AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Rivals! The Casonova VS. The Heartbreaker


K-Ron: So tell me, Flay. How's Art class like? You and Frank are in the same area, right?
Flay: Yeah! There no mating practices involved, but it's still cool.
Burl: Then how about telling us?

The Cyndaquil began telling about the teacher Muddle the Smergel as his Art class. Apparently, it was one of the sex-free classes...

Muddle *Smergel*: Mating performances are a work of art. But true art comes from impressing, appealing, or *curls fingers* 'wowing' the mate with stunning visuals. Humans train pokemon in battles, but some use them in competitions called PokeContests. These events contain two rounds. One of them is the Move Appeal Round, where you execute attacks and combinations for show to a wide audience. Now then, I'm sure you're asking, "What does this have to do with a school for sex?" Well, what you learn in this class doesn't really deal with sex directly, but more to impress the mate. The average mate not only expects a healthy pokemon, but to also have the power to sweep them off their feet...
________END PAST SEQUENCE_______________

Burl: So, do you guys paint or something?
Frank: *nod* That's right, but we also practiced our attacks in Contest form. We--
Sparkchu: Hold on a second, will you, chu? *look at Bulbasaur* Is that who I think it is?

Across the cafeteria was a male Bulbasaur. This one was practically infamous for a good reason, which ends up with bad luck since the start of the year. However, he decided to try his paw at the sleek Umbreon teacher he was approaching...

Bulbasaur: Hey, Miss... Um...
Glowe: Glowe of Dominance class. And you are...?
Bulbasaur: *kiss Glowe's paw* Shawn Cheater, a popular of this fine school. *chuckle* Dominance, eh? Well how about I show you how 'dominant' I can be...
Glowe: I'll think about it... *tilt head* 'Cheater'... Why are you called that? Have you cheated in any way?
Shawn: *nervous; laugh* No, of course not. I'm a fair and decent pokemon. And I--
???: Have no idea of the sheer crap that comes out of your mouth.
Shawn: *growl* Ah shoot. Not now, Ember!

Shawn hated the Flareon Ember. And for good reason. Ember decided to intervene in the conversation.

Ember: *grin* What's wrong?
Shawn: I'm kinda busy talking to the teacher here. So back off!
Ember: Really? *glare* More like talking her into having sex with you.
Shawn: *laugh nervously* What a kidder! A real comedian! *nudge Glowe* So, Miss Glowe, let's go someplace a little more private...
Glowe: *chuckle; look at Ember* Gee, Ember. Does he do this a lot?
Ember: Yes. A male slut to the 3rd degree. He always--
Shawn: *frown* Ah come on, Miss Glowe. Don't listen to her.
Glowe: Actually, I am Interested in hearing this. *wink* We'll talk later, Shawn. Bye-bye.

As Ember lead the Umbreon teacher away from the Bulbasaur, Shawn was in a hint of light rage.

Shawn: Dammit! Ever since she told everyone about me, I've been out of luck with all the ladies. Well, all that's about to change soon enough. I--
Sparkchu: Hey Shawn! Come over here. You can eat with us.
Shawn: *grim* And why should I?!
Sparkchu: *grin* Well, I could tell you. But I don't need to, considering the blow in that reputation of yours and all.

Shawn decided to leave the Ember incident behind for now. He was thinking of a way to get back at her after she wrecked his appealing charisma. Since then, no female spoke to him without a scolding remark and such. He went over to sit with Spark and the Desert Den students.

Flay: Hi there. My name's Flay.
K-Ron: K-Roy. Pleased to meet you.
Burl: Burl. Hello, sir.
Frank: Frank. And your name is...?
Shawn: Shawn.
Sparkchu: Also known as the Heartbraker.
K-Ron: Let me guess. Because he breaks the heart of the females.
Shawn: *grumble* No one wants to hear this, Spark.
Sparkchu: *laugh* Sure they do. Anyway, Shawn here has been an infamous student since four years ago, or more like the previous one. He usually finds a random pretty face, leads her to a spot, mates with that particular before the exams, and run off.
K-Ron: Hmm... I can't tell whether that's good or bad.
Sparkchu: Well... It's bad to just screw someone. But that's not the thing. What's worse was the fact that he didn't even thought about using those safety tablets beforehand. If anything, you may or may not be a father of many, Shawny boy. And I mean that in the most literal since.
Shawn: *glare* You're really enjoying this, aren't you?
Burl: Um... Mr. Shawn? Why are you called a 'male... slut'?
Shawn: *stammer*
Sparkchu: For that very reason, my friend. You're still to young to say that word, but I guess you would need some early know-how and everything. A 'slut', overall, is an adult term meaning one who solely has sex without getting to know the individuals. In fact, he's mated with around 20 different womon last year.
K-Ron and Frank: *shocked* You're joking!
Flay: *laugh* Sounds like a record. I don't think I could top that!
Shawn: *laugh nervously* I would advise against it. *glare* And how about you shut up, you pika-hypocrite. You, that Ember, and that Vapereon tramp are just as much of a slut as I am!

The group laughed out loud as Shawn noticed what he had just said. The Pikachu spoke again.

Sparkchu: *wave finger* On the contrary, I'm nothing like you.
Shawn: For your information, you've mated with 25 different girls last year!
K-Ron: *surprised* Is this true, Spark?
Sparkchu: *sigh happily* Yeah it's true. And how glorious it was. I was able to practice my dancing, art, and other tactics to get just about anyone to mate with me. Of course, I was prepared to use the safety tablets, unlike you, ole Heartbreaker. Also, I admitted to each one about my previous actions, and they liked my honesty as well, *rub cheeks* making me that much cuter. I only needed to wait until after the exams before doing what I do. I'm not sure about Ember except that she loathes you for your actions, but resents me a little less. As for Hydra... Well... *chuckle* I'm not sure about her either. But she is friendly to all the boys, though.
Shawn: *sneer* That's a load of Tauros... Look, I still don't see the difference.
Sparkchu: There's the fact that I stuck by most before they decided to go by themselves, and then... *look left and right* Watch and learn...

Sparkchu went to a Meowth girl who passed by and started using his flirt skills to the test.

Sparkchu: *Royal-like accent* Ah yes. You are a fine and fuzzy kitten, aren't you, chu?
Meowth: *shy* Um, yes. Thank you...
Sparkchu: *hold Meowth's paws* And may I point out that coin charm on your forehead shines like your golden eyes, and those claws... You could have an outstanding success in defense. Those are some pearly-white healthy looking fangs too, chu. And *rub Meowth's back* the fur here is incredibly soft. Of course, I may be exaggerating...
Meowth: *giggle; purr* Do you say stuff like this to all the girls you meet?
Sparkchu: Sweetie, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. But not the same exact stuff. Each lovely lady has a distinct attribute besides their... *ahem* 'forbidden areas'. You just need to know where to look...
Meowth: *hug Sparkchu* Oh, Mr. -- Um... *look at Sparkchu* I didn't get your name.
Sparkchu: *bow* Sparkchu, too. And you, chu...?
Meowth: Dane.
Sparkchu: Ah of course. Dane. rhymes with dame, if you par-done the term.
Dane: *laugh* Not at all...
Sparkchu: If I may, and if you're really interested, I could be your... study buddy for a while until you want to leave me. *extend arms* How about it?
Dane: *giggle* You mean... to practice mating and such? Have you done that with anyone else?
Sparkchu: *laugh* That's right. Although I kinda lost count since last year, (I think it was 20 to 25...) but I told them before I befriended them, and they still liked me. Also, I do happen to have a mate of my own in the mainland. I'm not sure if it's my... *flex* monly physique or good charm that gets their attention. But still, if you don't want to, chu...
Dane: That's fine. I love a pokemon with honesty. *kiss* I'll see you later. And feel free to bring anyone else you would befriend.
Sparkchu: *wave goodbye* Okay. See you, chu.

Spark, with a sure smile on his face, returned to the seat with his friends, who applauded him for his great skill. Of course, the Bulbasaur was unimpressed.

Shawn: So what? You coax her, invited to be her 'study buddy' and she said yes. *groan* How come I'm not getting such luck?
Sparkchu: Well, be honest, make some compliments, get her to your good side, ask her and hope for the best. The problem with you is the fact that you befriended the previous ladies and didn't mean it.
Shawn: Really? I'll show you. Watch and weep...

Shawn spotted a Skitty girl passing by and approached her. But before he could even let out two words, he suffered a harsh SCRATCH attack, causing him to growl in pain.

Skitty: *hiss* GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU PUNK!
Shawn: *teary eyed* But... I'm just being--
Skitty: *meow* The Flareon Ember told me about you. You're lucky I didn't claw you where the sun doesn't shine, you scum. Good day to you, sir.
Sparkchu: Hey there! That's a nice lovely tail you got there!
Skitty: *rushed to Sparkchu; purr* I've heard about you as well. No better than that Bulbasaur, but you are soooooo much nicer. Are you... available as a tutor of sorts?
Sparkchu: Why yes. Yes I am. I'm occupied with a Meowth at the moment, but I can help you out afterwards or you can join.
Skitty: *purr* You have a mate?
Sparkchu: Yup, back home. She doesn't mind me and my antics here.
Skitty: *meow* Then, I'll see you later.
Sparkchu: Find me if anything, miss...
Skitty: Nya. Nyani Spegal.

When the Skitty left to eat, Shawn returned to the table with his face full of scratch marks. The five Desert students were weeping all right; weeping in laughter. When they calmed down, Sparkchu spoke.

Sparkchu: *snicker* I guess the rumor mill from Ember didn't help your rep either. You're striking out left and right.
Shawn: *growl* Screw you!
Sparkchu: *fake gasp* Oh my, Shawny. *femme voice* I know we're friends and all. And I know deep down you like me despite my jester-like attitude. But I... *snicker* never realize you really cared about me that much! *laugh*
Shawn: *bang paw on table* Sparkchu! I had just about enough of your--!

Before he said anything else, the bell rang to end lunch. Both Spark and Shawn glared at each other, possibly throwing down a gauntlet for a battle.

Sparkchu: *grin* Same as usual?
Shawn: *growl* Yes. You and me; Coliseum Circle; Don't be late.
Sparkchu: *smile* I'm looking forward to it...
[[Later in the weekend at Neon Central, Coliseum Circle.]]

Siss: All Right everyone! The following is an exhibition match. The competitors for today will be Sparkchu "The Flirt-Chu-Valor" Gyzan of Desert Den...
*crowd cheering*
Sparkchu: Thank you, chu. Hey! Thanks!
Siss: And the opponent, Shawn "The Heartbreaker" Cheater of Woods Den!
*crowd booing*
Shawn: *sigh; roll eyes* Jeez. Don't everyone jump at once...

Siss: The match will be marked under Single Battle. The rule is to battle until the pokemon is unable to battle in the duration. Are both fighters ready?
Sparkchu: You know it! *look at Shawn* Hey! You sure we have to go through with this? It's getting really old.
Shawn: *growl* You've been a thorn on my side since my rep was shot.
Sparkchu: But... That was only a while ago. *sigh* Never mind. *boxing stance* Let's get this over with...

Siss: And... *drop down arm* BEGIN!

__________START BATTLE_____________
Sparkchu: AGILITY!

Spark and Shawn ran in a circle with sheer velocity, creating a whirlwind breezing out of the field. After at least a minute, they head-butted at each other. They bounced off the impact and collided again. From the crowd's point of view, the two were like a pair of bullets ricocheting from each other in brilliant accuracy. From the side lines, Flay and co. were cheering the mouse on.

Flay: Go, Sparkchu!
K-Roy: We're rooting for you!
Frank: Don't lose, now.
Burl: Watch out!

After one more crash, the two combatants jumped to a suitable distance before Shawn made the first attack.


From under his flower bulb drew out a long vine swishing towards Spark. The Pikachu jumped over the vine and then again as it whipped back.

Sparkchu: What's up with you, chu? Are you trying to battle or playing Jump Rope?
Shawn: I'll show you! VINE WHIP!

Another vine drew out to attack the Pikachu, but he managed to dodge that too. The pair of vines flailed out of the evasive mouse until one of them hit him in his chest. He skidded backward and then charged at the Bulbasaur.


Spark jumped up and rolled vertically forward with his tail glowing a bright light. The tail struck Shawn's head leaving him in a light daze. The girls in the group, especially Ember the Flareon, squealed in delight seeing this cute Pikachu give the Heartbreaker what he deserves.

Shawn shook off the dizziness and charged up with OVERGROWTH and called to the heavens.


The sky went bright showing a ball of light that imitated the sun. The entire crowd covered their eyes from the blinding light before its intensity lowered. Then they saw Shawn's bulb emitting a green light and they knew what was coming.

Shawn: This is the end for you, Spark! SOLARBEAM FIRE!

The bulb fired a green light but Sparkchu managed to run to the other side. What Shawn learned, however, was that he could move himself during the blast. It spun in the direction where the Pikachu was going and soon struck him with a gratuitous blow. Spark impacted on the LIGHT SCREEN covering surrounding the field and landed on his stomach. The girls of the crowd gasped seeing their favorite mouse down for the count while Flay and the others stared out in the dust.

Shawn: *laugh* Looks like I won! Don't ever underestimate me, Sparkchu! It'll only get you in trouble!
Sparkchu: *groan* I... never... was...

In a shock to everyone, the Pikachu struggled to get up.

Sparkchu: *grunt* You know, Shawn... You could have... tackled me while I'm getting up...
Shawn: HAH! No way! I'm not that inconsiderate...
Sparkchu: *grin* That's good. In that case... *TAUNT* Thank you sir. May I have another?

Whether it was a TAUNT or otherwise, Shawn charged up again. As for Sparkchu...


Spark unleashed a massive bolt of lightning not at Shawn, but straight up into the sky and downward onto him. Everyone was confused why he would do that. Suddenly, they stared in awe as from the electricity stood a golden Pikachu. Everyone was surprised... except Shawn. He knew when Spark goes gold, he's on a last-ditch tactic and powered up. As he began to make a dash towards Spark, he decided that he had had no choice but to let out the attack.


The discharge of green light fired again at Sparkchu. Sparkchu himself stood in a dash-start position and began to run at the beam. As the crowd stood silent, assuming Sparkchu would be defeated from one more blast. Then they saw him bursting with high voltage and shined a glorious yellow aura and increasing in lightning speed. With a roar of fighting rage, he charged and literally went through the SOLARBEAM. Nothing could stop the electric freight train that was Sparkchu.

Sparkchu: It's over! VOLT TACKLE ATTAAAAAACK!!!

The Pikachu tackled at Shawn and sent him flying across the field and surprisingly through the shattering LIGHT SCREEN (the LIGHT SCREEN isn't really that hard to break with the right impact)! After a few feet from the boundary, Shawn tumbled and then fell flat on his stomach. He couldn't get up afterwards.

Siss: *throw up hand* Shawn the Heartbreaker is unable to battle! The winner of the match goes to SPARKCHUUUU!

__________END BATTLE_____________

Everyone jumped and cheered. The Pikachu emerged victorious. However, Spark rushed passed the crowd and toward the KO'd Bulbasaur.

Sparkchu: Hey! Does anyone have a Sitrus Berry or something?

The Meowth Spark had met earlier handed him a small bag of berries and then he fed one to Shawn. Shawn instinctively chewed and swallowed the fruit. The berry's effect helped him revive himself and he slowly stood up. He was aching all over but he was able to stand.

Shawn: *groan* Damn... I thought I had that match won.
Sparkchu: *chuckle* I thought so too, chu. But I guess I was too stubborn to quit. I guess if I hadn't made fun of you, we wouldn't throw ourselves into this battle.
Shawn: *shrug* Eh. Don't worry about it.
Sparkchu: *smile* Glad to hear. Hey everyone! *point to Shawn* How about giving Mr. Heartbreaker a round of applause?

The whole audience clapped in reluctant appreciation to the Bulbasaur. Although he knew that some of the females only applauded to him because Spark requested, he was at least respected again, but only just.
Some time later after everyone left to the districts...

Shawn: *chuckle* Don't think this is over, Spark. One day, I will defeat you.
Sparkchu: We'll see, my friend. See you, chu.
Shawn: Bye.

Shawn was alone afterwards. He got over his loss with Sparkchu. But now one more problem was lingering in his mind: Ember. He was still hoping to ruin her reputation as she ruined his. He then remembered sometime ago that she had a sister Eevee named Elizabeth who somehow had a spat with her. In a coincidence while thinking, she showed up to greet him...

???: Hey! Shawn!
Shawn: Liz?
Elizabeth: *kiss* I saw your match with Sparkchu. You okay?
Shawn: *smile* Yeah, I'm fine. How is everything?
Elizabeth: Fine. Fine. Sister Em has been telling me to stay away from you.
Shawn: *grin* Oh really? Come on, the day's still young. Race you to the arcade! *runs off*
Elizabeth: Wait up!

Both Elizabeth and Shawn ran to the Arcade District. The Bulbasaur was still planning his revenge on the Flareon and the Eevee he was with would be the key to her downfall. But after what he'd been through today, he put that aside until later.
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