AGNPH Stories

The Sea Of Harsh Love by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended.

An Irresistible Feud!

Again this story has also been approved by Dev Dawg. But he has not taken any part in the creation of this story. Enjoy!

Now to get us started, we will rejoin Courtny and Dev engaged in a conversation...

(Courtny) So how do you two know each other?
(Dev Dawg) It's quiet simple really. She worked for my mom a while back and she also babysitted me a couple of times when my mom and dad needed some alone time. I didn't mind. They deserved it. For all they've done for me and others too.
(Anna) Is that all! Well I must say I am very offended. One that taught you just about everything and hung around with you. when no one else would and...
(Dev Dawg) I was getting to that. I mean how could I forget everything you ever did for me.
(Courtny) You OK? You seem to be sweating an awful lot!
(Dev Dawg) Oh!..It must be very hot in here!
(Anna) Oh I think I know what it is!

Dev shaking his head towards Anna indicating he didn't want the Milotic to say any more!

(Courtny) What are you doing?
(Dev Dawg) Umm..Nothing

Dev now lipping not to say a word again getting caught.

(Courtny) What don't you want her to say? I have a right to know! TELL ME! NOW!
(Dev Dawg)....
(Anna) How about I tell her why you don't want me to say what I'm going to say.
(Dev Dawg) No..Don't!
(Anna) Look it's nothing big. It's not like it's going to change anything.
(Dev Dawg) It might!
(Anna) It won't change a thing. Now what I was going to say is.....{Dev was about to intervene again} Don't you dare say anything my Dog.
(Courtny) What was that?
(Anna) Oh it's just what I normally call Devin. Now Ias I can guess he hasn't had the time to tell you I was his first!
(Dev Dawg).......................
(Courtny)........Really? She was your first?
(Dev Dawg)Y...
(Anna) Yes I was. It don't matter what he tries to tell you to convince you. I was, was his FIRST!
(Courtny) Well....ummm....huh.....I.......It doesn't matter I guess. It just surprised me that she would be your first!
(Anna) And what's that supposed to mean?

Anna now agitated from the way Courtny had said that last sentence.

(Anna) I bet I was better then you were or will be!!
(Courtny) What did you say!?
(Anna) You know what I said bitch.
(Courtny) Whore your going to DIE!
(Dev Dawg) Whoa whoa whoa let's just all chill now!

Dev silently said "ok" so they wouldn't hear although with the way they were shouting at each other he wouldn't be heard even if he spoke above normal.
(Courtny) I can please him in ways you will never be able to fulfill!
(Anna) The ways I've already pleased him have surpassed yours!
(Courtny) Want a bet?!
(Anna) Sure, what do you bet?
(Courtny) The one to get Dev to orgasm the fastest wins!
(Anna) I'll take to that. I go first.
(Courtny) Be my guest. First or last I'll still win!
(Anna) "We'll see"
(Anna) Dog..I mean Devin..Will you come here please?
(Dev) "What!" No I never agreed to this! And b.b..besides you both told me to stay out of this.
(Anna) Get over here NOW!
(Dev) Ok Ok don't have a Miltank.
(Anna) On your back.
(Dev) Do I really have to do this?
(Anna) Yes YOU do!..............Come on......You know you want it!
(Dev) [talking to himself] I'm not quiet sure about that.

Without any warning what so ever, even before the vaporeon have time to adjust and get comfortable. Anna had slithered over to him and got to work unsettling him. Using fast short licks at the tip. Using her speed and strength making quick hard licks for fast stimulation for fast erections and quick mating. After exactly every five licks she would stick her tongue inside and swirl it around, swiping the tip of his member. Exceeding his excitement levels. Dev was tossing and turning so hard that Anna had to put her whole body weight on top of him to keep him from moving. Devin wasn't moaning nor groaning. He made sounds as if he was in pain, but looked as if the pleasure was overwhelming him. The fact of the matter is that it was overwhelming him. The pleasure he was receiving was too great and too fast that it was overloading his brain sending pleasure signals to his dick, but sending threat signals to his mind. So the fact of the matter is that he was getting so much pleasure it was painful.

Not to far away Courtny was watching. She was now felling concerned for her mate. She didn't like to see anyone in pain especially Devin. And from what she could see it was getting very painful. But she didn't want to stop them and plead for her to stop and that she was better at pleasing the vaporeon than her.

(Dev) Stop! I don't like this it's not fun! IT HURTS..AHH..PLEASE STOP!
(Anna) Stop whining you little puppy.

At this point in time his member had been unstealthed. Anna had wrapped her mouth and tongue around it. Devin felt no pleasure out of this even if his cock did. The feeling of his cock to him was stinging not pleasurable. Screaming what was like into thin air for this treatment to stop.

At this point Courtny couldn't take it anymore it was like she could feel his pain just by having a strong connection to Devin.

(Courtny) Stop! You win. Stop. Please get off him. That's enough.
(Anna) Ok if you say so.
(Courtny) Thank you!
(Anna) So you admit that I can please better then you?
(Courtny) Yes, I do.
(Anna) Why is he with you then? Since I'm on the market again and I can please him better. Why shouldn't I just take him back. Why does he love you and not me? Why should he be yours? Why?
(Courtny) Because I won't leave him like you did!
(Anna) Damn girl, your good!
(Cournty) This isn't a contest. It's the truth and that's the truth!
(Anna) OK! ok! I'm only kidding, you know that. Don't get all up in a knot!
(Courtny) Well don't kid around with things like that! And you know that you hurt Devin, you should say you're sorry!
(Anna) Oh he's ok. He'll be fine. He's tough. Don't baby him!
(Courtny) NO! You really did hurt him can't you get that through your think skull!
(Anna) All the better to bash you with my dear.
(Courtny) Stop fooling, just look at him. He's walking weird.
(Anna) Are you sure he doesn't always walk weird!
(Courtny) You're such a bitch! Dev I'm glad you brought me here, but I think we've over stayed our welcome. Let's leave..NOW!

As they started toward the cave entrance "Dev walking like his two back legs had been stiffened with metal supports" headed to leave when they heard a noise behind them.

(Anna) Wait, Wait!

The milotic slithering as fast as she could to catch up with them.

(Anna) I'm sorry for everything I've said and done. Truthfully! It's just......I've been going through my heat lately. It just kills when you have no one to relieve it. The last time I went through this Dev was there to help me out. I know I've been such a bitch. You must know what it's like?
(Courtny) Not really I've just been able to be fertilized two month's ago so...
(Anna) What do you mean! The first is the worst. How could you tell me you don't know what I'm going through!
(Courtny) Oh no I do I do know it's just....I guess we don't have it that bad.

Anna was thinking to herself, that Courtny ain't telling us something. Heat is the same for all female's, no matter what species. Some might have it a little easier or a little worse but not enough to make the difference I'm hearing.

(Dev) Anna hello you in there?
(Anna) What yes. I guess I just didn't know that. Well your lucky. But your partner isn't. You won't need him as bad. He won't get as much action.
(Courtny) Quite the opposite really. Because we can go through out our heat without being fertilized. So we can more easily choose when to have an egg, so as to protect the egg all females reduce intimate relations between them and their partners. To have more of a choice when to have an egg increases the amount of physical relationship. Giving both partners the more the feeling of true love at a more often rate.
(Anna)[Ooooh she's good Well you have completely thought this out I see. Good for you, but bad for me.
(Dev) we've got to be going now. See ya.
(Anna) Bye!
(Anna) There is something about her that tells my instincts she's a bad egg!


(Dev) I hope she'll be ok on her own like that.
(Courtny) She's a big girl she can handle it. By the way where are we going?
(Dev) To your new home.
(Courtny) Ohh! Well I like my home!
(Dev) Is it with your parents?
(Courtny) Of course not it's right beside them.
(Dev) Yap your definitely moving in with me.
(Courtny) Why?
(Dev) I don't want them interrupting us every time we try to mate.
(Cournty) You mean every time you try!
(Dev) Was that like a put down?
(Courtny) No it's just I know you won't be able to keep your paws off me for more then five minutes.
(Dev) No argument there!
(Courtny) "giggle"!
(Dev) Ahhh finally here.

They walk in to a cavern about twenty feet long and twenty-three feet wide and nine feet high. With about a third of of the room filled with a sort a swimming pool that linked to the sea underneath. The only other feature was what seemed to be a hole dug into the wall on the right side about two feet high and 5 feet big around. And in that was a bed made of newly cut fish scales on top of cotton and leaves.

(Courtny) I love it! And you! Did you build this by yourself?
(Dev) Just the bedroom and the entrance the rest was made by nature.

No further word was spoken with the dratini leaping onto the vaporeon with a great big slimy kiss. Tongues swirling around each other searching for new places and over lapping already known spots. Enjoying every minute of it. More and more of their saliva reached the others maw, giving them each a cool mint taste, but a wicked hot feeling. Dev dawg was getting highly aroused by everything that was happening around him. It seemed as if the world is self was spinning. Neither him nor Courtny had noticed that he had fully revealed himself, not just yet! Again their tongues entertained feeling the rough yet desirable roof and smooth, slick and slimy undercoat of their tongue. Better late then never Courtny felt his monhood underneath her, begging to be pleased. Braking the kiss was the last thing Devin wanted to happen. But a new familiar feeling swept through him like a raging whirlpool. Instead of feeling her tongue in his mouth he felt it playing with the tip of his dick. Just flicking it over and over and over. Amazing as it was it was ever better as the snake like dragon started to suck harder and moving her maw up and down. So much pleasure was reaching the dog like amphibian. It was almost as much pleasure as he had earlier that day, but without the stinging side effect. Pre was now leaking a constant rate signaling he was almost to the point of no return. His body acted on it's own bucking as hard as it could. Quickly before anything she didn't want to happen, happened. She removed her maw from him and gave a quick lick over his sack and used her body weight to stop his bucking and calm him down. They both knew that she didn't want his fluids in her mouth but in her dipping wet cunt! Devin got conformable while Courtny positioned herself for penetration. Slowly lowering her self onto his throbbing cock. As soon as she had enough of him in to just drop herself she did! A hundred foot wave of pleasure hit them both. Dev's body acted on it's own again bucking hard trying to get deeper and deeper but both their bases were touching so the only thing he was doing was digging in and out of her very willing vagina. He finally took control and bucked in rhythm giving just a bit more pleasure to them both. Courtny couldn't hold in back any longer as her teasing had aroused her as well, bucking herself in rhythm with him adding more more envy to him. She wrapped herself around him. Having the feeling of a bit more control over the situation. Devin got the feeling of being over taken by her. And liked it! It was great to have the slick body wrapped around him. It was all to much for not him but Courtny. Screeching out as the fluids flowed like a river out onto and all over Devin's entire body. Dev Dog felt as if he were swimming. The river aided the mating way more then intended and wanted. With a howl his body gained all the strength it had for one final blow. He rammed into her so hard she could swear he had grown almost another inch and sent it into parts never before touched by any lives or dead soul had ever touched it gave her quick blast of pleasure as the feeling of Dev's seed was sent shooting as hard as a bullet into her snatch. And if that wasn't enough for Devin the dratini was milking him for every last drop it could muster. Contracting trying to pull him in deeper but with no success in that area, but had finally accomplished the other mission of milking him entirely dry. Nothing was said and nothing was needed to be said. They drifted off into dream land after a great pleasurable day with the thought of tomorrow being a new day with hard work ahead moving into this new life with on regret!

This is my longest sex scene yet give me a review to tell me how I did. Again this story was inspired by Dev Dawg.
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