AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


Making the Grade

It was around the end of the month and, after learning the basics, everyone was eager to take the test. The students quietly greeted their partners before Aylra began her speech while standing beside a portal of some sort she just made with her PSYCHIC.

Aylra: All right, class. Today is the day where you all begin your license test. This will be based on what you have learned thus far throughout the month. The first half will involve not only overall knowledge of mating based on other classes, but also this one with a matching test on the Attack Advantage Factor System. You must match what types are powerful against and those that are weak against. You get extra points for finding matches that do not have any effect on each other. As I mentioned earlier, that's called Attack Immunity, which has very little or no damage, but can work if you have strengthened or leveled. Now, after you're finished, there is a portal beside me. It will lead to a dimensional field where you will take the physical part of the test.
Garmeil: *raise paw* Why can't it be done here?
Aylra: *smile* Well, as eager as you guys want to watch your fellow students... *raises paws* ahem... 'get it on', I feel it's better for remaining students to concentrate finishing the first half. Lastly, if you do not wish to mate for the 2nd half of the test, that's understandable. You don't have to if you don't want to. When you're done, head to the plaza area to receive your license. Now then, if there's nothing else, let's begin.

The first half was very easy to perform to say the least. Each student was given a piece of paper with the attack chart ranging from fire to dragon, at least 12-15 types in all. They each had a advantage and a weakness: Water is effective against fire, but not much against grass. Electric is useless against ground, but powerful against flying types. And although no one knew why, not even the teacher, Dragon types are strong against themselves. To answer these questions, the students mark a check for super effectiveness, an '=' for 'No effect', and a diagonal line for 'not much effect'. After finishing the paper, Flay handed it to the Espeon Teacher.

Flay: *smile* Here, Miss.
Aylra: *smile* Why thank you, Flay. Now let's see. *look at paper* Hmm... yes... interesting... You do happened to miss a few, but you have pretty much everything down packed. 94 for you. Do you want to wait until your classmate finishes?
Flay: *shrug* I guess so.

After at least 10 minutes, Tanjy the Bellosom finished her paper and handed it to Aylra.

Aylra: *look at paper* Mm-hm... Ah... Hmmm... that's correct... Hm...
Tanjy: *shuffle leg* It's bad, isn't it.
Aylra: You get an 86, very good. *pet Tanjy* Trust me, Tanjy. Everyone can be off at times. Anyone who has a low, low grade can take it again if they want. But since you did well, you pass. *smile* Not bad for your first try.
Tanjy: *jump* YAY! I did it! Isn't that great, Flay?
Flay: Shh... There are some others still taking the test.
Tanjy: *giggle nervously* Um... Sorry.
Aylra: Since you're done, do you wish to take the physical part of the exam?
Tanjy and Flay: *nod*
Aylra: Very well then. *feed Tanjy and Flay tablets* If you can now step through the portal, you may begin at anytime.

On the inner side of the portal was a sight to behold. While confusing, it was indeed beautiful. There was a space of glowing light-blue nothingness with sparkles and stars swirling around in a slow pace. The air swirled in cool and warm, making the atmosphere very clear and comfortable. There wasn't any ground, but it sure felt like it. They could see a few pairs of students who have finished with their tests. Since there was so much space in this field, the two students more than successfully found a good spot to do the 2nd half.

Flay: *tilt head* Is something wrong, Tan?
Tanjy: *shudder* Um... I guess I'm nervous. This is the first time I'm mating with someone other than another female... Have you mated with anyone yet?
Flay: *shake head* No. A little licking here and there. At the Cum Studies class I was with a Spinda getting her to 'squirt out', but other than that, I haven't done it with anyone yet. And you?
Tanjy: No one. I had the same class but in a different period. It was a Bippa. His cum was a bit bittersweet, but I liked it. *giggle* But I didn't mate with him. Um... I think we should get started now.
Flay: Maybe we should prep up, first?
Tanjy: *perk* Oh. Okay. I'll go first.

Tanjy slowly approached the Cyndaquil and kissed him on the lips. After a moment of receiving feedback, she used her tongue to explore within his muzzle, causing Flay to retaliate and used his tongue. They were both tongue-wrestling for some time before breaking the kiss, which made a web line of saliva trailing off in the process. They both gasped for air while taking a break.

Flay: *breathe* That... was some kiss. I see you have been practicing back home...
Tanjy: *giggle* I knew you like that. In fact, look down.

Flay looked down and was surprised that his prick already grew to as long as it could.

Tanjy: That's kinda big...
Flay: *blush; chuckle* I get I'm more than ready.
Tanjy: *wink* Not yet...

The flower girl lowered her head and licked Flay's rod. Each small touch of the tongue caused it to twitch. Flay whimpered in comfort as Tan soon started sucking on it. She bobbed while placing her tongue on the underside of the mouse's penis. Flay was soon whimpering in pleasure, surprised be his own voice. After a good while, she stopped.

Tanjy: *exhale* Sorry to stop there, but could you...?
Flay: *grin* You got it...

Flay wasted no time as he went underneath Tanjy's 'flower dress'. He then started licking her wet slit. As usual, plant pokemon have the best tasting juice. Tanjy had a very sensitive pussy, causing her to moan loudly as Flay trusted his tongue in her a few times. She cried out in ecstasy and was feeling herself heat up. Then she felt a small heat of some sort below her, causing her to shake in pleasure. That was when Flay stopped afterwards.

Flay: *smile* How was that?
Tanjy: *pant* What... was... that?
Flay: It was my EMBER attack, only smaller. Surely you haven't forgotten. We practiced our moves earlier.
Tanjy: *stick out tongue* Oh yes. I almost did. *lay on back* Um... You can start now. That is... if you want...
Flay: Are you sure?
Tanjy: *nod* Like I said, you can mate with your Chikorita friend or anyone else if you like to. I just feel like saving myself for you first, Flay.
Flay: Okay. I'll start slow.

The Cyndaquil positioned himself in front of her crotch. Just then, he saw her slit lit up a bit before the light faded.

Flay: What's that?
Tanjy: SAFEGUARD. I'm not sure why, but you can't be too careful. So now, even if you release your shoot in me, it won't make me pregnant. Not that I mind though, but I might be too young to even be able to be pregnant.
Flay: All right then.
Tanjy: Don't worry about me. Please... *close eyes* just do it.

Flay slowly inserted his rod into her tunnel. It felt tight as the inner walls wrapped around him. He then accidentally jerked a little and half of his cock went in. Tanjy squeaked in a bit of pain, worrying Flay. After staring in each other's eyes, Tanjy smiled, signaling him to keep going.

Flay: *giggle nervously* Sorry about that. I guess I hit and broke your barrier too hard.
Tanjy: *smile* I never realize you were so big. *groan* Don't worry about me. You can... go as fast or as rough as you want. We've been waiting for something like this since this year started, right.
Flay: *chuckle* Right...

Flay pushed in entirely, causing Tan to moan a bit. He then withdrew almost out of her, and then shoved back in again, causing her to yelp. This was repeated a few more times before he started bucking in and out at a rapid pace. Flay squeaked in the synchronized rhythm. He could hear the Bellosom moaning out 'so big' a few times before she moaned out again. He as hard and deep as his monhood could go, loving the feeling of the Bellosom's tight walls. They were both enjoying this new feeling, oblivious to everything else, from more students coming in to the field to start their physical, to the teacher watching from the other side.

Aylra was a bit turned on from the spectacle, but she had a tendency to be in control with her heat until she really wanted to give in. She noticed a few students already passing climax and falling in exhaustion.

Back in the field, Flay and Tanjy were going at it as Flay sped up. They were just about to reach climax themselves. The Power Advantage gave both of them, mainly Tan, a huge wave of pleasure as they were about to cum.

Tanjy: Flay! I'm so... close...
Flay: Me.. too! I know what you mean...
Tanjy: I'm gonna... gonna... *squeal*
Flay: *squeal*

Flay's back erupted in a spiky flame as he soon shot his blank seed into the Bellosom's womb. Tanjy herself released strange sweet-scented pollen as she passed orgasm and coated her juices over Flay's cock. Their backs arched and they yelled out as their juices mixed. They soon fell in each other's arms in afterglow.

Tanjy: *pant* So... What... do... you... think?
Flay: *whine* That was... great.
Tanjy: If you have any left... you can still...
Flay: I'm not sure. You must be really tired.
Tanjy: All right then. I have a better idea. Can you sit back up?

Flay rested on this bottom, wondering what his classmate was up to. Tanjy then sucked on his rod again, although she was too tired. After a while, Flay squeaked aloud and released his seed into Tan's mouth. She made him cum a few more times before it was all gone from her milking strategy.

Tanjy: *lick lips; giggle nervously* Sorry about that. I did mention that I like to taste cum most of the time, didn't I?
Flay: *pant* I think so. Why do you prefer oral at times?
Tanjy: *giggle* My mom loves tasting bug pokemon cum during pollination season. I figured I would have my fill while I'm here.
Flay: *laugh* That's quite a tongue you have. Anyway, I'm glad I did this. I'm been watching so many times and... *yawn* Wow. I'm already tired...
Tanjy: Me... *yawn* too...

They both helped themselves up and went back into the classroom, greeted by the Espeon.

Aylra: Nicely done, you two. If you would like to rest a bit, you can before...

She saw both kids drifting to a deep sleep. She also noticed their private areas leaking with each other's juices and small trickles of blood, definitely from the physical part of the test. She carefully used CONFUSION and carried them to the other end of the room, as she did with the other students. She then watched back to the portal for more students to finish up.

The Cyndaquil and the Bellosom slept peacefully while snoring softly, happy to get to know each other in the best of ways...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm not sure whether Flay and Tanjy felt drowsy due to Tan's SLEEP-POWDER or from the exhausting exam. You be the judge...
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