AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence


Life can be unfair

I decided to go back in time a bit and extend the last part of chapter 4.

Terrell hand was shaking from his nerves for the choice that was in front of him. (I can't do this.) he thought, cold sweat was running down his forehead, he looked down at his right hand which was holding the orb which had moister on it. He looked at Mightyena who looked back at Terrell with a look that was saying he didn't care. "You fucking son of a bitch!" Terrell said balling up his empty hand. "Your enjoying every moment of this!"

"If you must know human this is the hardest thing I've had to do." The Mightyena said looking away. "This normally is how it happens but....." He stopped and walked over to Terrell. "Your different. You actually had feelings for all three. A love that is normally not seen from a male who has had multiple sex which you had."

"I have to ask is there any way out of this?" Terrell asked turning to look down slowly. His eyes closed. "I just can't do this to them." He looked at Zane, Umbreon and Delcatty and then memories of everything he had done with them flashed through his mind. He saw when he first caught both Zane and Delcatty when she was a skitty. He remembered yesterday when he made love to all three of them and this brought a out a grin in him.

"Man I'm good." Terrell said shaking his head laughing

"I see nothing funny Terrell." Zane said angry

"Sorry girls its nothing." He looked at Umbreon who just continued to look sad . "Why are you acting like this?" he asked bending downing down to look her eye to eye. Umbreon turned her head away from him and Terrell knew that this must be hard for her, since she must had grown strong feeling for him.

"What are we going to do Terrell?" Delcatty asked him.

"Yes you must have some sort of plan?" Zane asked hugging him. "You just can't give in to all this."

"I wish there was so loop hole Zane." Terrell said miserably "But there is no way around all this."

"Then we can run." Zane said not letting him go. "Anything so we won't have to be part."

Terrell shook his head slowly, which caused Zane not to say anything else knowing that it was pointless. "There is no way around this. And running would mean all of us would be killed and what is the point of that." He looked at them. "Don't worry we might forget up here." He pointed to his head and then to his heart. "But never in our hearts." Zane hugged Terrell even harder which made him have to breathe harder, since she was cutting off his air. While Delcatty cried from his speech. Umbreon didn't act like she heard and just continued to look away.

(Why does she continue to shut me out?") He questioned in his mind.

(Because I know I can't compete with the others?) he heard someone answer in his mind. He looked around and until he looked at Umbreon who still wasn't trying to look at him. (How are you able to speak to me like this?)

(My mother was a Vaporeon and my father was a Espeon or so my mother told me. I was born with a bit of psychic powers which grew when I evolved.)

(You've been with Zane and Delcatty much longer than you have with me.) Terrell heard a short sob and saw a few drops of water on the ground. (If you should be with anyone then its one of them.) Umbreon laid down still not facing him. Terrell cursed his luck as she was the one he wanted to choose. "You can at least try and -." He was cut off

"No it would be wrong for me to just come and steal you from the ones who you've known for such a long time." Umbreon finally spoke with her own voice. "I'm not a dirty little tramp who's just walks in a steals others mates."

"I understand." Terrell looked away hating how things were going.

(I know how you feel about me and I know I feel the same for you two but.....) She stopped

(But you don't want to create any grudges in the group.) Terrell finished her sentence.

They stopped speaking and Terrell returned to the other girls. "Terrell please choose me." Delcatty asked eagerly. Zane smacked her on the head which made Delcatty attack back with her tail. Terrell rolled his eyes and stepped in between them before they could go any further. "Zane, Skitty stop fighting!" he yelled at them.

"Why did you call me a skitty?" Delcatty asked upset.

"Because you're acting like one."

"Serves her right." Zane commented sticking out her tongue.

Terrell grabbed Zane's tongue and shoved it back in her mouth. Zane put her paws over her mouth. "Why did you do that?" she asked tearing up.

"Because your both acting so foolish when I'm trying to figure out who to choose." He walked over to Mightyena and looked glared at him. "Don't you give me that look." He said returning the glare. "Now just make your choice a girl and go and fuck her." Terrell lost it and was about to attack the Mightyena but he was stopped by Sarah.

"Now its your turn to cool it Terrell." She placed a hand on his shoulder and but he didn't want to calm down, no he wanted to break the dark dogs muzzle. "I know this is a big moment but you can't make the right choice if you're all tensed up."

Terrell brushed her hand off him and walked away a few feet. (Its time) He thought raising the orb in front of him. He closed his eyes and the orb began to glow a pure white. The world seemed to stop as a out of the blue wind picked up from no where. Terrell's shirt flapped in the wind and everyone around him closed their own eyes so dirt wouldn't get in them. "This is where the true test of his will starts." Mightyena whispered under his breath. "Just like when I had to make the choice that...." He stopped speaking and looked over at Umbreon. He sighed and looked over at Terrell as the wind slowed down.

Terrell looked back at the girls, he grinned showing his teeth. "My choice is ......" He grinned again and then the world went white. The only sound that could be heard was the shattering of glass and when the flash ended Terrell's hand was closed and some dust was pouring out of a small crack. "Is none of the above." He licked his lips and laughed. All three female pokemon's little muzzles brightened and they tackled him down and began to lick him all over.

"We knew you had a plan." They all said together. Terrell kept on laughing until Mightyena walked over and shook his head disappointed. "Well looks like we're going to have to do this the old fashion way." He looked really nervous and the cave walls began to glow red. "Looks like big H is here." He moved away from Terrell and the spot where he just was began to burn with a small fire that quickly blew into a bon fire.

The girls got off of him and moved over where Mightyena was. Terrell didn't get up but yet only sighed. "Why can't I get a day off?" Then a large fiery mystic bird walked out of it at looked down at him with one of its ruby colored eyes and Terrell couldn't help up feel respect for it.

"Are you Terrell the one with three mates?" it asked. Terrell nodded and it then turned its head over to Terrell's mates and sighed. "I see that this will be a tough bonding session."

"Bonding what?" Terrell asked. He saw that the girls were to scared to speak for themselves.

Ho-ho grinned and then his eyes shined and Terrell felt like something was scanning his very soul. (Get out of me!) Terrell yelled in his thoughts. He grinned his teeth as he fell to his knees from the extreme pain he was feeling. Ho-ho grinned once more and his eyes returned to normal.

"Now that I have a better idea on who you truly want I shall show you the second part of the bonding process." He looked over at Mightyena and frowned. "Your lacking in your job Mightyena or might I call you by your human name Robert."

Robert growled at the mystic bird who only chuckled. "Its pretty pitiful on how you can speak after what you did to your old mate."

"How dare you." Robert bared his teeth but Ho-ho didn't care. And turned his attention back to Terrell. "Now its time to have some fun." He stomped is foot on the ground and Terrell saw Umbreon and Delcatty glow. When it stopped they were in their pre evolved forms. "What did you do?" he asked getting up and glaring at the mystic bird.

"I reverted all three back to when they were still virgins, I knew Delcatty/Skitty didn't lose hers till yesterday but I wanted to have some fun." He laughed again. "Man I missed doing things like this."

"Your one sick mother fucker!" Terrell yelled which made Ho-ho laugh some more.

"Terrell I saw deep into your soul/heart and know which one of these lovely females you really want." Ho-ho explained. "Now we're going to play a game of elimination in which your zangoose who is a bit younger now even though she doesn't look it. Skitty who was formally a delcatty and eevee the little horny puppy." A ring of fire appeared around the girls cutting everyone else off from them.

"You're mad!" Terrell was more shocked by the whole thing. "I don't want them to get hurt." He felt a tear run down his face. He looked up at Ho-ho with a look of pure hatred. "You win you son of a bitch. I'll choose my mate now."

"It works every time." Ho-Ho made the fire disappear but the girls remained in their current forms. "Right Robert didn't we have to go though the same thing?" Ho-ho asked looking over at the Mightyena. "Did we have a similar talk when it came to Crystal."

"Don't you speak her name you mother fucker!" Robert bared his teeth again but didn't move. Sarah bent down and hugged him. "No don't dear. It's not worth it."

"Please don't do anything Daddy." Poochy said nuzzling his father. Robert calmed down and Ho-Ho returned his focus to Terrell.

"You were strong Terrell. In all my years I have never seen a any human like you." He looked over to Robert and grinned. "Only Robert can compete with the pure love I'm sensing from you." He looked down. "But laws are laws and they must be followed!" he yelled and the cave seemed to tremble from it.

"Ho-ho you were the one who made those laws." Terrell said losing his fears. "And you have the power to repel them." Ho-Ho thought it over for a second but then gave him a look that he didn't care.

"Terrell did you have any strange dreams when you first entered this very cave?" Ho-Ho chuckled which made Terrell hate him even more. But this question made Eevee's eyes widen. (No he can't love me he just can't) She looked away making her companions look at her funny.

"What's problem?" Skitty/Delcatty asked Zane but she asked in a rude way.

"Even when you were still young you were a little bitch." Zane crossed her arms and looked serious. Skitty looked hurt but she quickly recovered the mental blow.

"Oh and look who's talking little Ms. Suck up." She got into her muzzle and spat on her. Zane felt a long stream of saliva run down her furry cheek. "You little tramp." Zane pounced on Skitty and they wrestled all over the rocky ground. Eevee didn't do anything but just watched Terrell with pity in her eyes. But the pity wasn't for him but yet it was for her. (How can he love something like me? A sorry canine like me.) She laid down and cried until she heard Ho-Ho and Terrell talking again.

"I just can't let them get hurt fighting for me." He watched Zane and Skitty rolling on the ground and a smile grew on his face. (At least they can still play.) He sighed.

Ho-Ho felt himself growing bored and decided to end it. "Now even though I'm enjoying all this, I would like to leave and find Lugia."

"For what?"

"I might be all mystical and all but I do enjoy pleasure that normal beings like you do."

"You two are going to jack off am I right or wrong?" Terrell said crossing his arms. Ho-Ho tried not to show it but Terrell was right.

"Yes now which one will it be?" he asked trying to act all important.

Terrell sighed and knew there was no way around it. He thought about what he was about to say but then something in him said he was doing the right thing. The day dream returned to him but he didn't fight it, in fact he let it play all over again in his mind. He looked at Eevee and knew what his choice was. "You know Ho-Ho there is always a back door to anything." Ho-Ho would had grinned his teeth if he had any, Terrell went on knowing that before he made his choice he was going to make his life miserable.

"As long as I still feel some sort of love for them I shall win." Terrell pointed at the mystic bird and to make his point stronger. "As long as there is some sort of will to love them I, we shall love each other no matter what you do." Ho-Ho felt a vain in his neck beginning to expand and his temperature was increasing.

"Well we're going to have to fix all that." Fire erupted all around him for a quick second. "Terrell I know who you want so lets cut to the chase." He stomped one foot and Skitty and Eevee and they were gone.

"Where did they go?" Terrell ran over to where ash had taken their place.

"No where, their back at the house over there resting from me breaking the bond you have with them." He said calmly creating a another bon fire to us as a portal.

Zane ran over to Terrell and once again he was tackled on the ground. "This is so wrong but right now it feels sort of ok." She licked him and Ho-Ho walked through his fiery portal.

(I know she wasn't the one your heart longed for but some reason when I was about to choice her to stay I she told me not to.)

Terrell lifted Zane off him and ran over to where Ho-Ho had left. (What do you mean?)

(It was Eevee or I guess if you want me to I can change her back. But she told me even though she truly loved her she didn't want to get in the way of the other girls.)

"Stop speaking in riddles!" Terrell yelled to the air.

(She felt like she wasn't good enough and wanted me to choice Zane instead.) Ho-Ho's voice began to grow softer but Ho-Ho had something else to say. (Terrell if you choice to I can reverse it any time. But I know you will every soon I know that much.) A golden feather appeared in the ash where Ho-Ho had left and Terrell picked it up.

"Eevee why?" he asked under his breath. "Why would you give it all up? If you truly love me then why give it up?" Terrell walked back over to Zane and hugged her. While doing so he looked at the golden feather and knew that there was far more for to this story than what is going on. (Before today is over I shall find my sole mate.)

This was a tough Chapter to write and hope that everyone liked it. I wanted to choose Umbreon or Eevee in this case now. But I wanted to keep my promise and went with Zane, now what shall happen from her one and which one of these two girls will be losing it all over again.
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