AGNPH Stories

Poke'Paradise by cyan


Reconciled Past

Kai shoots up as he awakens from his nightmare, sweat matting his fur. He breathes heavily as he looks at his blurred surroundings, the daylight hurting his eyes for a moment before a purple-grey haze blocks it "What the hell...!? Where am I? Ugh..." Kai coughs out at the haze hearing a sigh "It's good that you're finally awake Kai..." Kai rolls a bit "Who are you!? How do you know my name!?" He yells as he stands only to be stiffened by a sharp pain in his hind leg and falling to the ground again grunting in pain "AH! Are you ok!?" The haze asks as it moves towards Kai "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Kai snaps as he claws and bites frantically with his eyes shut before being greeted by a swipe across his nose "KAI!! CALM DOWN! Damn..." The haze yells loudly. Kai puts a paw on his nose rubbing it "That... voice is familiar..." Kai hears a sigh and opens his eyes looking up, his vision having cleared enough to see Loox staring back with a seemingly annoyed expression "... Loox?" he asks, Loox sighs again "Yes Kai... That must have been a bad nightmare to have woken you up like that" Kai grunts as he attempts to stand again only to have Loox pin him "What are you doing?" Kai asks angrily "If you try to walk then you'll only hurt yourself more..." Loox says as he presses very lightly on Kai's broken hind leg. Kai pushes himself up a bit to look finding his leg wrapped in a thick layer of cloth before flopping back down "Just lovely..." He mutters; Loox shakes his head before nudging Kai a bit and speaking "I'll help you up with my psy..." Kai pushes back "No I can do it myself..." Loox cocks his head a bit "What do you mea-" Loox begins to ask before watching Kai suddenly lift off the ground lightly and land on his three good legs. Loox stares with his mouth open "B-but how!?" he stutters as Kai shakes himself off a bit "I'll explain in a bit... If you don't mind, do you have anything around to eat?" Loox shakes off his surprise and nods "Yeah, just give me a second and I'll get something" Loox turns to leave getting to the entrance of his den before turning around to speak as he walks out backwards "Just take it easy!" He notes Kai answering with a grunt before Loox turns again leaving. Kai shakes his head as he limps over to a wall leaning on it for support 'He's the same as before... It's good to actually talk to him though' he thinks as he shifts to lean his back against the wall and, still feeling exhausted, nodding off to sleep.

Kai opens his eyes to find a Leafeon standing close by who gazes up into the starlit sky. Kai blinks momentarily before turning his head to look as well at the glimmering stars before a voice echoes into his ears. He shifts his vision to look at the Leafeon, a smile across its face as it hums with its attention on Kai. "You know, someday... You'll be grown and I won't look after anymore..." Kai nods in agreement as the Leafeon looks back to the sky "I want you to know something before then, I want you to learn it and keep it with you always" Kai shuffles closer, curiosity having drawn his attention to the subject "What is that mom?" The Leafeon draws her attention back to Kai "No matter what happens you must keep yourself held high. Live to dream and keep those dreams close and you will always find what you need to make you happy" Kai looks at the ground as he thinks when a paw gently lifts his head to look at the sky "I said high, not low" The Leafeon notes with a chuckle. Kai stares at the sky for a moment as he begins to lose himself in his thoughts "But... how?" Kai closes his eyes "These dreams only fill me with pain... A longing to have back those I lost because of my weakness" Kai opens his eyes slowly as he begins to wake from the dream, the daylight shining into Loox's home giving it a peaceful atmosphere. Kai blinks and shifts his sight down to the ground "I'm a failure to you though..." Kai says as he stares blankly at the ground. As he begins to lose himself in his thoughts, a soft voice surrounds him "If you always look down-" Kai shifts his head in surprise to look at the source, Liona sitting next to him with a soft smile "You won't see the things from a higher point of view" She says, Kai slowly losing his train of thought "Li... Liona?" He questions to which she nods "It's good to see you again Kai, it's been months since I last saw you" Kai shakes his head "Actually you've seen me a couple times... I just happened to look like this when you did" Kai looks at his leg for a moment "Well... Maybe not like THIS... but I think you get the picture" Kai adds smiling. Liona thinks momentarily "What exactly were you doing?" she says, Kai looking a little confused "I mean, all this time you were away" she finishes. Kai shakes his head "Training" he states, looking back up to Liona "That's all?" Liona asks with a confused look to which Kai answers "Yes, day in and day out. I've been at it constantly, never stopping except to eat and sleep" Liona thinks for a moment "Because of what happened with you're parents?" she asks questioningly. Kai nods "Mhmm, I never want that tragedy to repeat itself again... to anyone" Liona closes her eyes "It wasn't your fault that happened though and you were still young-" "That's not a good enough reason!" Kai interrupts, raising his voice "They loved me and took care of me and all I could do was cower in hiding while they got slaughtered!" he continues, his eyes closed and tears beginning to stream down his face "I should've had the power to help, the power to kill them... the ones who killed my parents. They should have died instead!" he finishes tears having matted his fur slightly. Liona stares at Kai for a moment before looking at the ground "I'm sorry Kai... That was a horrible day..." she says shaking her head "No, I'm sorry it's not right for me to act like this... I just..." Kai looks up to Liona "Could I be alone for a bit...? I need to think" Liona nods as she slowly gets up walking to the entrance "It's good to have you back though Kai" she states before leaving.

As she walk out of the den she rolls her eyes "That's called "eavesdropping" if you were wondering..." she says before looking over at Loox who is sitting up by the entrance with a large pile of berries "Yes I'm aware, but it is also my home" he states eyeing Liona with one eye closed "And what if I lived here too? Would you listen in on everything I talked about and watched everything I did??" Loox shifts from eyeing to staring with a stunned expression "What is that suppose to mean!?" Loox sighs closing his eyes as he calms himself "Besides, you don't live here anyway" Liona smirks and chuckles "Well maybe I will then" Loox stands up staring at Liona "Do what!? No way!" he yells. Liona laughs and stares back teasingly "Aw why not? It'd be fun!" Loox shakes his head "Fun? Yeah about as much fun as pissing off a bunch of Beedrill" Liona's smirk turns into a scowl "Oh really? Thanks a lot Mr. Prankster!" Loox scratches his head before pointing his paw at her "That's Kuum and you know it!" Liona laughs slightly "And you had nothing to do with it?" Loox holds his head high "Nope!" "Liar!" Liona barks, Loox gritting his teeth in response "Hey! You're the one who is always using your charm to pull pranks and such too!" Liona shakes her head "No I don't! I do it to prove a point!" Loox coughs a laugh "Pah! Is that so?" Liona nods "Yes!" Loox angles his head and stares "If that's so then-""Ah the lovers quarrel... So much energy and vigour and noisy to boot" Loox and Liona both look over towards the source of the voice glaring to find Kai poking his head out of a window-like hole in the side of the den "Lovers!?" They yell in unison. Kai shakes his head and chuckles "Of course! You obviously act like lovers" Loox and Liona glare at each other for a moment before looking back at Kai "HE is NOT my lover" Liona states "SHE is NOT my lover" Loox states almost at the same time to which Loox and Liona glare at each other again. Kai sighs "Well you two sure do bitch like lovers..." Loox and Liona stare at Kai with a smirk on their faces "So we're bitchy eh?" they both state "Um... Why are you two..." Kai immediately darts away from the opening to which Loox and Liona dash inside "THIS ISN'T FUNNY YOU TWO!" Kai yells, crashes and thuds emitting from the den "I'M HANDICAPPED DAMMIT! ACK!" Kai limps out of the den huffing and wheezing before looking back and seeing Loox and Liona heading for him "CUT IT OUT!" Kai states running away as fast as he can on his three good legs, Loox and Liona following "Let us show you how bitchy we REALLY are!!" Liona yells as they chase after Kai.
Chapter End Notes:God it's been awhile since I uploaded anything. My friend chucking candy at my head doesn't help... Anyway, I hoe you liked this chapter,sorry if my writing style changed or anything all of a sudden, causing you to get thrown off trac
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