AGNPH Stories

Delta's Story by delta


Explanations and Memories

Hi there again. I suppose you'd like to hear more of my story, eh? Very well, I'll continue.

The next day, I woke up and went outside to continue my exploration. I walked over to the barrier I saw the day before. I sat there wondering what it was, when I heard light footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Peter walking up to me.

"Morning Delta. How're you feeling?", he asked me.

"Good morning, Peter. I'm fine.", I replied.

"That's good."

"Hey, Peter. I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I wanted to know how you were able to help Ryan yesterday."

"Oh, that. Well, it's kind of a long story, but I'll tell you. A while ago, Ryan ended up getting really sick, sick enough that he would have died if he didn't get help soon. I had no idea what to do, but I knew humans would be able to. However, Ryan is a lot bigger than I am, so I couldn't take him to a human to help him, so I made my way as quickly as I could to the human town just south of here. I found what humans call a 'Pokemon Center', which is where they take care of sick and injured pokemon. I'm not proud of what I did, but I had no choice. I sneaked in and stole a book and some of their medical supplies and brought them back here. You're probably wondering how I could read it. Well, living here, I've learned a number of things about humans, including their written language. Anyways, I studied that book, found out how to cure Ryan, and quickly applied the remedy. Since then, I realized it would be important to know all I could about human medicine, so I continued studying that book. When I finished it, I sneaked it back into the Pokemon Center and took a different one. I've been studying those books for about four months now."

I sat there, letting that story sink in, but then a thought came up.

"Wait, if you knew all that, how co...", I began.

"Your mother was beyond my power. She was almost dead when Greg brought you here. There was nothing I could do, I tried. I'm sorry...", he told me.


He placed his paw on my shoulder and looked at me. Trying to get that memory out of my head, I changed the topic.

"Hey Peter? What is this thing?", I asked, looking over at the unknown barrier in front of me.

"This? This is what humans call a fence. It's meant to keep unwanted visitors out or to indicate where their property ends.", he explained.


"What they own. Not sure how they can own the land, but they figured out a way I guess."

"Are we on a human's property?"

"Yes. We're on what humans call a 'Pokemon Daycare'. It's basically a big piece of land that a human owns, and pokemon are brought here or come here on their own. The human that owns it takes care of the pokemon in the daycare. The owner of this one knows we're here, but he doesn't know where we stay, and that's how we'd like to keep it. Greg's not exactly comfortable around humans."

"Then why does he stay here?"

"He's our friend, and he made up his mind to stay with us, even though he doesn't like humans."

"Why do you live here?"

"We came here because Ryan didn't want to get split up from me again. You see, a long time ago, when I was a little older than you, he was caught by a trainer. We were separated for about a year, and his trainer eventually released him after he found out he split us up. While Ryan was still with him, he studied how Ryan talked, and was able to understand him. Ryan told him about the family he had left behind, and Jake, the trainer, took him back to the forest they met in and released him. Jake told him about this place, and Ryan brought us here when we met back up.", he said, giving me another mass of information to absorb.

Thinking for a moment, I thought of something else to ask him.

"Does Drew have something against Ryan? He seemed so mad at him yesterday."

"Drew? I think it has something to do with Ryan attacking him to defend another pokemon. Drew's not the kind of guy you want to make mad, and interrupting him is not something he enjoys. Ryan wasn't exactly able to walk away from the beating he got from Drew. Greg found him in the field and brought him to me. The two of them have been pretty agressive with each other since then. Why don't we head back to the cave, Greg should be back with breakfast by now."

I followed him back to the cave, and he was right. Greg was sitting inside with a pile of berries on the stone floor. He greeted us as we walked in. Ryan was still asleep, snoring slightly. The three of us ate quietly so as not to wake him. After we finished, I went back outside. I wanted to see more of this "daycare". So off I went to go explore the place a bit more. I came across the building I had seen the previous day. The door opened and a tall human male walked out. He looked down at me with a curious look on his face. I watched him cautiously.

"Well, hello there. Don't think I've seen you around here before. You're pretty young to be away from your family, why don't you go back to them.", he said to me.

At those words, my eyes began to water. He looked down at me, unaware of what had happened, but he seemed to understand.

"You don't have a family, do you?"

I shook my head, and he reached down to me. I backed away from him, remembering what my mother told me about my father. I was terrified of humans, but I didn't think he was threatening until then.

"Hey, don't be afraid, little fella, I'm not gonna hurt you.", but I wasn't sure about that. I continued backing away from him, not breaking eye contact. He sighed and continued to look at me, then turned and walked away down a path along the building.

"I see you don't have a good past with humans either, huh?", a voice behind me said. I spun around to look a Growlithe in the face, Greg. I didn't say anything, but stared at him. "I haven't had a good time with 'em either. My old trainer abused my powers to hurt people, and I ran away from him. I couldn't stand hurting innocent people."

I looked up at him, feeling I could trust him enough to tell him about my father, since he told me about his past with humans. "My father was killed by a human, my mother told me. About a week before me and my brother were born.", I told him.

"Wow, that sucks. So you and Gamma had no father then, huh?" I shook my head, "No."

I started crying again, the memories flooding back. He walked over to me, picked me up, and carried me back to the den.

When we got back, he put me on the cold stone next to Ryan, who had waken up. He looked concerned seeing me crying.

"What happened? Is he OK?", Ryan asked worriedly.

"He's fine, he just relived a bad memory, that's all. Best to get it out of his system.", Greg explained.

Ryan looked over at me, and placed a paw on my head. I just laid there, letting out my emotions. He began to stroke my head, trying to comfort me. I stood up, startling them both, and ran out of the cave. I heard Ryan behind me saying, "Let him go, I think he wants to be left alone for now."

I ran, and ran, and ran, not paying attention to where I was going, not caring. I wanted to find a quiet place where I could be alone. I found a shady spot under a tree near a pond. I went over to it and lay back down. The memories, still fresh, couldn't be contained any longer. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a sharp pain in my side. I opened my eyes to see what hit me and was looking at a rather large, grey leg. I looked up, and sure enough, it was Drew. He glared down at me, and I lay there, staring up at him wondering what he was going to do to me. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me up to eye level.

"What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be with your precious rodents?", he sneered.

I struggled against his grasp, but he was too strong. "Let me go!", I hollered. He just laughed in my face. I immediately knew I was never going to have a civilized conversation with this monster. I continued to struggle, hoping my will power alone would make him release me. He still continued laughing at my flailing form. He dropped me, not a pleasant fall. I landed hard on the grass below me, and stood up, clenching my teeth at the pain in my chest. I felt his grip again, and before he could grab me, I took off. Looking behind me, I saw him pointing at me, almost doubled over from laughter. I turned my head back to my front just in time to see the bark of a tree as I smashed into it. I collapsed and passed out.

I came to a few hours later. I was back in the den, Peter had found me unconscious. There was a weird feeling on my body, one I'd never felt before. I looked to my right side, the one Drew kicked, and noticed a bandage. The pain finally setting in, I cried out in agony. Peter came to my face, and carefully, but firmly clamped my jaw shut with his paws, making sure not to irriate the wound on my nose from the tree. I looked angrily up at him for restraining me.

"Calm down, Delta. It's OK. Everything's gonna be alright. Just relax, get some rest.", he said calmly. I complied, trying to ignore the stabbing pains in my flank and nose. He carefully took his paws off my muzzle. I lay there trying to resist the urge to scream from the pain. I finally was able to get used to the pain, and relaxed my body. Ryan once again placed his paw on my head and began to stroke it. I let him this time, seeing no use in trying to get away. I enjoyed the feeling, it was calming and soothing. I closed my eyes lazily, and soon fell asleep.

Day two of my new life. Again, not the best memories, but ones I'll never forget. I finally felt I could start to trust these guys, even Greg. They cared about me, cared about my feelings. They were willing to go to any length to help me recover from that traumatic experience. Well, I should be going now, I think I hear someone calling my name. Good bye for now.
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