AGNPH Stories

Hope by testa


Hope Ch.15

Hope Ch.15

The gang crept through the corridors of the building, remaining as quiet as possible. It was obvious this was a military base, the inside was nothing but corridors and hallways, not an open warehouse. Blaze kept his eyes on every square inch of wall, "I don't like this. It's too easy." Just then an alarm sounded, "Me and my big mouth."

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! All units extripate the vermin!" the recording spoke, then repeated.

Another voice, this one more human, spoke after it, "Be warned, it's the one's that have destroyed Terria castle. They are currently in the B-wing of the building, proceed and engage, but be careful."

Bane groaned, "It can't ever be easy."

Sky giggled, "That's my line." They broke out into a dead run, not exactly sure of where they were going. They turned a corner and ran into three humans and two arbok. The humans took their swords and charged forward, the snakes right behind. Sky let loose a razor wind, cutting all three humans in two, the arbok getting cut on their sides, but not bad enough to stop them. The arbok on the left tried to make a leap at them, but was skewered by three blades, each having the glow of a psychic on it. The other one met a rather unpleasent end at the end of Tia's iron tail, its body twiching every now and then, until she tossed it off. The voice sounded again, "The intruders are now headed for Corridor Alpha. Five have fallen. Stop them at once."

Blaze looked around, "Where the hell's the camera?" They continued running forward, turning every now and then. Eventually Blaze got tired of running every direction, "Stop! We need to find out where we're going." He noticed a door, "Some one blast this door down." Tia obliged, Blaze looked inside of it, "Well whadda ya know, a computer with a printer." He approached the machine and began to type away, "Not as easy as Biogen, but I can manage." He began looking through files, "Well, well, well, a map." He printed it out, three sheets were printed, one for each floor. "Looks like we need to get up to the third floor." He examined the map a bit more before folding it up and holding it in his mouth, then motioned for them to follow.

They had left the room and gone down the corridor making a left when a metal barrier closed off their way forward. Behind them a large mass of Orochi's men let out a cheer, "They are trapped, charge!" The whole lot of them went at the cornered gang in one titanic wave, threatening to swallow the group whole. Sky sent a razor wind, but after three lines it lost its strength. Burn used a flame thrower, but it couldn't stop the rushing wave, they kept coming pushing on those that caught fire. Tia gulped, "Any ideas?"

Blaze nodded, grabbing the maps out of his mouth, "Tia blast that little barrier. We'll have to unleash wave after wave of fire on them." Tia blasted the metal plate, leaving a dent but it remained intact. "Keep hitting it Tia." He turned back to the charging enemy, "Unleash in waves. Me, Burn, Sky, and Blue will launch first, then Rika, Bane, Link, and Mist launch the second, then we'll go again."

They complied, Blaze used a fire blast, Burn a flame thrower, Sky used a razor wind, and Blue used a shadow ball. As their attacks hit the charge was stopped, momentarily, but it was stopped. Rika then sent a shock wave, Bane a hyper beam, Mist used hydro pump, Link tore off a piece of the metal plating on the walls then knocked it at them. The second barrage had pushed Orochi's men back. Then the others sent the third wave, pushing their enemy back further, then a forth wave was sent, then a fifth.

As they sent wave after wave of attacks, Tia was blasting, punching and slamming the barrier. The voice came back, "Hurry! They're almost through the barrier." Tia smiled, then used an iron tail, shattering the barrier. She looked back, a big smile on her face, "It's broken."

Blaze let out a sigh of relief, "Good, everyone get through." They obeyed Blaze going through last, "Some one blast the roof, cut off their pursuit." Tia, Bane, and Sky all used a hyper beam, shattering the roof, causing it to collapse over the hole, sealing it. Blaze was panting hard, "That should buy us some time."

The voice reemerged, "Hurry, they are at the stairs. All men on level two, move to stair well 3. Intercept and Incinerate."

The group noticed that they were next to a stair well. Blaze motioned to it, "We need to go up, then we find a stair way that'll lead us to the control room." They nodded climbing the stairs. When they blasted through another door they met a dozen humans, three arboks, five seviper, and a roselia. Sky used an ice beam on the roselia, freezing it solid before they could react. Tia used an iron tail, taking down a seviper and three humans. The rest recovered and charged the group. Blaze sent a fire blast out, sending two humans and two arbok into a fiery frenzy, flailing and screaming as their bodies were consumed by flames. Bane used a hyper beam to blast away the roof, sending it crashing down upon five of the charging humans and the remaining arbok. The two remaining humans and four sevipers hesitated to continue the charge. Burn used that to set them ablaze with a flamethrower, a scream echoing from their throats as the fires consumed them. Blaze looked at the maps, "Okay we need to go..."

"They they are! Kill them! Kill for lord Orochi!" An ungodly number of soldiers and pokemon came rushing through a corridor.

Blaze cursed, "Not that way. Blast it out." Tia did so, using a hyper beam and blowing out the roof, sealing the passage. Blaze sighed, "This way, the only way we've got actually." He set off down the hall, the others following. They Blaze looked at the maps to make sure they were on the right track. The voice on the intercom chimed in again, "All men, report to the command room stair well. They are headed for that. Repeat, intercept at the command room stair well." Bane cursed, Burn and Rika echoing his displeasure. They set back off, going as fast as they could. They turned a corner and into a four way intersection. On their left and right were two massive gathering of Orochi's men. Blaze sighed, "Before we blow the roof lets thin their numbers a little bit." Sky sent a razor wind, slicing through a large number of the soldiers on the left. She then turned and blasted the roof just above the soldiers heads. The roof caved, crushing the men, and sealing the right passage. "Crude, but effective." Blaze commented, Sky grinned. Bane did the same to the left corridor.

The group made a b-line for the stairs, stopping to blast another passage filled with the serpant followers. They ascended the stairs as another, new voice gave an order, "All units, cease and desist. They will die by my hand." Blaze, Tia, Bane, Rika, and Sky looked up, they thought that voice sounded familiar. They continued up the steps until they came to a door. They busted through to a relativly deserted room. The only one, or more precise thing, inside was a monstosity. It had needle like teeth, an elongated neck, big hulking legs and arms, armed with razor sharp claws, it also had a seviper's tail. The thing smiled, "I've been waiting for you."

Tia stared, shocked, Blaze glared, "Errol."

He chuckled, "You remeber me. I'm so flatered." He brought his tail down hard upon the floor, cracking it. "Orochi brought me back, seems like I did a good job before, what with making your precious Inferno so powerful. Well, more powerful."

Sky glared at him, growling, "Where is Inferno!?"

Errol shook his head, "I'm not going to tell you, for a few reasons. One, Orochi would kill me. Two, you're all gonna die soon. And three, I like to see you all suffer." He chuckled, "I was a bit disappointed to learn that you all escaped the bases destruction last time."

Blaze let out a curt laugh, "We kicked your ass royally. You had to resort to one of the most cowardly tactics to try to get us, and even then you failed. What makes you think this will be any different, especially since we're in a much larger number then the last battle."

Errol nodded, "It's true. I couldn't kill you or Tia when that's all there was. Why would I think this'd be different?" his smile grew, "Maybe...just maybe it could be the fact that I don't intend to fight you." As he said that he pushed a button, causing another steel barrier to slam shut, cutting off the stairs. The sound came again multiple times, the barriers were being layered on top of one another. "This barrier is much more powerful then the one you fools broke before. I don't plan to fight. I plan to destroy this place. Lord Orochi gave me the order, I just waited for you lot to show up."

Mist looked agast, "You sacraficed those men!?" Errol nodded.

Burn let out a menacing growl, "You monster! The superious are supposed to look out for their followers!"

Errol shook his head, "They knew they'd die. It was choice between die at your hand, or my, much more sadistic, hand. They choose the former. I couldn't let you think it was too easy, could I? You'd suspect something, and that is one of the only two barriers that would hold you in."

Blaze looked confused, "One of two?"

Errol nodded, "Yep." He pushed a button, causing another set of barriers to clamp shut, seperating him from the group. His voice came up on the intercom, "There's no way out for you, I have an escape hatch though. Ohh and so you know, hell is a bit hellish."

A red light began flashing, "Warning self destruct activated, base will detonate in five minutes."

Blue looked at them, "Now what?"

Blaze began thinking, Rika was beating at the door with an iron tail, "We need to break these doors is what!"

Blaze shook his head, "We won't do it fast enough. We need a...a quicker way!" a big smile came to his face, "Does any one here have a problem jumping?"

Rika looked at him, as if he'd gone insane, "You want us to jump out of the third story!?"

He shook his head, "No. Just from floor three to floor two, then from two to one."

Tia gave him a quick kiss, "Smart thinking hun." She blasted a hole in the floor, then jumped down. "Come on! I'll catch you all." They lept down one by one, Tia catching them and setting them down softly. Blaze was the last, he wasn't in sight when she looked up though, "Blaze!" After a few seconds he reappeard, jumping down into her arms. "Warning! Base will detonate in three minutes."

Blaze cursed, "We need to hurry!" Tia blasted another hole, leaping down, with him in her arms, catching and setting down the others as they followed. "Warning! Base will detonate in two minutes."

"Fuck it! Tia start blasting through walls!" She didn't need to be told twice, with one hyper beam after another wall by wall fell. Bane took up the blast as she got tired. As the one minute warning sounded Bane had blasted through to the outside, and right into a large collection of cops. Sky groaned, "Ignore them and run, they'll be pretty occupied with the explosion!" They charged through the police, Tia bashing a cruiser as she went. Behind them the building began having flashes of the explosion appear, the detonations traveling up. The structure groaned before collapsing into rubble. The group was tearing through the streets of the city, which had become a buzz of activity after the bases destruction. They kept running, weaving in and out of alleys and streets, making their way for the safety of the forest.

After they ran for what felt like hours, they were in the forest, all of them collapsed from exhaustion. They laid there, none speaking for ten minutes, until they had all finally got their breath back. Sky looked down at the ground, "Damn. We lost are only lead to Orochi and Inferno."

Blaze chuckled, "No we didn't. I took a little time to cruise through a computer. I found out where that chick Dasi is. Care to guess?" They all looked at him, irritation on their faces, "Mount Kyoko. The local of the festival where I met you guys. Apparently they set up a castle there not to long ago, Dasi's overseeing it's running."

Sky looked up, hope back in her eyes, "So we still have a lead?"

Rika nodded, "And who better to tell us then Orochi's right hand human."

Bane chuckled, "We've got a trip ahead of us then. I say we get some rest." The others nodded their approval, setting down for a well earned rest. Sky dreamed of finally getting her mate back, and she knew that it wasn't going to be just a dream for much longer.
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