AGNPH Stories

The Essence of Cruality by namesreturn


Chapter 1

I learned the hard way long ago why being a cruel person can have is consequences. This is my tale....a tale about how can lead to a series of events that will have irreversible effects. I was a simple trainer who allowed himself to allow the life style of being a jerk to much to get the better of him.

"Yo Luke! Luke! If you don't get the fuck up I swear!" A voice said out of the distance. Luke woke up in a startle as he felt a sharp kick in his side. Waking up he saw a girl standing there hands on her hips and grinding her teeth.
"What do you want Liza?" He asked as he got up rubbing his messy black hair. "Can't you see that I'm trying to get some sleep. Now if you don't mind why not let me get back to what I do best."
"What do you think I'm trying to fucking do you jackass." She said kicking his side again this time aiming really close to his gems which was the sign to get up before her aim got any better. "You have a match in 10 minutes and you still have not healed your team."
"Their animals Liza! Animals." Luke said stretching out. "What's that word you love so much...." He said thinking for a moment.
"Don't you use my fucking word." She said bitterly.
"Oh ya why the fuck should I give a rats ass about the health and welfare of a bunch of useless animals." He pulled out a poke' ball and released his Leafeon who was in terrible shape, scars went down her entire body and she was under feed and taken care of.
"See she's beat up and still is standing so I'm not going to stress over it." He said recalling the leafeon. "Their tools and nothing more."
"Why do I even hang out with you!" Liza said walking away. "I'm not going to be your manger anymore after this."
"Fine!" Luke said angrily. "Their so many more bitches out there who are willing to do your job I'll have 10 more of you by the end of the day." He looks at the poke' ball and threw it against a wall. "Useless animal, when I'm done today I'll make sure you get what's coming to you." He said darkly. Luke headed off to the stadium with the full intent to make his Leafeon fight so hard that she will never forget what she's cost him, a manager and some of the best sex you could get out of someone for free.

10 minutes later Luke stood in front of a large street crowd as the fight was going to take place on the streets instead of in a stadium. "I love a good street fight." Luke said as he stood in the middle of the crowd. "No rules to go by." Just then a large man walked over and pulled out a poke'ball.
"You ready for this?" He asked throwing out a Fearow. "Me and my bird of pray is going to snatch up your weak pokemon and tear it apart."
"Really in that case." He throws out his Leafeon who was barely even able to stand. The crowd around him look troubled at the state of his pokemon's well being.
"Your going to try and beat me with something like that?" He laughed. "Fearow blow it over with whirlwind." At that the bird started to kick up a large gust of wind that blew the Leafeon into a pole. Luke yelled to get up now or else its going to regret it.
"Don't you quite on me!" He yelled. Barely able to move and though the use of shear will the Leafeon got up. "Good now solarbeam and I swear you better knock that bird out with one blow."
Leafeon charged for the attack and tried to fire the attack but missed and finally she fell over exhausted from being malnourished.
"What! FUCK!" He holds his head in anger as he watched everyone crowd around the big man. "No! NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Luke yelled as he punches the ground, the pain from the pavement didn't register with him at the moment as he was so pissed about losing. "I fucking hate this!" Luke turned to the Leafeon. "You bitch you useless bitch." He ran over and began kicking the leafeon in the stomach until some people came over and grabbed his arms. "Let me go! I'm not done with this animal yet. SHE SCREWED ME! SHE SCREWED ME!" He would had kept going if not for the police coming over to arrest him for animal abuse.
"Your under arrest for animal abuse, animal endangerment, and animal neglect." The officer said handcuffing him. "Keep this up and I'll throw in resisting arrest." Luke calmed down but not without spitting at his leafeon in discuss.
"Screw you." He said as he was carted off to jail.

It was a few days before Luke went to court where he was found guilty and was given two options.
"In all my years of being a judge I have never in my life seen a man who can be such a jerk to their pokemon. And what the answer that I think is going though my mind and everyone else here is why? Why are you so bitter to those who fight for you, take care of you and should be your best friends in the world."
"Because their tools of war, nothing more, nothing less." He said coldly.
"Well I'm giving you two choices." The judge said about ready to throw his gavel at the argent young man. "You can go to jail for the next 14 months become a test agent for a science project. "
"What's the project on?" He asked
"We turn you into a pokemon for the next 14 months."
"Why would I want to become some smelly dumb animal?" He asked
"Easy because if you don't then we'll send you to Northpoint where you can have their top secret sauce that come straight from the tap." The judge said making sure he got the point.
" have to be fucking joking with me! I saw the second Harold and Kumar. I'm not going to jail if they really do crap like that for real. "
"Good then tomorrow you'll be escorted over to the pokemon center for the sentencing. Have a nice day." And with that Luke was taken away by the bailiff and thrown into the holding cell until the next day.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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