AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


A 'Super Effective' 1st Day

???: Welcome students to another fine year of sex, training, and learning how to survive in this world of ours. Now for those who don't know me, my name is Professor Bangam the fonder of Bangam's school of sex and training. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible so listen up and listen well since I'll only say this once, young pokemon....

An ancient Absol standing beside a Pokeball statue pointed out a couple of extra rules, then explained special locations that can be accessed by a giant mirror, and such. He let out a few coughs, but a few know that he's fine, more or less. Any 'mon with even a bit of knowledge about Absol knows that they can live for a long, long time.

Absol: ...Take full advantage of the wisdom the school has to offer. Take in as much information as you can and practice when ever you can. And remember: there is someone out there for everyone all you must do is just look... Good day.

When the old pokemon left, everyone else began to make their way to their classes. Flay decided to talk to Sparkchu beforehand.

Flay: So that's Bangam...
Sparkchu: Yep. He's old and wise. And don't let his age and looks fool you. He's a very powerful creature.
Flay: How's that?
Sparkchu: Well... I rather not talk about it.
Flay: Is it that bad?
Sparkchu: If it was, I wouldn't be still standing. If you see him at Neon Central, you'll see. But it's nothing serious or anything.
Flay: What about this 'Phara Forest'?
Sparkchu: Let's see... There was a legend saying that many plant pokemon mate almost endlessly, causing a strong, sweet, and potent smell throughout the forest. This affects lots of students here, but as long as you're still within the forest. A few classes can go in there for special occasions, but it's restricted to any beginners unless accompanied by one of us. But that can wait. You better get to your first class.
Flay: Okay. Bye!
Sparkchu: Take care, will you, chu?

???: Gather around the pond children, and gaze into water.

Entering his first class, Flay almost thought it to be an outdoor class. It all looked so real. He approached the pond and saw a reflection of himself. The Espeon was looking alongside him.

Espeon: Interesting. You seemed to have encountered a Bellosom. Will she be with you in the class?
Flay: I guess so, Miss...
Espeon: Aylra.

The Cyndaquil was intrigued by the appearance of the Espeon teacher. He soon met up with the flower girl.

Flay: Excuse me...
Bellosom: Hm? Oh hi there, Mr. Cyndaquil. I didn't see you.
Flay: You said you wanted to be a schoolmate?
Bellosom: *nods* Mm-Hmm. I know you have another one, a girlfriend of some sort. I just feel like finding a male to hang out with. I have a lot of friends and den mates.
Flay: That's good to hear.
Aylra: Now, Class...

All of the class turned to the Espeon as she began introducing herself.

Aylra: Now, if you have all taken your tablets, we'll get started. My name is Aylra and I will be teaching the S-Effect class for some many years to come. For those who ask "Why some years?" you see, not everyone will switch teachers when the year is over. Most just keep their teachers throughout their school career, while some might switch if the teacher is not working for them. Moving on to those who are curious about the pond, the pokemon you have seen in the water shall be your mate for the rest of the year in this class. It's easier if you found a schoolmate, if your upper-class den mates had already told you. Now, I want all of you to get to know your mate as both of you will be together all year. By the time you finish you should know your mate as well as you know yourself.
Tyrogue: So, how exactly is this class supposed to work?
Aylra: Hmm... My previous classes last year rarely ask this... It would be better to show you before I explain. If you like, please come here...

Some students, including Flay, knew that psychic-types are super-effective against fighters. The Tyrogue knew about this too, and began to get nervous. When he was now pretty close to the Espeon teacher, she quickly places her paw close to his shorts. When she closed her eyes, her paw lowered downward, with the shorts alongside with it.

Tyrogue: W-What's going on?
Aylra: If you want to stop, I won't mind...
Tyrogue: No. Please, keep going.
Aylra: Then relax...

When the Tyrogue's pouch was exposed, Aylra licked it. After a few seconds, the Tyrogue's penis had risen up in full length. The class stared in awe in this sudden happening. Then the Espeon sat down and placed her forepaws around the fighter's rod.

Aylra: Hidden Power... Helping Hand...

After a glow of her paws, she began going up and down, without touching it at all.

Aylra: *sniff* That's a familiar smell. Have you masturbated or have someone helped you?

The Tyrogue only nodded and was moaning loudly now. He never felt this good before. Psychic attacks would normally hurt fighting-types, but this was different. He felt like he was screwing a fluffy cloud. Aylra kept this up a quite a while, leaving the Tyrogue to moan out as if the room was empty. After a few more minutes, he let out a yell and shot his seed into the Espeon's mouth. Aylra swallowed the load, and then licked her paw to remove a bit of the aftertaste from her mouth. The Tyrogue fell on his butt in exhaustion, smiling in was seemed like a freaky experience, while the rest of the class just stared in awed silence.

Aylra: So... How was that?
Tyrogue: *breathing hard* That... was... incredible!
Aylra: What's your name?
Tyrogue: Paunch...
Aylra: *kisses Paunch's cheek* Go ahead and rest, young one. You were a great volunteer.
Tyrogue: Can we... try... that... again... later?
Aylra: We'll see. But not right now. Now please rest. You've earned it. *turns to the class* And that my friends is what this is all about. If you have battled a few times in your life, you know about the Power Advantage factor. However, that effect can also work here in a sexual relationship. Be warned though, such relationships can be harmful unless you can control your power. As we continue this class for the year, you'll learn of the benefits of inter-type sex as well as its small dangers. Also, because of the intense pleasure here, it's really the most strength-deducing. That is why we have Medicare items available for either accidents or at the end of class when most are REALLY tired.
Smoochum: *raises hand* Um... Miss? Are there any stories you like to tell us relating to this class?

The class murmured in agreement. Many love listening to the memories of teachers' experience and what got them into the class.

Aylra: Well I... *bell rings* Oh my! *blushes* Where did the time go? All right, everyone. Stories will have to wait until tomorrow, so get some rest as soon as you can. And one more thing: Those who have an early advantage, I'll be... personally... picking a third person to make sure you'll be on the receiving end. Have a nice day.

The Espeon used a Morning Sun, healing the Tyrogue. She then sat back and stared at the pond while the class left.

Flay: That was awesome, isn't it?
Bellosom: *blushes* Uh...
Flay: *taps Bellosom* Yo!
Bellosom: *gasp* Oh. Sorry. Well, I-I gotta g-go... Next class and all...
Flay: Sure thing. By the way, what's your name?
Bellosom: My...
Flay: Well, like the teacher said, we need to get to know each other.
Bellosom: Yes. My name's Amjy. No! I mean Tanjy! Yeah. That's it. Tanjy of Artic Den... My real name is Tanjylanna, but I like the name Tanjy more. *giggles nervously*
Flay: Flaymerar. Call me Flay.
Tanjy: All right, Flay. Sorry for my nervousness. But I've never been this close to a male before.
Flay: Your mom doesn't allow males.
Tanjy: No no. That's not it. I... Uh... it's just. I grew up with a lot of female plant pokemon since I was born. As I grew, I kissed a lot of females. Well, I did more than that, but my mom had no problem with that. After she told me about this place and the fact that she came here before, I pushed myself into going.
Flay: You sure? You didn't need to.
Tanjy: *shuffles leg* I know. But I have a knack for taking risks and everything. So that's why... if we practice mating in the S-effect class... I want you to be the first.
Flay: First? Surely there might be others...
Tanjy: Yes, but before I mate with anyone else, I want you to first. I'm not sure why. I don't mind being taken advantage by some shady male...
Flay: *tilts head*
Tanjy: But first, I want to mate with you. It's just something I have, or want, to do. I'm sure you would mate with someone else before that happens, but I don't really care. Is that okay?
Flay: *smiles* Sure. Why not...
Tanjy: *smiles* Thanks. I appreciate it, Flay. Bye.
Flay: See ya.

They both went to their own 2nd classes, looking forward to meet again later.

Flay: That's a strange girl, but she's really friendly. After all, I guess I would act like that if I was her...
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