AGNPH Stories

S-Effect 101 by ck22b


"Brief History Lesson" or "Interview with an Absol"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm not sure if this could be set before or after the chapter "Making the Grade".
Flay: Hello? Is anyone here?

With the exception of the patrolling ghost pokemon (the students could sense them even if they were invincible), Flay was one of the very few students who were alone in the mountain this late morning. He didn't know where his den mates were. He decided to check out the island a bit more. Mostly he saw the cafeteria and some of the hidden areas for practicing mating or just mate where it's not out in the open.

As he continued looking about, he soon encountered with an elder pokemon. This one was dark white furred with a charcoal face. A white part of his hair pointed clockwise downwards while a blade-like horn on the side of his head pointed in the same direction upwards. On his forehead was a gemlike symbol. Even from afar, Flay could recognize him as an Absol, but more importantly...

Flay: *smile* I take it you're Mr. Bangam...
Bangam: Indeed. And who are you, young one?
Flay: Flaymerar Photas. My nickname is Flay.
Bangam: Nice to see you, Flay. If you're curious, please follow me...
Flay: Where to?
Bangam: Neon Central. Everyone else is there...
Flay: *tilt head* Why didn't I know about this?
Bangam: *chuckle* Surely you remembered. It was mentioned at the beginning of the school year.
Flay: Oh, of course. Almost forgot...

They walked up the path around the mountain. It was a cloudy morning with a small drizzle of rain. As usual, Flay was busy being his curious self.

Flay: So tell me, Mr. Bangam. Why are you called the 'Disaster Pokemon'?
Bangam: Well let's see... our kind really have the ability to sense weather patterns of the strongest kind. Most of us since were able to lead many pokemon to safety. But, some were suspicious about us who being the cause of such anomalies. Therefore, some of us were driven out to the mountainsides
Flay: Sounds sad...
Bangam: Nah. It's alright. When it comes down to it, at least we get the chance to explore the world.
Flay: *nod* Interesting. Now... A school for sex... Why?
Bangam: *snicker* Mating has existed since the dawn of time. Otherwise, neither you nor I would exist. As for the school, it all started back on the mainland. I... have a habit of Voyeurism.
Flay: *confused* Voyeur...
Bangam: It means to spy on people mating and such. One time, when I saw a Growlithe couple having trouble with their mating, I tried to ignore them since it was not my concern. However, *blush* I couldn't resist, so I went over to try and help them out. Although *chuckle* I must confess, I could take over, but I've been interfering long enough. After I help them set up, I decided to watch the show.
Flay: And then they... Um...
Bangam: *grin* That's right. They came; Reached orgasm; Shot his load into her cunt; You get the idea. That's when I figured I gather some old friends and acquaintances and started a session for young ones to mate and the ways leading to that level. It started out small at first, and as time pasted by, we figured we expand into a school.
Flay: Nice. But there's no way you guys could build the dens and the castle all by yourselves...
Bangam: *laugh* Of course not. We found some Psychic types, Fighting types, and other pokemon with dexterity to help build the castle and such. Since then, this was the school to invite the young one with the knowledge they'll use for their future. The young are is always curious to discover things, so we know we made the right choice. And... I'm well aware of them mating with anyone else who is eager enough to do the same.
Flay: But that's not all there is, right?
Bangam: Right, and they all know that as well. Mating is more than just finding relief and such. It's about getting to know your friend or mate, to be with them, to protect and all that. *cough* I'm not discouraging you kids to do what you do. I just want you to bear in mind after the end of the year.
Flay: I know. So, have you've found a mate?
Bangam: No. *look up sky* I'm used to loneliness. I do usually sleep with any pretty face I could find.
Flay: Hmph. That reminds me of a Bulbasaur here I was told about. I never expected a wise pokemon like you to...
Bangam: *chuckle* I am a dark type, so that's nothing new. But now, *sigh* those days are over. One day, I won't be here anymore. We Absol can live for 100 years. I'm 99.
Flay: *droop* Sorry to hear...
Bangam: Don't be. You still have many years to live by. I may be old, but I'm not one to just lie around doing nothing.
When they reached the plaza section of the castle, the giant mirror in the center was already glowing.

Bangam: Let's step in, young Flay.
Flay: *gulp* Okay...

They went through the mirror, and out seconds later. Flay looked out to the horizon and gasped in shock.

Flay: *gasp* It's.. It's...
Bangam: *smile* I'm glad you like it...

It was the most amazing place Flaymerar had ever laid his eyes on. In front of him was a huge city of sorts. He looked up and saw a night sky above. A bright moon was at the center, and he then saw hovering images of a Mew, a Celebi, a Jirachi, and a Manahpy. Each one was in a different spot, most likely connecting to a triangle if anyone wanted to, with the Mew hologram at the center. Flay's jaw dropped, his mouth opened. Bangam explained to the stunned Cyndaquil.

Bangam: *point to Celebi image* That over there is the shopping and food-court district. There, you can purchase various cloth accessories for style and eat delicacies from pokemon food like pokeblocks and fruits, and human food like hot dogs and pizza... and fruits. *point to Jirachi image* That's the Funfair district. You can play in the playground, go to carnival rides and the ferris wheel, and play in the arcade room which are specifically made for us pokemon. *point to Manaphy image* That's the lounge and fitness district, where you can rest and look at the stars and the comets, and you can exercise for fun and to be in shape. A mate usually loves a slim and sure pokemon. *point to Mew image* And at the center of it all is the main attraction: The Colosseum Circle. We arrange every type of battle you can imagine. Duo battles with anyone from friends to classmates, Couple battles where you and your schoolmate fight together, Teacher vs. Student battles which need no explanation, and the Century battle which I made up a few decades ago. But that's the tip of the iceberg.
Flay: *drool* Awesome. *snap to reality* But wait. I thought this school was solely made for sex...
Bangam: I thought so too. Until... A long time ago, I helped out a much-desperate Illumise for a long while. Overtime, she used a LIGHT SCREEN to block me from getting to her. Apparently, she was bored for a long time of sex. I then decided to play with her in battle and whatever fun that came to mind that was non-sensual. This lasted until we decided to part ways. During my time supervising the school, I found out many students have started to lose interest in learning the basics in mating.
Flay: *shocked* You're kidding!
Bangam: I'm not really the one to kid at times. Anyway, that's when I remembered the time with the Illumise. I gathered my colleagues, comrades and electric pokemon to help build this place. Best of all, this dimension can be 'able to help' us build anything easily and quickly without any hassle. But a world cannot be built in a single day. It took us half of the semester to finish, and since then, Neon Central was the best place to go during the weekend and to take the mind off from the anatomy play. For you see, Flaymerar, life cannot be perfect by sex alone. You need to make your friends or mate enjoy life that doesn't always involve sticking your rod into her. In fact, the force within this world makes sure of that. But you could find that out for yourself later.
Flay: *nod* Makes perfect sense. Um... How about we go to the Colosseum?
Bangam: I see you're more interested in battles?
Flay: *nod; smile*

Making their way through the city, Flay could see all the hustle and bustle within. Many pokemon were chasing each other in Tag, while others talked and shopped. Upon reaching the center, he found a huge stadium, surrounded by several extra battlefields.

Bangam: All right then. These are known as the Exhibition Fields, where many can settle short battles. This may be obvious, but battles have been the greatest pastime for all pokemon. Because of this, most students here gather around to participate and watch in the events, plus there is one major event that will start in--
???: Mr. Bangam!

The Absol looked behind him and saw a Jigglypuff with glasses and a clipboard in her paws waddling towards him. She was looking worried at the old Absol.

Bangam: Ms. Aurora, how nice to see you.
Aurora: Yes, nice to see you as well. Are you sure you wish to look around in your current age?
Bangam: *shrug* I don't see why not. I guess I'm still going through life to the end. I'm not ready to leave just yet.
Aurora: *nod* I see then. *look at Flay* Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there. Hello.
Flay: Hi. Um... can I ask a question?
Aurora: Sure.
Flay: What did Mr. Bangam mean by a 'force' in this dimension.
Aurora: Hmm... *point between legs* Try to lick me down here.
Flay: *confused* Huh?
Aurora: Go on...

Flay did what she said, but once he was close to her legs, something stopped him. He couldn't put his paw on it, but somehow, he felt he was licking a window or a rubber covering. Whatever it was, it prevented him from touching the Jigglypuff's nether region.

Flay: *confused* I... can't.
Bangam: This was the force I'm talking about. Not even I'm sure why, but it's probably a good thing. Cities like this in the real world are sometimes infamous for wild sex. This 'force' prevents that from happening. In fact, this prevents any kind of sex overall. But they can kiss and hug.
Flay: *giggle* That's cool. Um... How strong are you?
Bangam: *prideful stance* I've been battling for years now. Around 99 wins since we opened this dimension. I'm hoping for one more match at the very least.
Flay: *jump* Then how about--
Aurora: *wave arms* UNACCEPTABLE!
Bangam: *sigh* Are you quite finished?
Aurora: Mr. Bangam, be reasonable! You're an old mon now. you can't just continue straining yourself!
Bangam: I'm aware of that, but you must understand. You said the same thing each few years, and I'm still going strong. Tell you what, since this will be the last of the Century Battle, this will indeed be my final match. I'm striving to make it to win number 100.
Flay: Century Battle? Is that the type of battle he was mentioning?
Aurora: *groan* Whatever you say. Shall I get the Hito Siblings to make the announcement?
Bangam: *nod*

A few holographic screens that popped up in the center of each district brought most of the students to excitement. All of the talk about a Century Battle soon reached the ears of Flay's friends.


Sparkchu: A Century Battle, already? I wonder who Mr. Bangam is facing this time.
Burl: Oooooh... *point at floating screen* Look! There's Flay!
Frank and K-Roy: *shocked* FLAY?!

Meanwhile, a Bellosom and a Chikorita walked out of a store to see the commotion.

Tanjy: Um... Excuse me. But what's going on?
Treecko: Something about a Century Battle. I have no clue what it's about, but that old Absol is facing a student. A 1st year like us... *point to screen*
Berry: Hey! That's Flay!

*continues next chapter*
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