AGNPH Stories

Untold Tales of Travelers by testa


Fate's Design

Fate's Design

Pokemon copyright Nintendo

The sun rose once again, drowning the area in it's unforgiving light. I'm not a morning pokemon. I wearily rose to my feat and streatched out, getting ready for another day of traveling toward a destination that I haven't decided yet. Then again where could I go, being what I am. It's not like I'm a species that is unwanted, like an absol or ninetails, in truth I'm a jolteon, one of the kinds that others just don't give a damn about. No, it's what happened to me. I'm not a normal jolteon anymore, Biogen saw to that. They were a big bad group, altering the genetic make-up of humans and pokemon alike. I was one of those unfortunate enough to be found and caught by them. On the other hand I was one of the few fortuneate enough to escape their destruction.

I don't know the details, a small group came in and destroyed Errol and Sarak, the leaders of Biogen, but what I do know is that I didn't share in the fate of my fellow genetic freaks. The only real shame about what happened to Biogen is that I couldn't reverse what they did to me. I guess I have to deal with having psychic abilities now, which isn't as fun as you might think. Psychic pokemon are cursed with glimpses of the future, and it's only a curse, I have yet to see something that I liked. My family killed in a wild fire, my best friend will die fighting for a mate, and I'm going to trip in a hole. Nothing but misfortune.

I suppose that the psychic abilities are only part of my problem though. Jolteons have fur that is yellow with some white, me I got black with some purple. My eyes are also a total blue, no pupil, no iris, no nothing but blue. I'm a grade A freak. Not much I can do about that though, the only thing open to me is to kill myself, and of course I just have to much desire to live. So I'm stuck seeing the future, a future that I don't try to change, and being a freak. Now why don't I try to change what is going to be? Simple, there are two types of people in this world, some will fight tooth and nail to determine their own lot in life, and that is a path with questionable results, and the rest just accept what is to be, like me. Fighting what is to be never works, more often than not those that sidestep one calamity end up walking into an even greater one.

Maybe you can change fate, maybe you can determine what will happen to you, but I doubt it. It's going to happen, no matter what, you may escape from death once, but in the end it's always death that wins. You may dodge that hurtiling boulder, but then you just happen to step of that cliff, we all die nothing we can do to stop it. I'm coming up to the spot I'm doomed to trip and fall flat on my face, I could step around, but I will trip eventually so why bother....ouch.

Seeing what is to be is something that many covet, until they have it, then they just want to have surprises. I wasn't one of those types, I never wanted to see the future, I just wanted to roll with the punches. I suppose I'm still doing that, but still.

The forest I'm walking through is a small one that see's a lot of traffic, from the local pokemon and from people. It's spring time now, so the forest is just alive with all manner of plant life. Occasionally I catch a glimps of other pokemon, but they quickly hide from sight where ever I go. Part of my psychic nature allows me to see glimpses of their thoughts, and they're all the same, fear. A fear of me, because I am what I am. Let them fear me though, I don't care, I've survived a long time without anyones help so why should a few insignificant fools bug me. As I was walking I could feel somthing following me, probably some pokemon wanting to make sure I don't cause any trouble in his home. At first my tailer was easy to ignore but as the distance dragged on he was growing annoying. I stopped and turned around, "Alright," I shouted, "I know your there so come out!" I waited for my would be attacked to show himself.

Or rather herself, the figure that emerged wasn't a male, but a female, and an umbreon no less. She looked me up and down, confusion in her mind and on her face, "Who are you?" she tilted her head, as if that would make her understand why I look like I do.

"Why were you following me?" I didn't bother to hide any mistrust from my voice or face.

She looked as if I had hurt her with my words, "I was just curious. Not every day I meet someone like you. So what's your name?"

I huffed, "Why should I bother telling my name to an umbreon that came out of the blue?"

"My name's Blink. I told you my name now it's only polite to tell me yours."

I looked at her, with what was surly a look of utter disbelief, she actually believed that. I sighed, she wasn't a threat, that was sure, so no harm I guess, "I'm Jolt."

"Jolt? Nice. I guess you had a trainer before then, right? Not many parents name an eevee Jolt, but a trainer would if he knew what they would evolve into."

I nodded, she was kinda right. The humans at Biogen weren't trainers, rather they were partners, but I did get Jolt from mine. I didn't really like my old name so Jolt was okay by me. She smiled, "Nice to meet you Jolt. Where you headed?"

I shrugged, "Don't know and don't care."

Her smile got wider, "Well then perhasps you can help me out. I want to get to this place called Azuchi rise, but I hear the road there is pretty dangerous. So would you be so kind as to escort me there?"

I was tempted to laugh, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I need help, and you don't have anything better to do."

I wasn't convinced, "Why should I bother doing it when I gain nothing?"

She smiled, "Who said you'd do it for free? I can pay. I'm a good hunter you know. I'll get all the food on the way and all you need to do is look tough, a task easier done than said for you I'm sure. Just think all the food you could eat, and all you'd have to do is tag along with me and make sure nothing happens. And if I really like your service I just might tell you about a rather interesting spot I know of. A spot that you would certainly love."

I scoffed, that was highly unlikely, but still I wouldn't have to hunt for myself for a while, the trip to Azuchi was about a month from here, "Alright. You got yourself a deal. When do we leave?"

She jumped into the air, "Yay! We're going right now. Come on Jolt." She leaped ahead, jumping left and right with apparent joy. No more than ten seconds into this venture and I'm already starting to regret it.

******two weeks later******

Whoever said nothings free didn't know the half of it. Granted because of my intimidating appearance not a single pokemon or human decided to attack, but dear god Blink is annoying! She talk's incesently, she never seems to run out of breath. At times I'm tempted to strangle her just to get some piece and quiet. "Jolt." I snapped my head back to her, she was walking next to me, giving me that evil eye of hers, "Why aren't you listening?"

I smiled, "because my dear, your voice is like the singing of a thousand salamances being raped."

As usual she turned her head and huffed, "Well sorrrry. You not much of a talker and I don't want to just walk along such a long path in silence."

"Heaven forbid you shut your yap for more than three seconds. I tempted to stay up at night just to see if you talk in your sleep!"

She glared at me, "Listen up you degenerate mongrel! I'm doing all the hunting for this trip, while all you do is stand around...."

"Because that was the deal!"

"I was actually expecting some trouble I don't see why I need you since there isn't."

"You'd have trouble if I wasn't here." God she isn't just a talker, she's a moron.

"What makes you so sure I would!" She shot back.

"Because you wouldn't have a freak of a jolteon traveling along side you. That's why. You got one of the wierdest things in all of existence being a body guard, so deal with it." God she's annoying, but at least she'll trip in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Ouch." I repressed a chuckle, which became easy when she looked back at me with eyes filled with sadness, her mind also was sad, "I'm sorry Jolt. I didn't mean to..." She looked away.

Oh god of gods I think she might cry, thats the last thing I need, "Don't be. I'm a freak, I know it, and at times I like it. Most of the time I'm neutral. So please don't start crying."

She looked back at me, tears ready to fall, but with a small smile on her face, "Okay." We continued on the rest of the day in relative silence.

When morning of the next day came around she was already up, a first, and she looked to be deep in thought, another first. "Why are you up so early?" I asked it in my usual nonchalant way, don't need her thinking I actually care.

She looked at me and pawed the ground a bit, "I was wondering." She was struggling to find the way to say what she wanted to say, man I wish my mind reading power was better.


" you became the way you are." She layed down on eye level with me.

I shrugged, "A group of people and pokemon. Called themselves Biogen, liked to mess with genetics. I was one of them until they were destroyed."

Her mouth made a great big O, but for once no sound came out. "What happened?" she finally managed to ask.

I decided to tell her the whole story, how Biogen found me, which was a botched food find, what happened while I was with them, all that stuff. She remained quiet except for the few questions she'd ask, and for the pointing out that we should set off again. When I finished she remained quiet for a time then looked back at me, "What about before you joined Biogen?"

I looked at the sky, it was a clear day and it was a nice blue. I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer the question, it had been so long since then, and I wasn't sure if I actually missed it. After a seemingly long internal debate I decided that she would shut up if I stayed silent, "My mother was a vaporeon, her name was Mist, my father was a flareon, named Burn. We grew up in a forest that wasn't travled by trainers at all, so it was pretty safe. My mom always enjoyed squirting my dad and me when we went out for a walk. It was pretty peaceful, though at times boring. I grew up like any wild pokemon, eventually leaving home where I was quickly caught."

Blink smiled, "Sounds nice. Do you ever think about going back?" I shook my head, "Why? I'm sure your parents wouldn't care about what you...."

I shook my head again, "It's not that. It's that the forest was burned down. A fire started and incinerated them all."

Blink look startled, then her ears dropped, "I'm sorry. It must have been hard to see..."

"I never saw it. Well not first hand."

She looked confused, "You heard about it?"

I shook my head again, "Nope. Never been there since I left, and never heard about it."

She was really confused now, "Then how?"

"I'm part psychic. So I have future sight, and that's how I know they burned."

Her face took on a mix of shock and disgust, "And you didn't try to save them!?"

"No. Why bother? It was doomed to happen, they were going to die that day. I couldn't stop it, so why try and kill myself in the process?"

"But they were your family! That was your home!" She jumped in front of me and gave me one of the most hateful looks I had ever seen. "How could you just abandon them without even a care!?"

I sighed, "Because their fate was written. I couldn't change that no matter how hard I try. They were doomed so I left them to their fate."

She looked at me for the first time as a monster, "You bastard!? I wonder, were you always such a filthy bastard, or did Biogen make you that way?"

I kept my cool, "Fighting fate's design is a foolish endevor. You can't win so don't bother."

"I can't believe it your family's dead and you don't give a damn!"

That's the last straw, "Listen up!" She seemed stunned that I finally began shouting back, "I didn't try to fight what I knew was supposed to be, true, but don't you EVER assume I don't care. That was my mother and father, the two who raised me. Of course I'm sad they're gone, but crying won't bring them back and it won't keep me alive. I won't just curl up and die because my parents were doomed to die and I couldn't do a thing to stop it." I stared at her for a long time, while she glared right back at me. Eventually, she turned around, with a huff and mumbled that we should get moving.

******one week later******

Blink's been silent ever since our fight. She can't accept that fate is written in stone, that it can't be altered. I know I can't change that view so I don't try. But still it is really weird not hearing her voice anymore. Never thought I'd miss her constant talking, but then again it had been a while since I'd been with anyone. Damn I wish she'd get over our fight.

Toward noon I got tired of the silence, "Blink?"

She didn't even turn her head, "What?" It was quick, curt, and lacked her usual peppyness.

"Look Blink, I never once heard of anyone being able to change fate for the better. I'm not just going to throw my life away on something that has a zero chance of winning. I don't expect you to accept my view, but could you please stop this. All of this silence is going to drive me nuts."

She remained on her course, not looking back or speaking, for some time. Eventually she turned to look at me, "I thought you hated all the talking I do."

I looked off to the side, "You being silent is a lot worse."

She slowed down till she was at my side, "Okay then just one question. Would you still just let things happen if your mate was going to die?"

I scoffed, "That won't happen." She looked at me, confused once again, "Who could possibly like me? I mean I'm a freak. No matter what I'm still this monstrosity, so who could honestly care?"

She opened her mouth, as if she was about to respond, then closed it. She let out a sigh, "Whatever." She stayed silent for a time, "So did I tell you about my past." I shook my head, so she went into talking, and god help me, I was actually listening.

******Day before arrival******

Ever since she got over our fight Blink has been talking nonstop about her self. And the worst part of all was that I actually heard every single word. From when she grew up with her parents and five siblings, to the day she met me. I will admit she has led an enteresting life, she's blundered in to more fights and uhh adult situations in just a year than most people do in two life times. I nearly laughed myself into tears when she told me she had escaped a bunch of manectric, who she aparently stole from, only to tumble down a hill and get a front row seat to a threesome between a male houndoom, a female absol, and a female raichu. Of course she smacked me pretty hard when I did, but then I knew that was coming even without my abilities.

"You know what I miss most Jolt?" I turned to look at her, she seemed to have that combination of joy and sorrow you get when you remember something you loved but then lost forever.


"I miss the comfort of having someone laying next to me at night. Being with a mom, dad, three brothers, and two sisters, you get used to having people around you when you go to sleep. Having those that you know and love just wrap around you, giving that sense of security, it was just so nice." she sighed, "I had trouble sleeping the first few nights on my own you know, and I still can't help but miss it."

I shrugged, it had been ages since I had anyone around me at night. "I can't say I know the feeling. Living on my own, no family, no friends, I forgot about that. My parents curled around me, at least I think they did, but that was so long ago I can't remember anything about it."

"Your lucky. That means you don't have to deal with the sense of loneliness at night." she continued walking in silence for a while.

That night I could still remember our conversation. Blink was laying down and getting ready to sleep, I was doing my usual patrol of the area, just to make sure it was safe. When it was done I looked up into the night sky. Blink really missed her family, hell she missed having contact with people she knew and loved. At least she still has one, she can always go back to see them. The only way I could see my family would be if I died, and that is something I don't plan to do.

Then it came to me. It was a glimps of the future. I could she that Blink was walking, alone. Off in the distance I could vaguely see Azuchi Rise. She seemed sad, but I couldn't tell why, so sad she didn't see any of those shadow's moving along the road. Then one of the shadows jumped in front of her, it was a nidorino, and he had five friends, or possibly brothers. They surronded Blink, and glared at her, "What are you doing here?" one of them will growl.

Blink will stare on helplessly, barely able to tell of her destination. The nidorino will give her an even more evil look, "I don't like you. Your kind has it's choice of what you evolve into." A statement that was debateable, "You think your so superior, but I'll prove that your kind is nothing." With that the six of them will charge her, and begin to beat her mercelessly. She'll cry out as she is stabbed by the horns, and her limbs are broken by their beatings. She'll be tossed to the side and the lead one will come and deliver the final blow, stabbing her neck. The nidorinos will leave the site of their attack, and she'll begin to decay.

As the flash of what will be begins to vanish I stare off into nothing, "Jolt? Is everything okay?"

I turn and see Blink looking at me, worry plain in her eyes. I nod my head, "yeah. Everythings fine, I was just thinking."

"About?" Her expression becomes curious.

I shake my head, "It's nothing. You can go to sleep." She shrugs then sets her head down. I look at her again, washed in the moonlight, unaware that tomarrow she'll die. I sigh then go up to her, laying down around her. She opens her eyes wide and tries to say something, but I cut her off, "There. Now are you feeling secure?"

She stays there, just staring at me with utter disbelief then smiles, "Umm yeah. Thanks Jolt." She nuzzles up against my head then slowly drifts off to sleep, with me following soon after.

When I awake Blink's head is right next to mine, her breathing a faint whisper in my ear. Of course I'm a little embarresed, but since this is her last day alive I resist the erge to move. She slowly gets up and rubs against my head again, as she yawns, "Morning Jolt." then she seems to realize where she is and bolts up. "Ummm......thanks know."

I stand up too, trying my best to keep cool, "It was nothing. You brought me along so you could feel secure so..."

She stared at the ground for a bit then looked up, "That was a bit above and beyond what we agreed on."

I shrugged, "Maybe. But then I don't care."

She moved up close to me, smiling, "I guess that means I have to pay extra then." I was about to reply no when she kissed me on the cheek. I looked at her, with a face that must of had confused and embarresed written all over it.

I managed to recover, after what felt like minutes of silence, "You uhh didn't have to...."

"And you didn't have to do what you did last night so now were even." She set off and I followed her, at a distance that might have been farther then usual, but I don't know.

We eventually came to a small fork in the road, one path led to Azuchi, the other led to someplace else. Blink smiled, "This is my road." She pointed toward the path to Azuchi, then toward the other path, "And this leads to an old friend of mine. She'll be able to help you return to normal, I know she can. Trust me she's a miracle worker, you'll be in good hands. All you need to do is mention my name." She trotted off toward Azuchi, and her inevitable demise, "Thanks for the escort Jolt. If you see me again say hi, since you'll be normal and all. Later." Oh god how wrong she is.

She went down her path, a path to oblivion, and I looked at mine. The trip was okay, aside from a few problems, and now I can finally get back to the way I was. I took one step then looked back toward Blink. She had no idea that she was going to die, so then why did her step seem to be so weak and unhappy. It was as if she knew she was going to die. But how could she? I didn't tell her. Why should she be unhappy?.......For that matter why am I unhappy? I can feel the pain and sorrow in me, but why?


Maybe I don't want her to die. She's become a good friend, but why should her death affect me like this, I think I'm on the verge of tears, I didn't even come close to crying when I saw my parents fate. I shut my eyes tight, and see her face when I woke up that morning. I can still feel her kiss on my cheek. I open and see she's almost out of sight. After what feels like an eternity, I sigh, then head down my path as quick as my legs will take me.

******Blink's POV******

I continued walking toward Azuchi Rise, the pain in my heart obvious in my stride and on my face. A month I spent with Jolt, that's all it took for me to fall for him. He seemed so amazing and mysterious, he would have even if he wasn't changed the way he was. Granted I don't like his view on the entire fate thing, but still that was something that I could ignore. I was heading to Azuchi, because it was next to my old home, and I was headed there because I wanted to see if any one there could have been a good mate. Of course I had to ask Jolt to come along, now I don't think he'll ever leave my mind.

As I'm walking I could swear I hear bushes rustling, but that's just my imagination, I'm probably hoping Jolt will come out and say he loves me. Then a figure does appear, a nidorino, "What are you doing here?"

I stare at him, stunned, afraid, and barely able to say where I'm going. He gave me an even more evil stare, "I don't like you. Your kind has it's choice of what you evolve into. You think your so superior, but I'll prove that your kind is nothing." The nidorino, and his friends as I just noticed, charge me, I close my eyes and wait for it to end. I hear a crash, then a buzzing sound, followed by a scream of pain, but it isn't mine. When I open my eyes, the nidorinos are staring behind me, when my gaze goes to my back I see Jolt standing over one of my attackers, who is limp. Jolt snarls, "Get away from her!"

My heart seems to stop, then it bangs like it won't beat ever again, and I can feel pure joy flowing through my body. "Jolt? What are..." Before I finish he runs forward, slids under me, picks me up, then leaps with me back, setting my down. He moves between me and the nidos then snarls again, "Get lost! Now!"

They don't listen and charge, but are lifted up and tossed, with lethal intent, into various objects. The last one, the one that seemed to lead them, was battered against a tree, until he began to fall apart. When they're all dead I look at Jolt, he's panting hard from his exersion, "So I take it you foresaw you saving me."

He didn't respond right away. After a while he takes in a deep breath, "I hope these will be enough of a tribute."

"What?" I was a little scarred, tribute?

He looked at me, with what I could swear was embarresment, "I foresaw you dying." I was shocked, "You were suppose to die in their attack. I wasn't suppose to arrive."

I stared at him for a few seconds, "But your here."

He sighed, "I didn't want you to die. Your a good friend Blink. I just didn't want you to..." I didn't let him finish, I ran up and gave him a kiss, on the lips this time.

******Jolt's POV******

I stood there, in a state of utter disbelief. Not only had I gone against fate's design, I was being kissed by Blink. When she finally brought her head back, with tears in her eyes, I just starred at her. "B....Blink.....I.....uhhh...."

"Thanks Jolt." She nuzzled me, "Thank you so much." I started to lean into her nuzzle, and even began to do the same.

"I just couldn't let you go. I might be made to pay for this eventually, but I'll never regret it." I looked her in the eyes, and began to feel something. When I looked at her it was as if the rest of the world ment nothing, that only she mattered.

She looked at me with a stare that made me melt, "Jolt.....I.....I.......I love you." Thats was a knock out. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was look at her, and I could see from the reflection in her eyes that I was smiling. Why shouldn't I be? She told me she loved me, maybe that was what she wanted to say when I asked who could love. Her smile became bigger, "Jolt!" She buried her head into my chest and just rubbed against me. I sighed again, I had gone against fate's design, I had done something that was supposed to bring nothing, but more sorrow. Damn it all. The one thing I hate most of all in this world is being wrong. I looked back down at Blink, she was the cause of all this, she was the one that made me fight what was to be. Then again, maybe fate can't be seen, maybe I was supposed to do this. Just maybe me meeting Blink, and saving her was what fate had designed.
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