AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Signing Up

*IF YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN KEEPING UP WITH Diamond/Pearl news, this is a Korinku (*

It was at least 15 minutes before the time to wake up, so Flay and his three roommates decided to talk about whatever came to mind. His roommates were Frank the Abra, Burl the Teddiursa, and K-Roy, a unique lion pokemon that no one even heard about. K-Roy was among the few creatures that were not only new in the school, but new in 'Monkind altogether, so they discussed about him first...

Flay: So, you're a...
K-Roy: I'm known as a Korinku where I came from. My real name is Kimbay Royaline, of the Royaline family. I usually prefer to be called K-Roy.
Flay: That's unbelievable. I've seen a lot of 'mon in a long time, but I've never seen creatures like you.
K-Roy: Well, you haven't seen anything yet. There are plenty more creatures that came with me to this school.
Burl: And why did you come?
K-Roy: Well... I've been playing and battling and traveling for a long time now. When I came back, my dad Lee Yon told me I was missing one major thing. That happened to be missing a good knowledge of mating tactics. I wouldn't want to go since I wouldn't want a mate when I grow up, but maybe that may change after a few years.
Frank: Your dad made you come here, right?
K-Roy: Yes. And no. I had mixed thoughts of going, so I challenged him to a battle.
Flay and Burl: *shocked* You fought your own father?!
K-Roy: Don't you guys? Anyway, if I beat him, I wouldn't go. But since I wasn't able to, I didn't have much of a choice. I'm kinda curious how this whole mating thing is about since I saw my parents did it.
Burl: How does it work?

It wasn't a surprise that most would ask how things like this work, and why it's so enjoyable. Frank already knew how mating works, but didn't say anything. As for K-Roy and Flay, they took turns on bringing the bear cub up to speed.

Flay: Let's see... Where to begin... You see, it's pretty simple when you think about it. The first thing the male and female notice is if their lower areas are wet or sticking out.
Burl: *tilts head* Huh?
K-Roy: Here. *points to his penis* If the male has this sticking out, that means they're ready. Females have more of a long hole instead of this, but if they're wet here, then they're ready.
Flay: I guess if they aren't wet enough, they would lick each other beforehand.
Burl: That doesn't sound so tasty.
Flay: It depends on the type, actually. It's good when a mate is a plant Pokemon. I think licking another's lower area can prepare them for mating for some reason...
K-Roy: You already mated?
Flay: Not really. My friend said if a female's area leaks blood, it means they mated.
Burl: *nervous* That sounds painful...
K-Roy: I was told that it is at first, but soon feels good after a few seconds. *thrusts* I saw my dad do this after he pushed close enough to my mom. Then he continued it at a slow pace.
Flay: Did they make any sounds during that?
K-Roy: Hmmm... As a matter of fact, yes. They did. I saw them going at it faster and faster. My mom was telling dad not to stop, and my dad was saying that mom had gotten 'tight'. No clue why.
Burl: Then what happened?
Flay: Well, they were bumping forward to each other until they screamed and some white stuff came out.
Burl: White stuff? Was that some sort of cream?
Flay: Actually, I think us males shoot out that sticky stuff. The female's is clear and fluid. Then they fell asleep on each other.
Burl: Were they tired?
Frank: Yes, they were. If they keep moving as you guys describe it, then they always get tired. But that's what makes it interesting.
???: I'm surprised you three know a lot about sex...

The four turned to see a Pikachu walking to them. He was only a few inches bigger than the four.

Pikachu: *bows* Allow me to introduce myself. The name's Sparkchu. I'll be in charge of the Desert den. How about you guys?
Flay: I'm Flaymerar. But I friends call me Flay.
K-Roy: I'm Kimbay. But my nickname's K-Roy.
Burl: My name is Burl. Pleased to meet you.
Frank: Frank.
Sparkchu: It's nice to see all of you, chu. Now, if you come with me, we'll have breakfast and then lead you guys to the castle. Come on.
Flay, K-Roy, Burl, and Frank: Right!

As they went for breakfast, Flay asked himself....

Flay: Wait. Did he just say 'castle'?

After breakfast, they went to the class setup area outside to get their schedules. Of course, they had to wait in a long line to it. As they waited, a familiar face approached Flay.

Berry: Hey Flay!
Flay: Berry?
Berry: It's so nice to see you again.
Flay: You, too.
Sparkchu: *beside Flay* Friend of yours?
Flay: Oh. Yeah. Mr. Sparkchu, this is my friend, Berry Dazzleberry. We came here together.
Sparkchu: I see... *holds and kisses Berry's paw* And may I point out that you are quite lovely today, oh shiny young plant...
Berry: *giggle* My... Aren't you the little flirt...
Flay: *crosses arms* I can leave you two alone if you want.
Berry: *smile* Don't be silly, Flay. We won't have our licenses until next month. Anyway, I was hoping to wait in line with you and compare schedules.
Flay: Sure. So, how are your friends like?
Berry: They're pretty cool. There's a Kirlia named Twy, a Butterfree named Sparkle, and a Mareep named Wulo.
Flay: That's nice. These are my buddies: Frank, Burl, and K-Roy.
Frank, Burl, and K-Roy: *bows* Nice to see you.
Berry: *bows* Nice to see you as well...

Upon reaching the registrar, they received their schedules.

Berry's classes:
Pre-Mating Rituals/Positioning

Flay's classes:
Cum Studies
Pressure Pointing
Study Hall*
*Both a basic class and elective. You may change this at any time.

Berry: Darn it. We have the same class but different periods.
Flay: I guess we can't hope for everything.
Berry: Yeah. So, are you planning on finding a schoolmate?
Flay: A what?
Sparkchu: I'll handle this. There are three types of buddies here: There are friends who arrived here from the same homeland. Then there are the den mates, the guys you hang with in the den rooms. Lastly, there are Schoolmates, those who are... 'mates' for the school year. Think of them as study buddies and they're formed when they're in at least one class with you, chu...
Flay: Have you found one?
Berry: Yeah. There's a cute Cubone I met up with earlier this morning. He's quiet, but he's all right.
???: Um, excuse me...

A Bellossom came by, and in some sort of irony, she talked with Flay.

Bellossom: Do you have S-Effect class in the first period.
Flay: Yeah, I do.
Bellossom: Well, I was just wandering... It's kinda out of the blue but... I don't wanna bother you.
Flay: *pats Bellossom's head* Relax. Just take a deep breath and let it out...
Bellossom: *inhales and exhales* Can you be my schoolmate for a while? *covers mouth*
Flay: Hmm... I don't see why not. How come?
Bellossom: Well... I've been with females mostly, and I'm kinda nervous to males.
Flay: But if you're so nervous, you don't have to force yourself to befriend me.
Bellossom: *shuffles legs* It's just that my mom believes that I should come here to at least find one male friend to be with for the year. But if you don't want to...
Flay: I don't mind.
Bellossom: Um... Thank you. *kisses Flay* I'll be seeing you later. *runs off*
Flay: Wait! I didn't get your... name. *Turn to Berry* I guess I have my schoolmate.
Sparkchu: If you're quite through, you still need an elective.

After checking the list of extra classes, Flay chose Art while Berry chose Dominance. After they said goodbye, Flay rejoined his group.

Flay: I'm starting to find out what that 'Dominance' class is about.
K-Roy: How's that?
Flay: I'm not sure. Have your parents done something like that?
K-Roy: Sorta. I remember them wrestling each other before mating. My mom often wins since she's much stronger.
Flay: Aren't males supposed to be the strongest?
Frank: Not always. It just depends on the amount of training they possess.
Flay: So how does it connect with mating?
Sparkchu: Well, while it's fair to be as gentle when it comes to sex, a little aggression can make things very interesting.
K-Roy: Then I'd best be ready.
Burl: Same here!
Frank: Hold on. You signed up there?
Burl: Why not? It sounds cool. But what does 'TBA' mean?
Sparkchu: It means 'to be announced'. We're gonna be having a new teacher since five years ago.
Flay: Five?
Sparkchu: I've only been here a year after it closed, and only now it'll reopen. I'm not sure why it was closed down...
???: Oh Flirt-Chu-Valor !
Sparkchu: Oh no...

Sparkchu was tackled by a lovely Vaporeon. They both kissed for at least a minute before breaking. Sparkchu managed to come out of his trance.

Sparkchu: Hydra "The Siren" of Arctic den. You haven't changed one bit, have you, chu?
Hydra: Neither have you, my dear little mouse. And who are these tasty morsels?
Sparkchu: These are hands-off students for the moment, miss. They're with me.
Hydra: *faces close to Sparkchu* Well, when you're not too busy this weekend, we could have a romantic 'wet and wild' afternoon. Don't hesitate to make some 'shocking' developments on the way...
Sparkchu: *nervous* Oh, I won't...
Hydra: You have no one to blame but yourself for your good looks and kind words, Sparky. You always have a way with impressing the other ladies every year. *kisses and runs off* I gotta help my group! We 4th years will meet again to chat, lovely!
Sparkchu: *sighs loudly*

After the four Desert den friends were done laughing, they learned Sparkchu had a history of being the 'Casanova' of the school giving him the name of Flirt-Chu-Valor, while Hydra the Vaporeon's beauty and voice attracted a lot of males resulting in her "Siren" title.

Some time later...
Flay: Holy...
K-Roy: Oh my...
Frank: What the...
Burl: That's a BIG house!

As if by answering Flay's previous question, the group looked in awe as they gazed upon the glorious splendor that was a giant castle at the end of the trail.

Sparkchu: *snickers* And you thought I was kidding...

The group remained silent. Strangely enough, Frank's mouth was opened the whole time.

As they went inside, the whole place was too much for words. In the middle hallway, they looked up to an old portrait showing an Absol.

Flay: Who's the old 'mon?
Sparkchu: That 'old mon' is the one who founded the whole school. After a few years here, students learn a lot about mating. It's more than just 'linking' to another mate. It's all about creativity and perfecting your styles, so to speak. Here's where your journey of sex begins...
K-Roy: Tomorrow.
Burl: What's that?
K-Roy: Take a look.

A note that the blue lion saw says that the classes will begin first thing tomorrow. The reason wasn't mentioned, though.

Flay: *droops* Great. Now what?
Burl: We might as well go back.
Frank: Wait. There's something else...

They checked the rules below the note. They included restriction of out-of-class mating without a license, no unauthorized fighting, and so on. One little thing caught Flay's attention.

Flay: Sparkchu, even if our licenses are void outside the island, what's to stop us from mating after the school year?
Sparkchu: *snickers* Are you actually planning to have sex throughout the whole summer?
Flay: Hmm... Good point. Let's go back and talk. See you later, Sparkchu.
Sparkchu: See you, chu!

Before they were out of sight, the Pikachu remembered Hydra and decided to catch up with the others.

Sparkchu: Hey guys! Wait for me!
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