AGNPH Stories

Gamma's Story by gamma



Hello there again. I'm going to skip forward a couple days this time...

I opened my eyes the next morning, finding myself lying next to Jenny, who was still asleep. I stood up, took a step away from her so as to not wake her, and stretched out. I looked out the window on the other side of the room, it was still very early, the sun still hadn't begun to rise yet. I yawned and leapt off the bed, landing softly onto the floor. I walked out the partially open door and into the living room. That house had a different feel to it when it was dark. I cautiously walked across the floor, my eyes desperately trying to take in light. Unable to see much of anything, I tripped over something on the floor and fell face-first into the carpet. I stood up, rubbing my muzzle with my paw, and tried to see what I tripped on. However, being unable to see in the dark, I couldn't tell what it was by sight alone. I placed my paw on top of this mystery object to try to see if I knew what it was by feeling it. As soon as I set my paw onto it, the TV sprang to life as I felt part of the object recede when I touched it. With the light cast by the TV, I could see that this thing was the device that Tom had used to work it. I turned to face the TV as the word 'Pokemon' floated into my ear.

"That makes 17 dead Pokemon found near Raney's Dock just outside Ryca. A squad of police are being dispatched to the islands off the northern coast to investigate the matter," I heard the woman who appeared on the TV say.

'Seventeen,' I thought, 'that's so horrible. Who would just kill off a bunch of Pokemon?'

I didn't have long to ponder the idea, though, because the TV must have woken Jenny. I heard footsteps behind me and looked around over my shoulder.

"Gamma?" she asked sleepily. "What's going on?"

She looked at the report on the screen.

"Another one? This is getting crazy. Something needs to be done to stop this."

She reached over to the wall and flicked a switch. The room lit up and I instinctively closed my eyes against the bright light. When I opened them again, Jenny had taken the device off the floor and put it up on a table near Tom's chair. She was walking into the kitchen when I saw her. She returned shortly after and walked into her room carrying a small bag. I realized what she must be up to and followed her into her bedroom.

I was right, she had everything laid out in her room to get ready to go on a hike. Her boots sitting next to her bed, her backpack open on top of it. She was putting the contents of the smaller bag from the kitchen into it. When she finished, she turned around and was surprised to see me standing in front of her.

"Gamma, you want to come with me on another hike?" she offered. I eagerly nodded, wanting to go out exploring the forest again. "Alright, wait right here."

She walked out of the room, returning a few minutes later with a jar of Pokefood and two small plastic bowls, which she deposited into her pack. She closed the backpack and set it on her desk. She picked up a pile of clothes that was sitting next to it and walked out of the room once again. She came back a short while later, wearing the clothes she took with her and putting the ones she had been wearing into the plastic basket by the door. She sat on the bed and put on her boots, then stood up and grabbed her pack from the desk. She bent down to me, unfastened the latch on my collar and removed it, setting it on the bed. I looked at her confused.

"I just don't want it to get messed up while we're out there, okay? It looks very nice on you, and I don't want to see it damaged," she explained. I nodded, letting her know I understood.

I followed her out into the living room. She slung her pack over her shoulder and opened the door. After we had both exited the house, she closed it slowly behind us.

So off we went into the forest. She walked to the path that we had taken before. We followed along it for a while before we once again left it. This time, however, was onto another trail. I followed her as she walked along the path as it cut through the dense forest. As we continued along, my legs began to get tired. I may have regained my ability to walk, but there was a limit to what my body could take.

Jenny continued on her way for about an hour before something caught my eye. A small stream that flowed through the forest. As we walked by it, I noticed something through the trees. A small, brown creature on the opposite side was getting a drink from the stream. It looked up as we passed, but I wasn't sure if it saw us. I turned and saw that Jenny had gained a bit of distance on me, so I rushed to catch up with her. My fatigue was starting to take hold of me, however, and by the time I reached Jenny, I lost my footing and fell over. I wearily looked up to see her as she turned around.

"Gamma! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" she said in a panic. She bent down and gently lifted me off the ground, cradling me in her arms. As she held me, she examined my body for injuries. Exhausted from sprinting to her, I felt the fatigue take over and I blacked out.

I awoke a short while later, still in Jenny's arms. She looked down, noticing that I had awoken.

"Hey, Gamma. You okay? You passed out a few minutes ago. There's a stream right over here, why don't we stop and you can get a drink." I wearily nodded to her.

She turned to face the stream and stopped in her tracks. She stayed for a moment, then slowly approached the stream. She laid me down and opened her pack, retrieving one of the two bowls. Still being unable to move, I couldn't see what she was doing or what had caused her to stop. She placed the bowl before me, filled with cool water from the stream. I slowly began to lap up the refreshing liquid, my dry throat eagerly accepting it. Jenny stood up and walked away from me. She appeared to be looking for something. I ignored her, considering my helpless state and continued to drink.

I could hear a low whisper from behind me, but couldn't make out what was being said. The voice was only audible for a short time, though, because a much louder voice called out. This one I could hear quite clearly

"PETER!? DELTA!? WHERE ARE YOU TWO!?" the voice called. I heard it, Delta. I pulled my head up and quickly turned to face the other side of the stream. I saw a pair of Pokemon retreating into the forest, a Pikachu, and an Eevee! It couldn't possibly have been him. Delta and my mother left me and probably left the forest to escape that Growlithe. But it was crystal clear, the voice had said the name Delta. I continued to stare in that direction, hoping for some sign, but when it didn't come, I returned my attention to the bowl Jenny had placed in front of me, depleting it of its refreshing fluid.

I heard Jenny approach me once again. She knelt down and scratched my back. Her touch was very relaxing, and before I knew it, I was well on my way to falling asleep. I closed my eyes, thinking that a nap would help after exhausting myself earlier.

A couple hours later, I opened my eyes once again, this time being stimulated by Jenny's touch. I yawned and looked up at her.

"Hey, Gamma. How're you feeling?" she asked me. I curtly nodded to her. "That guy's here with his Eevee."

That last bit confused me. She never told me about some guy who had an Eevee. But then again, I was asleep, and she might have met someone without me realizing it. I turned my head to face our guests, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

I stood up and turned around, hopping down off Tom's chair where Jenny had placed me. I slowly approached the Eevee.

"Delta? Is that really you?" I asked him.

His eyes lit up at these words.

"GAMMA!!!" he screamed excitedly. He charged at me and tackled me, just like he would have before the attack. He always had a lot of energy.

"Delta! I never thought I'd see you again," I said, but something was missing. "Where's Mom?"

He stood up and backed away, allowing me to get back onto my paws. His expression changed drastically. He no longer looked happy, but rather, depressed.

"Um...she's...she's dead, Gamma," he said sadly.

"What? How? What happened?" I asked in disbelief.

A tear rolled down his face before he spoke again. Obviously, this was something he did not want to relive, but he had to say it. He took a deep breath and began.

"That Growlithe came back the next morning and attacked us again. Mom carried me away but we couldn't get to you. We ran away, but he caught up with us and he attacked Mom. Another Growlithe found us after she finished with him, but this one wasn't with him. He brought us to a Pokemon Daycare. She died there that night," he explained in a depressed tone.

The news of my mother's death hit me like a ton of bricks. I lost myself in my grief.

"What's going on? What are they talking about?" I heard Jenny ask the boy that had brought Delta here.

"Come here for a moment, Jenny," he responded. He whispered something to her, and her face changed to an expression of shock.

"So they're..." she began.

"Orphans," the boy finished. Jenny took a moment to take in the information.

"Well at least I know why I found him all alone out there then."

"Found him? What is she talking about, Gamma?" Delta asked me curiously, wiping away his tears with a paw.

I took a breath before beginning my story.

"She found me in our home the day after you abandoned me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about you abandoning me. I would have done the same thing in Mom's position. Save the child that can survive. But anyway, Jenny found me and brought me back here to the Pokemon Center down the street. I owe her my life," I informed him.

"I'm so glad you're alive, Gamma. I thought you'd died that day too. I thought I'd lost everything that was important to me."

"It's good to see you too, Delta. I was worried we'd be separated forever," I said, then I noticed something. A Raichu standing beside the boy.

"Who is he?" I asked, nodding towards the Raichu.

"Him? He's Ryan. He's a good friend of mine. He's one of the three that I've been living with over the past weeks. The others are his brother, Peter, and the Growlithe I mentioned earlier, his name is Greg," he replied.

I looked around, not seeing any of them.

"Where are they?"

"They're in Pokeballs with Aaron."

Pokeballs. I had only heard that word once before. Our mother told us what they are the day before my life took a drastic turn. She once was contained within one, and so was our father. They were once under a trainer, Eric I think she said his name was. I shook the thoughts out of my head.

"I'd really like to meet them. Could you get him to let them out?" I asked eagerly.

"I'll try," he answered.

I looked over and saw the Raichu slowly reach up to Aaron's belt, snatching two Pokeballs from it. He opened them, revealing a Pikachu and a Growlithe. They looked around as they materialized in the house. Delta approached them.

"Hey guys, guess what?" he said to them.

"What is it, Delta?" the Pikachu asked.

"My brother's alive!" he responded excitedly.

"What? Really?" the Growlithe questioned.

"Yes I am," I said.

The Pikachu walked over to me.

"So, you're Gamma? It's a pleasure to meet you. So you're really Delta's brother?" he asked me.

"Yes. How do you know my name?" I answered.

"Your mother told us."

"You knew my mother?"

"Yes. Greg here brought her to us. I tried to take care of her injuries, but there was nothing I could do for her. She told us about you and about what happened to you. I...I don't know how to put this, but I think you should know, your mother's..." he began.

"Dead," I finished for him. He seemed surprised. "Delta told me."

"Why don't you boys stay here for a while?" Jenny offered Aaron.

"I suppose we could. It's not like we're on a schedule or anything. I should probably let the last one out too," Aaron said in response.

"Another? I thought you were just an explorer."

"I am, but I became a trainer so that I could have some traveling companions, since none of the people at my home wanted to come with me." He grabbed a Pokeball off of his belt. "Cathy, come on out."

He opened the ball, revealing a female Treecko. She appeared confused at her current setting. She turned around to face her trainer.

"Cathy, this is Jenny. We're going to be staying in her home for the day and probably overnight," Aaron explained to her. She turned to look around the living room, when she spotted me.

"Delta, who's your friend here?" she asked my brother.

"Oh, Catherine. This is my brother, Gamma," he told her.

"Brother? But I thought your family was killed."

"I was saved by Jenny in the forest," I answered for him.

"Oh. Well, it's good to know he still has family."

The day passed by as we got to know each other. Delta told me all about his adventure so far. He told me about his escape from our home and the Growlithe that pursued him and our mother. I, in turn, told him my survival story and about my life with Jenny. I learned much about my brother and his companions, including the fact that the Pikachu, Peter, was studying medicine. I found his aspiration intriguing. He wanted to be a doctor, from what I understood of it, which would be very useful in their journey.

Ryan approached me late in the evening, after Delta and the others had fallen asleep.

"Hey, Gamma?" he asked me.

"What, Ryan?" I asked in response.

"I'm just wondering, but what exactly happened to your father? Delta said he was killed, but how exactly?"


"I'm sorry, if you don't want to tell me then don't."

"No, it's fine. I just don't know much, only what my mom told me."

"You sure it's alright?"

"Yes. My dad was killed by a poacher about a week before we were born. My mom saw what happened. He was suddenly brought down by what appeared to be nothing, but he was wounded in his flank. She said it was a small, but deep wound. It was enough to easily kill him, though. She said just before he fell, a loud sound like thunder was heard. His last words were for her to flee and leave him to die. As you can see, she respected his dying wish," I told him.

"That's terrible, I'm sorry," he replied.

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"Your father was a Flareon, right?"

"Yes, how did you know."



"He told me your father was a Flareon, and I saw your mother was a Jolteon. When I saw her, she seemed familiar, and knowing that her mate was a Flareon cemented that. I met your parents before you were born."

"What!?" I said, shocked.

"Yes, I met them a while ago, back before I went with Peter to live on the Daycare after my old trainer released me to return home, but that's another story. Anyway, they had just moved into the forest, like me, freshly released by their trainer. I don't remember his name though, it was a long time ago," he explained.

"So you knew them?"

"No, I didn't know them, I only met them. We never saw each other again after that day. Not until your mother died."


"Look, it's getting late, maybe we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, you're right. G'night Ryan."

"Night, Gamma."

I walked over next to Delta and curled up alongside him, and almost immediately fell asleep. Before I did, though, I must have waken him. His dark eyes opened to see me lying next to him. I saw a small smile appear on his face as he closed his eyes once again.

Seeing Delta again really helped me get through my childhood. Knowing that I still had family out there gave me something to hang on to. But the news that my mother had died took a while to finally settle with me. Still, it was good to know that he was being cared for. Well, I'm getting a bit sleepy. *Yawn* I'll see you again later. Bye.
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