AGNPH Stories

Poke'Paradise by cyan


The Final Member

Loox, Kreol, Liona, and Kuum make their way to the shore as the area starts to become brighter with the midday sun approaching. Liona stirs in thoughts silently until Kuum turns his eyes to her noticing her mind is elsewhere before he speaks up to break the trance "Is something bothering you?" Liona breaks away from her thoughts as she notices she is blankly staring at the cloudless sky before she turns her head to Kuum "Huh? Oh... I was wondering about Kai..." Kreol slows his pace a bit and turns his head to look at Liona before resuming his pace "You too huh?" Liona looks at Kreol and nods "Well he's probably fine, I mean he was still an Eevee last time I saw him, but he has never let that get in the way" Kreol says smiling before he notices everyone staring. Loox shakes his head "I forgot... You just got back so you probably didn't hear..." Kreol's looks at Loox confused "Didn't hear what?" He asks with concern in his voice "Well... his parents were killed..." Kreol stops in his tracks, his mouth agape "W-what!? How!?" Liona stops and turns to Kreol "They died trying to save Kai from some wild pokemon..." Kreol's eyes slam shut and his voice suddenly becomes harsh and bitter "DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM TO HELL AND BACK!!" Liona jumps back from him, worried that he might lash out "Kreol! Calm down!" Loox yells trying to snap him back, Kreol opens his eyes fixating them directly on Loox before taking a few breathes and he begins to slowly recompose himself "... I'm sorry..." Loox and Liona stare at Kreol worried; Kuum looks at Kreol with wide eyes "Damn Kreol! I've never heard you go ballistic like that!" Kreol, finally having recomposed himself, nods and frowns "I've been through a few ordeals while I was gone..." Liona walks over to Kreol with a look of concern covering her face "You must have gone through a lot while in the Sinnoh region... Want to talk about it?" Kreol shakes his head and a smile comes across his muzzle once more "Nah, maybe some other time, the things that happened are behind me, and honestly, I have quite a good few memories that make up for the bad ones and if I ever needed to, I could re-read my diary" Kuum stares up at Kreol funny "Diary? You mean those things humans write everything about there days down? Why did you make one?" He asks with a smirk, Kreol laughs "Well I thought it would be interesting to have something to look back on my last journey with" Kreol says, his smile widening "I also hope that my own off-spring might follow in my footsteps" Loox laughs lightly while shaking his head "Kreol, buddy, if your kit's are anything like you, then I doubt they'll need a diary to get them to follow what you do!" Kreol nods "Well maybe someone else might find it useful" He says, Liona nods and nudges Kreol with her paw "Maybe we should keep heading towards the shores? I bet Dee is wondering where you are" She notes, Kreol's smile lightens a bit "Your right! Let's get going!" They continue walking towards the shores. A black creature watches them from a branch, it's eyes almost pitch black with a tint of red in it's right eye, a tint of blue in the other. A light smile on it's muzzle slowly turns to a frown as it moves it head to stare at the ground "Kreol's here... I... I still can't bring myself to face anyone though..." It looks up seeing them as they disappear from his sight before sighing. It jumps from branch to branch in the direction he had seen them going, skipping from tree to tree.


After minutes of walking, Kreol and the others find themselves staring out along the shoreline "Ah, we've made it" Kreol stops to look on while Loox and the others walk around him, staring out into the sea "So where is Dee?" Kreol shakes his head to break his trance and follows "Hold on, I'll call out for her..." Kreol then took a moment to stare out into the horizon before howling loudly. They waited for a few moments and found not a single difference in the water "... That's odd..." Kreol says with a frown. He stands and howls again hoping for a response "Hey! There's something over there!" Loox says with a smile as something rises from far out in the water. Kreol looks down and notices a Lapras heading in their direction "Yeah that's Dee" He smiles until he notices that she is moving rather fast "Huh?" Dee speeds towards them with a scared expression on her face "HEELLLPP!" Dee screams as she looks back. Kuum stares at her confused "What is she tal-" Kuum is cut-off when he hears something blast out of the water behind Dee and looks over to see a Feraligatr fly up to the surface chasing her "DAMMIT!" Kreol says growling "We need to help her!" Kreol starts running towards the water "Wait Kreol!" Kreol stops at the edge of the water to look back and see Loox yelling to him "If you get in the water then you're not going to be able to put up a fight!" Kreol shakes his head "I know that, but I can't just do nothing!" he says looking back towards Dee seeing the Feraligatr get closer to her. Liona and Kuum run over as Loox looks out to Dee and her pursuer "Agh! Think Loox! THINK!" Loox sits there trying to come up with a solution when something runs up behind him "Move!" Loox and the others look back to see an Umbreon, but quickly jump out of the way when they notice it charging a shadow ball "Damn! I hope I can do it!" The Umbreon concentrates more and the ball almost triples in size as it fires off sending him flailing backwards into the sand with a loud crack. The ball flies towards Dee and she starts for a moment before quickly diving to avoid the blast allowing it to fly over her and slam into the Feraligatr with enough for to force it out of the water and into the air before plummeting back down create a large splash, it floats on the water unconscious for a moment before sinking below. Loox and the others stare in amazement at what had just unfolded in front of them "I-I-I'VE N-NEVER S-SEEN SOMETHING SO P-POWERFUL!" Kuum says trying his hardest to form words, Loox hesitantly looks over to the Umbreon who had created the blast before rolling onto his feet and slowly walking over fear gripping him a bit "A-are you ok?" He pushes him with a paw and jumps back when he looks up bleary eyed "... Is the Lapras ok?" Loox looks back and sees the Lapras emerge from the water carefully before swimming towards them, he then looks at the Umbreon staring into it's dark blue and red eyes "Yeah... She's fine" he says with a small smile. The Umbreon lays his head down again "Good..." He passes out as Liona walks over "Is he ok?" Liona says with a concerned look "Mhmm... Kai is fine..." Liona looks at Loox wide eyed as he turns to walk back towards the others. As Loox gets to them, Kreol stands shaking himself off before looking at Loox "Who is that Loox?" Loox looks at Kreol with a smile "Can't you tell? It's Kai" Kreol's eyes become wide and Kuum jumps to his feet "Is he going to be okay!?" They say in unison, Kuum turns to run towards Kai "He'll be fine, but we still have Dee here" Dee swims up to the shore "That wasn't a way I'd like to get my exercise in..." Kreol looks at Dee and laughs "Yeah, but at least your okay" he says smiling. Dee nods "And who do I have to thank for that?" Kreol looks to Kai and back "He's the one who saved you, but it seems he's a bit indisposed right now" Dee smiles and turns "Well tell him I said thank you, now I'm getting away from here for awhile, I'd rather not end up a snack if that thing comes back!" Kreol nods "Yeah, I'll see you later then!" Dee submerges leaving no more than ripples in the water. Kreol and Loox turn and start walking over towards Kai and the others "You look happy Loox" Kreol states looking at Loox who is smiling from one end of his muzzle to the other "I haven't seen Kai in a long time and we're practically brothers. Of course I'm happy" Loox looks up at Kreol who chuckles "I wonder how Kai did that, I didn't even know an Umbreon could pull off something so incredible!" Loox nods "Yeah" They reach Kai and Liona looks at Loox "It looks like he broke his left hind leg..." she says noting the way Kai's leg seems bent at a strange angle "We should get him to the colony" Kuum says. Loox looks at Kuum and shakes his head "You know he doesn't like it there... He'd probably start freaking out the moment he wakes up..." he says with a frown "Let's take him to my den, I have enough room" They all nod in agreement and Kreol brings his head down picking him up by the scruff of Kai's neck with his teeth, they begin walking into the forest of the island.


Kai suddenly finds himself in a field staring into the sky, grass and trees waving in the wind. He looks over to his left to see a male Vaporeon looking down on him with a smile, he smiles up to the Vaporeon before looking to his right to find a female Leafeon smiling back at him. The feeling of happiness seems to overwhelm his senses when he suddenly everything suddenly changes, he looks down to his little Eevee paws to find the ground turning black and crumbling and front of him. All the feelings seems to wash away as he falls looking around to find nothing but crumbling ground above him.
Chapter End Notes:Hope you enjoyed i
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