AGNPH Stories

Poke'Paradise by cyan


The Rest of the Gang

The morning sun rose shining brightly down onto poke'paradise, waking many of the pokemon living on it. Soon the sunlight shined brightly in on Loox's den causing him to stir in his sleep before opening his eyes and yawning "Morning already?" Loox shook his head in annoyance and yawned again "I hate..." he yawned again as he got up onto his paws and stretched "... mornings..." Loox walks over to the entrance of his den and peers out of it and into the sky before his stomach growls "Heh, I had better get something to eat" he walks out of his den and looks around a bit before spying a bush with many ripe berries growing from it. Loox walks over and grabs one with his teeth and starts to eat it when something knocks off of his head without warning before he hears laughing "... Ok... That's hilarious..." he looks around not finding anyone "Helloooo! Come on out!" His ear twitches as he hears another laugh and looks up into a nearby tree in time to see an Eevee spit a berry at his head. The berry plinks off of Loox's head and the Eevee laughs "Cut it out!" Loox says a bit annoyed, the Eevee laughs again "MOOORRNIINNG BIG BROTHER!" Loox cracks a crooked smile "Oh it's you Etai..." Loox starts chewing on another berry "What are you doing up so early?" Loox mumbles as he chews on the berry, Etai digs his claws into the side of the tree and slowly inches himself towards the ground "I got woke up by mom setting the den on fire" Loox smiles nervously "What did dad do now...?" Loox starts chewing on another berry "I don't know, I heard something about being out late and being with another mate" The word 'mate' hits Loox by surprise and he starts choking on the berry he's eating "Are you ok brother!?" Loox coughs for a moment before recomposing himself and sighing "Dad went and did that again!? He's lucky mom didn't kill him then..." Loox thinks to himself with a confused expression "... Brother?" Loox shakes his head at hearing his brothers voice "Oh sorry... I'm ok" Etai stares at Loox for a moment "Brother, what's a 'mate'?" Etai asks putting extra emphasis on the word mate, Loox nearly chokes again in surprise "W-what!?" "What's a 'mate'?" Etai asks again "Etai you're TOO young to know things like that right now!" Etai stares at Loox "But why?" Etai asks "Oh hey guess what! I gotta go!!" Loox turns and takes off running "BROTHER...! Awe man..." Etai watches as Loox runs off out of sight. Loox looks back seeing he's not being followed and slows down to a jog and sighs "Even when I have my own den I still get pulled into my parents problems somehow..." Loox mumbles to himself when he suddenly remembers something "Oh yeah, I'm meeting Liona at the center of the colony today!" Loox thinks as he quickens his pace not wanting to be late. As Loox makes his way to the colony, he hears the sounds of things running around him and looks around to see many different pokemon rushing towards the colony "What's going on?" He wonders as he looks back towards the towering mountains of natural rock that make up the colony's outer walls. Loox slows his pace as to not run into anyone as he gets to the entrance dug out into the base of the mountainside, pokemon of all kinds nearly running into him as he makes his way through "WHOA! HEY! WATCH IT!!" Loox yells finding himself barely dodging the on comers before being knocked down by an Arcanine, Loox hits the ground and sees another group of pokemon stampeding towards "DAMMIT!" Loox quickly rolls to the side of the entrance in time for the group to plow through. Loox stares for a moment confused then sighs as a pikachu makes his way through the now empty passage. The pikachu looks at Loox and walks over "Are you ok?" Loox looks at the pikachu "Yeah, I think I'll live" the pikachu smiles and helps him up, Loox shakes himself off like a wet dog and turns his head the the pikachu again "Do you know what has everyone in a hurry?" the pikachu thinks for a moment "Apparently Kreol is back from his trip to the Sinnoh region" Loox jumps in surprise and stares at the pikachu "NO KIDDING!?" The pikachu laughs "Nope!" the pikachu races off leaving Loox stunned "WOW! I haven't seen him around for months!" He thought to himself as he took off at high speed into the colony. The colony entrance opened up revealing the inner area of the surrounding mountainous walls that towered leaving the top open to allow sunlight in, trees and other plants grew providing shade and many other uses to the mini pokemon city that flourished. The ground within the walls had been cultivated by the many pokemon living there to suit there needs, some areas being meant to live in others being used by pokemon that came from outside poke'paradise, showing off the many things they had acquired during their travels. In the middle of the colony, a rather impressively large group of pokemon had gathered to observe a spectacle taking place. Loox hurried on to the audience gathered around the center "HEY! LOOX!!" Loox looks over to see Kuum waving a paw to him and Loox stops to change direction and runs over to Kuum "I guess you heard!" Kuum says with a wide smile trying to get his voice over the crowds "Yeah, Kreol is back!" Loox yells back "I can't wait to see what he got to do while he was gone!" Kuum says with enthusiasm as he looks towards the center of the crowd awaiting Kreol's appearance "Mhmm!" Loox hums nodding when a thought arises "Hey have you seen Liona? I'm suppose to meet her!" Kuum's expression suddenly drains into a frown without looking at Loox, obviously still annoyed about the day before, and he uses his paw to gesture to his right pointing her out in the distance "Thanks!" Loox runs off towards Liona. As Loox makes his way over, Liona looks over to notice him a smiles as he stops in front of her "I see you made it on time!" Liona says happily "You usually hate mornings! Which is odd considering your an Espeon...!" Loox laughs at the comment "I like the daytime! I just prefer to sleep in!" Loox says with a grin. Suddenly the crowd bursts into a loud cheer, Loox and Liona look over to the point of interest to see a ninetails walk out of a hollowing in the ground, Liona stares for a moment in astonishment "I-is that Kreol?!" Loox cheers in amazement "Now THIS is amazing! To think that Kreol evolved from that little vulpix during his travels!" Kuum runs over to Loox jumping around like a little kid "Can you believe it!? Kreol is a ninetails now!" Kuum says with cheerfully "Yeah!" Loox nods with a smile as the crowds cheering dies down in time for Kreol to speak "Thank you everyone! I really appreciate it! To think I would get such a warm welcome upon my return, it really gets to me!" Kreol smiles broadly "Now I can only guess that everyone came to learn of what I found over my newest adventure?" Everyone cheers awaiting Kreol's tale "Well I have to be honest, my journey was long and I met very many pokemon, I even met quite a few different humans! My journey was one of the best I ever had and I will never forget it, but I made the decision to make it the last one I would go on!" The crowd awes in annoyance at his words "Now now! Even I want to settle down at some point in my life, but don't think I have forgotten everyone that had shown me support before going on the adventure! So I have brought something to represent my journey!" Kreol nods to a nidoking standing near him, who nods back and raises a very large, very clear, and beautiful crystal into the air that creates a wide variety of color as the light shines on it. The crowd stares in amazement, most having never seen anything like it before, other in the amazement of the shear size of it "I thank you all for coming and maybe someday someone may pick up where I left off" Everyone cheers loudly before that start to disperse still talking amongst each other about Kreol. Liona looks at Loox "Let's go talk to Kreol, I bet he missed us Loox" Liona says, Loox turns his head to her and nods "YEAH" Kuum says with excitement as they start to make there way through the dispersing crowd towards Kreol who is talking to a smaller group of pokemon "HEY KREOL!" Loox hollers to Kreol who looks over. Kreol's smile becomes bright and cheerful reaching from one end of his muzzle to the other "LOOOOXX!!" Kreol clears the group around him easily as he leaps towards Loox who's smile changes to a wide eyed frown as he turns to get out of the way "Wha...!? HOLD IT!" Kreol tackles Loox and rolls on the ground for a moment before they stop, Kreol having lifted Loox up in his paws, while sitting on his hind legs, rubbing his head against Loox's hugging him closely "BUDDY!! I MISSED YOU! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Loox tries to pull away with no success "I'll be fine when you stop choking me..." Loox says with a muffled voice before Kreol realizes and drops Loox "Sorry about that..." Kreol adds smiling. Loox stands up and takes a few breathes "I see you still act like a child..." Kreol laughs as Liona and Kuum walk up to Kreol making themselves know "Liona! Kuum!" He hugs them close for a moment "How have you all been?" Liona smiles widely "We've been fine, but look at you! When did you evolve!?" Kreol grins at the thought "Oh yeah, I actually evolved on my way back" Loox looks at Kreol oddly "On your way back? How?" Kreol nods with a slight frown "We were attacked by an angry gyarados on the way here... If I hadn't of evolved then I don't think we would of made it..." Kuum stares confused "WE?" Kreol looks at Kuum annoyed "Don't tell me you forgot!?" Liona steps forward "Kuum, Kreol got around with the help of the Lapras Dee" Kuum nods frowning "Oh yeah... I'm sorry Kreol" Kreol smiles "It's ok, shes fine if you where wondering, though a bit beat up from the ordeal, I'm going to visit her this evening if you all want to come" Loox nods with a smile as everyone agrees "Sure!" Kreol nods with them in agreement when they suddenly hear something in the distance "ACK! WAIT! IS HE STILL HERE!?" They look to see a female vulpix clumsily running in their general direction before she trips and tumbles before sliding to a stop near them "Ugh..." She pulls herself up and stretches "Awe... I missed him didn't I...?" Kreol turns to her and laughs "Maol? Is that you?" The vulpix looks at him confused before her eyes become the size of dinner plates "KREOL!! BROTHER!!" she jumps up onto him hugging his neck "You evolved Kreol!" Kreol nods "Yep!" Maol presses her head into his fur "What's it like!? How was your adventure!? What did you get to do!? Come on tell me!" Maol asked in over her head in excitement "I'll tell you later on alright" Maol hopped down "Aaaawwwee..." she said annoyed "Now now, I brought something with me that you might like" He gestures towards the crystal which Maol eyes in awe "WOW! It's BEAUTIFUL...!" Maol walks over to the crystal and presses a paw against it watching the colors dance in the sunlight "I also brought something for you" Kreol brings out a small bag tied to his tail and gives it to Maol as she walks over "What is it!?" she rips the bag open with her teeth revealing many round black balls "What are they?" she says somewhat disappointed "They're called sweets, I got them from a human, they're very tasty, try it" Maol looks at the sweets and grabs one with her teeth before sitting on her hind legs and grabbing it with her paws taking a bite "What do you think?" Kreol asks watching her expression suddenly light up "MM! IT'S DELICIOUS!!" she quickly devours the rest of it with a smile on her face "I knew you'd like them" Kreol says smiling when a thought arises "Hey, where's Kai?" Loox and the others frown "Well... He kinda left the colony..." Loox says "Left? Why? Is he at least still on the island?" Kreol asks, Maol interrupts before Loox or the others can talk "He's training!" she says with her mouth full "How do you know Maol?" Liona asks interested "I go to see him everyday!" Maol says having just finished off another sweet. Loox walks up to her "Can you tell us where he is?" he asks with a smile, but she nods "Nope!" Maol adds with a a stern look "Why not?" Kreol asks "I promised him that I wouldn't tell! Not even if I was looking death right in the face!" A sweat drop comes down the side of Kreol's head "Ok I get the picture" he says as Maol bites down into another sweet. Kreol looks at everyone "Well let's get going to the beach, Dee should be waiting" everyone nods and turns to head out, Kreol looks back at Maol "Don't eat too many of those, you'll get a stomachache" Kreol states as he walks off, Maol nods and yells with a full mouth "OK BROTHER! BYE BYE!" Kreol wonders to himself as he walks along "I wonder why Kai left the colony to train?" His thoughts continue to revel on this as they leave the colony and start out to make their way to the shoresChapter End Notes:Wow a lot more went into this chapter than I thought would... Anyway, please give me your reviews I'll really appreciate them! Also this is how you pronounce the character names if you were wondering

Loox ( Lou-x )
Liona ( Lee-o-na )
Kuum ( Koo-mm )
Etai ( E-tie )
Kreol ( Cree-all )
Maol ( Mao-owl
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