AGNPH Stories

Shamrock Cavern by toyloli


Story Notes:

Contains sexual activity with brock, ash, misty, ritchi, mirana,. Johto level pokemon only. Contains Furry, Beast, Shota, Yuri, group, Large insertion, pregnancy, tentacle rape, xeno, transformation, nude wrestling, bukkake, styalized violence and my own weird sense of humour.

Nurse Love Joy - Page 2


Ash couldn't be seen with the naked eye. Heading first to the empty counter he looked left and right and completely failed to see the Chancy standing behind counter. He then burst through the Emergency doors left of the counter screaming out again. "NURSE JOY WE NEED YOUR HELP!" before zipping across to the doors on the other side of the counter leading into the trainers lounge. Looking around at the trainers without seeing them he screamed out "MISTY's HAVING A BABY!"
Having failed at finding nurse Joy he turned back to the main Foyer, barely registering the sound of somebody spitting out their drink in shock and spluttering behind him.
It was then that he saw Nurse Joy already kneeling over Misty, and slapped himself in the head for his own stupidity.
"Nurse Joy!" Ash said - reappearing by Misty's side. "Misty...."
"She *gasp* knows, Graaaah-the-whole-Centre-heard-you." Ash blushed at Misty's comments and watched as Nurse Joy Listened to his girlfriend's belly. Standing next to Misty, Pikachu was patting the girl on the shoulder and watching the Nurse carefully. Behind them Chancy wheeled in a large, low gurney designed for heavy rock-type pokemon and the four humans helped the girl onto it.
Joy Watched as Misty's started having contractions and commanded her how to breathe.
"This is kinda a special situation." Ritchi told her, then began explaining about the accident and whispering to joy about it being a pokemon in Misty's belly. Ash held Misty's hand feeling useless.
"If this is what I'm like when your pregnant then I wonder whether I'm actually worth anything as a boyfriend." he Thought to himself out loud, earning a look from Misty. The trolley began moving in the direction of the Emergency doors and away from the small group of prying eyes that had started to form from the other people using the centre.
Misty squeezed Ash's hands. "You better be. Myself and all your pokemon are counting on you..." She grunted, then screamed and squeezed Ash's hand so hard he lost all feeling in it.

Moments later Ash was very gently ejected from the emergency room. With the feelings of uselessness growing in Ash's stomach he was unsurprised when Brock suddenly sat down next to him.
Ash put his head in his hands and sighed. "We tried looking for you you know."
"Yeah I know, but I gather you had other problems. Only has 9 months really gone past?"
"Nope." Ash replied, "That's Togepi she's giving birth too. It was Togepi's wish for Misty to give birth to him."
Both boys looked up when Ritchi and Mirana suddenly appeared standing over them. Ash looked at the red light above the Emergency doors then looked back at the ground.
"What do you mean wish?"
Ash addressed Ritchi without thinking, and Brock sat there listening to him.
"We found a cave in the forest that grants wishes involving love. It works with humans but it works strongest with Pokemon. It can even make pokemon look human if it needs to."
"or..." The light above the door turned green and a small Bell sounded. All four stopped talking and stood up, watching as Misty was wheeled out from Emergency in a wheelchair. Ash blinked and re-appeared beside Misty - hugging her tightly as Togepi "PREED" and waved his arms around in Misty's lap.
Misty Sighed. and Brock laughed.
"Well, I think both of you should relax!" Joy said as she lead the group of five to a private room. "Possibly stay the night. And while I'm not exactly against sex with Pokemon I suggest you don't do something like this again till your much older."
The children all nodded as Ash hugged his girl-freind. Only he heard Misty whisper; "As if this is going to stop me doing stuff with Pokemon." Earning a chuckle from the boy. Then she continued out loud "While we're here Nurse Joy would you mind giving our Pokemon a check-up?"
"Why not." She replied, "I've already checked all of you out!"

Half an hour passed. The sun had long set and Misty and Togepi snoozed in a loungechair while and Ash and Brock chatted quietly with Ritchi and Mirana. The younger breeder and his friend explained how they'd been going to investigate the mansion on the hill when they had the Accident with Misty. Ash explained to them about the cave and how it granted wishes but always seamed to encourage something sexual to happen. That was when Ritchi admitted to the older boys and to Mirana that he also performed sexual acts with pokemon. A fact that earned a slightly revolted look from Mirana until she realised that this didn't effect her chances at a relationship with him.
Finally, the focus turned to Brock.
"Well yeah!" He admitted when prompted, "I sort of got my wish."
"Then what happened to you?" Ritchi and Ash asked together. Three sets of eyes turned on brock expectantly.
"Pikachu told me that while we were in there a pokemon emerged from the cave and we kinda figured it was you, but we didn't pass you so..."
Brock sat back in his ezy-chair, his eyes virtually closed and his face stoic as he though about his response. Even the Sleeping pokemon and his new mother seamed to be listening.
"Well, i went like this!" Brock explained.
"When I entered the cave I met the spirit of the witch who grants the wishes. She had turned me into a growlith so that I could run an errand into town and fetch Officer Jenny but on the way down I got waylaid. A group of Hounour found me and explained to me that not only was I a pokemon, but I was a girl pokemon."
His listeners blinked at the revelation and Mirana was the first to realise the implication of it.
Brock nodded to her as he though back to the meeting in the forest.

[6 hours earlier]
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