AGNPH Stories

Delta's Story by delta


A Harsh Beginning

Hi, my name is Delta. I am an Umbreon, and I'd like to tell you a story about my life.

My story starts about 4 years ago, when I was just 2 weeks old...

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was awoken abruptly by my mother. She was a beautiful female, her golden fur shining in the sunlight. She moved over to my brother, Gamma, to wake him up as well. I heard a howling not too far away from where we lived. My mother, Beta, called for us to follow her. We had to flee from our home. Just before we could, however, a rather large Growlithe jumped out from the trees.

"Where do you think you're goin'? The party's just about to start.", he said with an evil grin on his face. "And you are our guests of honor."

Two more Growlithe came up behind him, growling. One of them leapt at my mother, but she quickly dodged him. She turned around to face him, and began to charge an attack. She unleashed a thundershock on him, and he collapsed in pain. One of the other Growlithe came up behind her, ready to pounce, while the other had his eyes on me and Gamma. I stood there, terrified of what he would do. The Growlithe behind my mother leapt onto her back, forcing her to the ground painfully. She charged up another thundershock and threw him off. She slowly stood back up, the pain in her shoulders almost unbearable. She looked over at the larger Growlithe, and noticed he was watching me and Gamma. She tried to attack him, but before she could, he leapt at us. Instinctively, I dove out of his way, but Gamma wasn't as fast. The Growlithe tore into him mercilessly, trying to rip him apart as he screamed in agony. My mother, furious at this large canine for attacking, not her, but her helpless children, dove straight at him, claws ready to tear into his flesh. He looked up just as she connected with him. She tore into him with all her might, tearing at anything she could reach. The Growlithe yelled out in pain, and threw her off.

"This won't be the last time we meet.", he growled, turning to run off to find the other two.

My mother ran over to Gamma's limp body, checking to see if he had even survived the attack. He squirmed a little bit from the pain, signifying he was still alive, but he was injured badly enough that he wouldn't last long without help. I panicked, never expecting this to happen. Our lives were hard enough, me and Gamma only having our mother there. Our father, Alpha, had been killed by a human just a week before we were born.

Gamma lay there, struggling to breathe. My mother sat next to his limp form, trying her best to help him and comfort him. I looked at her, noticing a trickle of blood running down from her shoulder.

"Mom, are you alright?", I asked.

"I'll be fine, Delta.", she replied, wincing from the stabbing pain in her left shoulder. "I'm more concerned with Gamma, I don't think he'll make it. He's barely alive as is."

"We have to find some way to help him!", I said, tears starting to well up in my eyes. I didn't want to lose my twin brother. "There has to be something we can do."

"The only thing that can help him now is human medicine. And I don't know of any humans around here that would help us.", she said, also beginning to cry.

Gamma lay helplessly, having drifted off into unconsiousness. We stayed with him as long as we could. He survived the night, but there was nothing we could do to save him. A long howl sounded in the distance. Our mother looked in the direction of the howl, and saw five Growlithe walking towards us, the larger one from the day before out front. He said something to the others behind him, then they all charged straight at us. My mother grabbed me by my neck and placed me on her back, then went over to pick up Gamma, but one of the fiery dogs jumped in front of him, slowly walking towards us. My mother and I had no choice if we wanted to live, we had to abandon Gamma.

She turned around and tore off into the forest, never looking back. Suddenly, the Growlithe from the day before jumped out from a bush, leaping in front of us.

"I'm not through with you yet, Jolteon! You will regret ever raising a claw to me!", he yelled ferociously. He dove at us, and my mother jumped out of the way, but not before taking one of his claws into her left side, just below her other wound. She took me off her back and lay me on the ground next to a tree, then turned to face her opponent.

"I will never let you get away with what you have done to my family! You attack my defenseless children, unprovoked, and now you seek vengeance on me? You are a despicable excuse for a living creature!", she screamed at the Growlithe, venting her aggressions on the canine.

She viciously leapt at him, claws once again ready to tear into his flesh. The two began an epic battle. From where I was, I couldn't see all that was going on, the battle being fought far too quickly to comprehend. But I do remember my mother laying on the forest floor afterwards along with the Growlithe, both bleeding heavily. She slowly stood up, her legs wobbling below her as she struggled to get to her paws.

I ran over to her, trying to help her up, when I noticed the Growlithe move. He quickly but silently stood up, a fierce look in his eyes. He bent down to pounce, and I, noticing this, dove directly at him, colliding headfirst into his nose. He fell over, unconsious. I looked back in the direction we fled, and saw the other Growlithe running towards us. My mother noticed them too, and she once again picked me up and put me on her back.

"You're a quick one, but it seems you are not quick en...", he paused, looking down at the beaten dog. "What did you do to him!? I'll get you for this!"

My mother, not waiting for his reaction, took off running. We came across a beaten path as we fled. She turned to follow it, knowing it would be easier to run on it. I don't quite remember how long she was running, but by the time she stopped, I had fallen asleep.

When I awoke, I was in a cave, my mother lying next to me. I looked around and noticed a few other pokemon in the cave with us, a Pikachu, a Raichu, and a Growlithe. I looked at the Growlithe in horror, expecting him to attack us, but he did not. He looked at me with a concerned look. I noticed a tear in his eye. I looked around to the others, all giving me the same look, except for the Pikachu. He walked over to me and sat down next to me.

He looked me in the eyes and said, "Delta, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your mother's...well...", trailing off at the end. I walked over to her, examining her, and I realized that she was dead. The wounds she recieved from her battle with that Growlithe had sapped her of her strength. The Pikachu came up behind me, putting his paw on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Delta", he said sadly.

I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face. "How do you know my name?", I asked him.

"Beta, your mother, told us when Greg brought the two of you here.", he said, pointing over at the Growlithe sitting in the corner. "She told us what happened. She passed about a half hour before you woke up. I am more than willing to take you in. You can stay here with us, as long as you want."

I stood there, crying. I looked up to face him once more. He was looking down at me, with a compassionate and sympathetic expression on his face. "What's your name?", I asked after about a minute.

"I'm Peter, and that's my brother, Ryan", he replied, indicating the Raichu standing next to Greg. "It's getting late, maybe you should get back to sleep, you've had a hard day."

Hanging my head, I slowly walked over to my mother's body, and lay down next to her, crying myself silently to sleep.

I had lost everything that day. My mother, my brother, and my home.
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