AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence



I went back and edited the first chapter becuase all the thoughts were put in italizes but didn't show up on here. I guess a few things are different from this and Microsoft Word. I guess you catch things when you go back and reread.

A young trainer was traveling though the mountains in north honion. He was searching for a perfect training spot, so he could prepare for the pokemon league challenge. He had already gotten all the badges and all he had to do was travel to Evergrand so he could enter the pokemon league challenge and become the champion. But he had a month to get ready so he was going to Meteor Falls so he could train there in solitude. He looked back at his zangoose who was walking on all four and falling behind.

"Come on Zane." He said picking up the pace. "This is your natural habit, you should be moving quicker than me." His zangoose just stuck her tongue out and picked up the pace so she didn't fall to behind.

(Oh why does he always do this to me?) She thought reaching his side. (Its not like I can't move quicker. Oh I can do that in a heart beat. Its that I want to move at my own pace.) She stuck her tongue at him again and picked up the speed again so she was in front of him. She moved out a bit and giggled. (Although I do want him to see me for the female I am.) She thought of her trainer and herself as a couple. She dreamed of this until he walked pasted her and slapped her rump. These brought her out of her day dream but made her have to stop and use one of her hind legs to rub where he had hit her. All awhile she was blushing as she enjoyed it.

They stopped for lunch near a pond, which was close to the cave where he was looking to go to. The trainer brought out some sandwiches he had made and handed one to his zangoose. She wasted little time in eating the sandwich which surprised her trainer. "Guess your hungry then." He looked at his sandwich and gave it to her. His zangoose looked at it and then at him and he saw her blush.

"Don't worry I want you to be healthy." He said smiling at her. "You have to be in top form when we take on the league. He petted her and began to rummage though his things until he found a bag of chips and two bottles of water. He handed one to her that he opened since she wasn't all that good at opening bottle tops.

"Listen Zane can we talk?" he asked taking a quick sip of water. His zangoose looked up from her sandwich and he laughed seeing some mustard on her muzzle. "I know that the two of us have been through a lot since we met here a few months ago." He said "If I remember right it was right here that I caught you."

Zane listened with great interest as her master was remembering when they had met, it made her start to feel like him even more. She then realized that she might not even like him but instead loved him. (Oh Terrell I don't think I want to simplify like you. No I want for us to be more than just really good friends.) She noticed that he was no longer looking at her but at the pond. He had a look on his face of joy and this made her love him even more.

He took a blue pokeball from his belt and a beautiful delcatty appeared from a white light. She was her master's early partners and was also quiet close to him, but not what he and her had. Delcatty walked over to her master and licked his face, causing Zane to become very jealous. After delcatty finished licking Terrell's face she walked over to Zane smirked.

"Oh how cute the little wild cat is getting all steamed over little old me." She said in a cockily voice. "Don't worry I won't steal him form you....." she made a face of realization and laughed. "Oh but how can I steal something that I already have." She laughed some more and kicked some dirt onto Zane.

Zane wasn't about to let her get her way and tried to slash at her but she was to quick and just dodged the attack. She laughed at Zane and walked back over to Terrell and stuck her tongue out.

Terrell saw that his two female pokemon where fighting over something but he couldn't figure it out. All he heard was their natural poke speak so he couldn't quiet tell what was going on but he knew that it was over something special to them both. He didn't stop them form fighting since he figured he would let them solve their own problems. He pulled out a newspaper and began to read it over when one article caught his attention.

"Its been proven that humans can impregnate pokemon." He read which made Zane and Delcatty stop and listen with great interest. "Normally this is not possible but when a female pokemon is in heat and desires to be pregnant she can become pregnant off human semen. But she and the human must be very close as this seems to raise the chances of impregnation." Terrell stopped and read the article over again to himself. He then looked on and saw a bit more. "The off spring will be a pokemon but it might be born with increase intelligent. Only a few cases have been found where a human and pokemon have mated and gave birth."

Terrell put the paper down and looked at Zane. "Well how about that." He said lost for words. But to Zane this was a dream come true. To pokemon having a baby was the greatest showing of love between a male and female. Although some mates were not fit to be together, she knew her and master were meant to be. If she and her master were to do such a thing and then she became pregnant it would make her life complete.

Zane looked at Delcatty and knew that she might not be the only female wanting to be with Terrell. Delcatty looked at her while swinging her furry ball tipped tail with eyes of lust. "Zane did you hear that?" she asked in a happy voice. "Terrell can make me pregnant, isn't that the best?" she asked knowing how Zane felt for Terrell.

"Cool it you fat house bitch!" Zane yelled at the top of her voice. Delcatty got up and grinned knowing that she had gotten Zane to do what she wanted her to do.

Terrell noticed Zane's out burst and decided to step in this time. "Zane!" he scolded. "Cool down or your going in you ball." He showed her black and yellow stripped pokeball and this made her stop. She sat down on all four since when she yelled at Delcatty she had risen onto her hind legs.

She felt bitter letting that little bitch getting to her. She knew Terrell stepped in seeing as she was on her hind legs and she only got into this for when she was going to fight. She felt bad about the whole thing and wished she could tell him she was sorry about he hole thing. She looked at Delcatty who was grinning about the whole thing. "Don't worry I'll be sure to take good care of our kens." She laughed and licked Terrell on the face again.

Zane felt like she had just been hit by take down as she watched her rival sitting there and smooching all over the one she loved. She couldn't watch any longer and silently walked away.

She found herself on the other side of the pond. The water was rippling from the constant tear drops form her. She looked at herself in the clear water and smacked the water feeling defeated. "I hate myself." She said to herself. "Delcatty has the advantage over me in every way possible." She was crying so hard that she didn't notice that something had snuck up and was standing behind her.

"Why do you feel that way?" something asked her. She stopped crying and saw that Terrell was behind her. But what really got her was he understood everything she had just said. "You, you.....can understand me?" she questioned with hope in her voice.

He sat down next to hear and moved really close to her. He took her right paw and kissed it. "I don't know how it happened but when I saw how you crying over here I just wished I could speak to you." he kissed her paw again making her blush. "Zane I know that something has been troubling you lately and I wish you would tell me." He said holding her paw. Zane blushed again and wondered if she should tell Terrell how she felt.

"Well....." she stopped for the embarrassment. "Well I have this really strong crush on this male and -." Terrell had cut her off

"And you don't know what to say to him." He said trying to understand her.

"Ya but I think Delcatty has a crush on him and she is just making my life a living hell." She felt Terrell hugging her and she felt a stronger love for him. He let go and got up. "Well when the time comes you'll know what to say to him." He clapped his hands to get some of the dirt off and began to walk back to the camp. "Besides who knows he might have the feel the same and not even know about it." He gave her a thumbs up and left her to wonder whether he telling her he felt the same for her or was just trying to comfort her.

She spent the rest of the day thinking over it whether her master loved her as she did him. It was sunset when she returned to find that Terrell was throwing some logs into the fire. He finished and looked up to find her standing at the entrance to the camp. He smiled at her and walked over to her and kissed her on her lips. She blushed feeling like that kiss was more than just a friendly one and returned it with great passion. Terrell broke the kiss and got up to start dinner. "Zane are you feeling ok?" he asked her

"Oh just returning your amazing kiss." She giggled and laid down near the fire. She looked around and found that Delcatty was no where to be found. She smiled and felt that tonight might just be the night all her dreams would come true.

They sat down to eat and Zane found that the meal was extra special. The stew that they ate was made with extra meat and things that she liked. Terrell usually didn't make his stews this good unless he just won a badge or something really good had happened. Zane began to wonder what might happen tonight and thoughts of Terrell inside her filled her thoughts. And just then she had entered her heat.

When they finished Terrell saw that Zane was acting very different, like she wanted something more, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Zane moved closer to him and kissed him with more passion then he was in for. She caused him to fall onto his back where she sat on him, she was shorter than him but too much, she was enough so Terrell was comfortable with her. "Zane listen I know you like me and for quiet a long time I have felt the same for you." Terrell admitted to her. He was about speaking again but she placed one claw onto his mouth making him stop.

"Don't say anything." She giggled and kissed him again. "Now just sit there and let me show you the something I picked up from Delcatty." She tore off Terrell's jeans and smiled at the site of his member. She watched Terrell unbutton his shirt but he left it on. (This is even better than all my dreams combined.)

She smiled back at Terrell and gently picked up his already hard cock. She began to remember what Delcatty had done to Terrell's Flygon a few weeks back. If there was anything she respected from Delcatty was her ability to give blow jobs. Before they had begun to fight over Terrell they were best friends and Delcatty had showed her how to give amazing blow jobs. This would be her first time though but she wanted to make sure she did it right.

Terrell felt his cock being gently touched by Zane's tongue before she placed it into her mouth and began to suck on it. Terrell hand never felt this before; he had heard stories but never thought much of it. To him it seemed wrong but now all that was thrown out of the window. He felt like making so sort of sound to tell Zane that she was doing a good job but held it in. He soon lost it and felt himself cumming into Zane's mouth.

Zane remembered what Delcatty had done when she was giving Flygon his blow job and swallowed the cum. It tasted strange but she liked it. She began to feel the time had come for her and Terrell to mate and got up off him. She walked a few feet and rose her tail showing her flower.

Terrell watched Zane raise her tail and knew what she wanted. He knew that if he did this now there could be a chance she might become impregnated knocking her out of his team for the league challenge. But something told him she didn't care of that right now, no he felt that she would give up battling just so he could impregnate her. (I can't do this.) He thought as he watched her move backwards until she was right in front of him. He couldn't smell her heat as well as a pokemon would be there was a slight aroma coming from her. It wasn't as effective as it would on a pokemon male but it did cloud his thoughts a bit. He crawled up behind her and mounted her, all he could think of was doing this. With one thrust he had entered her causing Zane's eyes to swint with the penetration of her. She felt Terrell stop and she knew he did so in fear of hurting her.

"Don't stop its my first time so there going to be some sort of pain." Zane said "At least that's what Delcatty told me."

Terrell nodded and went back to thrusting into her. He only stopped again when he had broken her hymen. That time she had streamed causing he to stop, but she told him that it was her first time and things like this would happen. Terrell only sighed and went on hoping that this was her last time this would happen. He soon reached her womb and Zane moaned with satisfaction. Zane soon orgasmed causing Terrell to do the same. (Everything Delcatty told me was true. This is the best thing that can happen to you.)

Afterward Terrell sat back trying to catch his breath. He didn't know that he would be wiped out from having sex and felt his himself beginning to drift off when he felt Zane kissing him again. She was being very affectionate to him, he was guessing she liked it. "How about we go wash off and get some sleep?" he asked her.

Zane just gave him a blank look and he looked down at his lap which was covered with Zane's own cum she shot out when she orgasmed. She blushed and understood what he meant.

That night she went to sleep dreaming about their future together.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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