AGNPH Stories

Delta's Story by delta



Hi there again, just got back about an hour ago. Hope you've had a good week, I know I did. I got to visit a friend that's been away for a long time. I assume you're here for my story, so I'll shut up about my trip.

I woke early the next morning, before anyone else had. My paws felt much better than the night before, but I remembered the last time I thought that. I lay there for a moment, expecting the pain to come shooting back, but it never did. I decided to stand up to go take a look outside. I gingerly placed my paws under my chest and slowly applied pressure to them. I stood up, slowly and steadily, feeling no pain whatsoever. I stealthily padded over to the front of the tent, careful not to wake anyone, and grabbed the small metal object Aaron used to seal it with my teeth. I slowly pulled it upwards, creating a small gap in the tent. I crawled out through it and looked around. It was still very early in the morning, the sun had just barely risen. I could hear birds chirping overhead, the occasional rustle of leaves, and running water. I felt a bit thirsty, so I started to travel towards the latter sound.

I quickly found the source of the noise. It was coming from a small stream. I bowed my head down to take a drink. When I looked up, I saw a human in the distance, a female. She looked fairly young, older than Aaron, but she couldn't have been much older. She was traveling along a path that I could just barely make out. I watched her for a few minutes and noticed something. There was something following her, something small and brown. I wanted to get closer to see what it was, but I couldn't, the stream was in the way and there was no way I could cross it. I continued to watch the two of them until they were no longer visible among the trees. I turned back to return to the tent.

"Delta? Where are you? Delta!?" I could hear from the direction of the camp. I quickened my pace, racing towards them.

"Delta, where were you?" Peter asked me as I reentered the campsite.

"I went to get a drink from a stream over there" I told him, indicating the direction I had just returned from.

"Oh, alright. I was getting a bit worried. I woke up and saw you weren't here."

"I'm sorry, Peter."

"It's alright, Delta. As long as you're safe."

"What's all the yelling about, Peter?" A voice said from inside the tent. Ryan poked his head out to see what was going on.

"Oh, Delta was missing when I woke up, so I was calling to him. Sorry about waking you up" Peter said apologetically.

"He's right there, Peter. You don't need to yell" he replied sleepily.

"No, Ryan, he wasn't there when I was calling for him."

"Oh, right" he said. "Stupid me, eh?" And with that he turned back into the tent and fell back to sleep.

"Wow, he can be really dumb when he's tired" Peter said, turning back to face me. We both laughed. "So, where's this stream you were talking about, I'm getting a bit thirsty myself."

"It's this way" I said, leading him back the way I came.

When we arrived at the stream, I could see the girl in the distance again, but this time she was carrying the small brown creature that was following her before. She was closer this time and I could make out some of her features. She was tall compared to Aaron, which made sense, she was obviously older. She had light brown hair that was tied back in what looked like a tail coming off the back of her head. That looked a bit strange to me, but maybe that's what human females did with their hair. I could also somewhat make out the creature she was carrying. It was, like I said before, small and had brown fur, but I could now make out its shape. It was an Eevee! I couldn't see its face, the back of its head was towards me. Peter must have seen them too.

"Is that an Eevee she's carrying? I wonder what happened to it."

No sooner had he said those words, the Eevee began to stir. The girl stopped and looked down at it. I could barely hear her voice.

"You OK? You passe...nutes ago. There's a stre...on't you g...rink" was all I could make out.

She turned to walk over to the stream, spotting Peter and me. She stopped and stared at us. She slowly edged over to the stream and placed the Eevee on the ground. I could tell this Eevee was male now that he was closer. He was very young too, couldn't have been older than me. I continued to look him over while the girl opened her pack and pulled out a tiny bowl and filled it with water. She placed the dish in front of the Eevee, who began to slowly lap up the liquid. The girl turned to face us again and stared at me for a moment before looking back down at the other Eevee. She stood up suddenly, looking around for something. She walked over to a small string of stones protruding from the bed of the stream. She carefully stepped across the stones, reaching the bank. She slowly walked towards Peter and me.

"I think we should get back to the camp, Delta" Peter whispered in my ear.

"Why? I want to find out more about that Eevee."

"PETER!? DELTA!? WHERE ARE YOU TWO!?" a very loud voice shouted. The girl stopped in her tracks. I looked over to see the Eevee look up turning his head to face us, but before I could see his face, Peter pulled me back towards the camp.

When we arrived back at the camp, Aaron was standing outside the tent. He rushed over to us.

"Where have you two been? I was worried maybe something happened to you."

I turned towards the stream again, both trying to answer Aaron's question and trying to see that Eevee again. I wanted to know more about him. Unfortunately, Aaron didn't follow, but instead handed Peter the pencil and paper.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I thought maybe you two might have gotten lost out there or something."

I walked out of the clearing, sure that Aaron and Peter wouldn't notice I was gone. I had to know more about him. I came across the stream once more, the girl and the other Eevee were still there. She looked up to see me return and she carefully stepped across the stones to get near me. She slowly inched closer. The girl stopped when she was right next to me and knelt down. She gently rubbed the top of my head. I looked up into her bright blue eyes as she stared into my dull brown ones.

"You look so much like him" she said softly. I cocked my head a bit, not understanding what she was talking about. She looked over at the other Eevee across the stream, who was now sleeping. I gazed at him for a moment.

"Delta? Are you over here again?" a voice said from the trees. I turned around to see Aaron approaching. "Yep, I figured as much. Who are you?" he asked, seeing the girl next to me.

"Oh, hello. My name's Jenny. I live in the town down that path over there" she replied. "What about you?"

"I'm Aaron. I'm an explorer. I see you've met Delta" he told her. He looked down at me. "Why don't you head back to the camp?" My ears drooped as he said those words. I slowly turned to head back to the camp and walked off.

Peter was waiting for me when I arrived at the tent.

"Did you find anything out? I know that's why you left."

"I found out the girl's name is Jenny, but nothing more than that."

"Delta, can you come here for a moment?" Aaron asked behind me, walking into the tent. I followed him curiously. He sat down in a corner and beckoned me over.

"Delta, that Jenny girl told me something. The Eevee that was with her is named Gamma." My ears perked up excitedly. "She said he's about your age and the two of you look remarkably alike. I think the two of you might be related, but only you would know that for sure. Did you have a brother named Gamma?" I nodded to him. "I assume you would like to see him again. She invited us over to her home." I was overjoyed. My brother might not really have died.

A short time passed and everyone had waken up. Aaron packed away the tent and returned everyone but Ryan and me to their Pokeballs. We traveled to the stream and followed the path Jenny had mentioned earlier. We arrived in a small town shortly after.

"Hey Delta. You have any idea why he came here?" Ryan asked me as we approached.

"Him and I met a girl named Jenny that lives here. She has an Eevee living with her and all of us think he might be my brother" I explained to him.

"Didn't Gamma get killed a couple weeks ago?"

"Maybe he survived the attack."

"I suppose, but from what your mother told us before she, um, you know, he couldn't possibly have survived it without immediate help."

"Maybe he got lucky, I don't know. We're not even entirely sure this is the same Gamma."

"You know this one's name?"

"Yeah. Aaron told me this morning."

"I thought you were there."

"Aaron sent me back to the camp, but he told me everything when he got back."


"I think we're here guys" Aaron said as we approached a small house. He knocked on the door. It opened a moment later, revealing Jenny and the inside of the house. I'd never seen the inside of a human's home, so I didn't know what to expect.

"Hey. Come on in" she said, opening the door to allow us entry.

We walked in, and I noticed a tail hanging off a chair. Jenny walked over to it and stroked its owner. I heard a faint yawn and a head rose into view. It was the Eevee I saw earlier.

"Hey, Gamma. How're you feeling?" she asked him. "That guy's here with his Eevee."

The Eevee turned his head to face us. I stared at his face for a moment, unable to believe what I saw. It WAS my brother! He hopped down off the chair.

"Delta? Is that really you?" he asked.

"GAMMA!!" I yelled, running towards him and tackling him.

"Delta! I never thought I'd see you again. But, where's Mom?"

My face fell when he asked that. "Um...she's...she's dead, Gamma."

"What? How? What happened?"

"That Growlithe came back the next morning and attacked us again. Mom carried me away but we couldn't get to you. We ran away, but he caught up with us and he attacked Mom. Another Growlithe found us after she finished with him, but this one wasn't with him. He brought us to a Pokemon Daycare. She died there that night" I explained to him, tears streaming down my face. I looked up at Gamma, who had also begun to cry. He didn't know our mother was dead.

"What's going on? What are they talking about?" Jenny asked.

"Come here for a moment, Jenny" Aaron said to her.

He whispered something in her ear and her expression changed abruptly.

"No way! So they're..." she started.

"Orphans" Aaron finished.

"Oh. Well at least I know why I found him all alone out there then."

"Found him? What is she talking about Gamma?" I asked him.

"She found me in our home the day after you abandoned me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about you abandoning me. I would have done the same thing in Mom's position. Save the child that can survive. But anyway, Jenny found me and brought me back here to the Pokemon Center down the street. I owe her my life" he informed me.

"I'm glad you're alive, Gamma. I thought you'd died that day too. I thought I'd lost everything that was important to me."

"It's good to see you're alive too, Delta. I thought we'd be separated forever. Oh, by the way, who is he?"

"Him? He's Ryan. He's a good friend of mine. He's one of the three that I've been living with over the last two weeks. The others are his brother, Peter, and the Growlithe I mentioned earlier, his name is Greg."

"Where are they?"

"They're in Pokeballs with Aaron."

"I'd like to meet them, could you get him to let them out?"

"I'll try."

Ryan overheard us and reached up stealthily and grabbed two Pokeballs from Aaron's belt. He opened them, revealing Peter and Greg.

"Hey guys! Guess what?" I said to them.

"What is it Delta?" Peter asked.

"My brother's alive!"

"What? Really?" Greg inquired.

"Yeah, I am" Gamma piped up behind me.

"So, you're Gamma? It's wonderful to meet you. So you really are Delta's brother?" Peter asked him.

"Yeah, I am. How do you know my name?"

"Your mother told us."

"You knew my mother?"

"Yeah. Greg here brought her to us. I tried to take care of her injuries, but there was nothing I could do for her. She told us about you and about what happened to you. I don't know how to put this, but I think you should know your mother's..."

"Dead. I know, Delta told me."

"Why don't you boys stay the night here" Jenny said to Aaron.

"Yeah, I suppose we could. It's not like we're on a schedule or anything. I should probably let my last one out too."

"You have another? I thought you were just an explorer."

"I am. But I became a trainer so that I could have some companions to travel with since none of the other people from my home wanted to come with me. Cathy, come on out!"

Catherine's Pokeball popped open, revealing the Treecko. She looked around confused, unsure of where she was or what she was doing there.

"Cathy, this is Jenny. We're gonna be staying here for the day and probably overnight as well."

Catherine continued to look around Jenny's home, her eyes falling on Gamma and me.

"Delta, who's your friend here?" she asked.

"Oh, Catherine. This is my brother, Gamma."

"Brother, but I thought your family was killed."

"I was saved by Jenny in the forest" Gamma explained.

"Oh. Well, it's good to see that Delta here still has family."

We spent the rest of the day at Jenny's house, Gamma getting a chance to get to know us and vice versa.

Yeah, I met my brother. I never expected to see him again, I thought he was lost along with my mother. It was good to know I still had a family. Well, that's it for now. I'm kind of tired after my trip. I'll see you later.
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