AGNPH Stories

Unfair Disadvantage by feircedeity


A new life

Warning! Contains Mild Sexual Content.

Also, read the first one first, and this will make more sense. To help, here is the Cast list.

Jake = Human
Sophia = Gardevoir
Kio = Flygon
Mia (mentioned once in this installment) = Human

Sophia woke early Monday morning. She looked at the clock, which showed 6:30. She looked around for Jake, but couldn't see him, and figured he was probably in the shower. She decided she would join him, although tired.

I heard the bathroom door open, followed by a "Gar?"

I simply smiled and said, "In the shower. I'm looking for work today." The shower door opened.

Sophia had a slim, slender body, like most Gardevoirs, but Sophia was more curvatures than most. She also had a relatively small Psychic chest plate, due to her lack of skill.

"Gar de gar voir," she muttered as she stepped into the shower with me. It was rather frustrating not being able to understand what she was saying, but that goes with all Pokemon. Her hair soaked water and drooped down, as she pushed it to the back of her head. This was the first time I had ever seen her full face, without any hair blocking it. She had a small bump for a nose, which I found absolutely adorable.

What. Has he never seen a nose before?

"Voir voir," I muttered as I pushed him out of the shower.

I decided I would go find something to do today, because today I was alone for the first time in a month and a half. I feel like my old home was a hole different life. As I washed in the shower, I thought to myself who decided that anything that is not human, can not be in love with a human. Well, I could understand an ant or something, but most of us are smarter than humans. It just doesn't seem fair, or just.

I never had much experience with work, only working in a general store for a couple months. I figured it might be a little hard to find good work, although I graduated with lots of good grades. I wrote out a few resumes to hand out. I never liked meeting new people, in an non-friendship manor. I always felt so insignificant, compared to the people i talked to, who owned businesses.

"I wish I could properly talk to Jake" I said to Kio, a Flygon that I befriended over the past weeks.

"That is a tough detail we have to deal with, as pokemon." Kio seemed to be okay with the language barrier.

"I have seen you to talk to each other, he seems to do quite well."

"But I know English fluently now, but all I can say is Gardevoir. It pisses me off sometimes. I'm so sick of hearing voir this, gar that!" I was starting to get flustered, and Kio seemed to understand.

"Sophia, I have something I need to tell you."


"I have a strong relationship with my trainer right?"

"Well of course!"

"Well, it's not quite like that anymore. W-We have a relationship like the one that you and Jake have." At this, I paused.

"Does Mia know?"

"Yeah, she does. She is the one who started it... Any way, she is going to be home alone tonight, and I think she might want me to... You know..."

"Well, my only advice is to make sure she is ready first, than act." I felt that was good advice. Kio seemed to want to change the subject.

"I have an idea!" I could've sworn I saw a light bulb above his head.

"Your a psychic right?"


"If you can put images in his head, why not speech..."

"KIO YOUR A GENIUS" I was excited at the idea that I could finally attempt to Jake. I said by to Kio, and raced home, but he was not there. I remembered that he was out looking for work. I was a little disappointed, but I figured I could get some practice in before he got home.

"Thank you for your time." I was getting sick of hearing "Were not hiring right now," or "Try again next month." It was sunset, I figured I should get home before to late. I didn't realize how far I walked. By the time I got home, there were a few stars out. The elevator always got stuck, so I walked the six stories to the top.

"Hi honey!" Sophia said in ecstatic tone.

"Hi Soph..." That was as far as I got.

"Wait... What did you say!?!?"

"H-how w-was your d-day" She smiled, and said without moving her mouth the slightest.

"What the hell? How the...." My heart raced, as I finally heard my love speak.

By the look on his face, I could tell he was happy to see me.

"I don't know what to say! But I see you do!" I giggled.

"Gar voirde gar!"

"Come on now, there is no need to confuse me. Let me hear more!"

"I n-need m-more pra-practice." I struggled a bit. I enjoyed speaking without moving my lips, it was a strange feeling.

Jake smiled and said, "You will get all the practice you need. Let's go out for dinner, to celebrate!"


I was shocked! I couldn't believe it. finally, after years of knowing her, I finally heard my love speak, in words I can understand.

"Where to?" I asked, then she paused and said,

"No-nothing fanc-fa-fancy."

"Oh heavens no! why don't we get something delicious?"

We decided on a restaurant named 'Rustaburo's Rusty Burrow.' We decided mostly on the name.

When we got to the entrance, a man at the front said, "Please sir, no animals allowed."

Before I could say even a word, Sophia was staring directly into the mans eyes. I heard nothing, until the man said, "Yes ma'am. Right away ma'am." I didn't know what she had said, but I was pleased.

After diner, we slowly walked home, gazing at the stars. I loved my new ability. When we got home, I suggested, "I think it-it's t-time I m-mo-moved to y-your room."

I had a devilish grin, implying the nights future events.

"Oh not tonight, I had a..." I kissed him, before he could say no.

While kissing him, I said "Awwwe come on." After all, I did not need my mouth to talk. I untied my dress.

He continued to say, "Please, Sophey, I'm tired."

I pulled off his shirt. "Ah screw it."

As my dress dropped to the floor, I pushed him onto the bed, while unzipping his pants. "Devoir gar gard voir!" He knew what that meant.

We continued to have the most passionate night either of us had ever dreamed of.

After we were starting to drift to sleep, I felt a slight breeze, followed by, "Those are the two right there!" It was a salesman who thought he heard yelling, but only found us together. He came back with the police. "He was forcing himself upon her!"

They took her away. I knew what was to become of her too. I was so distraught, I didn't care of what was to become of me. I was in a court room, the several days later. I zoned out, and wasn't paying attention. Every now and then I would here a gasp or two, knowing that everybody in that room thought I raped a poor Gardevoir. Lies! I dozed in and out, up until I heard the judge say, "In the case of Jake Daniels, I sentence him to two years and prison, and Sophia to be put down." I gave up all how as he reached for his gavel.

I wondered what was happening to Jake at this point. It had been so long since I had seen him. I knew what was to become of me. I tried to explain what happened, but I couldn't concentrate, and no one would listen anyway. I was being taken, by cage, to a room with 'Gas Chamber' written on the door. I started to cry. As I was being placed in the chamber, I heard a walky-talky.

"*CHHK* Animal control, we have a Flygon that has been caught having relations it's trainer, repediatly over the past weeks. the trainer is unknown, and got away, but we caught the flygon. It is ready for pick up, at the pokemon center, over. *CHHK*"

"Oh no Kio!" I yelled, mentally, which surprised the guards. My eyes started to glow...
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Aug 13 2013 Chapter:A new life
    Uh oh... Caught, and now we got trouble... Damn those anti-poképhiliacs! Pokémon need love too!