AGNPH Stories

The Essence of Cruality by namesreturn


Chapter 5

Chapter 5 could I had gotten so sloppy, if I could kick my own ass right about now I would! This guy....I hate him so much....just when I think I have control of the situation this circus freak steps in and ruins it for me. Who is he and how was he able to get up here without using the door or ladder. No normal man on this planet could jump up three stories, move with such swiftness and have such a keen sense of his surrounding like the way he does. Its almost like he's not fully that is not possible.....
But....I guess when you've seen what I've seen and experienced what I'm going though right now I guess seeing a damn horse sprout wings and fly is not too hard to believe right now.

Luke's heart felt like it had just skipped a beat as everything around him seemed to had slowed down. He saw the bullet leave the barrel of the gun. He watched as it flew within inches of his face and cuts his cheek. He even saw it fly right into the door behind him and degenerate into tiny pieces of dust. Luke didn't know how it happened but for that one moment he felt like he was watching himself in slow motion.

"MY ARM!" The man yelled as he gripped his left arm with his right. Luke watched as he fell to his knees holding it for some odd reason. "Not not yet!" Luke heard him muttering to himself. "I can't change yet....just a little longer!" Luke didn't do anything though as he was still stunned by almost being hit by that bullet just now. Off in his own world Luke falls onto his own knees and continued to stare into space as his attacker gets up and retreats.

"I've near been so scared in my life...." Luke muttered after what seemed like hours later. He only sat there staring into nothingness until...."FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" He slammed his fist onto ground cutting himself on the jagged surface. Blood dripped onto the ground as he pants his heart rate racing like a speeding Rapidash's after a intense race.

"I've never been so scared my entire LIFE!" Luke said talking to himself out loud. "I sat there and looked like some scared eevee ready to piss himself. What the fuck is wrong with ME!? I HAD A CHANCE TO TAKE HIM OUT!! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" He continued to beat his fist against the jagged surface bruising and tearing the skin off of them until blood spots were everywhere around where his hands were. Finally subcoming to intense pain and numbness Luke stopped and sat there staring at the damage he had done to himself. He only came out of the trance when he felt something roll down his right cheek. It was then that he remembered the bullet grazing his face.

"If his arm hadn't....." Luke reliazed that he's only remained in this contest because of blind luck. "Luck....I can't depend on that alone any more." Finally after letting out all of his frustration Luke picks up his weapon and kicks open the door that blocked his escape route before. Even if he did lose he vowed that strange guy was going to go down before him. With new fire in his eyes and heart Luke throws himself back into fry.

Amy giggled as she watched Fluffy throw that annoying Sandslash into a wall, stuff like this always made her laugh and giggle.

"Good boy Fluffy!" She yelled. "Make sure hurt him as much as possible." With a roar of approval Fluffy went back to work on destroying that annoying Sandslash. Now onto more pressing matters as she had to take out that old man at all cost. "Hey old man where did you go, I'm not done playing with you yet?"

"Over here." She heard from behind. But just as she turned around she heard the sound of gun fire and the sudden pain of something hitting it couldn't be? Falling onto the ground Amy felt the pain of a gun shot wound to her back and the injection of some sort of poison/potion enter her body.

"But how.....?" She asked weakly. "How did you...?"

"I had set up a trap. Using well timed movement and a bit of luck I was able to throw my voice and make you think I was at one location while in truth I truelly was behind you the entire time." The old man signed as he took a knee near the little girl and rolled her onto her back.

"Mister...." She said reaching up with a trembling hand.


"What is it little girl. What is it that you wish to tell me in this last hour of your old life?"

"Mister....." She girls and pow....before his eyes could even see what happened the old man felt a shot to his shoulder. Before he even knew what happened the old man was laying on the ground and staring up into the ceiling.

"Screwed you......" Unknown to the old man the little girl had dropped her gun only inches away from her fast hand.

"No....." The old man muttered as he began to fill his body growing weaker and weaker. "I came so" He began to cry.


"Oh give it a rest you old fart!" The little girl said as she started to black out. "I would like to spend my.....She felt so weak. " peace." Looking over she saw that their pokemon were looking depressed at the lost of their masters.

" free....." The old man said weakly. "I" his head dropped to the ground and in a flash was gone the only thing left behind to remind the world that he was here was his clothes which still reeked of his scent.

"Fluffy.....I" And she too vanished as the guns she held dropped to the floor with a soft clattering sound......

The fate of these two......only the lord knew......

Luke walked down the long flight of stairs that lead to the court yard, his heart was pounding from the anticipation of the moment. He stopped by a pile of clothes and saw that they were the black leather jeans and shirt of the Stripper.....

"He must had taken her out earlier." Luke walked away and looked down though the hole that was created earlier and saw two more sets of clothes laying close together.

"Nice....everyone is gone...." He grinned from ear to ear.

"I won....I WON!!! And I didn't even have to do a thing!" He yelled into the heavens. Just then he heard clapping from the side and saw that guy again but this time his left arm was bandaged up making it look like a mummy's.

"How sad....." he said walking out to the middle of the courtyard, a short sword strapped to his side. "Everyone in this little contest thrown by the boss fought to their last breath, they fought for their freedom, their honor and for their lives.....everyone....." He took the blade off and points it right to Luke's neck. "But you!" He moved away from Luke and strapped it back into its sheath.

"Who are you to talk?" Luke asked taking his guns out of their hoisters. "You wasn't even in the contest!"

"I was the one who took out Trish." The man announced pointing to her clothes. "I nearly lost thanks to her Lopunny! If it wasn't for me you would had been caught for sure." He rubs his clean shaven head and thinks for a moment. "Its just you and me now Luke."

"And?" Luke asked pointing one of his guns at the man, he wasn't about to lose when he was so close like this. One mistake....that was all it took for either of them to lose now.

"We're here....." The man unsheathed his weapon...but then puts it back and instead took out two gun of his own and points one right at Luke's forehead. "To redeem ourselves, repent for the evil deeds we have commit. Don't you understand Luke? We don't deserve to walk among man any longer."

"I never committed a evil act to anyone else." Luke growled. "Why should I suffer because some dumb ass leafeon can't get her act straight. So I tried to kick her teeth down her throat big deal!" He said coldly. "I'm not sorry for a thing and have nothing to repent for."

"I'm not going to let up then anytime soon you heartless basterd!" The man roared. "Move one inch and I'll take your head off."

"That goes double for me dumbass." And with that they stood there staring the other down for what felt like hours, neither wanting to let the other make a move first. Finally there was the sound of the snapping of a twig and both men looked to see something watching them from a short distance away. Luke squinted his eyes and saw....her.

"You have got to be joking!?" Luke growled.

"What?" The man asked as he kept his sights and gun on Luke at all times. "Who is that?"

"Just that dumb eon of mine......" He then grins as a idea struck him. "Leafeon come here and help me take this cheap piece of shit out."

Luke watched as the grass type ran out and over to him but as she drew closer the grass type sped up and ran right into him knocking the cruel trainer over. Luke rolled onto his feet and started to back away. "What's going on, what are you doing?" He asked just as he was backed into a wall by his own pokemon. "I'm your MASTER!" He yelled.

"You're a even bigger fool than I thought." The man said holstering his weapon and turns away from Luke his eyes closed. "You said it didn't care about her." His eyes open and he turned his head just enough to see Luke....the look in his eyes showed that still didn't understand.

"Damn you both!" Luke roared as Leafeon drew closer, blood lust in her eyes as her fangs were looking into repaying her "master" every little kick to the head he ever gave her. Finally after all this time she could get the revenge she has longed for.

"Leafeon stop." The man said for some odd reason. "What if I told you that you can get all the revenge you want AND be able to show your "master" what its like to be picked on by those larger than you. It must had sparked her interest since she stopped and looked at the man funny.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked as he tried to step out of the corner but was stopped by a near bite to his gems that made him retreat back to his little corner. "Stop trying to make things worse!"

"Your wronged this pokemon." The man turned to Luke and pointed one of his guns right at him. This time he was going to hit his target. "Far to long has your sins against this noble creature have gone unpunished. Today that shall change as shall I too pay for the sins I have commit against the world."

"You are one twisted mother fucker." Luke said pointing his own gun at the man. Leafeon tried to get involved but Luke quickly shot a round at a foreleg stopped her in her tracks."Now that is over...." Their stare down resumed....but this time neither waited for the other to screw up as both fired their last rounds at the same time.......

What fate awaits them........

That is a story for another day.......
Chapter End Notes:Do not ask me what happened to Trish, who the man is or any other question like it. I will tell all this type of stuff in the next part of this series. Besides the best part of a story is all the questions getting answered.....IN THE STORY! But I know there is always that "one" who just has to ask though. And you know what.....I will answer it in the next part which is going to tell about the mysteries man, who he is and will tell who in fact got shot.

Stay tuned

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