AGNPH Stories

The Sea Of Harsh Love by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended.

New possibilities

Ok this story is for and approved by Dev Dawg. He gave me permission to use his name.

( ) means that person is about to speak
[ ] means narrator is speaking

[A very good looking Vaporeon named Dev Dawg, well at least that's what every one called him. His real name was Devin P. Dog. So every one just called him by his nick name. Dev Dawg was also really strong able to life five times his own weight. Anyway He was just swimming along minding his own business at his normal cruse speed witch was about 20 mph. He Could reach speeds of 72 mph but never found it necessary to swim that fast]

[Just then out of know where he ran into something. Knocking his head against someone else's from what he could gather. Still rubbing his forehead from the collision he hears a voice from the something he hit]

(Dratini) Are you ok?
(Dev Dawg) I'll be fine, and you?
(Dratini) I'm fine you took most of the damage...................................................You can open your eyes now!

[Dev finally opens his eyes and just like that it felt like a harpoon had pierced his heart at the sight of the most gorgeous pokemon on no legs. He was just floating there staring at her, almost like he had been turned to stone. He couldn't move! His body wouldn't allow it]

(Dratini) Well bye.....
(Dev Dawg) No wait don't go
(Dratini) Yes what do you need, because frankly I don't want to float around and get tackled again.
(Dev Dawg) I just wanted to say sorry for running into you.
(Dratini) That's ok. Oh where are my manners my names Courtny, and what's yours?
(Dev Dawg) I'm Devin, But everyone calls me Dev Dawg. And I wan..nn..t.ed say....yyy...oou ar..e the bea...uu.....tif...u...ul I've ever ss..e..een. (Courtny)
Well you sure get to the point, but you studder a lot. I think your good looking to....for a vaporeon I mean!
(Dev Dawg) [snaps back to his scenes] Oh yeah...same with you. So I guess I will see you later then?
(Courtny) Guess so?!
(Dev Dawg) What am I doing. I just can't let you swim away. Just the sight of you almost stopped my heart. Will you be my mate? I don't want to just let my one true love leave without asking her to be mine forever. Again will you be my mate? Please?
(Courtny) Well you did ask nicely and you are pretty cute too! But I have got to know if your strong and can protect me. So can you?
(Dev Dawg) Of course I Can. I hope your not saying that just because I look good doesn't mean I'm strong.
(Courtny) Well, prove to me your all high and mighty.
(Dev Dawg) Ok I will.
(Courtny) And just how will you do that?
(Dev Dawg) Well....what do I have to do to impress you?
(Courtny) Defeat me in a battle!
(Dev Dawg) No way I refuse to hurt you.
(Courtny) Chicken...brrraaakk.....Scardy cat....your just a powerless little Meouth.

[And then with out warning the vaporeon launched himself at almost 70 mph right at her. Hitting directly into her stomach, knocking her unconscious! Devin only now realizing what he had just done quickly grabbed the dratini and pulled her to the surface and swam faster then he's ever swam before to the shore where he new someone that could help. Apon reaching the shore he dashed over to a near by cave where a Milotic named Annabel lived]

(Dev Dawg) Anna, Help!
(Anna) What did you do now?
(Dev Dawg) I accidentally knocked out this dratini...........She egged me on to attack her.
(Anna) And you actually listened to her????
(Dev Dawg) I couldn't help it she was so convincing........Well she kinda made me angry enough to attack her.
(Anna) I don't know about you........So I guess you came to me to heal her is that correct?
(Dev Dawg) Yes..Quickly....Please!!
(Anna) Well I guess since you said please...but don't let it happen again!

[The reason Devin came to his friend Anna was because she had the power not to only use recover on her self but on others as well]

[As soon as the glow from Anna's and Courtny's bodies stopped. He quickly ran over to her]

(Dev Dawg) Courtny are you ok?...Wake up...come on wake up. Please be ok.............
(Courtny) Ooooooh.....ahh....huh?...what?....what happened?....Where am I...ugh....Everything is dizzy...I'm dizzy
(Dev Dawg) Umm, you're not making any since?
(Courtny) Dev...Is that you? Where am I
(Dev Dawg) Yes! It's me. You're in the cave of a good friend of mine.......... You can open your eye's now. Your not going to see anything bad or something like that.

[And with that the dratini opened one as she still felt the pain from the attack launched at her. She saw Dev Dawg with a very pretty looking Milotic. Gorgeous to be exact. As she opened both eyes as the pain finally started to go away she realized that she was indeed in a cave not far from the sea. She looked into the vaporeons eyes, glittering with the sorrowful look from hurting her, a thankful look for knowing she was ok and a passionate look; such a deep passion she could see in his eyes. The passion he wanted to give to her and only her. As if those eyes had hypnotized her she instantly felt the same deep compassion for him as well. She knew that he was the one. The one she had longed for, for to long. And as if this love for him was controlling her she managed to say...]

(Courtny) Dev...honey...I will be your mate.

[This was something he was not expecting to hear. At least not right now. His eyes were watering from the sudden burst of joy that filled his heart and with that...]

(Dev Dawg) I love you court......I'm sorry for doing this to you He embraced her with a hug. Forgetting that she was still a little sore.
(Courtny) OUCH! That hurts!
(Dev Dawg) Sorry I forgot, but I couldn't help myself. I think I love you to much
(Courtny) You can never give too much love to me. Well [blushes] At least I think you can't

[Devin knew what she meant and blushed himself. Anna whom was being completely ignored by them had to intervene before they made a mess on her floor from them loving themselves way to much and forgetting where they were. But thought way make them leave and go somewhere else. Courtny was still too weak to go anywhere. So she thought I will just make them clean up the mess they leave]

(Anna) Umm...if you two don't mind I'll wait outside. She slithered over to the entrance and turned her head to say something but was beaten to the punch.
(Dev Dawg) You don't have to leave we're not going to...
(Anna) Now you two. You need to get to know each other better. And no butts about it either we all know you want to. I just don't want to see it. Now before I go I need to let you two know if you make a mess you two clean the mess. Now I will leave you with that.

[And she slithered out of the cave before anyone could say anything else. Dev Dawg just looked back at his mate. She smiled and blushed. Devin blushed at her too knowing what was going to happen]

(Courtny) Well I'm ready when you are!

[He couldn't hold it in any longer even though his erection had been out for quiet a while he didn't think of burying himself into her...,yet! But now he plummeted in with one swift movement just barely taking her hymen. So for all she new he was at least 7 broad inches of fine meat. That her own succulent hole took in clenching her hunger in ecstasy as she gave a hard whimper. He started tantalizing her outer body with licks and nibbles. She couldn't help her self as her whining grow louder and louder as it became more pleasurable then painful. She at this point envied his work as he was precise on every move he made on her making her want more and MORE! She couldn't believe the feeling she was getting. It was better then any other she had felt or would ever feel. His long smooth shaft moving in and out. Just the sheer thought of it was pushing her to the hilt and yet he hadn't started pumping her yet. This had to be impossible she thought no one could make a girl feel this good....unless.....he already had practice. He never did tell me he was a virgin anyway. Oh I don't care the pleasure is just overwhelmingly mind boggling. I don't care if he was a virgin or not. He is all mine now and that's just how I want it. The pleasure was finally to great for her to handle and she hit her climax at nothing less then the power of a dragonite. Her fluids would have burst out of her like water out of a fire hose if it weren't for the blockage set up by the strong water pokemon. Instead it just leaked out at a steady rate. Dev didn't mind he just started pumping with all his might. Courtny didn't mind at all either he deserved to plow his way into her over and over again. And it didn't hurt as bad as she thought it would of. She just moaned as he hit his climax in seconds. After getting as deep in her as he possibly could. Howling into the air as his body twitched at the sensation of the powerful walls closing around his dick. Squeezing with all their might to milk every last drop of out of him. The pressure was so hard on his dick it started to hurt. When he was spent he slowly pulled his self out to give both of them a little more of what they needed. And he just lay their beside her. Loving her for what she was]

(Dev Dawg) That was the best thing that I've ever felt!
(Courtny) Me too!
(Dev Dawg) I love you so much. I never want to leave you.
(Courtny) Then don't leave me. Dev?
(Dev Dawg) Yes, dear?
(Courtny) I have something to tell you!
(Dev Dawg) What is it?
(Courtny) When you took me just now I was in heat so most likely and don't be mad at me but I just might
(Dev Dawg) You mean it I might be a dad I could never be mad at you for that. I can't believe it I going to be a dad!!!
(Courtny) Now I'm glad to see that you're glad but don't get your hopes to high. Most likely I am fertilized but there's always that chance I'm not. Dev just stared at her with the happiest grin you ever could see.
(Dev Dawg) No matter what happens I'm just glad to be with you. I Love you more then anything else in the world.
(Courtny) Me too!

[Anna much to our dislike had been just outside of the cave listening to everything that was going on inside of her cave. And masturbating as well, as soon as those two in there had engaged in their passion she had used her tail like a toy and probed around her insides. ]

(Anna) I can see that those two will love each other forever, but I have to question will they be together forever?.......

And with that I end this chapter......

I hoped you all liked this new story even though it only took a week to write I think it came out pretty good.

Now if you want to hear more I would like you to say so in a review because if no one wants to hear it then why bother writing it. And tell me how I'm doing too! I would appreciate that.

Again this story was inspired and made possible by Dev Dawg. Many Thanks Devin form your friend Hamos.
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