AGNPH Stories

Hidden Ambitions by nameofnoimportence


Season ends

The sun was setting in the distance as Terrell stood outside thinking of the effects of what had gone on that day. It all confused him but the one thing that truly hurt him the most was could there be another. (I wish none of this had happened would had whether wanted it or not.) But he felt like it could have gone much better. (Why did Eevee go and do what she did.) He crossed his arms feeling bitter about the whole thing.

He punched the ground and quickly brought his hand back up covered in blood. "Fuckkkkkkkk! Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, and Fuck you!" He yelled and a few tears ran down his face. "Why did you have to go and a stupid ass and do this?" he questioned angry "Why did you have to go and do that?" He punched a cave wall and once again brought his fist back in quickly from the pain. He looked at the wall and saw a blood spot on it.

"I've got to go and talk to her." He took off his shirt wrapped his bloody hand into it. He walked back to the house in the cave and found that only Robert was in.

"May word what happened to you?" he asked looking at Terrell's fist.

"Oh shut it." Terrell sat down on the floor.

"You should get that cleaned." Robert said. "Hey Eevee your idiot owner needs you." He called up the stairs.

"What you doing I don't want to see her." Terrell protested

"Sure you do." Robert left the room as Eevee entered.

"Hi master." She greeted him. Terrell didn't like what she called him and it made him shiver. "Eve don't call me that. I don't want us to be like that."
She looked at him funny but then perked up as all eevee's do. "Your so funny." She laughed "For a moment there I thought you were serious." She kept on licking his blood hand and Terrell sighed. (I guess she really doesn't care about me any more.)

"Terrell you know I care for you." Eevee finished licking his hand and she curled up next to him. "I love you with all my heart." She purred and looked up at him with her beautiful brown eyes. A thought came to him and he slowly place his hand under her tail. He felt her pussy but it was short lived as she got up and bared her teeth at him.

"What are you doing?" She yelled at him.

"Nothing." He looked embarrassed. Eevee just looked at him hard but then her expression lightened into a smile. She blushed and her tail flicked back and forth. "Oh you don't have to do that if you want to have some fun."

Terrell went wide eyed and he rolled his eyes trying to not to show Eevee how embarrassed he was. Eevee just leaped onto his lap and began to lick him. "Eve was up with you?" Terrell said grabbing her sides and moved her away from him. "I thought that you didn't like me?"

Eevee wiggled around trying to get back to him, but Terrell didn't allow her to. Eevee calmed down and she looked down at her love hole. "I long to be mated Terrell." Terrell let her go and she tackled him down.

"You're pretty strong for such a little one."

"Oh but I fall weak when I see you." She moved her muzzle close to his face; she licked him but then stopped and bit his nose. Terrell yelled in pain and Eevee ran to the other side of the room. "Eve what is wrong with you?" Terrell asked rubbing where she had bit him, there was no blood but she did create a few tiny holes.

"You tried to do something to me." She said baring her teeth like before.

"You were the one who came on to me." Terrell explained getting up.

Eevee was breathing hard and then some strange feeling was over taking her. She looked at Terrell and then a strange dream flashed before her. She was on a beach it was a beautiful moon lit night. She was lying on the beach as a beautiful Umbreon, her yellow rings were glowing in the moon light. Then she saw her master. (No he's not my master. We're above that relationship.) She smiled. (No we're mates.)

She returned to reality and saw that Terrell was no longer there. (What is wrong with me.) She pondered. (What is this strange feeling that seems to continue to plague me.)

Else where Terrell had left to try and figure out what the hell was going on. As luck would have it he found Robert outside of the cave, with a strange sword lying in front of him. "So she attacked you." he said not looking at him.

"How did you know?" Terrell asked

"Happened to me back when I was still human." He looked up at the sky admiring the evening sky. "Vaporeon how I miss your beautiful smile." He seemed lost in a trace. "But if you can see everything now you would be proud of our daughter."

"What are you talking about?" Terrell asked sitting next to him. Robert looked at Terrell tearfully. "Terrell I've never told anyone about my past and you must promise me you won't speak a word of it ever."

Terrell nodded but he did have a quick question. "What does your past have to do with me?" The Mightyena looked at the sword that was on the ground. "Terrell this has everything to do with you and the fate that will soon fall on you."

"What you mean?" Terrell asked a bit more curios.

"You remember the story I told you earlier about that guy who fell in love with his Vaporeon?" he asked him.

"Ya it was you right?" Terrell crossed his arms.

"Yes well a few months after that I came upon a lovely Mightyena. We hit it off and well you can think of the rest." He blushed embarrassed and Terrell only shock his head in pity for him. "But you already had a mate."

"I know and that was why I had to keep it a secret." He said sadly. "Time went on and Vaporeon had her one and only ken your eevee. Well things went smoothly and I was able to go from female to female with little problem.....well....until I got caught." He stopped which made Terrell wonder what was to come next.

"Well she caught me making mating with that Mightyena and well sparks flew that night. Vaporeon attack the both of us and in the end killed that Mightyena." He grinded his teeth and looked back at the sword. "She ran off and I never saw her or my daughter again until now when she came here with you."

"Is there more?" Terrell asked petting the Mightyena on his head. Robert nodded and went on but with some trouble at first. "Well at the time I had come across this sword and it changed everything." He place a paw on it and pushed it over to Terrell.

"What is this?" Terrell asked

"This is Silver Wind. This sword as the power to show its wielder how they truly are in the inside."

"What does that mean?" Terrell asked confused.

"Look at the blade Terrell and tell me what you see." Terrell picked it up by its hilt and looked at the shining blade part. He saw an adorable eevee looking back at him and he threw the blade aside. "What type of joke is this?!" Terrell yelled at Robert.

"What did you see Terrell?" Robert asked not caring to much for what just happened.

"A eevee I saw a eevee." Terrell said calming down.

"Did it scare you my future son in law?" Robert asked

"I'm not even going to ask. Now tell me why I saw that eevee in my reflection?" Terrell asked picking up the sword.

"It shows your inner self and because of your love for my daughter that is what you will become." Terrell went wide eyed from the shock he felt. "Once again I must ask what the FUCK you are talking about!?"

"Time will show you first hand." Robert answered wisely. "But I can tell you have many more questions to be answered."

Terrell nodded. "Ho-Ho said that he was going to make them no longer love me any more. But yet Eevee was coming on to me?"

"He did do what he said he was. If you tried to hit on Skitty she will attack you much like my daughter did today. Zane for now will be in love with you but soon she will attack you just as they will."

"But you still haven't answered my question." Terrell said a bit frustrated

"Will you learn to wait boy." Robert took a long breath and went on. "Now my daughter is a expectation as she loved you with all her heart. She is your one true love."

"I see." Terrell had another question. "I do have another question though. Why did Ho-Ho make the girls virgins?" he asked

"Its all part of the bonding ritual that big h did. You know when a fem is mated when she is a virgin her first becomes bonded to her. There lives become intertwined and they gain a love that can't be broken so easily."

"Ya but Zane was my first as I was her. Why isn't she the one I want?" Terrell looked miserable and confused.

The sun had completely set and the first stars were coming out. "Not always your first is the one for you."

Terrell looked at Robert and he felt get respect for him. "So what do I do now?" He asked looking back at the Silver Wind.

"Your going to have to use that feather Ho-Ho gave you." Robert went back into the cave leaving Terrell alone.

Eevee had fallen asleep dreaming about matting, but it was with Terrell. She woke up and felt her fur was damp. "I don't under why this is happening to me?" she asked herself out loud. She got up and ran out of the house looking for Terrell, she felt like she had to speak to him and find out why she longed for him. She picked up his scent and ran down the tunnel that led back to the entrance.

She bumped into Robert on the way there. "Oh Robert where is Terrell I want to see him?" She asked

"He's outside." He said. Eevee was about to leave when Robert stopped her. "Eevee can I tell you something?"

"Ya what is it?" she asked a hastily. Robert looked at her but then turned away.

"Its nothing." He said a bit hurt. She was going to leave but felt like he was hiding something from her. "Listen if there is something important to tell me then just say it, ok." She licked his cheek and ran off to the entrance.
Robert just watched her leave. (I'm proud of you my daughter. Your just like your mother, free spirited and beautiful.) He hung his head in shame. (And I was a fool to give all that up.) He returned to his house in shame.

Back outside Terrell was holding the golden feather of Ho-ho high above his head. "Now!" He yelled into the air, the feather began to glow. "Come to me Ho-Ho!" The feather rose out of his hand and a tower of fire erupted around it. When it cleared the mystic bird of fire was standing in front of him.

He looked down at Terrell frowning. "Oh its you again." He said displeased. "Make it quick I was about to have my "fun" with these two hot Lugia twins."

Terrell grinned showing his teeth. "Sweet twins." He said thinking about it.

"I know you should see their breast." Ho-Ho said grinning himself even with a beak. "A perfect pair on both, so round and large, and man when you like them it feels like you're getting a piece of heaven." Terrell felt himself getting hard but he couldn't allow such a thing right now, he was here on business.

"Ho-Ho I called you here so you can make Eevee love me again." He said

Ho-Ho looked at him like he had just lost his mind and forgotten who he was speaking to, he was going to have and fix that. "You don't order me around human." He looked Terrell in the eye looking for him to finch but found he didn't.

"Ho-Ho you told me that I can call you back if I wish to restore one of the girls love for me." He balled his left hand felling anger for the fire bird pokemon. "I might have lost two of them but I swear I won't lose the one I pokemon I love." He pointed Silver Wind at the mystic bird.

Ho-Ho nodded his head in approval of what Terrell was doing. "And now you understand then why I did all this." He said stomping his foot on the ground.

"What did you do?" Terrell asked trying to keep his footing from the shock wave.

"Humans are so slow." Ho-Ho said shaking his head. "I switched your zangoose with your eevee. So now Eevee loves you again but your zangoose doesn't."

"I still don't know why I was given Zane when....?" He stopped and felt like a fool.

"It was eevee who did all this." Ho-Ho said. "She did it because she didn't feel like she was good enough for you. I don't know why but she told me before I did what I did that she didn't want to be with you. She felt she wasn't in you league or something."

"But does she love me?" Terrell asked looking down.

Ho-Ho smiled. "How she feels for you is prophase the purest love I have seen since Robert and Vaporeon."

Terrell was happy to hear this but, still wished there was away to get all of them back. But he decided that the love of the one he wanted was better than nothing.

"Terrell take good care of her." Ho-Ho said as he began to leave. "Don't follow down the road Robert took." A tower of fire covered the mystic bird and he was gone.

Terrell saw that the feather that he had used to call Ho-Ho was laying on the ground. He picked it up and pocketed it, feeling that he might need it again someday.

"Robert....." Terrell said looking up at the sky. "What are you hiding from me? Why would you give up a love such as you had with Vaporeon and why are you a Mightyena when you us to be human." He looked at Silver Wind and felt that this story was only getting started. "I've got a lot of pieces to put together in this puzzle." His thoughts were broken as he heard something calling out to him.

"Terrell!" he heard Eevee yell as she ran over to him. She tried to tackle him but he was ready and caught her. "Terrell I missed you." She licked him and jumped out of his arms.

"Where you going?" he asked

"This place seems so familiar to me." She said looking down at a beach. "I was here at this very beach but only as a Umbreon." They walked down to the beach.

"This is the beach I saw in my dreams today." She looked up at Terrell. "Terrell will you kiss me?" She asked.

He bent down to her and they kissed. Eevee got a strange feeling in her and she began to glow. Terrell watched as she was beginning to evolve into a Umbreon but then she stopped. The white light then stopped and she remained a eevee.

"Why you stop?" Terrell asked curious

Eevee looked nervous about answering his question. "I didn't know if you like me for being an Umbreon or if you liked me for who I am." She looked sad and Terrell hugged her.

"Listen I don't care if you're evolved or not. As long as I can be with you." He kissed her again and Eevee felt like a hug weight was lifted off her. Eevee waged her bushy tail and she began to feel her body heat increasing. She broke the kiss and turned around and lifted her tail. "I want to be mated Terrell." She shook her rump and winked at him. She moved her legs a bit wider and her tail waged high in the air.

Terrell didn't object and took of his clothes. He moved himself close to her and Eevee moved back a bit so he was closer. "You ready?" He asked her. Eevee nodded and Terrell entered her. Eevee was surprised to find that it was a bit unconformable for her. But she then remembered that she was a virgin again, well for the time being anyway.

Terrell moaned with pleasure as he was thrusting inside of Eevee's love hole. It was so warm and moist and this just made him want to go faster. He picked up the speed and to his surprise Eevee picked up the speed of her humping to match his movement. "Man how to go." He said

"Oh....Terrell make me scream." Eevee bit her lip and she could taste a bit of blood, but she didn't care since she was having the time of her life. "Go faster my love go faster." She said. Terrell picked up the pace some more and Eevee moaned with enjoyment. But it was short lived as she felt her hymen being broken which brought her a moment of pain. (Its always painful no matter how many times it's broken.) She thought trying to fight back the pain.

Terrell increased his pace as he entered Eevee's womb and he began to feel cum building within him. Pain at the tip of his cock and he knew he was about to blow. "Eevee I can't hold it back no more." He said breathing hard.

"Go now." She orgasmed and like a domino effect Terrell did to. Terrell exited out of Eevee and laid down on the wet sand. He closed his eyes and began to dream of Eevee giving him a blow job. He imaged her licking his cock really slowly so he could get the most out of it. He then felt an intense pleasure flowing though him and to his luck when he opened his eyes there his girl was licking his already wet cock. He didn't want to do it but he was moaning from the pleasure she was giving him. "Eves you have a way with your tongue." He said trying to fight back the urge to moan.

"Sit back lover boy and I'll show you why us Eevees were given these amazing tongues." She went on lightly licking his cock and he lost it.

Eevee heard Terrell's moans of happiness and this only got her hornier. She rapped her tiny lips around the tip of Terrell's cock and lightly licked it. She heard him breathing hard and the next thing she knew she was getting hit by a stream of cum. Her face was covered and it made her giggle.

"Oh Terrell this is better than my true first." She began to suck on him and Terrell pounded on the ground just so he could control him. Eevee sucked slowly and this made it all the better for him and her. While she was giving Terrell the job of his life she felt something lightly touching her entrance and saw that Terrell was repaying the favor.

"Now its my turn." He said grinning. He had used two fingers and began to work on Eevee's entrance. He shoveled both finger in and this made her moan and beg for more. She went back to work on his cock, licking it a bit faster now. They kept like this until Terrell and Eevee found each other covered in the others love juice.

Eevee fell onto Terrell's chest and licked his face. "You made me feel even better than when I was evolved." Eevee said kissing him.

"I don't care what you look like." Terrell brought her in close for a long hug. "As long as I can be with you."

"Why can't there be more males like you?" Eevee asked enjoying the moment.

"Well like they say." Terrell paused and looked at her. "There is someone out there for everyone. You just have to look."

Eevee kissed him again. "Well my search is over."

They laid back and watch the stars twinkle in the clear night sky.

Else where Zane and Skitty were waiting for Terrell to return. (What could he possible be doing that would require him to be gone for this long?) Zane questioned inside.

"You think he forget about us?" Skitty asked staring at the zangoose. Zane felt uncomfortable as the small kitten was staring at her breast. "You ok?" she asked a bit nervous.

The kitten giggled. "You just happen to look so......good tonight Zane." Skitty said struggling with her words. Zane couldn't help looking at Skitty in a different way as well. Zane pictured that long tail of Skitty's up against her entrance. It got her hot just thinking about it. They looked at each other for one last moment before Zane and Skitty began to kiss with great passion. They kept going until Zane was one all four and Skitty was licking her entrance. Zane moaned as Skitty's tongue worked its way into her, she could feel it up against her walls which made her moan even more. It didn't take long for Zane to orgasm covering Skitty with her liquid.

"You shouldn't have." Skitty giggled licking up Zane's cum. Zane blushed and walked around Skitty and began to lick the kitten's entrance. "Oh Zane that's how I like it." Skitty said holding back the sound of pleasure she was getting. Before long she followed in Zane's foot steps and blasted her juice on the floor. They fell onto their bellies trying to recover from their short moment.

"That was great." Skitty said breathing hard. "You have a way with your tongue."

Zane blushed and kissed the kitten. "Next time let's spice up or love making. What you say?"

"Let's do this again tomorrow then before the sun rises."

"Deal." Skitty said happily. She and Zane fell asleep dreaming of what the following morning would bring.

Unknown to the group a strange person is tracking his way to the cave. He only had one thought on his mind and that was finding the trainer who loved his pokemon. "Terrell soon I shall find you and then." He laughed and quickened his pace.

Well thats the end of season one. Zane and Skitty find each other. Terrell and Eevee's bond is stronger than ever and someone seems to be seeking or hero. If you want to find out then read the next part.

If someone wants to be part of the story speak up. They will become a main chacter in the next part. Tell me your dream pokemon as well.
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