AGNPH Stories

1. Anti-Pokemon: The New Way of Life (Old Version) by covenant


Episode 3 - Pneumonia

"You can rest here for the time-being, just until you are feeling better" Yurrei said, helping me onto an old mattress and covering me with a heavy blanket, "We'll need to keep you warm" she continued, dusting her paws off, "Do not worry, Zangoose, we shall take care of the Eevee for you and Yurrei will make sure you are clean and fed" Belisivious said, kneeling over next to me. I tried to take a deep breath, but a sharp pain that originated from my lungs would not let me, it felt like a million tiny needles stabbed small holes in my lungs.

"So... I'm guessing you were going to Miir Cyraa?" Yurrei asked, taking a cold, wet cloth and rubbing my forehead with it, "Ye..." it was beginning to get so hard to talk now, I couldn't even finish one word without feeling that pain in my lungs, "You don't have to talk, I'll just ask you Yes or No questions and you can just shake your head or nod your head to tell me the answer, 'kay?" Yurrei said in a friendly voice.

I shook my head, "We were going to Miir Cyraa ourselves, but I guess we'll have to delay it for a few weeks, at least I wont be there when those filthy humans attack" Belisivious explained. I was shocked when I heard that, the humans were attacking Miir Cyraa? I had to get an explanation from Belisivious somehow, but it has become too incredibly painful to talk, I just continued my raspy breathing until I could figure out what I could do.

I heard the fluttering of wings at the cave's entrance after a while, Belisivious looked surprised, "Nunikaussi, what are you doing here?" he asked, standing up and walking over to whatever could fly in here, I tried to turn my head around to look but Yurrei stopped me, "Don't stress yourself, it's a Pidgeot" she told me. She has been kneeling over next to me for quite a while now, was she going to be hanging near me the entire time? I sure hoped so, she was the first friendly face I've seen ever since I left Miir Cyraa, she kind of reminded me of my trainer, kind felt nice to be with someone who actually resembled my trainer.

"So, their forces are mobilizing now?" I heard Belisivious say, his words echoing throughout the caves, "Yes sir!" Nunikaussi yelled, by the tone of the Pidgeot's voice I could tell it was a female, I could tell she was a tough one, but Nunikaussi... where have I heard that before? I tried to collect my memories to see if that name meant anything in my history, I wasn't getting much assistance from the pneumonia, but I couldn't remember, maybe she was just a distant friend that I forgot all about, "Tell Teranus to gather his Elite Pokemon and use the burial mounds to ambush the PEF soldiers" Belisivious ordered, I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was worried, "Yes sir! I'll make sure Teranus gets this information, sir!" Nunikaussi yelled as I heard her flapping her wings, the wings flapping against the air was able to be heard easily at first then it just got more quiet and more quiet until I couldn't hear it anymore, "Teranus... the guy can't make a strategy without my help" Belisivious complained, marching back to my bed with both of his arms crisscrossed behind his back.

I felt something burning in my throat, I tried to keep it in but the pain go worse and worse until I finally let it out and began coughing violently. A greenish / yellowish substance began to crawl out of my throat and splat against the floor, "That... is... so... nasty!" Yurrei squealed, staring at the phlegm I spewed up, "It's a common side effect of pneumonia, the spewing of phlegm..." Belisivious explained in disgust, "Yurrei... be a dear and... wipe that up, will you" Belisivious ordered, backing away from her, "Aww come on, that's just unbelievably unfair!" Yurrei complained, flailing her arms around like a crazy person, "Well, hell if I'm going to clean that up" Belisivious argued.

"You know, I'm just about sick and tired of you treating me like a maid just 'cuz I'm a female!"

"Oh please, when did I ever once treat you like a maid?"

"Hmm... I'd say... 5 seconds ago?!"

"You know what... I could stay here and argue with you, but I don't feel the need for something so childish, if you need me, I'll be in my quarters" Belisivious said, ending the argument and walked away into the dark cave hallway, opposite to where I was resting, it was like they got Digletts to dig this entire cave system for them, it was all dug in a perfect manner, it was almost like being inside of a building, if the building had dark brown color walls.

They must come here every time they are near Mauville, either that or they just lived here. Turning my mind away from this whole new environment I was in, I noticed Yurrei trying really hard not to cry. She picked up a large blanket and covered Cindy with it, "Stay under this, it'll keep you warm" Yurrei whispered as she began to bundle Cindy in it.

Yurrei started randomly picking up items and throwing them across the room in frustration, one of the items was a rag that covered the Phlegm I spewed up.

I saw Cindy whimper and back away a little bit when Yurrei started charging up electricity in anger, but she stopped once she realized what she was doing.

Yurrei turned her head so she wasn't facing me nor Cindy and began to cry, I could tell she tried as hard as she could to keep it as silent as possible, but it was just too obvious.

I sat up and held my torso up with both of my elbows, I looked to see what was behind me and I noticed a large opened box with many items inside, I was trying to find a way to communicate with Yurrei and conveniently I found a slot for pencils and paper in the opened box. I took one pencil and a piece of paper and began to write, "Aww come on, don't cry" and once I finished, I lifted my right leg and slammed it down against the bed to get her attention, and I definitely got her attention, the loud bang my foot made against the bed caused Yurrei to jump and cling to the dirt wall for a few seconds, "What was that?!" she screamed, dried up tears all over her face. I lifted my paper up and signaled for her to read it.

She walked closer so she could see it more clearly, her shining eyes rotated from left to right as she read, suddenly her entire face turned red from embarrassment, "Hehe... what made you think I was crying?" she asked, trying to make herself not seem suspicious.

I stared at her with the "Tell the truth..." look on my face, that said it all, "Okay... you got me... Belisivious is just such a jerk sometimes..." Yurrei whispered, not even looking at me, she just stared at the floor, her yellow face still red, "I know... I know... I shouldn't be crying over something silly like this, but Belisivious can just get to you after a while, trust me, you don't want to be assigned as his partner" she continued, talking a bit louder, almost hoping that Belisivious would hear her. I took my pencil and paper and began to write a new message, I was still having trouble breathing, but even with the intense pain in my chest I really did not want to show pain, it was just not in my nature to show pain.

My message said "Want to talk about it?" When Yurrei read it, I saw her eyes begin to sparkle and her face turn even more red, "You really want me to talk about it?" she asked, awaiting a reply anxiously. I began to write "Yes" and when I finished I showed it to Yurrei once again, "...really?" she asked, really trying to make sure, I erased the "Yes" I wrote and I replaced it with "Yup" but then I realized how much I just embarrassed myself.

Yup and Yes were the same thing and when I finally remembered that, the first thing that came to my mind was "...wait a minute..." Yurrei giggled a began to rub my head in a circular pattern, frizzing up my hair so bad that it began to spike all around making me look like a crazy Zangoose that just escaped the PEF Testing Facility or something, "You're actually the first one to ask me about how I'm doing... you have no idea what that means to me" she sounded excited, like she had millions of things to talk about and she couldn't wait to just blurt it all out.

Before she had a chance to talk, I began to write "Bellesiveous never talks to you?" of course I realized later on that I horribly misspelled his name, "No, he's usually bottled up in his little 'strategist's room', only comes out when we do a full scan across Mauville and Slateport" Yurrei responded, I could tell she realized she was going to be here for a while because she probably had tons of things to talk about, so she sat down next to my bed while Cindy played around in her blanket.

"...and I'm the one to take care of any injured Pokemon we come across, kind of like Nurse Joy" she continued as she walked away for a little bit, moving into the hallway where Belisivious went. I realized that Yurrei had a wet towel placed on her back as she returned, "I got to keep you clean too, the last time I checked, Zangooses are not suppose to be brown" Yurrei announced, letting out a short giggle.

I remembered how I fell in the mud before, I completely forgot about my white fur turning brown from it. She lifted a little bit of the blanket off of me, just making enough space for her to clean my fur without completely exposing me to the cold. My raspy breathing grew faster as she scrubbed in a circular fashion, never before has a female cleaned my fur.

I felt ashamed and pleasured at the same time, I was beginning to wonder where she got this perfectly heated water from, it was like they had a water heater or something but that didn't seem possible in a place like this. I really wanted to tell Yurrei to stop, but then again I really didn't, it felt nice but I felt so embarrassed, I could feel my face start to heat up drastically and I finally realized that I was blushing really bad, I could tell it was way too noticeable, "Don't be embarrassed, this is pretty much what I'm required to do, it's not like I'm trying to make you feel uncomfortable" Yurrei said when she saw my red face, " Zangooses have way too much pride, I swear" she continued, almost making it sound like that was a bad thing.

I saw my dirt-encrusted fur become clean once more, I now knew that Yurrei does this a lot, she cleaned up all of my fur extremely fast, it barely even took anytime at all, either that or I must have dozed off in the process, the warm water squishing against me felt so relaxing, but the chest pains and the constant coughing made it a less enjoyable experience. Once Yurrei finished her job I felt a stall in my breathing followed by some violent coughing, she looked really surprised when I began coughing like that, I covered my mouth with my right paw until I felt some kind of liquid splatter all over it.

Staring at my paw, I saw that I had coughed up more phlegm, me and Yurrei both made a disgusted groan as it began to drip down my arm. Before it could reach the bed, Yurrei grabbed the same wet cloth she used to clean me up and wiped up all of the phlegm, afterwards, quickly disposing of the cloth.

"He's still awake?" I heard Belisivious call out from inside of his room, "Calm down, he was just coughing" Yurrei yelled, lying just so Belisivious wouldn't turn this into a huge argument, "Make sure he gets plenty of rest, we need him recover ASAP, that's 'As Soon As Possible' if you didn't know" he called out, "I'm not an idiot, Belisivious, stop treating me like a baby" Yurrei yelled in frustration, her entire face turning red from embarrassment once again.

"Well, I can't take any chances after your little performance in Littleroot town..." I could tell Belisivious just began to huge argument once he said this, I tried really hard not to laugh, it was just so funny the way they argued about things.

"It's not my fault I didn't know what an Extraction Point was, I'm not a Guardian..."

"Guardians are required to know this, but Extraction Point is a phrase that could be figured out by even the youngest of cubs, come on, think, Extraction... Point..."

"Oh just shut up and go back to your little room, strategist boy..."

"That is no way to treat me, now you better apologize for your actions this instant!"

"...or what, are you going to kick me out? I doubt it"

"I could, I really do not need you, it's not like if you were to leave, I would be hopeless"

"Wow, so you can live without me, Congratu-fucking-lations!"

"Well I never!"

"Of course 'you never' you never let anyone talk to you without you treating them like they are inferior or something!"

I groaned as they continued their argument, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to listen to this for as long as I'm here" I thought, my lips moving up a little to form a smile, "...Just like old times with Cindy and my other friends" I closed my eyes and attempted to take a deep breath, but only to be cut off by the sharp pain in my chest. I heard their voices echo as I felt myself transport myself into my dreamland... a place where humans and Pokemon lived together once more, a world where this war never started, this was Heaven to me.
Chapter End Notes:February 28, 2098: Well, I've really learned a lot about the relationship between Belisivious and Yurrei, it seems those two hate each other, but I think thats just how they treat each other, I'm sure they must have some good memories together
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