AGNPH Stories

A Palm In Need by yin


Mimi's Great Escape

In a small village found in the Peruvian region of the Amazon, the humans were in a frenzy again.

"Â�Adónde Mimi fue este vez?" [Where did Mimi go this time?]

" No sé." [I don't know.]

" Ayudarme a encontrarla. Ella está intentando escaparse." [Help me retrieve her. She is intent on escaping.]

"Si ella funciona en la aldea, ella podría conseguir comida."
[If she is still in the village, she can obtain food.]

"Dios mio, nos dejó la encuentra." [My God, let us find her.]

The humans dispersed, scouring the village, looking for an escapee, but they had no idea what path she would take to reach the forest. On top of one of the buildings, a monferno tracked the movements of her pursuers waiting for the appropriate moment to change hiding positions. Earlier that day, she had made a resolve to escape this facility they kept her in. Despite having very rare contact with her captors, she was convinced of their existence much to the mockery of her fellow captives.

"I am telling you, there are people keeping us here. Don't you want to go to the wild? Don't you want to feel the real trees? Don't you want to eat berries straight from the trees? Those things that feed us don't count for much in my eyes." The monferno tried to rouse its comrades earlier to flee with her, but none were listening. In fact, some of them mocked her suggestion that they were living artificially.

"Mimi, nothing is going to happen to us, crazy monkey," jeered one of the chimchar. To her, her actions were not particularly deviant from the realm of the sane. She always had a firm belief that all sane creatures wish for freedom. That also extended to being able to do when you want without having some watchful eye surveying her every move. A few mating seasons passed through her birthplace and current abode, but she was the only one of her group to not have mated with anyone. Most likely, the hairless apes with their clipboards and notepads made her feel pressured.

That didn't matter right now... she was leaving today and after a careful study of their moving patterns, she made her way across the rooftops, hiding in the appropriate shrubs and small trees on her way out of the village, through its back door, bounding over obstacles with a bit of natural grace, her motions quite fluid in the air. Her steps were light, almost featherlike. Her shadow stole across the afternoon village. It was almost amusing to her how her bright orange fur, gold armbands, and her colorful facial features did not ruin her stealth, attributing it to good fortune and maybe just a bit of skill. Moving onto the last of the buildings, she noticed a person waiting right there for her. Quickly, she took cover on the far side of the roof.

"Now... this happened before, and I can counter it this time." She surveyed the area for anything light for her to throw. *Stick won't go far enough... mud won't get the right kind of sound... a roof tile!*Quickly, she chucked the thing as hard as she could over the peak of the roof over to where the solitary human stood guard, landing well behind him. However the force she used to throw it was too much for her to maintain her balance.

Mimi tumbled backwards, rolling head over heels nearly falling off the old primitive thatched roof, barely clinging onto the edge with one of her paws. She breathed a long sigh of relief. She looked down below her to see a pot of water just sitting right under her, really to swallow her up like a pitcher plant. She attempted to pull herself up, but with each movement, the piece of roof she was onto would creek. One too many tries placed too much stress on the flimsy tile she clung to, the loud snap and the even louder splash alerting the humans to her position. She scarcely got a few feet away when they finally surrounded her.

" La hemos encontrado," said one of the humans, his annoyance evident in his surly tone. "Esto es la tercera vez que ella se escape." [We have found her. This is the third time that she has escaped.]

The others agreed and grumbled as they quickly placed her in the cage. Her fur was very wet, so tranquilizing her was out of the question. Still their frustratiosn were evident. One of the men who was paler in complexion then most of the regular villagers picked up her cage himself.

"No preocuparte, nosotros tomará el cuidado del mono," the white man said. ["Do not worry yourself, we will take the care from the monkey"]

"Guarda tu palabra, Doctor" responded the man. [Guard your word]


When Mimi woke up, she found herself in a container headed into the jungle. She was still quite disoriented from her misadventure in trying to escape and so didn't panic the entire drive. She stared dazily into empty space, shivering a bit from the unexpected dip in the water. "Where am I now?" Her eyes narrowed as the mesh wire frame that surrounded her box came into clearer view. "So I didn't escape them... maybe they got fed up with me..." Her heart began racing once the severity of her words sank in. She let out a panicked screech, grabbing her head in anxiety, feeling as though she would go insane with terror. Her tail fire grew in size as she screeched once more. "Nonononono, they are going to kill me!" Her monkey fists pound on the mesh, slowly deforming it. "I can't die yet!" she howled. Soon, the transport stopped and one of the scientists came out to inspect her. She fell silent upon eye contact with the furless creature.

"Oh man, there she goes again, freaking out about nothing," said the man. "It's nothing short of insanity what she si doing. She really never got used to humans."

"It makes what we are about to do easier."

When Mimi heard that, she started punching at the mesh some more, deforming it a lot but not making any true progress, too preoccupied with escaping. Her crate shook even further back in the truck despite all her effort. *Nononono!*she screamed in her mind. *We are going downhill... I'll never be able to get out.* She furiously pounded at the net, her resolve to escape, earnest but futile. She fought to exhaustion, never netting any progress. She looked up to the sky, tears streaming from her face, steam rising from her overworked arms. Her tail fire dwindled into scarcely an ember. *A banana... picked from the trees..." she said, her words cut off by sobs. "... I'll never eat one...*

An hour later, the truck started making regular stops, stopping every minute. She watched the humans take other cages a few at a time then move on after a few minutes. "Alright, two more batches and then we can move on to the newest project... yes project..." Then she heard maniacal laughter coming from one of the humans.

Finally, they came to rest along the river. "This is the last one. Do you think we should have left her a few of the other monkeys so that they could be together in the end of this time period?"

"I don't think it would be worth the bother. She was always acting like a nut job around the others and no one figured out why. Forget it though. The project is out of our hands and in theirs." She watches as they haul her crate out and place it on the ground. Slowly, they lift the hatch and she darts out, scurrying up into the trees and waiting for them to pursue her. She watched them for minutes as they just stood there.

*Weren't they trying to do something evil... no...* She ran off afterwards, sprinting into the unknown jungle. Night fell across the land as the monkey disappeared into the darkness as the sun disappeared over the horizon, its heat trapped n the thickets of the overgrown trees and vines. The humans looked on with trepidation as they finally realized they shouldn't have released her now.

The fear of the unknown is one of the greatest fears anyone could have. She would do well to keep track of every place she has been and to quickly adjust to living free without the fear of watching eyes. But unlike the pokemon who had believed themselves not to be under watch, she had no real way of adjusting. Her spirited sprint was reduced to a crawling pace as her eyes took in the outline of the background. The first thing on her mind was finding something to eat and all she knew was the trees she ate from back in the village but now, without the ability to see well at night, she couldn't find her out. She was too low in the forest structure to see the full moon's glorious light and little of that light actually trickled down to the forest floors. A humid breeze blew by her, carrying a sweet scent. *Possibly fruit there... I'm so hungry...*

She ran in the direction of the aroma, bouncing off the sides of the many branches, keeping a fast paced momentum. Somehow, she managed to avoid collisions with the barely visible branches and trunks she didn't bounce off of. Soon, the scent became stronger. "Fruit... it might be nanabs!" Her mouth watered as she considered the possibilities until she came to the source of the scent... but there was a more sweet scent coming from above her. She looked up and saw a Victreebel falling from the sky.

"What the?!?!?!" she dove out of the way as the pitcher plant slammed into the ground with such force that mud splattered everywhere, coating the trees in muck. She watched from behind a tree as the plant pokemon screeched in anger.

"That's it. Up the trees is where I should stay... right" She ruffles her furry head in frustration. "Oh if I only just ignore those humans I would have been better off. Now I don't know what to do here except find a place to stay." The words of the two humans that released her continued to haunt her, knowing full well that all her attempts at escaping and feeling panicked all the time instead of seeing the other things around made it difficult for her to have companionship back at the village. As a result, they released her alone and she just couldn't shake that feeling of impending doom. It felt as though a looming shadow leaned her.

In fact, it was the victreebel leering hungrily at her, missing its chance at catching its usual prey due to a silly ambipom and a stupid mistake. It crept closer to the fire monkey in hopes of satisfying its feeding urge. Saliva oozed from its mouth readying its components for digestion. Its vines slowly grew around Mimi who was too busy feeling sorry for herself to notice. But just as it was ready to pounce her, the monferno turned around and engulfed the creature in flames with its flame wheel attack.

"... I did notice you..." she murmured before she knocked out the predatory plant with a quick punch. "I live my life acutely aware of my environment. I may know little about the environment but don't assume I can't tell when people are around."

The jungle mist emanated from the west dampening the fire around the Victreebel who promptly scurried away. She hopped up the tree with some acrobatic skill up to the top of the tree and started to search for a place to sleep. The moon was high in the sky. She found a nice cool cubby in a tree to sleep.
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