AGNPH Stories

Gamma's Story by gamma


On the Trail

*Groan* Hello there. Didn't expect to see you here. Still sick here, but I'm not going to let that stop me if you want to hear more. Now then, let's continue...

I continued my rehabilitation the next morning after breakfast.

Jenny laid me on the living room floor, where I immediately stood up. I tried walking once again, taking it slow and only taking one step at a time and stopping. I managed to cross the room without falling or losing my balance even slightly. I turned around, and tried it at a faster pace. I got about halfway when I started to lose my balance. I wobbled and flopped onto my side. I waited for a moment before standing up once more, making sure to take it easy like Jenny had asked.

I continued walking, occasionally falling down from the effort. After about an hour, Jenny stopped me.

"Gamma, I want you to take a break. You're definitely getting better, though" she said to me. She lifted me up, placing me next to her on the couch. She began stroking my fur as we sat there. She stopped after a minute and stood up. I watched her curiously as she walked out of the room and into her bedroom.

She came out shortly after wearing a pair of boots, a green teeshirt and jeans. She carried a small pack over her shoulder. She came back over to the couch and looked at me.

"You want to come on a hike with me, Gamma?" she asked. I hadn't been in the forest for quite some time, not since the attack. I figured it would be nice to get out of this house for a little while, so I nodded to her. She smiled and walked into the kitchen. When she came out, she walked over to me and picked me up. She carried me over to the door and opened it, exiting the house.

I looked around the landscape. Elysia was a somewhat small town. I could see mostly houses, but there were some other buildings. I could see the Pokemon Center off in the distance. I looked up to examine the weather. It was overcast, clouds blocking out the sun. Jenny began to make her way to the forest just outside of town. She found a path that she obviously knew well. She followed it for a short while, eventually turning and leaving it. We wandered through the forest for a couple hours when I recognized something. The scent here was unmistakable. This was where I lived before I was attacked.

"This is where I found you" Jenny said to me. She knelt down and indicated a small indentation on the ground. "Right here."

I stared at the spot, then began to look around the area, trying to find some clue as to why I was abandoned. I noticed several old paw prints that all went in the same direction. I followed them with my eyes as far as I could. They all went off into the distance. I struggled against Jenny to get her to let me down. I wanted to follow the tracks to see where they went and if I could find my family.

"Gamma? What's wrong?" she asked as I squirmed in her grasp. "Do you want me to put you down?"

I stopped fighting her grip and turned my head to face her, nodding. She set me down on the ground. I immediately made to follow the tracks. Jenny followed me curiously as I walked along them. My legs started to get tired quickly, so I slowed my pace. Eventually, my legs had had enough. They screamed in defiance against my effort and I gave in, collapsing. Jenny rushed over to me and lifted me.

"Gamma, are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

"Eevee vee" I responded, nodding.
"I'm fine"

She looked where I was heading and noticed the tracks I was following.

"You want to go that way?" I nodded in response. She stood and walked alongside them.

We followed the paw prints for a long time before we noticed something. There was a small crater in the ground. I scanned the area closely. I saw a small set of small prints. I assumed that during their escape, they were caught and attacked. Our mother must have put Delta on the ground to engage their pursuer. She seems to have been victorious in the battle, although injured. I noticed that the smaller prints disappeared and a series of prints continued on in the direction that we followed. The owner of these must have been limping considering the inconsistent pattern. Jenny continued to follow them, eventually coming across another forest path. The tracks turned to follow it.

We followed the tracks for hours. I saw a second set of prints come from the opposite direction. The two sets stopped in front of each other. The one's we were following disappeared. The slightly larger tracks that came from the other direction doubled back. Jenny followed them. No one must have been along this path since then, because the trail was clear. They led us to a strange location.

I looked at this strange place. It was a house, but it was behind a very large fence. There were a few Pokemon visible behind the fence, one in particular that stood out was a Raichu. You don't see too many of them just running around. From what I knew about them, they required a stone of some kind to evolve into one. Perhaps this one once had a trainer. I watched him as he disappeared into a cave on the far side of the fenced in area. The tracks went up against the fence and were lost. Too much activity had occurred here for the trail to still be followable. If I was right about the tracks, then Delta and my mother should have been there, or at least, were there. I wanted to investigate, and once again attempted to escape Jenny's arms.

I manage to wriggle myself free and dropped onto the ground, landing on my paws. It hurt for a moment, dropping that far, but the pain soon passed. Jenny knelt down next to me.

"Gamma, what is it?" she asked curiously. I walked up to the fence and stared into this strange place, then turned to face Jenny. "It's a Pokemon Daycare, Gamma. People bring their Pokemon here to be taken care of."

I sniffed the air, trying to find some trace of my family, but found nothing. There were too many scents there to be able to pick out just one. I wanted to explore this 'daycare', so I turned to Jenny once again.

"What is it?" she inquired. I jerked my head towards the Daycare. "You want to take a look around here, huh?" I nodded in response to her question. "I suppose there's no harm in that."

She turned and walked towards a gate in the fence. I followed her as best I could, occasionally limping from the stress on my legs. She opened the gate and walked through. Cautiously, I followed her in. My legs were beginning to resist me, and I knew what was coming. I fell, yelping in surprise as I landed on a small rock. Jenny spun around to see me lying on the ground. She rushed over and helped me up. Fortunately for me, the rock didn't do any actual damage, but it did hurt for a little while. After examining me, Jenny lifted me up and carried me up to the house.

A man walked out of the house. He was tall, taller even than Tom, who I thought was pretty tall. He noticed us and turned to greet us.

"Welcome to my Pokemon Daycare. Is there anything I can do for you today?" he said as we approached him.

"Well, actually, I'm here about my friend here" Jenny replied.

"Ah, say no more" the man responded. "I'll take good care of him."

"Oh, no, that's not why I'm here. He wanted to check the place out."

"Oh, well in that case, be my guest. I will say one thing though. I noticed a rather young, abandoned Eevee here a couple days ago. Couldn't have been older than the one you're carrying."

My ears perked up upon hearing this information. Maybe that other Eevee was Delta.

"Really, can you show me to him?" Jenny asked excitedly.

"Well, I'm not quite sure where he's staying here, but I could have a look around."

He turned and walked off into the field. Jenny followed him as he made his way around the Daycare. I looked off to my left and noticed a Pikachu rush off in the direction of the cave the Raichu entered before. We followed this man for several minutes and spanning most of the area within the fences.

"Hmm...can't seem to find him anywhere. Maybe he left, or maybe something happened to him. He might even have found a home here somewhere. Who knows?" he said, stopping.

I heard him say that, and my hopes sank. I was sure I would find my family here, but I was wrong. The man led us back to the gate near the house.

"Well, thank you anyways" Jenny said with a smile.

"Anything to help. Now, are you sure you're not leaving him here?" he said hopefully.

"No, thank you. I'd rather take care of him myself."

"Alright. Well, have a safe trip."

"I will, thanks."

Jenny turned and left the Daycare. She followed the path that we had been traveling along before. I looked up, noticing it was late afternoon. Jenny stepped off the path into a small clearing and sat down, laying me next to her. I watched her curiously as she opened her pack, pulling out a pair of small bowls, which she set on the grass in front of me. She also pulled out a bottle of water and a jar of Pokefood. Apparently, we were going to have a picnic. She filled the bowls with the food and water and laid them back before me. She pulled a small bag out from the pack which contained a sandwich. She opened the bag and began to eat. I also, feeling pretty hungry, began to eat my food.

When we finished, Jenny packed away everything she had taken out of her bag. She picked me up and we returned to the path we'd been following.

After a couple hours, we returned to Jenny's home. She opened the door and walked inside. Tom was sitting in his chair, watching the TV. He looked up as we entered.

"On another hike, I suppose?" he asked.

"Yeah. I thought Gamma might like to get out of the house for a bit" Jenny replied.

"Oh, so this one was about him?"

"Well, sort of. I wanted to go on one before, but I couldn't because of the weather."

"I see."

Jenny laid me on the couch and walked into her bedroom. I wanted to know what she was up to, so I stood up on the couch. I very carefully walked up to the edge and looked down. I bent down and hopped off the couch, landing on my paws. I stopped and stood there for a moment, regaining my composure. I then trotted off to follow her. A sudden pressure on my sides frightened me for a moment as I was lifted off the floor. I turned to see Tom as he held me tightly. A bit too tightly, as I felt a dull pain where his hands were against my body.

"Well, looks like you're recovering pretty quickly" he said to me. His tone of voice scared me. He was speaking in a deep, hateful voice, as though I had wronged him somehow. I could think of no real reason he would speak like that, but maybe he just had a bad day.

"What did you say, Tom?" Jenny asked, returning to the room. Tom quickly dropped me as he heard her voice. I landed on my paws and lost my balance, collapsing onto my belly.

"I was just saying he seems to be recovering pretty quick" he responded hastily.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the couch, preparing to make an attempt to jump onto it. I squatted down, and sprang up as high as I could, but my legs didn't have the strength to make it the whole way. I managed to get my front paws onto it however, and struggled to lift myself up onto it. I didn't have to try for long, as Jenny picked me up and set me upon it.

"You alright?" she asked me.

"He'll be fine, Jenny. Honestly, you baby him too much" Tom replied.

"I baby him too much?" she said fiercely. "He IS a baby. He's only a couple weeks old, Tom."

"You realize they age quicker than us, right?"

"Still, three weeks is very young. Three weeks, right?" she added, turning to me. I nodded to her, confirming my age.

"Whatever, Jen."

The two of them continued to fight for quite a while. I got sick of listening to it and hopped off the couch and walked into Jenny's room. Being rather tired, I curled up on the floor and fell asleep.

*Cough* *Cough* *Hack* Alright, I don't think I can carry on right now. Come by again later and I'll continue. *Cough* Goodbye.
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