AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Prelude Part 2: Enrollment

They were about to go to their homes, until they heard a moan in the air. They followed the sound until they found the source. They looked over the bushes in surprise.

Flay: That's... My brother...
Berry: And my sister. They're mating!

In the middle of the open field, a teen Quilava was plowing into a Bayleef in a good force and speed. They both seemed to enjoy it very much.

Flaric (Quilava): *grunt* Geez... You're always so tight!
Sitrusi (Bayleef): *pant* I'm sorry. Should I... loosen up?
Flaric: No way! It's much better this way...
Sitrusi: Merci! But you're not being rough enough...
Flaric: Do you want me to? I don't want to hurt you too much...
Sitrusi: Go on...
Flaric: All right.

They both picked up the pace, moaning ever so loudly. The two spectators would want to play with their lower area, but continued to concentrate on the action. This may be what to expect when they grow up, or when they go to the school.

Both their older siblings yelled out loud as they reached their climax. Their sex fluids flowed out of them, although they still locked in afterglow.

Flay: That's awesome...
Berry: I know. I can't wait to do that.
Sitrusi: I'm glad you liked the show...
Flay and Berry: *Shocked* CRAP!

Both kids were shocked to find out that their siblings could hear them the whole time. They shuffled their paws in embarrassment from invading their privacy. The older two approached them.

Flaric: *laughs* I can't get away from you, bro.
Sitrusi: *giggle* If only you could see the look on your faces...
Flay and Berry: *droop* We're sorry...
Flaric: Don't be. You guys are just little kids. You're supposed to be snooping around.
Berry: So, you're not mad?
Sitrusi: Of course not, petite sister. Huh? What are those?

Flay and Barry showed their siblings the letters for the school.

Sitrusi: This is a surprise...
Flay: Yeah. What do you think big bro?
Flaric: I say you should go. There are plenty of females to meet, and I'm sure you'll be happy that I won't be screwing with you anymore. Now get back home and get ready.

They said goodbye to their older siblings and left. But something was on their minds.

Flay: I didn't know your sister sounded French.
Berry: I didn't know your brother used you as a sex toy. You don't act gay at all.
Flay: Nope. I'm actually straight. My brother just needed me for some practice to help him satisfy his lover.
Berry: You think so?
Flay: Absolutely. I don't really mind. At first, it was uncalled for. But now, I got used to it.
Berry: That's very noble of you
Flay: Thanks! FINALLY! I thought no one but my family would understand. I'm glad he picked your sister as a mate.
Berry: Thank you. Um... Flay?
Flay: What's up?
Berry: When you were licking me yesterday, I felt some sort of warmth inside before I came. What was it?
Flay: Just my Ember attack...
Berry: Wow. You must be pretty weak.
Flay: *laugh* Don't be silly. If I used more power, you would've been burnt. And I don't think it would be pretty.
Berry: Yikes! I should consider myself lucky then.
Flay: I've learned in battle that we pokemon have our own strength and weakness, depending on one's type. I figured the same goes for sex. Judging by the way you gushed out so much, I'm glad it work.
Berry: Well, about that... I was going to thank you, but your friends took you away. I wasn't going to hurt you, at least not afterwards.
Flay: *gulp* Well, then all is fair...
Berry: We learned so much about the opposite sex, I'm starting to wonder if there's even a point of going to this school...
Flay: Maybe we haven't learned as much as we think. We'll see ya later!
Berry: *giggle* You too.

Later that day in the Olivine docks...

At least 20 students, including Flay and Berry, were preparing for departure to the school. With them were Berry's and Flay's families.

Nova: I'm so happy to see you leave to learn. Come here and give your mommy a hug *bear-hugs Flay*
Flay: Mom! Air!
Nova: *lets go* Oh. Sorry, son.
Redd: I guess it's time your older brother told you what's up, right Flaric?
Flay: Don't tell me. He attended there, right?
Flaric: *laughs shyly* Well, Dad was the first in the family to go, then me. Mating with other types of creatures was the best reason to go. Then as time went by, we get to know a whole lot more.
Flay: But you won't tell me...
Flaric: Guilty as charged, bro. I recommended them to invite you, so consider this an early birthday present.
Flay: My birthday was two months ago.
Flaric: Whatever...
Nova: Your father came back during his early days. You wouldn't believe how creative he was... *nuzzle* Isn't that right, honey?
Redd: Now, dear. You can be as frisky as you want when we get home...
Berry: So then who recommended me?
Stratusi: We all did!
Arb (M. Meganium): We all went there when we were invited way back when. Believe us. You won't regret it.
Petto (F. Meganium): Correction. Me and Stratusi were invited back then...
Arb: *laughs nervously* Heh heh. Sorry.
Petto: Of course, regardless of meeting with various mates, it's really meant to be a school for learning how to find a good mate, and to mate properly. Oh. And also wildlife survival and even battle tactics for the fighting-ready. So don't get too carried away.
Flay and Berry: Nice...
Stratusi: And you guys make sure to take a special tablets when instructed by the superiors. You'll thank us later.

After they finished chatting, it was about time to go. The boats they saw look like large rafts, but was a little rickety. Some of the kids were worried how the school would be like. As Flay was following Berry onto the raft, until he heard three familiar voices.

Endo, Lon, and Sneek: FLAY!!!

The Cyndaquil's friends ran to him in lightning speed and somehow crashed into him. They all got up and...

Sneek: Dang, man! You never told us about being invited to a sex school!
Flay: Ouch... Sorry about that, Sneek. I was worried that you would make such a big deal.
Sneek: *laugh* When was the last time I made a big deal?
Endo and Lon: Well...
Sneek: Never mind. Anyway, I heard of that place. It's where you go and learn the tactics of impressing and finding a mate to stay forever, or something like that. There's way to mate, finding the best environments, how to impress the opposite sex, how to properly mate with anyone who's bipedal or quad...
Flay: Stop right there! How do you know all this?
Sneek: My old man was there once. But that's all you need to know.
Endo: The thing is that we're here to wish you good luck.
Lon: And hoping you make it back soon.
Flay: Aw. You guys...
Endo, Lon, and Sneek: Come 'ere!

They were preparing to hug the young Cyndaquil when suddenly...

Slowbro: Laaaaaaast Caaall!

Flay hopped in front of the Slowbro, leaving his buds falling face-first to the ground.

Slowbro: Do you have proof of invitation?
Flay: *shows letter* Here you go...
Slowbro: Very well...

With everyone aboard, the large boat took its leave. The space was a tad limited, but most of the students were able to manage. Some stood at the railed edge and were waving a fond farewell to their families.

Flaric: See ya, bro!
Redd: Have fun out there!
Nova: *sob* We'll miss you, son!
Sitrusi: Bon au revoir, la soeur!
Arb: Be careful throughout the year, Berry!
Petto: Bye Bye, little one!
Sneek: Send us a postcard, okay!
Endo: Farewell!
Lon: Bye now!

An hour had passed by and they met up with some other pokemon who either wanted to go or otherwise dragged to attend. Despite mixed emotions, they all were happy to see new faces and were looking forward to the nine-month year(Okay, most of them). Of course, they reminded each other that there will be lots of others to befriend.

They soon made it to the island and looked in pure amazement. There stood a gigantic mountain in the middle of the island, and as they made their way off the boat, they saw a huge cave. What surprised them the most was the fact that least one or two hundred pokemon were here, all in various types, all attending the same school. Now they knew that finding new friends was going to be easier than they thought.

As they waited inside the cave, they were greeted by a peppy Jigglypuff above them.

Jigglypuff: Welcome, new and returning students, to the Bangam High School of Training and Sex. All returning students please take your sets at your house's tables while new students place line up in an orderly fashion. Will the first years come up one at a time and let our fellow Drowzee of Destiny decide which den you shall be part of...

The students looked up and saw five dual-colored orbs, each most likely to represent a particular group. The hours passed, while each pokemon sat in front of the Drowzee.

Berry: Hello, sir.
Drowzee: Greetings. Please close your eyes.
Berry: Okay... *closes eyes*
Drowzee: *uses Dream Eater* You have excessive knowledge because of your personal experience, yet you wish to learn more. You had lived in the forest throughout your life, but wish to one day travel to a new place. Do you agree?
Berry: I think so.
Drowzee: Okay then. You belong to Sea.
Berry: Thank you, sir.

Next up was Flay.

Drowzee: Hmmm... *chuckles*
Flay: What?
Drowzee: You are a fire of wild who has explored small parts of the world, because you do not wish to stay trapped in isolation. However, you feel like you haven't traveled enough. Your never-ending curiosity flows through the air with a passion. Am I correct?
Flay: *smile* It's like you've looked back into my life. *sarcastic* You must've said this to all the newcomers...
Drowzee: *chuckle* Some, not all. You belong in Desert.
Flay: Thanks!

Jigglypuff: Now when you're finished please join the designated table and receive your den's bandana.

Each of the five circles represented a different group. The yellow/brown colors stood for Desert, blue/white for Artic, light-green/dark-green Woods, dark-blue Open Sea or Ocean, and red/black Magma. Flay and Berry found their colors and put them on, both around their necks.

Once all the first years were set up, the Jigglypuff made one final statement.

Jigglypuff: First up, My name is Aurora. I'll be the guide, counselor, and therapist for this school. Now all first years' students had first thoughts of this school on their way here, and you may be right.
Crowd: *laughter*
Aurora: Just remember though. This is a place mainly to learn about mating and how it's done. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone you'll be interested in, or at least someone representing one back home. So trust me when I say that you won't be virgins when the year is done.
Crowd: *laughter*
Aurora: *ahem* Now, to a surprise for some and a relief to others, this place is not without rules. So listen closely. First years are not to mate outside of their classes until they get their license to mate, which will be handed to you after the first month. Second, and I'm saying this from the bottom of the heart, unless you wish to carry around kin all year, it is a requirement and a must to use protection while mating. Special tablets will be provided during class to prevent such... 'accidents'...
Flay: *to Berry* You think those are what your sis mentioned?
Berry: I suppose. We best remember that.
Aurora: Finally, when dinner is finished all first years will follow the upper-class pokemon to your dens. First thing tomorrow, you will get to your classes and home rooms. Have a nice day, and again, welcome to Bangam High.

After dinner, the two friend met up one more time.

Flay: That was a good meal.
Berry: I know. Anyway, I was informed by an upper-class about the den room. One side is for female, and the other for the males. Each of them have four individual beds and dressers. There's also a mid-room that would be for 'special' purposes after the first few weeks here.
Flay: Hey, what's that around your leg?
Berry: Oh, this? Not sure. It must be some sort of ring or collar. She said it'll be used later for something. It seems ghost-like, so it's like it's not even there.
Flay: Same here. *points to his arm* Then I guess we'll call it a night?
Berry: Yeah. Good Night!
Flay: See you tomorrow!

They finally went their separate ways and checked into their dens, looking forward to the first day of class.

This was going to be an interesting year...
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