AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Prelude Part 1: Curiosity

The Emeraldos Forest was a home to all sorts of pokemon. It was one of those haven locations hidden from human eyes. Somewhere in this very forest laid a hangout of some sort. And four friends (all male) watched from a distance.

Endo (Sandshrew): Wow... Will you look at that...
Lon (Rattata): Yeah. She's so beautiful. She must love having those vines in her like that.

They were in the bushes, watching a young 'shiny' maroon-purple Chikorita playing with herself out in the open field. She had a shade of bright violet, and a large brownish head leaf. She had a soft voice like an angel, judging by the moans she let out from enjoyment of having her own vines invading her. The ones in her tail hole shoved in and out of her rapidly, but the ones below her were shaking and seemed like they weren't going anywhere. None of the boys knew why, but it didn't matter since she screamed in inner delight as she squirted out clear cum from her. It had an incredibly strong and sweet smell that they enjoyed so much. Obviously, most plant pokemon love juice had a smell of spring flower and it's been said to taste like honey or nectar. Sadly, the boys didn't know this, as they never got close enough to find out.

Sneek (Sneasel): That smells so nice. I always want to know what a plant's pussy juice taste...
Flay (Cyndaquil): Then why don't you go and check?

After hearing their Cyndaquil friend, they laughed out load. Of course, they had to conceal themselves from wondering ears, especially those of the Chikorita.

Flay: What's so funny?
Sneek: Look, it's not as simple as that. You can't go and 'find out'.
Flay: But we've been watching her for days now, and you guys can't even say anything to her.
Lon: Hello! Earth to Flay! If we do that, we'll be considered perverts.
Flay: *tilts head* Aren't we?
Sneek: That's not the point. Females don't like it when they're being spied on like that. They find out, and who knows what might happen...
Flay: Why do we keep peeping on them?
Endo: I guess for fun.
Flay: *whine* It's not fun. It's boring. It's less than boring.
Sneek: So says the one who keeps getting your ass pricked by your older brother. But I guess since your gay and all, I suppose that explains why you're losing interest...
Flay: Not really. It's not that I like it. He just uses me as practice for his real time with his mate. I never asked him who it was though. Excuse me...

The other three expected Flay to head back home. But to their shocking surprise, he was going the other way... straight to the Chikorita! They tried to call him back, while keep their voices down.

Sneek: Flay! Where the hell are you going?!
Endo: Please, come back!
Lon: Greaaat. It's nice knowing him...

Flay ignored them while getting closer to the Chikorita's behind. Flay was one of those pokemon with a major curiosity problem. Whenever he finds something interesting, he heads there without hearing anyone else. When he neared the Chikorita's slit, he took a deep breath, inhaling the humidly sweet smell. It was intoxicating, giving Flay a dizzy spell that only lasted for a second. His eyes flashed a little before clearing. Afterwards, he stuck his long face into the Chikorita's cunt.

Chikorita: *gasp* Oooooohhh.....

She gave out another moan as the Cyndaquil started to lick inside, while his eyes were outside. Flay enjoyed the smell and taste of the Chikorita. It had a lovely taste of fruit and sweets, just as he imagined. The plant girl didn't bother to look behind her just yet, as she continued to moan louder and louder while continuing her work on her tail hole.

The group in the bushes stared in awe to what's happening, not realizing that they were pawing off at the scene (Well, all except Endo.).

The Chikorita felt a strange but familiar wave in her that she know that was about to happen. She increased the pace in her tail while the Cyndaquil continued eating her out. Then Flay tried something. He let out a small Ember attack in her, weak enough to resemble a small heater.


The other three pokemon jumped back in shock as the Chikorita let out an ear-shattering scream at the top of her lungs. She never felt anything like it. It was nothing that could be said about it, as a flow of cum left her and drenched the intruding Cyndaquil's face in all of its wet glory. Such an orgasm lasted for a good 15 seconds, far too much for the Chikorita to take. When it was finished, she fell to her knees and panted loudly. It was an amazing feat that was indescribable. She then turned, taking a good long look at the Cyndaquil. The innocent Flay stared back at the glossy blue eyes of the Chikorita.

Thinking there would be trouble, Endo, Sneek, and Lon rushed in and dragged their friend out of the field and away from the Chikorita. The Chikorita made sure to remember the look and the scent of the Cyndaquil.

On their way home, the boys had a chat.

Sneek: Flay... Flay... Flay... You must have lost it back there. Are you crazy?! For all we know, she might have attacked you or... I rather not say.
Endo: I don't know. I think she liked it.
Lon: I'm not sure about that. Sure, she enjoyed it, in my opinion, but she saw Flay afterwards. I don't wanna know what she's planning on doing. She might hunt you down and who knows what will happen next...

Flay didn't listen to them. He was too busy remembering the Chikorita's face. It was on his mind all night.

The next morning on his way out of his den, clean up also, he went into his parent's room and found his dad's penis ring with a square remote. Some these type of gadgets were scavenged all over the land on Johto and brought back here to be cleaned and used by some of the pokemon. It didn't take much of a genius to know what this contraption would do. On his way out, he ran into his parents.

Redd (M. Typhlosion): Going somewhere, kid?
Flay: Oh. Hi dad. Sorry for taking your gadget. I just need it for a while.
Nova (F. Typhlosion): *gasp* The way you smell and... Oh my gosh! Our little boy is growing up...
Flay: *blushes* Come on, guys. It's not that big of a deal.
Redd: Maybe, but you seem to be growing just fine. And just in time too.
Flay: How's that?
Redd: *hands over a letter* Take a look at this...

Flay read the letter that his dad gave to him. After a while, he laughed and left out the den without saying another word to his parents. They smiled at him, knowing him to be very modest from time to time.

Back in the midst of the forest, the Chikorita girl was roaming around while holding a letter with one of her vines. She picked up a scent in the air.

Chikorita: It's him. He's nearby.

She slowly tiptoed close to Flay, who was lying on back to large tree. His eyes were closed (well... he had strange-looking eyes, as if they were always closed. So no one knows for sure), and was whining for some reason. The Chikorita was soon dead-close to him. She saw his prick flaunted in full length. She was surprised at the length the Cyndaquil had for such a little kid. She was at least one year old from the looks of things, but that didn't make much difference. She then noticed a ring around his rod. But she immediately looked back up and tapped her paw on Flay's stomach.

Chikorita: Um... Excuse me...
Flay: *gasp*

The moment Flay gasped, he spurted out a good load of his semen on the Chikorita's face. She opened up her eyes, wide in shock. She then sat down and it seemed like her mind was blank. But she just took a moment to find out what happened just now. She then saw Flay laughing and pointing at her. She then giggled, realizing now that she might had interrupted him at a bad time. When they settled down, they sat close to each other as Chikorita was busy scraping off the cum off her face with one her vines and licked them.

Flay: Um... Sorry about that.
Chikorita: *giggle* No problem. That was great. You really let yourself go like that. You had quite a load. Was that one of those pleasure things the grown-ups used?
Flay: Yeah. My parents were all lovey-dovey at me because I was taking it from their room. They said I was growing up. How...?
Chikorita: Well, my mother used a rod-like thingy after she mated with my father. I guess their used when they lose a bit of blood in her area. *points her vine at her vagina*
Flay: Oh I see. You smelled and tasted great. Can I have more?
Chikorita: *blush* Uh... I d-don't think so. I'm still tired after what happened yesterday.
Flay: *giggle* I'm glad you liked it...
Chikorita: Riiight... Okay I did like it. I knew you and your friends were watching me all the time, but I never expected one to...
Flay: Yeah. I'm kind of like that. Can I ask something?
Chikorita: Sure...
Flay: *tilts head* Your vines were going in and out in your tail hole. But your lower area, those other vines only wiggled.
Chikorita: You're a male, so you may not understand.
Flay: Try me...

Flay watched as the Chikorita used two vines to spread her pussy and let two more enter her.

Chikorita: *moan* Somewhere inside me, there's a particular spot that gives me some sort of good feeling. My vines are long enough to search and reach there without breaking my barrier.
Flay: Barrier?
Chikorita: *panting* I guess it reminds you that a female hasn't... *moan* mated yet. I-- OH! *pant* haven't done so yet. Now, *gasp* a female... keeps rubbing the spot... until... Aahhhhhhh.....

She couldn't say anyone. She threw her head up and moaned out loudly as she squirted, some drops only hitting the tip of the Cyndaquil's nose. Flay was impressed at what happened.

Flay: Whoa... That's incredible.
Chikorita: *pant* Yeah... I think most males use their paws and rub on their rods until they came.
Flay: Maybe we should clean up know before we talk further...

After they bathed in a close pond, they both saw each other's letter on the ground.

Chikorita: What's that?
Flay: Just something my dad gave to me before I left. Some sort of invitation.
Chikorita: *wide-eyed* What did you say?

They dried up and both read each other's note.

"Dear Berry, daughter of Petto Dazzleberry the Meganium,

You are invited to attended The Bangam School of Pokemon Training and Sex Education. Now that you are of age, you may now attend our fabulous and learn how to battle and mate in the wild. Your map to the dock is enclosed in this note. You will leave later today to be transported to the island. More will be discussed at the school.

Good day,

Professor Bangam

The other note mentioned Flay (or by his real name, Flaymerar).

Flay: Your name is Berry?
Chikorita: Flaymerar... So that's your name, huh?
Flay: Actually, I prefer to be called Flay.
Berry: Okay, Flay. I guess we'll be in the same path. Wait. You are going, right?
Flay: I don't see why not. After thinking about it, I figured I might not want to go. But now, I watched from the sidelines long enough. I could also learned a lot more about female besides what you told me. And I'm really curious to know how it feels to mate with others...
Berry: *giggle* I guess you're right. I have a feeling I'll lose my barrier once we're there, but I don't think it'll matter.

They were about to go to their homes, until they heard a moan in the air. They followed the sound until they found the source. They looked over the bushes in surprise...

Flay: That's... My brother...
Berry: And my sister. They're mating!

*Continued next chapter*
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