AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence


The choices we must make

After showering and eating a quick breakfast Terrell set out to explore Meteor Falls for the powerful person said to live in the deepest region of the cave. But his mind wasn't fully focused on the task before him but what he had heard just a few hours ago.

"All your female pokemon are pregnant." Was what he remembered Nurse Joy telling him. He was nervous but he knew soon enough he was going to have to fight that fear. These thoughts carried him all the way to the entrance to Meteor Falls. "Well there's no turning back now." He said to no one in particle. He walked in side the cave to be greeted by a large splash of cold water from the falls.

"FUCK!" He yelled shivering from the icy cold water. "It wasn't like that last time I came here." He look around searching for the reason he got splashed and saw at the top of the Falls there was someone there. "Hey did you do this?!" Terrell asked

The person walked away into a different tunnel leaving Terrell alone. (Your not getting away.) Terrell released Blaziken.

"I need you to get me up there." Terrell said pointing to the top of the Falls.

"With pleasure." Blaziken picked up Terrell and in one leap reached the top of the Falls.

"Thanks man." Terrell returned Blaziken and then he saw a flash of light and Umbreon had let herself out. "Lover." She tackled and licked him like she always does. "Oh I love you so much."

Terrell tried to get her off but she was to not letting him. "Come on girl not now." Terrell said doing more laughing than being angry. Umbreon kept on licking until she finally was satisfied enough and got off, but she didn't want to let off she was feeling really horny. "Oh fine love but we must finish what we started last night."

"What did we start?" Terrell asked getting up and began to walk down tunnel the person went through. Umbreon giggle and nuzzled up against his leg.

"Oh you know what I mean." She winked at him and Terrell knew what she meant.

"Didn't you get enough last night." Terrell said picking up the pace. "I mean you shouldn't be having sex/(or be) matting in your condition." Umbreon wagged her tail not seeming to care what he had just said.

"Terrell what I did last night was wrong." She said a bit ashamed. "I know you might not see it but....." she looked at him with her red eyes and Terrell felt like he could see right into her soul. "Terrell I think I love you." She waited for Terrell to say something but bit her limp when he didn't. Umbreon looked forward and feared she might had made a major mistake.
(Could I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I mean he told Delcatty she was the one for him and then Zane has got a place in his heart since she was his first.) She looked down at the cave floor and several drops of water had hit the ground.

Terrell didn't say anything to Umbreon because he didn't want to let off how he felt for her. (Its already tough enough having three mates I really don't need to bring any tension between them.) He crossed his arms again so he could gather his thoughts. (I got to get my mind under control. I can't let my feelings ruin everything. Besides I don't know who I like any more.) He came back to reality when they entered the into the deepest part of the cave where they were greeted by a large house in the middle to the cave.

"So the rumors are true." Terrell said staring at the large house before him.
There was a long pipe running to the house that Terrell guessed was used for pumping water into it. There was a small playground on the side of the house and a some what large swimming pool on the other side. Terrell was impressed on how clean the water was. (I guess the pool water comes from Falls as well.) He looked down at Umbreon of her all wet and sexy popped into his mind. Terrell shook his head to try and get the thoughts out but it made him only want her even more. He imaged her rubbing up against him with her soft black fur. He could almost feel himself entering her warm body, and her tight pussy. He felt himself thrusting into her with everything he could muster and more. He could fell himself reaching his climax and how it made him want to thrust with even more passion until he shot his seed into her womb. He then saw himself and Umbreon making out afterward with the last of their energy and finally they fell over and he was holding her in his arms as they fell asleep. (Come on Terrell get it together.) He scolded himself.

Umbreon looked at her love and wondered what could be going through his mind. But then she began to have similar thoughts about what she really wanted to do with. She began to day dream of both of them being on a beach during a full moon. She saw her yellow rings glowing in the moon light and this seemed to get Terrell going. She dropped her upper part of her body and raised her tail showing her flower to him. "Go on you know you want to." She said teasing him by shaking her rump a bit. She felt him mounting her and in moments she felt his rod entering her. She moaned with pleasure as she felt herself being pleasured in so many different ways. "Oh love your making me the happiest female on earth." She said looking back at him.

"My love I'm going to make you the happiest female in the universe." He answered increasing his thrusting. Umbreon moaned again and she felt herself beginning to reach her climax. She looked back at him again and was able to tell he was to. "Ohhhhh.....please do it now I can't hold it any longer love." She said feeling herself about to orgasm.

"With pleasure." Terrell said grinning and the next moment he shot his seed into her which causing Umbreon to moan loudly and she orgasm with great pressure covering some of Terrell's legs and the sand under them. Umbreon and Terrell collapsed in the sand and a tear ran down her furry cheek. "Terrell I love you so much you know that." She said licking his face.

"I feel the sa-." Umbreon's day dream ended as the real Terrell was saying something to her.

"You ok my love....I mean you ok Umbreon." Terrell tried to hide his embarrassment which made Umbreon blush through her black fur. (Oh someone likes me.) She giggled.

"Ya I'm just fine."

Terrell looked at Umbreon and what had made him concerned. "You should look behind you." he said moving his eyes up.

Umbreon looked behind her and saw that there was a small puddle of cum on the ground. "I had a wet dream." She said embarrassed. But she looked at Terrell and saw that not only was she able to see his where his member was which made her giggle again forgetting all about the mess she had made. But it soon stopped when the person that they had been chasing walked out of the strange house.

"So you have followed me here." A female voice said. "You are just the person I wanted to meet."

Terrell saw that this person was a hot brown haired girl. As far as he could tell she was in her early twenties. She wore a some traveling cloths but he felt that she didn't do to much of that. "Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Sarah and I know about you Terrell." She said pointing at him.

Terrell was shocked she knew his name but he wasn't about to let her get the best of him. "And what about me might I ask is it that you know about?"

"I know that you and your pokemon do more than just travel together." She said with a angry look on her face. "You and your Umbreon there are mates." She glared at him and he felt like she was wanting to attack him. "It just makes me sick." She balled up her fist and her glare became even more hateful. "People like you should be put to dea-." She was cut off by something calling her.

"Mommy why are you yelling at that boy and his Umbreon?" a young poochyena asked walked out the house and over to Sarah. Terrell looked down at Umbreon and gave her look of confusion.

"Did that poochyena just call her mommy?" he asked her.

"Yes if my ears do sever me well." she answered.

They turned back at Sarah who had picked up the poochyena. "Yes mock it up you two." She said seriously. "If you must know little Poochy here is my son." She was looking for them to laugh at her but found that didn't happen.

"What's the problem with that?" Terrell asked. "You should be proud of him and yourself Sarah. He looks happy and healthy and I can see that same thing from you."

Sarah looked at Terrell and felt a little ashamed for how she had treated them. "Listen I want to say sorry for how I've been treating you."

"There is no need to for such things." Umbreon said.

"Thanks. Come on in and have some something to drink, you two look parched." Sarah walked back to her house followed closely by Terrell and Umbreon.

Inside they saw it was nice and simple. There was some straw for a make shift bed and there was a range for cooking on in the kitchen. There were some stairs leading to the bed rooms at the other end of the room. Sarah brought out some two glasses with water in them and two bowels of water. She sat them down and sat down on the stray. "Now Terrell how long have you and your Umbreon have been mates?" Sarah asked sipping down some water.

"Only a day."

"Oh you're new to this I see. Well let me tell you, you two are perfect for one another." She said sitting down her glass. "I can see you two having quit a beautiful litter together."

Terrell felt embarrassed and decided to tell her about his other mates. "Well I have to tell you that I have two other mates with me."

Sarah's eyes widened. "You can't do that." She shakes her head.

"Why not?" Terrell asked worried.

"Because that would go against the law that Ho-ho had made a long time ago." A strange voice answered his question. Terrell saw a powerful Mightyena enter the room looking at him with eyes that seemed to have experience much. "Young human might I ask how you came to mate so many other females?"

"That's a stupid question sir." Terrell said looking confused.

The Mightyena just looked back and in a flashed had Terrell pined to the ground with his teeth near his neck. Umbreon tried to stop him but stopped when the Mightyena bared his teeth at her. "Boy I'm trying to save your life now tell me why you mated with so many other females?"

Terrell decided to answer the question no matter how stupid it was. "They fell in love with me and well one thing led to another." Terrell's eyes narrowed. "Why can't I have more than one mate? You guys do it all the time?"

The Mightyena didn't get off Terrell but he did move his mouth away from his neck. "Because we are pokemon not humans."

"What you mean?"

"Long ago a young much like yourself fell in love with his Vaporeon and the two matted. Which at the time didn't bother Ho-ho but one day the boy went to mystic bird of fire and asked him if he would grant him the power to breed her." He looked at Terrell and then at Umbreon. "You two were just like them. Madly in love but and wanted nothing else but to give each other the greatest gift you can." He cleared his throat and went on. "Now Ho-ho was ok with humans and pokemon matting but the act of birthing kens was a step to far and he told him he wouldn't have it. Well the boy didn't give up and after much more talk Ho-ho gave in and told him that he would give him the power."

"So they had kens and lived happily ever after." Terrell said rudely "Where does this come in with having more than one mate?"

Mightyena placed his paw on Terrell's throat and bared his teeth again. "Now I can kill you and take the all the babies away. Now shut up!"

"What you mean?"

"I'm getting to that. Now the after others found out they had the power to be able to breed their females human males ran off and began pregnant multiple females. When Ho-ho heard of this he cased a spell that would make it when a human and pokemon are truly in love then the female no matter human or pokemon can become pregnant." He stopped to hear what Terrell had to say.

"But then how did I impregnate all three of my females?" Terrell asked looking at Umbreon who was quiet the whole time. He looked back at Mightyena wondering what was to be said next.

"Will power my friend, will power." He nodded and released his grip on Terrell's neck. "Not only you but your other mates wanted it that much. They wanted to be with you so much that they found a loop hole in Ho-ho's spell." He walked over to the door and nudged for Terrell to follow. Terrell looked at Umbreon who gave him a look of sadness.

(I hope I can fix all this.) Terrell asked following Mightyena outside. They traveled to the far right side of the cave until they came to a large rock. "Now Terrell you must decided which girl you want to stay with and which ones you will lose all interest in."

"You can't do this." Terrell said crossing his arms.

"Well if Ho-ho finds out about this you and the girls will be killed on the spot." Mightyena said growling at him. "And trust me it will be a painful."

"I just can't do this." Terrell looked at Umbreon who still looked sad. "I have to ask the others." He let out Zane and Delcatty and told them what was going on.

"Terrell what you going to do?" Delcatty asked

"I don't want die or lose any of you." Terrell said trying to sound like he was nervous. "When we do this all of you will lose our kens and two of you will lose all love for me as I will for you." He looked at Mightyena looked sorry for him.

"It must be done or else all of you will lose." Mightyena moved at rock which was hiding a fierily orb. "When you make your choice on who you want to be with then everything you just said will happen." He picked up the orb with his teeth and handed it to Terrell.

Terrell looked at it and closed his eyes. "I don't want to do this." He said hating himself. He opened his eyes and the orb began to glow. "I choose _______ to be with me." The world turned white.

I'm going to ask the fans which pokemon Terrell will choose. Just review your choice and which one gets the most votes wins.
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