples. Her master left after she had donned her revealing wardrobe, which she fidgeted with and adjusted constantly. The guard roughly guided Pence to another room with her fellow sex slaves. She was then left with them.

Looked from face to face, committing each of them to memory. The Eevee girl was clad similarly to Pence, save for the abundant lace on the Eevee's lingerie. She was barely legal aged, and had an optimistic look on her face. The Sneasel was wearing an inch-thick strap of cloth covering her nipples and a skirt so short her clit almost showed when she walked. The Sneasel also had a mischievous grin on her face and looked over Pence's body obviously aroused. The Banette also had a large grin, which showed her sharp teeth. Her grey body was clad in a leather outfit covered in unnecessary zippers, the most prominent of which rested snuggly over her crotch and nipples. Like herself, they all appeared more human than pokemon, save for a few features, and all were extremely beautiful. All three of them ran over to their new peer, looking her over thoroughly. Pence scowled and the Eevee girl giggled. She extended her hand, "I'm Rai! Nice to meet you!" Pence merely glared at her and she quickly withdrew her hand, though, her soft smile never left. Pence gasped as she felt the Sneasel's icy breath touch the back of her neck and her clawed hands guide themselves up her curves.
"My name is Nida. You have beautiful breasts, you know that?" The Sneasel girl sensually stated as her hands cupped Pence's tits. Pence shoved her away, and Nida only laughed to herself.
The Banette girl piped in, "Don't mind her, she likes freaking out newbies, right Rai?" Rai nodded shyly, and the Banette continued, "Julia's the name. But you have to admit, Nida's right. You're quite a catch."
Rai interrupted her, "What's your name?"
Pence hesitated, her name would obviously raise suspicion, "Eiko, not that it matters much to you."
Nida laughed, "Doesn't matter, eh, Eiko? Well, we'll be working together until we grow old or we die, and giving our race's extremely long lifespan it'll be plenty of years to come. So I'd suggest we get to know each other..."
Pence, now under the guise of Eiko, once again scowled. She's already had more sex than she wanted, and she didn't plan on having any more than she had to. She said, coldly, "I'm not here by choice, and I don't care about any of you."
"Hey, I know that new recruits eventually break down, trust me, I know, and we'll be here for you whether you like it or not!" Rai responded.
" You're going to have to be friends with us weather you like it or not." Nida smugly said. "But we're ready to give you some time."

The rest of the day, the four slaves were given jobs similar to those of maids. Pence caught word from two of the four guards that their Master was having a few guests over for dinner. Different situations began to wander through her mind, each more disgusting than the last. Eventually, night fell and the Master's guests arrived, each of them attractive and obviously fairly wealthy. The four were put in charge of setting the table and other service duties, and when finished they began to wander idly. The Master gestured for Rai, and she slid underneath the grand table. Pence gave an inquisitive look, and kneeled to see what was happening. Rai's mouth was filled with her Master's cock. Pence stood up abruptly and continued to fidget with her thong underwear. The Master dismissed Rai to fill glasses and such, and he summoned Julia and Nida over there. "Why not put on a little show for our guests?" He asked them. The two nodded and stood upon the platform near the north wall. Nida slipped out of her garments and unzipped Julia's tight shorts. Julia moaned and reclined onto her back as Nida sunk her tongue into her waiting pussy. A few moments went by and Nida tended to her breasts by unzipping the leather protecting them. The two stretched out into the sixty-nine position and they both began to moan enthusiastically. The Master then called out Pence's false name, and she grudgingly trudged toward him.

The scowl never left Pence's face as she was forced under the table. Her master's cock was the first thing that came into view. Their guest's chatter suggested that they were fellow scientists, and her Master placed one hand on her head. The other two's moaning was still highly audible as the Master's shaft was forced into her hesitant mouth. He guided her unwilling head up and down its length as she nearly choked on her own vomit. She couldn't believe she was sucking another human male's cock. She almost missed the inhuman shaft of the Pikachu guard. The two stopped moaning and stepped off the platform, still naked. The Master let go of Pence's head and she nearly leaped from the table. She was startled as her Master seized her arm, and stopped her. She spun around to hear more moaning. The scientists were all occupied by her fellow slaves, their cocks sliding in and out of their cunt or ass. The master removed her scanty garments and she instinctively covered her breasts. Her Master patted his lap and grinned. The masculine part of her mind rebelled. She struck his arm as to release hers and shouted, "NO!" She quickly covered her mouth, realizing her mistake. The Master's peers started joke about her lack of discipline. Her Master glared at her and once again seized her and forced her cunt upon his cock. He impaled her while holding both her wrists down. She fought back moans of pleasure as she was forced to milk his hard shaft. Her body was once again betraying her. A few moans escaped Pence's lips as her orgasm built up. She came and tried to curl herself, but he fought her impulse. She felt his warm cum shoot into her. Her and the other slaves went about their jobs undressed, and Pence felt her stomach churn at the thought of her punishment.

The other comforted her while she waited her Master's wrath. None of them had ever disgraced him in front of company before. Pence waved off their generosity with a glare and let her anxiety build up. Her Master burst into the room filled with malice. He grabbed her and forced her to the ground. His strength startled her; had he been a normal human she would have easily overpowered him. He scolded her for embarrassing him in front of his friends and initiated her punishment. The yellow hue of his eyes sprang forth and he waved his hand over her crotch. A few awkward moments passed. She examined her clit, and jumped when she found herself a virgin again. She looked up to the Master puzzled, but she realized her punishment a split second later. Two guards came in with a gigantic dildo as thick as a two-liter bottle. She tried to stand but her master's psychic abilities held her down. The other three slaves huddled together with concerned glances. The guard took no time slowly shoving the dildo into her. Her virgin cunt stretched to unethical lengths and she couldn't stifle the scream that escaped her lips. The guard pressed the device five inches into her cunt, making her writhe in agony. The guard looked at each other and snickered. The guard pushed a little more and the dildo reached ten inches into her cunt. The Master waved the guards off with the device and watched Pence squirm on the ground. The other three looked at him, shocked. He waved his hand over her crotch, once again restoring her virginity. He helped her off the ground and guided her broken spirit to his bedroom. He stripped and lied down, exposing himself. She reluctantly mounted him, and for the second time she erupted in orgasm. He came inside her bleeding walls, so she tried to pull him out of her. He held Pence down, however, and she reclined against his chest. He stroked the back of her head and began to speak into her ear, "It's okay, now, isn't it? As long as you drop that little attitude of yours, it'll never happen again. OK?" She nodded halfheartedly. He drifted to sleep and her mind was filled with thoughts of revenge and violence. She grinned at her fantasies of murder, and drifted off to sleep with her master.
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