AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence


The other love

All thoughts are like this: ()

Terrell awoke before the sunrise so he could clear his thoughts. He decided to take a quick cold swim in the pond, as this seemed to help him think things over. The cold water made his body shiver but after the first several minutes his body grew use to the waters' temperature and it felt really good to him. He thought of Zane and what she meant to him. Thoughts of (How will this effect of relationship.) and (Will I ever be able to have her battle the same way again). He grew worried that she may in deed become pregnant and would he be down casted by everyone for being the father of a pokemon. But then something else in him told him that he couldn't spend this time worrying about such things as Zane meant more to him than just his best friend. She was special to him and he would give up his life to protect her.

He let this thought carry him back to the shore where the camp was. He got out and changed into his traveling shirt and got out his extra pair of jeans since Zane had shredded his other pair. (Good thing I didn't wear my good pair.) he thought starting breakfast. As the fire started Terrell released his Delcatty from her ball, he wanted to speak to her about last night.

"Morning Delcatty." He said as he poured some water into a pot.

Delcatty looked over at Zane and saw she was still asleep and this made her wonder why since she was always awake before everyone else. But then she smelled something strange, but it didn't take her long to realize that she and her master had, had sex the night before. She didn't like Zane messing around with Terrell but then she thought of Flygon and decided to set her sites on him for now.

She sat next to Terrell who petted her head, she blushed enjoying the attention. She looked at his belt and saw the yellow and red ball that had her love in it. She wished that breakfast would hurry up and come since he usually lets everyone else out for breakfast. She watched as Terrell poured a several boxes of some strange dust into the pot and he began to stir it.

"Delcatty how long have we known each other?" he asked her not taking his attention from the pot.

"Um... about as long as you've been a trainer I think." She answered not sure of herself.

"Well you should know me as well as I know you then." He took out a bar of butter and broke off a large piece and tossed it into the pot, and began to stir it in well. He then put the large spoon he was using to stir on top of the pot and looked at her.

"I need your advice on what I should do with Zane." He said giving her a serious look. This made Delcatty a bit nervous as she usually didn't like getting involved with others love lives.

"I don't know?" she said unsure of herself. "How do you feel about her?"

Terrell thought this over for a second and then came to a conclusion.

"I care for her greatly." He said sitting down. "She means the world to me and I enjoy every moment I can have with her." He petted her on the head again. Delcatty felt good about his answer and it made care for him even more. (No.) she scolded herself. (I mustn't get involved with others relationships.)

Zane awoke to the smell of something her master/lover made on cold mornings. She fiddled around with the name of it in her mind and then heard Terrell call her over when he saw she was awake.

"Come and get you oatmeal Zane." He said placing a bowl on the ground for Delcatty to eat. Zane got onto her hind legs and walked over and was handed her bowl but with a little something extra; a kiss. She blushed and sat down to enjoy the strange breakfast that Terrell had made. She watched as he let out the rest of her companions. A Flygon, a Blaziken, an Altaria, and a Raichu. All these were males which made it pretty boring for her since all she had to talk to was Delcatty. She didn't have a problem with that but she did miss having Vuplix around since she was always good to talk to and didn't act like she was royal bitch like Delcatty did from time to time. But she didn't feel like speaking to her companions right now. All she wanted to do was be alone with Terrell and talk, and hopefully do more than that.

"Hey Zane you finished?" Terrell asked after handing out oatmeal to those who wanted it and poke food to the others.

"Yes why?" she asked handing her bowl to him.

"I thought we could go on a little walk and let our food digest before we hit the road again."

"Ok." She giggled and got up to walk with him.

Delcatty watched Terrell and Zane leave and found that it was the perfect time to tell Flygon how she felt for him. She felt that her heat was coming up soon and wanted this time to find a mate to do it with. If she didn't she would have a miserable time and would hate herself for it. (We didn't do it before like I made everyone think. But this time I will mate with him and then I wouldn't be telling a lie.") She giggled on this thought as she walked up to the Flygon she loved.

"What you up to?" she asked him.

He finished his bowl of poka food and turned to see Delcatty moving her tail from left to right like she was trying to get his attention. "Not much."

"Oh just wondering what to do since it's that time of the year again." She said walking around Flygon in a sexy matter. "I'm just wondering who I want to bear a litter with." She winked at she could tell that he caught what she meant.

But to her amazement Flygon just signed and walked away. Delcatty didn't like where this was going and ran to catch up to him, since every step he took was several for her. "Why are you walking away?" she asked worried. He stopped and shook his head like he couldn't bear to stand her a moment more.

"You don't get it do you?" he asked his voice rising. "We are not comparable."

Delcatty knew this but she didn't want to believe it. "But that time we-." Flygon had cut her off.

"We never mated!" he yelled causing the others to look their way. "You lied so you could try to look good in front of Zane. All you did was give out a blow job and that wasn't really all that good as you tell everyone it was. I just went along with it so you wouldn't look bad." He walked over to the other males who didn't seem to care much for what had happened. Delcatty walked away feeling defeated.

Not far from where Terrell had left his pokemon, he and Zane were alone in a small rocky area. He wondered how he was going to break it to her that he may not love her like she might to him. When he was speaking to Delcatty he had begun to feel something for her, but he just couldn't figure out what.

He felt like he owed it to Zane to tell her how he felt and that even if she did become pregnant that he would be there for her and their kens. He sat down on a rock and she jumped onto his lap. She was a bit heavy but he didn't care.

"Zane can we talk?" he said with a depressed voice. Zane had a worried expression on her face and feared the worst. "Zane you know that you mean to world to me and I'm willing to do anything to help you. But...." He stopped and bit his lip.

Zane's eyes were being to fill with tears as she knew where he was going with this conversation. Terrell still didn't speak and it seemed like hours pasted before he finally broke the silence. "Zane I fear that there may be another that I care for. But the problem is that I may care for her more than I do you." Terrell looked away from Zane so he couldn't see her. He bit his lip again as he heard his zangoose lover crying. (I never meant for this to happen.) he thought as he felt Zane jump off his lap.

Terrell didn't want to watch her leave, all the time cursing his luck. He got up and walked to where him and Zane had spoken the day before and found Delcatty sitting there alone crying about something. He felt his heart drop seeing her like this and walked over to comfort her.

Delcatty found herself in the same place that Zane had gone the day before after she herself ran her off. Delcatty laughed on the thought but it only brought her mood down some more. She couldn't figure out what she had done wrong with Flygon. She couldn't figure out why he didn't want to be her mate as she was beautiful enough for him. Or was it true that there was no way the two of them could ever be together.

She looked up and saw Terrell walking over and sat down next to her. "Why are you so upset my little catty?" Terrell asked petting her head. She placed her head on his lap and he continue to pet her. Delcatty began to feel all her sadness just being taken away and replaced by something else. She felt strong feeling toward Terrell. She looked up at him and looked into his eyes where she found something that made her smile even more; he had strong feeling for her as well.

"Terrell what do you think about me?" she asked

Terrell was glad that she asked this question since he had been meaning to tell her but just didn't know how. "Delcatty ever since you were a skitty you had been there for me." Terrell looked up at the clouds as he admitted his feeling for her. "We had gone though just about everything together, fought every gym together, tracked our way though the honion region together and so many other things. And yet whenever I have had doubts about abilities you were the one who brought back my spirits."

"Well....thanks." she blushed. "I try."

Terrell grinned and laid down in the grass. Delcatty laid her head on his chest and began to lick his face.

"Terrell how do you really feel about me?" she asked continuing to lick him with passion. Terrell felt himself harding but he couldn't allow Delcatty to see, it would be to embarrassing.

Delcatty had noticed her master's harding cock through his jeans, she smiled and imaged it in her. (Oh how I would enjoy that one moment.) she thought increasing the amount of licks she was giving Terrell. She could feel herself becoming hotter and wanting to be matted becoming stronger each passing second. "Oh Terrell take me right now." She said slowing down and looking him in the eyes yet again. "Please I can't hold it back any longer. Terrell I'm in heat but this isn't a normal one." She said getting up and walking toward the woods. "I think it was triggered because of how I feel for you." she entered the woods leaving Terrell alone.

Terrell was surprised by what she had said and wondered if she was telling the truth. (What kind of heat could she be in then?) Then he remembered the article he had read and how if both the pokemon and human wanted it enough then it could be possible. (If I do this. Will it happen) He thought getting up to follow Delcatty to where ever she wanted them to be.

They ended up at the in a small clearing in the woods with a bit of light shining through the trees. Delcatty jumped onto a old tree stump and began to wag her tail with anticipation for what was to come next. She watched Terrell look around the small clearing and then to her. A bit of sunshine was shining on her creating a picture of pure beauty. Delcatty blushed when she saw Terrell's expression when he saw her.

"You're so beautiful." Was all Terrell could think to say to her.

"Ah you don't mean that do you?" she asked playfully

"Ya the sunlight just makes you look plain and boring." He said crossing his arms.

Delcatty could tell he was joking and giggled from what he had told her. "You're so kind."

Terrell couldn't help but to take a closer look at her body. He didn't notice before how her large purple pointy ears just seemed bring some of her inner beauty out. He couldn't put his finger on it but he seemed attracted by them. He then looked at her face and saw that it showed the one of the many reasons why he was so attracted to her, it showed her kindness and love of all life. He didn't care that she walked on four legs. Really it made her look even hotter and made him want her even more. He looked at the strange collar thing or something that she had her on her neck, it was the most visible thing on Delcattys. He looked at her body and saw her breast on her under side. Most four legged pokemon had at least four breast so they could feed their young. He finally looked at her tail which was just waging from the happiness he knew she must have right now.

Delcatty saw Terrell's eyes moving about looking at her body, she turned around so he could see one of the things she was most proud of. (I don't know why but I never felt this way when I tried to be with Flygon.) she thought backing up so Terrell could get a better look at her. (Is it possible for pokemon to actually be in love? Is it possible for me to give birth by him? If is a way then I will find it.)

Terrell watched Delcatty turn around showing her flower to him. He felt sweat running down his neck and his heart was racing. "Delcatty are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked her unzipping his jeans, as stripping down to nothing. "Delcatty I know this will be your first and even though I was with Zane last night I feel like you'll be my as well.

Delcatty was shocked that he knew she was still a virgin since he was only able to speak to them since yesterday, but enjoyed him telling her, he felt like she was his first as well. "How did you know Flygon and I didn't mate?" she asked trying not to look surprised.

"Delcatty I know that you and him never had anything going. He didn't want to be with you. I didn't need to be able to understand pokemon to know that."

She was pleased that he knew so much about her and knew how to read her.

"Besides would you rather have him in you and then leave you all alone when it over?" He scratched her head and moved his head inches from her face. "Or would you rather be with someone who will take care of you for the rest of your life?" And before she could answer him, he kissed her. They kissed for a long time until Terrell broke the kiss.

"Delcatty can I ask a favor from you?" he said scratching her underside.

"What is it?" she asked loving every moment.

"Will you lie on you back?" Terrell asked.

Delcatty laid down and then turned onto her back. Terrell placed his hands near her sides and he leaned in and kissed her again. "You ready for this my love?" he asked her between kisses.

"Let's stop beating around the bush and make love to one another." Delcatty said beating her tail on the ground.

Delcatty felt Terrell's member entering her and she closed her eyes from the quick sharp pain that came with the first time being penetrated. But afterward she felt pure pleasure as Terrell began to thrust himself into her love hole. Soon she began to moan from the pleasure she was getting. She felt herself becoming wet as Terrell went deeper and deeper into her and she felt herself enjoying their first matting session. Only when she felt her hymen being broken did her enjoyment end and she felt a small amount of blood running down her side.
A few tears ran down her face, both from the pain she had felt and also as she knew she lost her virginity to the one she loved the most, who also loved her back. Soon she felt him entering her womb and then she felt something in her beginning to happen. She had hit her climax and soon both her and Terrell orgasmed, which brought even more tears to her eyes.

"Delcatty why are you crying?" Terrell asked leaving her love hole. He was breathing hard from the sex he had just had with her. Delcatty looked at him and knocked him onto his back while kissing him with even greater passion than they had just had. "Terrell you have given me the greatest gift any male can give to his mate." She purred and got up off him.

"What can that be?" Terrell asked with a look of confusion.

Delcatty smiled and returned back to the tree stomp and showed her rump to him. "You gave me the gift of life silly. To us pokemon this is the height of love between a male and female." She rose her tail and showed her love hole which was still wet from their matting/sex. "You remember that article that you read to me and Zane yesterday?"

"Ya it said that if both partners want to have kens then-."

Delcatty finished his sentence with joy on her face. "Then it can happen." She jumped into his arms and nuzzled up to his chest purring. "I want this more than life itself and believe in you Terrell. You always had told me that you wanted to find that one and be with her." She looked up at his face and smiled. "I know that soon we'll be enjoying what we both want. Us being together."

"Your right and when the time comes I promise to be there for you." He hugged her only putting her down so he could get dress and after that he returned back to camp holding Delcatty in his arms.
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