AGNPH Stories

Love For Dinner by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended.

Love For Dinner

Max a pikachu, was minding his own business walking down one of the trails in this part of the woods. He was one of the better looking pikachu's around here. With his golden yellow fur gleaming from the light off the sun. Perfect razor sharp claws that could cut through tree's and some rocks. His hair on his head all messed up to show all the ladies out there he was a bad pika. And his eye's! His eye's were like two sapphire's caught on fire! That was his best feature, and they were quiet popular with the females. But not one of them could fully satisfy him in this one way. He didn't know what it was, but when ever he was done hammering away at one them he felt like something was missing. But he thought it was just because none of the ladies around there weren't good enough for him. He would not push any further on the subject. The way things are, are the way things are.


A pigeotto was flying not to far away, looking for a tasty morsel to devour. Her name was Goldy due to the only thing different about her. The gold tail feather she has always had since she was born.

Right now she was searching for something to eat she had been hunting for over three hours and if that weren't bad enough she had been fighting off her heat at the same time. Right now the empty belly was winning against the heat. The forest was usually full of little edible critters. But today for all could see, there was nothing to eat. But then right after that thought had crossed her mind she spotted a very tasty looking mouse pokemon walking along what seemed to be a trail. If you even call that a trail she thought to her self. That didn't matter now all that matters now was that there was food.

Before Max even knew what hit him something had swooped down from the sky and knocked him unconscious.

While Max was unconscious he was having a very odd dream. At this point before he even knew what he was doing. He was screwing his little sister up the ass.....

That quickly woke him up! He was sweating furiously and his head was aching quiet badly.

(Max) Holy Shit! I hope I NEVER EVER have a dream like that again.
Wait-a-tic! Where the Fuck am I! I guess it appears to be a nest..ouch!

He had finally recognized the serious headache that he had. It really hurt! But he couldn't let that get him down, he had to get out of here before whatever brought him here came back for him. Max went to the edge of the nest and that's when he realized that the nest he was in was on a twenty...No..thirty story tree with no branches to use to climb back down on. Suddenly something attacked him from behind!

(Max) Ahhhh.....What hit me??

(Goldy) I did of course, now stop squirming. I like my dinner to remain still while it is killed.

At the sound of this Max started to panic, now knowing he was gonna DIE!!! He tried with all his might to get away, totally forgetting his electrical attacks that he could use. But his mind was in a state of panic and utter confusion. This just made Goldy even more exited to eat her catch. But before she ate her catch she always had to look into face of she kill. It just made her enjoy the moment even more.

She turned him onto his back to get a good view of him. After she had turned him onto his back she stopped dead in her feather's. She just grazed at him and he gazed back. Something was stopping her from eating him, but she couldn't figure it out she just...couldn't believe her eye's she stared at the little mouse.

(Max) Well get it over with...kill me...I don't want to feel a lot of pain so kill me fast! Or please! Let me go.
(Goldy) Those eye's...I've never seen anything so beautiful as your eye's.
(Max)"???"....What? Aren't you going to eat me? Because if you are please don't talk about me. It just doesn't seem right.

Max was bewildered by this predator that thought of nothing else but his eye's! The pigeotto now felt her heat kicking in. No it can't be!, she thought I can't possibly get all knocked up by a rodent!
(Goldy) I won't allow it!
(Max) Won't allow what?

Now more confuzled more then ever hearing the bird just screech out kinda of a random sentence.
Goldy now realized that she said that last thought instead of think it. She just would have to deal with it. This pikachu had stolen her heart from the first sight of him. Now she knew what her friends meant when there is such a thing as love at first sight.

(Max) Won't allow what?

Still demanding an answer.

(Goldy) To eat you!
(Max) What?

Stunned by what she had just said.

(Goldy) I won't allow myself to kill you...
(Max) Why?
(Goldy) That don't matter now. All that matters is that you take me right here and NOW!

Max was to stunned to speak at what he just heard. But didn't need to as he felt the feathered mon plunge between his legs. Licking from the base of his balls to the tip of his stealth. This feels so good he thought. He'd had many blow jobs before but just the beginning of this treatment was better then having three of his previous climax's. It was arousing him almost faster then he wanted. After repeated lick's from her bird like tongue he was fully erect. He wasn't very big. Just a little bigger then average, but not by much. But that didn't seem to bother Goldy at all as she went right to work bobbing her head up and down on his pink meat. Flicking her tongue on the tip. He couldn't believe how incredibly good this felt. Every time her tongue touched his pokehood sent a wave of pleasure thought out his entire body making him shiver and shake every time it happened. But just as soon as she started she stopped. This was so frustrating. Then as soon as it happened his frustration was gone as a new feeling swept over his body. He knew she had wasted no time getting started. It was an incredibly new and wonderful sensation for both of them. Max's body seemed to act on it's own now as he suddenly started bucking into her warmth. Goldy couldn't help herself either. She started bucking in rhythm with his and chirping uncontrollably. Max was admitting a sorta squeaking sound. They kept this up for only a few moments because of the over whelming pleasure. Max was the first to shoot his load as deep as he could into her sweet nectar covered walls. But Goldy hold it in almost any longer then he could spilling her juices all over the lower section of his body. He fell back onto his back with Goldy lying on top of him.

(Max) What's y........your name?
(Goldy) I'm Goldy.
(Max) I'm Max.
(Goldy) Well I'm glad to have met you max. Now go to sleep so you can regain your energy.

Max didn't need to be told twice as he was swept off into LaLa land.....

Max was startled to find himself in the same place he was when he was abducted.

(Max) Could it have all been a dream?

And that's when he found a rainbow colored feather tucked behind his ear and at that moment he knew it was indeed not a dream. Could she have been the one I've wanted and needed all this time?

(Max) Yes!!! She is the one I've been searching for! "But I don't know if I'll ever see her again."

Just then he remembered the distinctive golden tail feather she has that no one else does. And he knew that he would recognize her if he saw her again. He tucked the feather behind his ear again and walked on unaware of his love watching him from the tree just above, admiring his presence.

Hope you all liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. Sadly this is a one chapter story never to be retold again...OR SO YOU THINK!
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