AGNPH Stories

The Essence of Cruality by namesreturn


Chapter 2

Shit now look what I've gotten myself into. Man when I get out of here I'm going to make sure someone goes down for this. First thing is first though I've got to get my ass out of this mess before something actually goes down. As I sit here in this rat infested shit hole of a cell I feel like I'm sitting on death role waiting for my time to come but like everything else that goes on in this world it takes forever. Why not just kill me now and save me the trouble of finding a damn rope to do it myself.

Four other people are in here as well which is just pissing me off since one of them is some damn shit face looking old man with boils all over his face and neck, some loony toon girl who won't stop talking to herself and muttering crap like "We deserve to be here." Or my favorite "I'm a good girl please don't punish me" Ya....that's real normal...Dumb Ass. Give me ten minutes with her and I'll make sure to knock some common sense into her.

Then there is Rich Fucker over there in the south eastern corner who won't stop trying to bribe the guards. He keeps saying that he was framed and deserves to have a retrial. I should kick his ass and take all that money he keeps flashing around. If I had that type of cash I could buy me some better fucking pokemon that know how to win a simple battle. First thing I'm going to do when I bust out of here is find that damn shit bag Leafeon and kick her fucking death down her throat.

Finally there is this hot and I do mean hot stripper standing next to Rich Fucker. Her long hair really seems to bring out the boobs on her. I guess he hangs around with Rich Fucker because he's got cash and she has the boobs but it seems not even those massive breasts could not get his attention at the moment. One thing I still don't know is why the hell they are in here, guess its time for me to find out.

Luke yawned as he watched everyone looking miserable as they come. The rich guy was at it again while the stripper was hanging looking like she could hit the man for not ever looking at her. That loony girl was over in a dark corner muttering things to herself while the old man was busy looking out barred window.
"You all look like sorry pieces of crap." Luke said spiting at the ground.
"You have any better ideas loud mouth?" The Striper asked as she decided to give up on the rich man all together. "Because if you do I'll love to hear it."
"I say we bust out of here simple as that." He said sure of himself.
"I don't know sunny boy." The old man said turning away from the window. "We have a better chance of going mad than getting out of here." He then looks at the girl who was going mad. "Looks to me she's already beat us there."
The crazy girl looks up and finally sees that they are there. She gets up and runs over to the old man and points a finger in his face. "Shut the hell up you old fart before I bit your nose off." She then lights up and rubs his face in a strange way. "Oh please don't worry I won't hurt you I promise. I'm just talking off the wall....*she then runs back over to her corner and starts to mutter again and completely forgets that they were there.
"What a real screw ball." Luke said ignoring her, this wasn't her first time she has done that all day so everyone was use to it. "Look we only have a few hours before we are all screwed over so I say we figure out a quick way to get out of this hell hole."
"Young man that is the smartest thing you have said all day."The old man said before he looks back outside. "Though unless you can cut these bars and fly use out I suggest we figure out a way to bargain for our freedom."
"What do you think I'm doing old man." Rich Fucker said as he tries to call the guards over but failed yet again as they only snorted at him. "Never have I seen men who are ungreedy like this. Who can resist the aura of money."
"By the looks of it these guys darling." The Striper announced as she leans on the wall. Luke couldn't stop looking at her breast.
"Damn those things can sink a boat all by themselves." Luke said to her.
"If you like them so much I'll be happy to let you have your way with them...for a price." She said shaking her jugs.
"What's the price?" He asked walking over. Though she only pushed him away. "What's the deal?"
"You can't afford me darling." She said with a grin.
Just then the prison door opened and a man dressed in a business suit walked in holding a brief case. He steps over to the group and looked at them like they were animals. He must be the guy was going to do this to them.
"What the hell do you want?" Rich Fucker asked.
"Yo Rich Fucker why not shut up." Luke asked.
"My name is Charles Billionaire."
"Tell the part of me that cares."
"Why do I try to even get alone with you?" Charles asked himself.
"Easy because we are stuck in a cell in who knows where and are about to be used by someone for their science experiment." Luke said rolling his eyes. "Understand Mr. Billionaire or do I need to say it slowly for you?"
"If I had a chance...." Luke got in his face before he could even finish that sentence.
"You better think real straight before you finish those-" But he didn't even get to finish as he felt a knee hit him in this gems dropping the jerk to the ground holding himself while trying to fight back tears of pain. "Why you..."
"I know it's a woman's thing to do but like you said." He said with a chuckle. "We are in jail."
"Enough of this!" The business suit man announce as the door closed behind him, a guard was on the other side cracking his knuckles. "Now time to get down to business." He opens his briefcase and the group saw a screen inside of it. "My employer will like to speak to you all." With that the screen came on and a man wearing a old school safari uniform was on the screen, a large gun in his hands.
"Hello Charles." He said to the rich man.
"I don't believe this! I thought you was dead Uncle Trump."
"Yes I'm quite alive." He then turned to everyone else. "Hello Luke. Have you kicked any animals lately."
"I don't know who the fuck you are but-"
"Yes curse all you want for in a few moments that will come to an end for the next year and two months."
"Damn you!"
"Now why is my lovely daughter over there in the corner?" he asked looking at the girl in the corner who looked up and saw the man.
"Go away!" She yelled and picked up a rock and threw it at the computer which missed and hit the back wall.
"Amy control yourself!" Trump yelled. "This is why your in here in the first place. There is no place on this earth for you kind. I should had used you as my lab rat long ago, would had been far better my career and marriage; doesn't matter now since all that is behind me starting today."
"So what we're all in here for some reason connected to you?" The old man asked as he walked over to the screen. "I thought we were all prisoners."
"You, the stripper and jackass are." Luke spat at being called a jackass. "Nothing more but lab rats in my book. But I'll be nice to you all and give you a fighting chance at freedom."
"What are you talking about?" Luke asked. "What do you mean give us a fighting chance?"
"Lets just say that I'm a man who loves a good sport and I'm giving you a chance to get out of your sentencing. Each of you have committed some sort of sin that has put you behind bars and each of you took up the chance to get out of prison time by choosing to become pokes. Well I'm the man they call to deliver the sentence but today...I'm feeling like having some fun. "
"What type of game is this?" The old man asked
"All you have to do is survive, nothing more, nothing less. But before we go on I must tell you this. If you decide to take this offer and fail to survive then...your sentence will be doubled to 28 months." Everyone looked shocked.
"Why would we take your offer then if it only means we'll lose and have to be damned even longer?!" Charles blurted out.
"Because if you survive this challenge then you'll walk right out of this complex a free man, your record clean and your sentence cleared. In fact I think it's a worth wild don't you."
No one spoke for a while, it was only when Luke spoke up that broke the silence. "Fine I'll do it." He said stretching. "Kick some ass and become a free man, the pros beat the cons."
"Are you mad?" Charles asked.
"Not as much as Amy back there." That was cruel. "So what do we have to do?"
"Simple you will each be split to different sides of this prison and will be given guns. Now these guns when fired will fire bullets that when hit human flesh will turn that person into a poke."
"So the last one standing as a human is the winner." The Stripper said seeming pleased. "Am I correct darling?"
"Yes you are sweet thing." Trump said eying her boobs . "You couldn't be more right. One more thing...if you do not finish this game before 12 this night then a gas will be released though out the prison and will....well you don't want to find out." With that the laptop flashed and everything went white.

It was a bit later before Luke woke up, his head throbbing for some odd reason. Looking around he saw that he was laying in a open room, a foul stench in the air and a strange draft that he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. He saw a belt near him with two strange looking guns strapped to it, a PDA and a poke' ball strapped to it.
"Perfect everything I need." Picks it up and looks the guns over. "Lets see guns, PDA to see my position and...." He throws the balls to the side. "I don't need junk like that. In fact I'm tired of dealing with animals, after this I hope to never seen a pokemon again."
Luke turns on the PDA and sees that he is on the bottom floor of the prison. Looking his position over he sees that he needs to get to the center, hide out there and knock everyone out who comes near. "Alright boys and girls....." Luke said as he walks out the door that lead out. "Big Papa Luke is coming to get you." He laughs darkly.

Though unknown to him that ball he just threw away could had given him his best chance to get out of this....a flash takes place and his Leafeon appeared. Looking down the hall from where he just went she glares at how cruel he was and how it was high time to teach him a lesson about how:
"What goes around comes around. Be kind to others for you never know when you might need them." Walking down the hall she was going to do everything in her power to screw him over.
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