AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Dominating Force

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I may have to add or edit this chapter later. But it seems okay to me.
Lunchtime in the cafeteria was busy as usual. Friends were talking to other friends about something or other. Flay and his friends were conversing about their classes. The Cyndaquil then saw his lion friend with a blank stare. He decided to tap him on the head to get his focus.

Flay: Hello? K-Roy? HEY! ROY-BOY!
K-Roy: *shake head* Huh? What?
Frank: You have been staring into nothingness since the past week. Is something the matter?
Burl: Yeah... I'm worried. It's like you've seen a ghost.
K-Roy: *look at ceiling* And a beautiful 'ghost' for that matter. Well... Actually it was an Umbreon.
Burl: *smile* Oh yeah. Miss Glowe.
Flay and Frank: *confused* Who's Miss Glowe?
Burl: The Domino teacher. She's a bit scary, but she's actually very nice.
K-Roy: *sigh* It's Dominance teacher.
Frank: *chuckle* I see. I guess rumors of students falling in love with teachers are true. So how about telling us about it?
K-Roy: If you insist...
As lunch continued, K-Roy began talking about the dominance class and its new teacher.

_______________BEGIN PAST SEQUENCE_____________

K-Roy: Hmm... This must be the place.

Upon entering the room, he noticed an outdoor-like environment. It was huge and almost like a plateau to say the least. He checked his surroundings. The floor was rough and rocky, but was filled with moss to ease the feeling. The walls and ceiling were almost mistaken for the real sky, and a window on the side gave a clear view of the plaza area. He then noticed a mirror beside it as he read the scripted plaque.

K-Roy: "Mirror of the Hidden. For those who quest for secrets. But some things are better left unsaid." I wonder what that means.
???: It means that it's better to not know every truth and regret it later.

The lion cub turned in shock and suddenly his mouth went almost agape. Right in front of him stood one of the most beautiful Umbreon he ever saw. She wasn't fully an adult, or at least that's what it looked like. In fact, she almost looked like a teen. K-Roy had seen many Umbreon before in unique styles, mainly because of the rings. This one had something else. Aside from the rings, she had a set of silver stripes that gleamed in the light: Two on her muzzle cheeks, one at the spine, and one across her chest area. Something else gave off a hint of deception from her, but aside from that, she looked really nice. She spoke in a soft and shy-ish tone.

Umbreon: *smile* I get that a lot from the other students. *eyes flash* Now follow me, and we'll get started...

The cub felt like he was being pulled by an unknown force, but he couldn't resist. He slowly began to follow the shadowy femme creature to the front of the class. He then felt relived as the force left him, but then panicked.

K-Roy: Aah! What's going on?! How did I--
Umbreon: *place paw on K-Roy's muzzle* Please calm yourself, little one.

K-Roy settled and sat next to the teacher, as she began her piece.

*turn to class* Now then. My name is Glowe, and I will be your dominance teacher for the year. This is an advanced class, mostly for us dark-types, but other types of pokemon are always welcome to join. I'm guessing there are some questions I can answer. *look at Treecko student* Yes?
Treecko: What exactly is 'dominance' about?
Glowe: *giggle* I'm sure you realize by now. But it's always best to make a reminder. The basics of dominance display the arts of physicality, force, and grace in mating.
Treecko: "Force"?
Glowe: Indeed. It's one thing to just mate, but it's another to mate in a... 'rough' sort of way. Sometimes it can be good to use a kind of force on your mate to make things... interesting.
Larvitar: *shudder* Like... rape?
Glowe: *nod* You... might say that. But there's a huge difference. If no one wants to hear it then...

Despite the circumstances, a majority of the class want to at least hear what she wants to say. A female with such a cute or beauty factor can't always be ignored as, at times, beauty is balanced with wisdom.

Glowe: *hold paw* You see, when it comes to rape, the one gender wants to mate while the opposite does not. You may think that males are the only kind of attackers, but females are no better. I'm sorry, but it's true. The pokemon would not take no for an answer and soon attacks the other before having their way with them, since they either want to desperately find a mate or just find relief. In the end, they'll either like it or they don't. If the person doesn't like it, and this happens most of the time, then trouble brews for the attacker. The parents of the victims, or any other relative for that matter, can go as far as kill the attacker or, at the very least, rape them back for vengeance and such. This can happen at anytime, anywhere.

The whole class grew silent as she continued. Some were a bit nervous to have someone who is so kind could talk about stuff like that with a straight face.

Glowe: *chuckle* But dominance can be fun and even enjoyable if done by a willing player. I'm sure most of you want to mate or practice mating, others want to play, and then there are some who prefer to battle. Am I right?

Everyone in class murmured in agreement before she went on.

Glowe: Well, this is a little mix of those. We'll demonstrate. *turn to K-Roy* Mr. Korinku, what is your name?

K-Roy only stared at her blankly. Glowe tapped on his nose firmly to get his attention.

K-Roy: *stutter* Uh! It's A-Koy! I-I mean K-Roy! K-Roy, ma'am!
Glowe: *nod* That's an interesting name. Now, try and attack me, K-Roy.
K-Roy: *shocked* What?!
Glowe: Go ahead...

K-Roy hesitated at first, but then he nodded and backed up to gain distance. The Umbreon used a TAUNT move by turning her head in a "Come here" fashion. K-Roy found the rush he needed and charged at her. Just at he head-butted her, she did the same thing. The collision was hard, but did very little damage. They pushed each other as hard as they could. You could think of this as a tug-of-war, except it was more shove than tug. Just then, the Umbreon used her paws and slam down on the Korinku's back, but rather than a brutal strike, she instead hit firmly and then caused them to sparkle. Before anyone asked, K-Roy began to laugh uncontrollably.

K-Roy: *laugh hysterically* No! Wait! STOP! THAT'S NOT FAIR!
Glowe: Ah. But you love it, don't you? Can't resist a good TICKLE, huh? This is one kind of attack that some may love. TICKLE can bring almost anyone into submission. It's not only painless, but... *laugh* well everyone knows about this.

She kept using TICKLE until K-Roy rolled onto his back. As the attack faded, Glowe quickly jumped on him and rested her rear on him, her slit resting firmly on the cub's muzzle and close to his nose. K-Roy could clearly smell the female's scent, and besides the SWEET KISS his pouch received form her, his shaft instantly emerged and hardened. He seemed to like this already.

Glowe: *murr* This is a particular position humans call 'the 69'. This means that the mates have each other's genitals near their faces, and this can allow them to 'eat each other out'. Now before anyone asks, 'eating each other out' means to use your tongue and lips to *lick K-Roy's penis* stimulate the mate. Of course, the term more refers to females with other females. How's everything back there, K-Roy?
K-Roy: *pant* It's... good. Don't... stop... *purr*
Glowe: Make sure to lick me as well. Children, this is pretty fair since you both can have there way with each other. *grin* Now, let's see who cums first. *chuckle* I know who'll be the victor here today...

Both the teacher and student began licking her privates. K-Roy had a hard time concentrating away from the pleasure of his hard-on, but he managed to start licking inside Glowe's nether walls. He even purred on them, making it feel like a mild vibrator. The Umbreon murred back at this and sucked harder, while bobbing up and down. Her tongue swirled around the tip of the lion cock. Meanwhile, the class stared in awe and suspense, hardly taking their eyes off of the action. After a few more minutes, K-Roy rowled our loud and bucked his hips as he shot a few sets of his spunk into Glowe's mouth. Glowe swallowed every last drop before she was about to get off, but then she felt not to get off. She unknowingly rubbed herself on K-Roy's mouth as she felt close to her own climax.

Glowe: *pant* I can't believe this. No one... *pant* has ever... got me this... clooooooooose *mewl*

To her own surprise, she finally reached her orgasm and squirted her juices into the cub's maw. K-Roy was able to drink as much of the nectar as he could. It was a little sweet, but its taste was still mysterious. Either way, he loved it. Glowe was able to gather enough strength to her limbs and got up. The next thing she heard was the class cheering from the ordeal. After shaking of a tingling feeling from her body, she then looked at the exhausted K-Roy and then the class.

Glowe: *pant; sigh happily* I take it that you all loved that? Well, that's what makes it fun. Many would use this for their own pleasure, but it's very wise to make sure the mate loves it. I'm saying this as both a word of advice and a word of warning because like I said earlier, if the pokemon doesn't like you and you do it anyway, things can get pret-ty ugly. Also, these moves can be dangerous as they may backfire, not by harm, but the mate may counter it. But that can be a good thing as well.
Marill: *raise paw* How's that?
Glowe: *wink* Let's just say that submitting is just as fun as controlling. But I digress. *bell ring* Well, that's all for today. I'll be picking more... volunteers for more demonstrations. And then you'll practice with your classmates. We'll distribute the safety tablets then. Remember, once you finish this class, you'll learn that dominance will sometimes play a good role to spice up your future mate's love life. Have a nice day!

The class was soon emptied except for Glowe and K-Roy. Glowe used MOONLIGHT to refresh on him to refresh his energy, causing him to get up.

Glowe: K-Roy, that was...
K-Roy: *droop* I know. Sorry. I didn't know you didn't want--
Glowe: *laugh* Are you kidding? That was great. You were one of the few this first week to almost get me to cum before the student. I'm surprised I climaxed by you at all. You've got potential.
K-Roy: *laugh nervously* Gee. Thanks.
Glowe: *murr lustfully* And if you play your cards right, you could be a real teacher's pet...
K-Roy: I-eeeeeee don't really want to be a teacher's pet.
Glowe: It's not as bad as you think. In cases like these, I have a feeling that some students that were here will soon dream about me at night and hope that they would one day dominate me.
K-Roy: Has anyone done so?
Glowe: Not as close as you. Lastly, have your parents ever been in this school before?
K-Roy: My dad. *hold up paw* Can I ask one last thing?
Glowe: Sure.
K-Roy: All this talk about what this class is not about. Have you ever been in that situation?
Glowe: Well...
K-Roy: *panic* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. I gotta go. Bye! *runs off*
Glowe: *giggle* To be young again... or at least younger than usual...
_________END PAST SEQUENCE__________

Frank: No wonder you've been so distracted lately. She must be very...
K-Ron: *confused* What's with him?
Flay: *point* Take a look...
Burl: Hmm?

They found out that Frank was looking at the silver striped Umbreon K-Roy was talking about, noticed exactly how beautiful she was. Suddenly, she approached the group.

Glowe: I see everyone is doing nicely. Hi there, K-Roy.
K-Roy: *blush* Um... hi.
Glowe: And who is this cute Cyndaquil.
Flay: I'm Flaymerar, or Flay. *point to Frank* And this is Frank.
Glowe: Pleased to meet you, Frank... Hello?

When she tapped Frank, he tipped over like a fallen statue. At least he wasn't breakable, she thought. She immediately turned to the kid Teddiursa.

Glowe: *smile* And you are...
Burl: Burl. I'm in one of your Do-mi-nancy classes.
Flay: I suppose he was impressed with whatever demo you did, Miss Glowe?
Glowe: Actually, I saw him doze off.
Frank: *get up* That's sad...
Glowe: Well, I sense some great power in him. If you're not scared or anything, then how about you be my volunteer tomorrow?
Burl: *giggle* Sure thing, Miss.
Glowe: *wink* Bye now.

As the Umbreon teacher left off to whatever she was going to do, the bell soon rang, but Flay had something to say to Frank before they left.

Flay: *laugh* Burl sleeping in an interesting class is sad. A calm and sophisticated Abra like you acting goofy is even sadder.
Frank: *sigh* Yeah, you're probably right...
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