AGNPH Stories

The Essence of Cruality by namesreturn


Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Just my luck the contenders here are hotter blooded than I had thought they would be. Hell if you walk to the end of a hall and see scorched walls, bullet shells and clothes everywhere you begin to wonder if you have a fighting chance in the end. But I guess if it was easy then it wouldn't even be worth reading about would it. None the less I have three more contenders to get rid of so I guess I'll have to make this short.

"Now darling what are you last words?" Trish asked as she stood over the old man. She had this its in the bag, her loss to some old man please the thought never ran though her mind. Though what ticked her off was that he was smiling the entire time like he knew something she didn't.
"Ya.....Dig! Just then the old man fell though the ground and into the bottom floor of the prison.
"How did he manage to do that!?"she asked herself. Looking around she decided to find him since they had some unfinished business to take care of. Just as she was reaching the stairs down a gun shot was fired nearly hitting her.
"Oh shit its you!" It was that young man who was lusting over her breast from earlier. Where did he come from all of a sudden?
"YOU! What are you doing here?" Trish asked hating the fact that she was still recovering from her ealier encounter with the old man. If she didn't make each move count she was as good as toast.
"I'm running though the same ropes as you....fine looking doll." Luke said eyeing her amazing body. Well....she could use this to her advantage and she knew just the little helper that can make it all work out in the end.
"Stand there for one moment darling." She said knowing just how to handle a golden moment like this. "I just want to bring a friend to the party that's all." She pulls out her one poke' ball.
"Huh...what are you...?" Luke asked not liking where this was going.
"Come on battle with me trainer if your feeling up for it!" She said throwing up the ball and releasing a Lopunny onto the seen. Shit just his luck it went from one on one to a handicap match in just ten seconds.
"I don't have any pokemon on me." Luke announced as he raised his guns to the ready position. Fuck just his luck he was going to get owned by some over weight fat rabbit and some really hot stripper. Just wait till the guys back home heard of this.
Trish grinned as she placed her guns back in the hoister. "I'm going to give you ten minutes to get as far away from here as possible before I sick my loveable partner on you." Luke looked surprised by this offer.
"Why?" He asked not knowing that she was already counting down the seconds.
"Because I have a old man to finish off and I hate to keep a customer waiting, plus I figure after my friend here catches you and drags your sorry ass back to me I'll be able to take you out two leaving me with only that crazy girl to contend with." She then starts to walk away. "Oh and you now only have 9 minutes and 25 seconds left before Lopunny here comes to get you."
"What!" He yelled taking off as fast as he could.
"When you find him by all means do whatever you like to catch him." Her Lopunny nods as she punches the air a few times, a watch on her wrist which was counting down the minutes until she was released into the prison to research and capture some punk ass young man. It was like taking carrots from a Buneary.

Deep underground in the basement of the prison the old man was rubbing his back as he walked down the north corridor from the crash site. Looking down though he couldn't be any happier as his Sandslash was next to him, it was thanks to him and a well thought out catch rope plan that was able to save his ass back there. Before he got into his encounter with Trish he had his Sandslash dig underground and create a safe spot for him incase that he got into more than he could chew. When he said the word "DIG" then his Sandslash knew it was time to dig right under him and bring him to a safe spot underground. It was crazy hand a had a low chance to work thanks to not knowing where the other was but they managed to pull it off anyway in the end.
"You did good back there my friend." He said as they stopped to look around a corner for any sign of the other three contenders. "You really saved me back there."
"Slash." (Your welcome.) He said with a nod.
"We must be careful from here out since this area is much darker and can hide our opponents."
"Sand-slash." (Just bring them on.) Sandslash said slashing the air.
Though as they were pumping the other up the sound of a door opening in not far from them caused the pair to hide in the shadows as best as possible. It looked like they might have to fight their way out of this dungeon like place in the end.
"We are challenged yet again my friend."
"Sand-slash slash slash" (Just like old times huh.)
"Yes I know. If this is where it ends my friend..." He has a tear in his eye. For some reason he knew this could be his last fight along side his oldest friend like this. "I'm glad its with you."
"Slash....." (Huh....) Though they tense up and look sharp as the footsteps drew ever closer....

"OH MAN!!" Luke yelled as he ran down the hallway that lead to the roof top, maybe if he hid there that over sized fluffy ball wouldn't find him. He ran into the stairway and slammed the door shut behind him and turned around to lean on it like in most scary movies. His heart was racing at the fear he had of getting caught by that thing.
"Damn....just my luck just when I need that walking tree leaf she's not around. What good are pokemon if they're not here to protect you." Luke said out loud. Looking at his watch he saw his ten minutes was up in....three....

Amy was underground in the old basement of the prison, the darkness of the place didn't creep her out that much though in fact this place felt like a second home to her now. She had over looked the end of the fight between that stripper lady and the old man and after watching him make that near escape like that she had to come down here and challenge him herself before someone else found him first.
"Charizard have you picked up on the scent yet." The big guy gave a light shake of the head. "Oh well then we'll just find him the old fashion way. Keep forward a bit I think I see the spot where he must had came in though." They walked over to a small hole in the ceiling and saw where the old man must had fallen to but for some odd reason in the dust left by the event it seemed there were two sets of prints leading away from the spot. That could only mean...
"You think there might be a chance he might have someone else with him?" She asked thrilled at the idea at having another fight with someone else so soon. It seemed her joy had passed on to her pokemon as he gave a roar of pleasure of his own before charging off to find and flush out their new challengers.

Hearing the roar the old man knew that now it was only a matter of time before they were found out. Taking out his favorite pipe out of a old pocket that he didn't use much and lit it with a match from a match book he carried on him the old man walked out of hiding and decided to get this over with. His Sandslash at his side yanking on his pants and begs him to turn around and run for it.
"No my old friend, you of all my friends should know my heart would never allow me to do that." He pulls out his guns and reloads them quickly enough to notice the giggling of a little girl....
"Oh happy day we've found another one. I hope he's better than the last one. "
"Out out little girl." The old man announced, there was no place to hide so he knew she was fairly close by. "I'm not in the mood to play these mind games."
"Oh but I'm not hiding. Why hide when you know you can win." And then he saw her, that crazy girl who got in his face earlier today was riding on the shoulder of a fairly large Charizard. Not letting his nerves get to him the old man keeps on walking his Sandslash at his side shaking in fear now of the sighting of such a large foe.
"Show no fear my friend."
"" (Easy for you to say.)
"Oh you look like a strong one." The girl said with a giggle.
"I'm not looking to fight you little girl."
"Sorry but like all trainers once we meet we must fight." Amy said as she slides off her fire dragon and draws her weapons. "Lets see you dance old man." And with that she fired a barrage of bullets at the old man who rolled out the way, the bullets whizzed inches from his ears.
"Not a bad shot for someone so young." He fires a few rounds himself at the little girl just missing her. She ran behind some rocks and sicked her Charizard on him. "Sandslash sand-attack." Dust was kicked into the Charizard's eyes knocking it off its balance as it held its eyes in pain.
"Now use slash."
"Charizard flashthrower!" Amy cried
Sandslash stopped and ducked as a stream of fire was sent right over its head.
"Rock Tomb."
"No!" Amy yelled. "I can't all allow you to do that. Charizard open your eyes and use fly!"
The fire dragon was finally able to open its eyes and just before the rock attack could hit it flew into the air, at this height he could see the entire arena in full. The old man knew this and was beating himself up for not setting up a defense against this. Right now he needed to form a plan.
"Old man lets end our little break and let our pokemon fight this by themselves." Amy said firing a shot into the air.
"Little girl you do understand the bond between pokemon and trainer and because of this you and your Charizard shall fall today." He then balls up his fist. "Even if it costs me everything I swear that I shall defeat you!!!!"
The ultimate show down was about to kick up as the walls around them began to crumble under the stress of the was only a matter of time before it caved in around them. The old man had to stop this crazy girl even if it meant sacrificing his own life.......

Rocks, cracks and pot holes covered the roof of the prison giving it a very look depressing look, but a excellent place to hid when in a rush. Luke hid himself under a chunk of concrete and reloaded his gun with a fresh mag. He didn't know if these bullets worked on anything none human but it was the only weapon he had to fight back with. Though as he sat there waiting he began to hear the sound of a fight going on below him which made him wish that he was some place else besides here.
"What if its that chick again....or worth that over sized stuff rabbit of her's....." He shivered on the thought of having to face that thing. But his thoughts changed as he heard the last gun fire go off and the sound of screaming and then all of a sudden flashing of light and it was over. Someone had just lost....but who was it. Maybe she found that old man and one of them had just defeated the other or it could be that strange girl had just been blown away. Luke had to find out and so he left his perfect hiding place and ran over to the edge of the roof and slowly peered over the side. What he saw made him even more confused. Below him was someone else besides the five who of them who was in that cell.....
"Hey who is that up there." The guy down on the ground asked as he looked up at Luke.
"Oh shit...." Luke said running away from the edge. He couldn't believe it someone else was wrapped up into this mess....but how....where did he come from....better yet who the hell was he. This was so confusing....
Luke shook his head as he tried to free this mind of thoughts and focus on just running. He sprinted over to the door that lead back down but as he tried to open it the knob came off with a load cracking noise.
"Damn!" He said throwing the knob to the side. But then it hit him......he needed that to get back down stairs. Bending over to pick it up a shot was fired that struck just above his head. "Huh...?"
"Going somewhere?" It was him that guy from down in the court yard...but how there was no way up here. Who is this guy?
"Hey wait a minute!" Luke yelled. "Just who are you?"
"My name is of no importance to you." The man said brushing some dust off of his gun. "The real question is who are you and why should I not blow you away right now.....?
Great not only was he stuck up here but he had some strange guy with one of those Si-Fi type guns pointed right at him up here too. He needed a way to escape this guy stat or else he'll be shot on the spot and changed into in a pokemon and used as a science experiment. Things were not looking good for him right now for him, oh god he needs a escape plan or some back up right about now.....
"I'm waiting you! If you don't answer my question in three seconds I'll make sure your in the next cage out of this place." The guy said as he holds up three and when Luke had nothing to say the man just smiled and placed his index finger on the trigger.....
"One caged pokemon coming right up....." And soon the sound of a gunshot was heard......
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