AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence


Thats life

Terrell returned to where he had left his pokemon still holding his Delcatty lover. She had fallen asleep from the mattingthey had just had. Thoughts of what the future was to hold for both him and Delcatty ran through his mind but unlike with Zane he was hoping they would come true. He saw himself setting down and raising a family with her. He saw himself and Delcatty spending many nights having hot sex like what he just had. He laughed silently to himself and sat her down near the small fire that his Blaziken was keeping lit.

"Terrell what happened to her?" his Blaziken asked as Terrell sat down to and pulled a bottle of water out.

"Oh me and her just made love." Terrell answered coolly

"And so how was it my old friend?" he asked but seemed not to care too much.

"Well it was amazing." Terrell said looking at the sleeping form of Delcatty. (I hope we can do it all over again.)

"Well while you were out pleasuring Delcatty, Zane was her crying her heart out." Blaziken said seeming more serious. He glared at Terrell but then got up and walked away saying something under his breath. Terrell cursed his luck and grabbed Blaziken's shoulder.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." He said looking at the ground. He balled up his hand into at fist which began to shack with his growing frustration. "I should have thought this thru." He closed his eyes and felt something grab his hand that was a fist. He opened his eyes and saw Zane was there.

"I shall leave you to alone to patch things up." Blaziken smiled and left leaving Terrell and Zane alone.

Terrell looked at his zangoose's face expecting to see rage and hatred for him but that wasn't what was staring back at him. He saw that Zane was still the gentle wild cat that had made him come to like her more that just as his pokemon. "Zane I don't know what to say." Was all Terrell come think to say to her.

Zane licked his hand and her tail began to wag. "I thought over what was said and I don't care how you and Delcatty are." She nuzzled his hand. "As long as I can be with you Terrell then I have no need to hold any grudges against you."

Terrell's eyes rolled upward and he was speechless. "I don't know what to say?" Terrell said feeling embarrassed. Zane giggled and rose herself to her hind legs. She yanked him down to her level and kissed him. Terrell broke the kiss which made Zane giggle even more.

Terrell sat down and felt a gentle wind go by. "Zane can a guy have more than one mate?" he asked her.

"As many as he can handle."

"Ya but most of the time you only see couples. I don't think I have ever seen a male with more than one mate."

"Unless couple are really in love then a male will stay with the female until she gives birth and then he leaves." She said a bit hurt. Terrell could tell that something was one her mind.

"Was that how your father was?" he asked

Zane tried not to show any emotions but it didn't work and a single tear ran down her face. "I never did meet my father. When I was born he left my mother and myself for another zangoose."

"I can relate." Terrell said looking straight up into the sky. "I never did grow up knowing him." He looked at Zane with a smile. "But that didn't stop me from becoming the guy I am today you know." This made her smile and she kissed him with everything she had.

"Ok, ok we can do all that when we have the time." He said cheerfully after a minute of the two making out. Zane blushed and kissed him again. Terrell had to stop before they were going to repeat last nights perform and he didn't want to do that right out in the open.

"Zane there is something we people like to call make up sex, or matting in your case." Terrell said grinning

"What's that?" Zane asked with great interest

"Well its when two couple like you and myself mate after a fight. You know to say everything is ok again. When this happens the sex/matting is even better."

Zane's eyes seemed to light up when she heard this and she once again kissed him. "Oh, tonight I promise to give you the greatest you have ever had."

Terrell smiled. "Trust me every time I'm with you and Delcatty is the great I have ever had." This time Zane just leaped onto his chest and began to lick his face with great passion.

He wrapped his arms around Zane and pulled her in close for one last kiss. They went like this for ten minutes straight before he decided it was time to go.

"Zane we have to go." Terrell said getting up. "I would like to reach Meteor Falls before night fall."

Zane got off him. "Then we can have this make up matting that you spoke of."

Terrell laughed and understood why she was acting this way. "Zane just wait ok." He said beginning to pack up and putting out the fire. "We need to get there first alright. Trust me unless you're in heat I think you can wait."

"Terrell that's the thing I think I am." She said blushing.

"Come on Zane you can't fool me." Terrell said returning the rest of his pokemon. "Ok I'm going to finish the rest of this trip on my own."

"Why?!" Zane yelled as Terrell pulled out her pokeball. "You never travel without me by your side."

"Well I just want to be alone for some time. You understand right?" he asked

"No I don't."

"Well how about you rest up in your pokeball and when we reach the cave we can have that make up sex ok." Terrell kissed her causing Zane to blush from the embarrassment she felt.

"Ok but under one condition." Zane said looking a bit serious

"Ok what is it?" Terrell asked retuning Delcatty to her pokeball.

"You have to promise you won't get hurt or get in trouble." She began to tear up. "I don't know what I'll do if you got hurt and I wasn't there to help you."

"I won't get hurt you hear." Terrell said bending down to comfort her. "Besides if anything was to happen I've got you, Delcatty and the others to back me up." He pocked her and Zane began to feel better. "Just remember that tonight you and I will be enjoying each other and showing how much we love the other."

Zane still had some doubts and she wanted them resolved before they left. "Terrell do you love me?" she asked straight off.

"Ya." Terrell answered without thinking.

"Then why did you say all those things to me before about how you didn't care for me and how you thought you were in love with me. You were matting with Delcatty the very next day right after you dumped me." Zane cried making Terrell feel like he just took a low blow.

"Your right I can see why you might have doubts." Terrell placed his hand on Zane's paw and he kissed her again. "I don't want to lose you and I'm going to do what ever it takes to keep you."

Zane kissed Terrell again but after they finished she walked a short distance and spread her hind legs a bit. "Terrell I can't for tonight to mate. I want it right her and now." She said smiling at him. Terrell felt himself hardening as he stared at Zane's tail hole.

"Oh who am I'm I kidding." He said taking off his clothes. He placed his hands on Zane's sides and entered her in one thrust like he did with Delcatty, and started at a slow pace but soon both him and her pick up the pace. "Yes more, more, give me more my love." Zane said humping even faster.

Terrell felt himself starting to climax and he felt cum building within him. "Zane its coming."

"Yes I can't wait either as well." Terrell orgasmed caused Zane to quickly follow. Terrell stopped and was about to exit her when Zane growled. "I don't mean to be rude but please don't stop I want more." Terrell felt tired but he wasn't about to let Zane down again and went on again. They orgasmed again and once again Zane asked for Terrell to go on a little longer. After the third time both of them fell dead beat tired and fell asleep. Still not knowing that Zane was in heat.

Terrell awoke a few hours later to see the setting sun. He quickly realized that he was still nude and was about his clothes back on when he felt something right next to him. He looked on his other side to see Zane was still asleep. He cursed his luck as his pokaballs were several feet away still on his belt. He decided to try and wake up Zane but she was out stone cold. (I have to try and reach my pokemon.) He got up but this woke up the pokemon that was next to him. He saw that it was an Umbreon.

"Stay back." Terrell said reaching for a small dagger he kept just for things like this. The Umbreon looked at him with its red colored eyes. It then tackled him onto the ground and began to kiss him. "Hey what this for?" Terrell asked trying to get it off him. The Umbreon got off him and giggle.

"Sorry for that but I just couldn't resist doing that." She giggled again and Terrell felt very confused.

"What are you doing here?" Terrell asked to confused to be scared.

The Umbreon tilled its head and giggled even more. "Oh I saw you and that zangoose going at it and I just had to come over." Terrell saw that the Umbreon was a female and began to wonder if he could be with her to. (No I can't do that I have Zane and Delcatty already.) Umbreon giggled again and tackled Terrell to the ground again but this time she was humping down on him, while licking his face. When Umbreon stopped Terrell saw that he had cummed in her, he had just unloaded his seed in her womb. "Um I have a really important question." Terrell asked nervously.

Umbreon looked back and she seemed to already know what he was going to say. "Oh yes I'm in heat my love. I'm ready to be with one male that cares for me more than just a sex toy. When I saw you and that zangoose today and how you two worked out your problems I just knew you were the one for me." She kissed him again. "I know we will make a perfect couple." She nuzzled his face and fell asleep on him.

(Well that makes three girls now that I have to take care of.) Terrell thought slowly moving his new Umbreon mate off of him. (I can't even tell if this was consent or if I just got raped.) He rolled his eyes but then chuckled on his next thought. (I mean she is kind of cute though and.....she was kind of good kisser to.) He thought of the moment he just had with Umbreon and wished that he was more involved. But he grew worried remembering her saying she was in heat. (What if.....nah there is no way I got her.....could I had.....stop thinking that there is no possible way.......could I had.) All these thoughts hunted his mind as he placed back on his cloths, and returned Zane to her ball. He then looked at his Umbreon mate and decided to let her choose whether to be caught or not.

"Hey Umbreon wake up, wake up we have to talk." He shook her until she woke up. "Oh my love what is the problem."

Terrell pulled out a silver colored pokeball and presented it to her. "Umbreon I'm going to leave right now and I must know whether your coming with me or not?" Umbreon looked at him she responded to his question by kissing him yet again.

"My love I shall follow you to the end of the earth as long as it means we can stay together." Terrell returned the kiss and tapped the umbreon on her head and she disappeared into the ball. He then took out the ball holding his Flygon and pressed the small button on it making it disappear. He then let Umbreon back out and she welcomed him by tackling and kissing him like she had done all night. "Oh my love its so kind of you to let me come along." Umbreon said letting up.

"Don't mention it but lets go it's be about a two hour trip till we reach the pokemon center near Meteor Falls." Terrell began to walk on the trail leading to the Falls with Umbreon by his side.

They walked at a quick pace since Terrell didn't like to travel to much in the dark. Umbreon could sense his nervous and she began to speak to him hoping to calm him down.

"Love why do we travel to that strange cave?" Umbreon asked trying to make small talk.

"Well they say that someone powerful lives deep in the cave." Terrell said grinning. "I'm hoping to meet this person and hopefully get some pointers before I head to the pokemon league challenge."

Umbreon looked at Terrell and she sighed like a teenage girl when she has a crush on some boy. (Oh he's so strong and smart.) Her tail was waging like a puppy's when its enjoying something and made a small purring noise.

They went like this until they reached the center at about 9:00 that evening. When Terrell walked in he saw the nurse Joy messing around with some puzzle and she didn't notice him coming in. "Hello. Can I get some help?" Terrell asked walking up to the nurse. She dropped her puzzle. "Oh sorry what can I do for you?"

"Well I would like my pokemon to have a check up. And can I get a room to stay in for tonight."

"Ok just hand me your pokemon and here is a key for the room at the end of the hall." They exchanged and Terrell walked down to his room. He saw it was a basic hotel like room with little to offer. (Well at least I have a bed to sleep in tonight.) He laid down and in a second was sound to sleep.

In the morning he awoke to find Nurse Joy standing over him. "Sorry to bother you but I have some good news to report."

"What can be so good as to wake me so-?"

Nurse Joy had cut him off but in a good way. "All your female pokemon are pregnant." She said smiling at him. She gasped as Terrell fell over passed out from the news. "Oh he must be over whelmed with joy that he passed out." She said in her usual cheerful voice. She helped him up.

"What happened?" Terrell asked trying to recover from his fall.

"Lets see I told you all your females pokemon are pregnant and you passed out." Joy looked at her clip board and bit her pen.

"Well are they happy for it?" Terrell asked putting his shoes on.

"Oh they don't know yet." She answered "I thought it would be best for you to tell them see your their trainer."

Terrell sighed. "Ok I thanks." He walked out but stopped when he realized he didn't know where to go. "Um where can I find them?"

"Down the hall in the nursery." Joy pointed down the hall to a door with a large sign saying nursery.

Terrell entered the room and was quickly over run by his pokemon lovers.

"Terrell they told us that you had something special to tell us." Zane said

"Ya love they said it was really big." Umbreon said tackling him, and began to kiss lick his face all over.

"Yes please tell us Terrell the suspense is killing me." Delcatty said joining Umbreon in licking him.

Terrell laughed from the all the attention and had a hard time trying to get talk to them but he fought it off. "Ok....look the nurse said that she ran some test and found that you three are pregnant." The girls looked at one another and smiled like they just won the lottery. They all kissed him and Terrell enjoyed it.

To be continued.......
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