AGNPH Stories

Unfortunate Encounter by darkjester


Story Notes:

In this you will notice Lunamew mentioning Team Rocket. To understand Lunamew's relation to Team Rocket, you will need to understand Lunamew's background which Lunamew herself was kind enough to share with me:Lunamew was once a human, but after too many failed missions, she was used in experiment to splice pokemon DNA with human DNA. The result was a brand new type of pokemon they called Lunamew.

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual situations between pokemon. It is not to be taken seriously nor is it written for anyone to read who is under the legal age of 18 (21 in some places).

All characters involved in this story are copyright their owners:

Pokemon © 1995-2008 Nintendo/Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK Inc.

Lunamew © her creator.


Lunamew stirred in the soft breeze. She was flying along above the forest canopy, looking this way and that for a well-secluded place to land.

"Team Rocket just won't stop with the experiments!" She muttered softly to herself, reminiscing, "Every day, if it's not endurance training, it's breeding compatibility! I need a break from it all!"

As she became lost in her own thoughts, she almost didn't notice the small clearing she passed overhead. She stopped immediately and turned around, gazing down at the break in the trees with interest. Surrounded by lush grass and flowers was a small lake that flowed off as a river into the far-off distance that would eventually, she concluded, pour into the ocean.

Without delay, she spiraled downwards toward the open meadow and landed softly near a pile of bloom and blossom. She sighed delightfully as the smooth, green grass tickled her footpads and she collapsed backwards; crushing flower and grass stalk alike beneath her bulk.

She lay there, staring up into the heavens for a while, before slowly closing her eyes and drifting off into a pleasant slumber.

She awoke a while later to find the sun was just beginning to set. She sat up, stretched tiredly, and looked around curiously. No pokemon in sight, not even the sounds of crickets chirped.

"It's quite serene here... Very pleasant," She mentioned to no one in particular, "Well, better take a bath while I still can!" She floated upwards into the air and turned to float above the lake. Slowly, she descended to the very edge of the smooth, clear liquid below and dipped a single foot paw in. A chill ran down her spine and she pulled her foot paw away instinctively. She did it again but this time she got her entire foot into the water. Slowly, she did the same with her other foot, until both feet were submerged below the waterline. Gradually, she slipped the rest of her body into the lake until the water was up to her neck. She sighed softly as the water wafted over her entire body and ruffled out her fur. She leaned back and outstretched her body, becoming weightless, so that she started to float on the surface. Only her belly and head were exposed as she drifted along carelessly.

With team rocket always on her tail, she couldn't relax like this very often, so she was determined to take advantage of it for as long as she could.

Meanwhile, deep below in the darker depths of the lake, a pokemon swam, a Dragonair. His sinewy body writhed as it snaked through the waters with ease. It searched for food beneath the small-to-big rocks that littered the lake's sandy floor. Using his body by corkscrewing himself around the rocks, he was able to lift them up and scare out whatever might be hiding beneath. He caught a few fish and crabs this way which, while small, supplied him with enough food and energy for the remainder of the day.

Once his hunt was complete, he coiled around himself at the bottom of the lake and sighed deeply before grieving to himself, "I'm so lonely... I wish so badly for a mate. But I haven't seen fin or tail of anything beyond the fishes that I consume."

Just then, there was a flash of white in the corner of his eye, and he looked up toward the surface. There in the distance, something floated. As to what, he was unsure of from his vantage point.

He uncoiled himself and swam upwards toward the strange pokemon that had invaded his waters. As he got closer, he began to make out the complete form of the creature. It had a light blue tail attached to a torso of the same color. This torso and tail combination seemed to be the only parts on its body that wasn't covered in soft, white fur. Her feet were oddly shaped with elongated foot paws and pink foot pads on the bottom. Her head, seen from the back, had triangular, cat-like ears jutting from the top that twitched slightly as the water brushed over them.

Intrigued by its odd build, the Dragonair swam closer until he was within tails reach of the pokemon. Using his tail-tip, he poked at it softly in the backside.

Lunamew squirmed a bit in response to the incessant poking until she was annoyed enough to react. She lifted herself from her relaxed state and paddled the water a bit to stay afloat as she looked down toward the disturbance. She spotted a Dragonair staring back up at her and she smiled a bit. With a soft wave she spoke, "Hello!"

Once Dragonair got a look of its face, it was clear to him that it was a female. If her cute smile didn't give it away, then her sparkling purple eyes did. He also noticed two small tufts of fur jutting out from the rest - One clump atop her head between both ears and another poking out from her chest. Even with the water weighing down on both outcroppings, they still managed to distinguish themselves from the rest of her otherwise smooth fur.

Dragonair smiled back at her and waved his tail-tip at her in an attempt to intimidate the gesture. "Hello there. What's your name?" He inquired.

"I'm Lunamew! What's your name?"

"I don't have a name, so just call me Dragonair!"

She nodded in understanding and responded kindly, "Will do, Dragonair!"

Dragonair, now a bit more confident, swam upwards and poked his head out of the water. He stared at her with a cocked head as he addressed her, "Why are you here, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Just taking a break from a hard day's work!" She responded thoughtlessly.

"Ah... Where are you from?" He persisted.

"Team Rocket. You probably don't know who they are..."

Dragonair shook his head.

"They're just a few miles from here. Though, you're probably better off having nothing to do with them!"

"Why is that?"

"Well they're... Let's just say, they're evil!"

"Then why are you with them?"

"I'm..." Lunamew stopped for a moment to put some actual thought into her words for once, "I'm more like their lab Rattata!"

"What's a lab Rattata?"

"It's..." Lacking any further patience to answer his undying questions, she merely let out a sigh and said, "I don't know how to explain it really..."

Dragonair shrugged as best a serpent could. "Don't worry about it! Say, want to do something together?" Dragonair asked wryly.

Curious, Lunamew questioned back, "Oh? Like what?"

"Well..." Dragonair's cheeks flushed a little. "I was hoping we could mate!"

Lunamew's eyes went wide a bit; clearly she was caught off guard as she replied dumbly, "Excuse me?"

"You know, like, sex?"

"I don't think..." She stuttered. She wanted to be careful with her excuse so as not to upset him, "I don't think that will be possible... You see, that's kind of what I am taking a break from. Most of my day is spent mating with various pokemon so that my... 'Employer' can find out if I'm compatible or not. You're real cute and all, and maybe under normal circumstances it would be a possibility, but now is just not the right time for me. Please understand!"

Lunamew's attempt failed since Dragonair had a clear look of hurt on his face as he sighed deeply, "Oh... That's alright..." He turned away and slowly descended under the water. "I'm sorry to have bothered you..." Were his last words before he disappeared into the darkening depths.

As he vanished from sight, Lunamew felt a little bad for rejecting him and said quietly, "Poor thing, he must be so lonely out here!"

Lunamew gradually returned to her floating position as she pondered over the events that had transpired.

Below, the Dragonair returned to his isolated spot at the bottom of the lake and curled up again, pouting. "It's just not fair! Everyone has somebody but me..." He exclaimed with grief.

After a short grieving period, he glanced back up at the floating mew. Suddenly, he was overcome with anger. His body arched and twisted uncomfortably as the feeling grew. "Stupid bitch! Why did she deny me? I refuse to accept that!" He hissed.

His stare turned into a glare as a new desire burned within him: Lust. "I don't care anymore! I'll take her as my mate, whether she wants it or not!"

With that, he jutted upwards like a torpedo toward the surface where Lunamew floated aimlessly. It took only a few seconds for him to reach her at his speed, and before Lunamew had a chance to react, Dragonair coiled himself around her.

It wasn't until Dragonair had latched the thickest section of his sinewy body around Lunamew's belly that she was alerted to her plight and she started pushing against the Dragonair's scaled hide with her stubby arms in an attempt to free herself from his grip. "What are you doing!?" She yelled at him in her panic.

"Getting what I deserve! If you won't accept me, then I'll just have to take what I want by force!"

Lunamew, now clearly aware of his intentions, started screaming out for help as she struggled against his ever tightening grip as he continued to coil around her.

After having looped his body around her waist, he then wrapped himself around her arms to pin them at her sides. His tail-tip proceeded to coil around and grip one of her legs, leaving the other to thrash about freely, however useless to her in her struggle. He brought his head up and slammed it down on Lunamew's cranium, forcing her head underwater. From there, Dragonair then coiled the last bits of his remaining body around her neck and finished it off by bringing his lips to hers.

Lunamew continued to scream even after she was submerged; causing bubbles to form from her lips and float to the top where they popped and dispersed. Upon feeling his lips touch hers, she attempted to pull away, but the length of slick, tight muscle that clamped around her throat kept her at bay. She pouted a bit as the Dragonair slipped his wet tongue into her muzzle and lapped it at her own.

She whimpered in protest as her orifice was invaded, only to be pleasantly surprised that oxygen was suddenly being pumped into her lungs. She stared at the Dragonair in confusion.

Dragonair, as if reading her mind, pulled away for a moment to say, "As long as you keep your lips to mine, I can keep you breathing. Deny me, and you will simply drown here! The choice is yours."

He pressed his lips back to hers and waited to see how she would react.

Although clearly upset about the whole situation in general, she opened her mouth and accepted his lips with hers. She breathed in the live-saving oxygen for all it was worth, even though she knew it meant putting up with a probing tongue that was intent on exploring every inch of her mouth.

Meanwhile, the Dragonair shifted his position some so that the section of his lower torso that thinned out toward his tail was being pressed firmly between Lunamew's thighs. She squealed a bit as she felt the Dragonair grind his scaled skin up against her crotch, arousing both herself and her captor.

Slowly, a length started to grow within Dragonair's softer underbelly, and it took only a glance from Lunamew to realize what it was.

His penis was clearly visible, and was stiffening even as she watched it. Wide-eyed, she tried to protest, but no words could form in this water-filled prison surrounding her.

Once Dragonair was seemingly at his full length - which was rather large, Lunamew noticed, for someone his size - he shifted his body again so that it was dangling just centimeters away from her clitoris. She fought violently against his constricting form as she felt the tip of his cock probe her entrance.

Lunamew tried to fold her legs; anything she could do to stop the advance, but it was useless, since the Dragonair was far too strong for her to resist his advances.

Upon feeling the Dragonair plunge his manhood inside of her, she let out a faint scream, and a scream of which turned into yet more air bubbles that floated worthlessly to the top. Tears formed in her eyes that were immediately washed away as they mixed in with the water surrounding them.

The Dragonair moaned as he slid his respectable girth all the way inside of his captive. Having a snug fit, he wasted no time thrusting into her. Clearly, he had been yearning for this moment for far too long, and Lunamew just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Something she has been rather familiar with, as of late.

Lunamew struggled and squirmed frantically against him, all the while careful not to break their kissing embrace at risk of drowning herself in her own foolishness.

Being his first time, it took like effort for the Dragonair to reach orgasm, and with a spasm that writhed through his entire body, he cummed hard inside of her.

Lunamew, in her panic, failed to do so herself even as the globs of thick semen spilled into her and latched onto her vaginal walls.

Small bits here and there jutted out and drifted away with the current as the Dragonair continued to thrust hard into her. He did not stop until he had emptied most the confines of his sac into her.

Having finished, he pulled out of her with a satisfied moan and broke the kiss momentarily to say, "It was even better than I expected it to be! Let's do it again!"

Lunamew, whom was currently holding her breath, shook his head at him with a look of hurt in her eyes.

Dragonair merely kissed her again as he brought his cock-tip up even further than before until it was pressed against her other hole, the one at the base of her tail.

She gasped out as her eyes widened, water now assaulting the open irises without restraint. She shook her head even more violently as she felt the Dragonair's tip being wiggled into her tailhole. She clenched her anus instinctively, only causing herself further pain as the cock forced itself in even deeper.

It took a bit of effort, but Dragonair did manage to get his cock most of the way inside before starting his rhythmic thrusting motion up again.

The pain was excruciating to Lunamew, intensified by her own paranoid fears and muscle spasms. She pleaded with the Dragonair to stop, but little could be done to share her plight.

Despite the extreme tightness of her tailhole, Dragonair had little trouble fucking it as he built himself up again for another anticipated orgasm.

Unlike before, Lunamew was deriving no pleasure from this at all and continued to show her anguish in the form of deep squeals of pain and the frantic flailing of her free leg and tail.

Lunamew's torture did not last long, much to her relief, as the Dragonair was ready to burst, and did just so without delay.

With another deep moan and muscle contractions throughout his body, he spilled the last remnants of his thick, wet seed inside of Lunamew's aching tailhole. It filled her quickly, so quickly that he was forced out prematurely as the rest of the yolk was pulsed out into the water and sent off in globs toward the lake's depths.

Finally satisfied, he pulled his lips from hers and slowly began to untwine from her body.

Once Lunamew came free from his grasp, she immediately pushed away from him and swam rapidly toward the surface. Random tears broke from their ducts as she shot out of the water and flew up towards the skyline. She flew as high as she could until the lake below was but a dot to her.

After wiping away the tears from her eyes, she reached down and rubbed her aching tailhole. It still bulged with seed, and she lamented over the fact that it would just have to expel itself naturally before she would be rid of it. "If this is what the pokemon world is like..." She complained, "Then I will take my chances with Team Rocket!" With that, she turned and flew off in the direction of Team Rocket H.Q., leaving the now tainted memories of the meadow behind without looking back.

Dragonair watched her disappear into the sky above until she could be seen no more. He turned away and sighed with mixed feelings of regret and joy. Regret that he would never see her again, but joy that he was able to experience his first time with what he considered to be a very desirable pokemon. He returned to the bottom of the lake and coiled up in a sleeping position as he thought, "That was so wonderful... I must have more! I hope other pokemon stop by this place, as I will delight in having my way with them!" A small, villainous smile crept across his lips as he drifted into unconsciousness.

Chapter End Notes:I realize the sex scene wasn't very long, but after going over and over it again, I realize that on someone's first time, one who is desperate for sex, they wouldn't waste time "fucking around" (excuse the pun) and would get right down to business. I believe he went at a pace appropriate for someone in his position
    Date:Jan 31 2021

    Some typos, if you want to edit it, later:

    "attempt to intimidate the gesture" imitate?

    " it took like effort for the Dragonair " little?

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