AGNPH Stories


This story is about Max from anime, who finally becomes Pokémon trainer. He'll meet some unexpected events on his journey. Warning: there will be explicit material of all kinds (Straight, Yaoi, Yuri, Bestiality) in this story.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 4
  • Completed: No Word Count: 15758 Views: 5852
  • Published: Aug 23 2012

Story Notes:

English is not my native language and this is my first English language fanfic. Please, be nice on me and tell me if I do mistakes, so I can avoid them in future. Though I am sure my English is mixture of everything, basic will be British English, since I am most familiar with it. Also, I will only use Metric measure system. No way for you to persue me to use those stupid and archaic Anglo-American measures, so don't vaste your time.

  1. Chapter 1: Max's first Pokémon and new friend (3450 words)

  2. Chapter 2: First fun (3786 words)

  3. Chapter 3: Max catches a Pokémon (4321 words)

  4. Chapter 4: Big secret (4201 words)

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