AGNPH Stories

PMD: Team Elemental Hearts' Misadventures. by testa


One Messy End

It was a time before Boltma was able to get out of the hospital with her fire type as the two have been growing closer since the incident that got the in there. Qui had taken her sister's spot as Big Bro was now coming in. "Mail call. Fanmail, thank you letters, and two missions."

Scorch smiled, sitting up, "Cool. Let me guess the fanmail's for me isn't it?" he chuckled, "I am after all the handsome one of the group." His mood had considerably improved since the incident at the tower.

BB tapped his head as he got a thank you letter instead. "Nope... it's a thank of all know I check the mail more than you... or have you been trying to play with our leader too much to remember that?" he joked as he hands the rest of it out...the Mission mail getting posted on the bullet board in full glory as she's looking like a mess, she's been trainin hard for a few days straight and was waking up from late night training.

Scorch blushed, looking away, "Ass." he turned to see Boltma, and smiled, "Hey."

BB laughed "Save that for the Ponytas."

Boltma looked to him, "Hey Scorch..." shakes her fur. "Sorry about leaving the crew without a boss this morning." she has the tool bag on her as she used the makeshift comb she had to strighten her fur out a bit.

Scorch ignored BB and went over to her, helping her out, "Don't worry, we've been doing fine. In fact we just got two missions. Plus some fan mail and thank you letters for you." She smiled on the thank you letters happy to gain what she she finishes the check to soon get the missions.

Qui was already looking at something of interest. "Well well well... seem a familar ass made himself a mess... Hey Scorch... your going to love this...we got a wanted poster and a location. Fist Pit."

Boltma walked up to her, "What do you mean?" she couldn't believe what was on the wanted's Ranor. Rescue Team Killings, Rape, and Robbery are the charges.

Scorch glared at the photo, "...That bastard..." small flames danced out of his mouth, as his tail fire started to grow in intensity.

Boltma pet him, "Easy... if anything he can't get away with what he's done...and it's bout time I put that hound down for good. How about that?"

BB nodded, "I'd love to rip the spikes off his chest and paws."

Scorch nodded, calming down, "Thanks you guys."

"No problem "little bro". You of all deserve to get your licks in for how he acted. Besides I don't think you should have all the fun. The guy knows how to throw a punch."

Scorch nodded. It was true, he had lost his sister and an old girlfriend to Ranor, which ment he lost his old rescue team. And Ranor didn't get to where he was by being weak...or stupid, which was shown clearly at the tower.

Boltma turned to the crew, "Qui... your in charge while we are gone... get Frozo and Aloe with you to take any missions." she then looked to the others, "BB, Scorch, grab the equipment and some Chople Berries." Scorch nodded, setting off for the task right away. When he packed up everything needed, he waited by the mailbox.

BB had to be ready too as he was prepired too with his own moves and a Chople Berry too. Boltma the last to show as she whistled out. "OK... Element Hearts lets roll!"

BB raised a fist, "Fist Pit... yea.. we'll come out without a black eye in the process." he joked knowing how he has to deal with fighter types with his wings. He of all know all three have a move to take care of Lucarios: Boltma with her Dig, Scorch with his fire moves and with himself and Wing Attack, Flamethrower, and Dragonbreath they should make it to him.

Scorch nodded, sticking to Boltma's right, "Let's get going...I've got a score to settle."

The trio take off making it to the pit as Boltma got a paper out, "Fist Pit, 30 basement floors. Warning a lot of fighters in here, a high number of them male due to species being of low or one gender. Pitfall traps and boulder traps have been found. If you don't got a Psy pokemon then be ready to see pain.' This is the place alright."

Scorch scoffed, "Ha! We'll take this place on easy!" he stretched, "I've handled more then my fair share of fighters."

Boltma snickered, "Got it. Elements...speed formation...and.." she made a thunder ball, "GO!"

BB smirked, "Here we go!" he glowed at his wings to cut them down. Scorch took his position, and readied his claws, knowing not to many fighters were prepared for a charmeleon who could fight hand to hand better than them. The trio are rushing though as they snagged treasure chests along the way, Boltma diving down as she used her dig atttack to pop up beyond one and into anohter surprising some as a fighter that she slips by to hit another got ran over by either BB or Scorch as they run and rush though the Pit.


They didn't know at the bottom, in a circular arena like room, a figure was laughing, "They aren't subtle." he snapped his paw, where four other's appeared, " know what to do." They all nodded, and took off, as the figure laughed more.


They had to fight on as Boltma saw the 20th basement floor had a blockage to it with a special symbol making her give the hand signal to stop. "Great... an arena fight before we get to the bottom.

BB shook his head, "I'm not liking the fact we got to stop here. In speed mode we are at least running though them without stoping. I say we change battle postions now."

Boltma nodded, "Tristyle... get ready for anything"

Just then four pokemon appeared, two female breloom, along with a male toxicroak and gallade. The females moved to stand in front of BB and Scorch, while the two males took position in front of Boltma. "Sorry...but big boss Ranor doesn't want you three to get any lower." the gallade said. The two breloom giggled though, "Oh...such handsome males." the one on Scorch said, "Mmm...I'm really liking the look of my opponent."

Boltma smirked, "How fun... Between a frog and a fighter. I can only imagine what I got to deal with... Scorch, BB.. Play nice with the ladies.. I got to at least make froglegs for dinner."

BB blinked a bit, watching the girls while he had to be ready, "Much as I like to enjoy the opposite sex's company I have to handle you in order to proceed so no offense?"

The breloom giggled, "Handle me? oh...such a naughty boy." she spun around, lifting her tail up to flash BB her sex and ass. The one on Scorch did the same. BB's breloom smiled, "Such a big dragon...I wonder...what would it feel have that big dragon's cock up my sweet and oh so tight cunny?"

BB had to be fast as he took to the sky.. keeping out of the line of fire for a bit before he spiraled down onto her. "Time to take FLIGHT!" Used the hidden move he usully doesn't use unless he is carrying an injured pokemon, Fly, as he spun down to nail her on her back instead.

Boltma rolled her eyes, "Attract... rich.. though we aren't in Blue Gender Tower so It's not going to hit as hard." She had to remember Attract can still work, but was thankful it wasn't in the tower or she'd have hell for it since there was that special kind of trap that could have stired emotions.

That when she heard a startled yelp from Scorch as a pink dust lingered around him and he violently shook his head. The breloom with BB tossed the same dust in his face. Then Scorch was in a deep kiss the breloom he was fighting, though he tried to get away, "Like it's a special powder Ranor makes attract as powerful on you as if we were in his special tower." Boltma was also aware that her opponents weren't trying the suble seduction of the breloom, they were going to fight her...whether or not they planned to rape her if they beat her down was unknown.

"Scorch...I'll have to let this mishap roll since this is..odd conditions. " She was fast in spinning to the point she was a top... giving first priority to the Pioson type as her attack of the Iron Tail Top striked like a dozen hammers as she spun.

BB had to turn red as he kept his Breloom fem pinned on her belly...panting hard as he felt himself growing harder. His strenght showing as he had her pinned by her legs with his own though her tail felt his growing problem as he tried to clear his hed to a point.

The toxicroak groaned, backing away as the gallade pressed the attack on Boltma. While Scorch could back away from the breloom who was trying to tackle him to the ground, giggling as she said, in her most sexiest voice, "Come on...fuck me big boy...who care's about that rodent...she could never show you the fun a strong and well muscled fighter type could." BB was in worse straights, as his Breloom giggled, rubbing her tail-hole and sex at his rod, enticing him to fuck her sensless.

Boltma waved "Later..." She was able to jump as her tail becme a drill just as Gallade swings.. missing and hitting a wall she was facing a way from to soon hear her spring out of the ground with dig as she checks the poison type to soon crash into the foe she had to evade. "...CHECK PLEASE!" She hoped Scorch heard she would understand what happens to him was because of the foe not of his own will.

BB shook his head as he was nearly fully hard as he grrrs. "Your not making this choice easy... espcially since your not even my type." he holds his head as he was he focused his wings as they glowed.

The two males growled at her, "Damn bitch! Boss said you'd be tough." They smirked, "That's why we were looking forward to fighting you...a real challenge...though...why are you with that charmeleon? You should have a much stronger male to watch over you." Scorch was still trying to avoid the breloom, who was trying just as hard to get him to fuck her. While the breloom beneath BB smiled, "Then that means no worries about being a can just fuck me hard and fast...and we can go about our own consequences."

"Nice try... and if your curious...he of all needs me. Sure he isn't one of the best mon to ever exist but I see though his problems and can see he is someone that can support me when I need it. So say all you want... I'm not easily pushed asaid...and before I forget... I got to at least make this even so.... good BYE!" she was going for a move she knew is going to hurt. Jumping to double kick as she missed on purpose but her tail nailed the Toxicroak between the legs, sending him up and with her legs holding the head she back flips to send the frog to the floor, one down.. one to go as she hd to brace for impact, knowing she was open after that. Fortunately for Boltma, the gallade was stunned by her display and didn't make a move in time to catch her.

BB sighed, "Scorch, better burn your girl off since I might be a while!" With that he finally snapped as he picked as he picked her up and pinned the fem Breloom to the wall with her back to the wall, legs apart before she got what she wanted though if she was able to take it all was going to be known soon enough.

Despite BB's yell, he couldn't focus the attack, putting all his attention to resisting the powder, which, since his opponent was using a behind the back shot, he got a bigger dose of then he was smaller then the big dragon. Adding to that, no matter what Boltma said...he couldn't give in to the would still feel like he was betraying her.

BB's breloom wailed out, "Alright! Fuck me big boy! Fuck my little cunt! Shove that dragon dick up it!" it was obvious she had gotten some of the powder too, as she was also lost in a lust driven state.

She caught his attation as he got a thunder bolt ball nailing his arm. "I hate to kick a shocked butt but I had to get your attation. Now how about a fair fight?" she cracks her knuckles. The gallade gulped, but took a fighting pose, "I'm sorry...but...I'm more afraid of Ranor than least with you...I have a chance at not getting slaughtered." he charged.

Eventually, Scorch was pinned to the ground as he shook and tried to free himself, "No!" the breloom forced her tongue into his mouth, as he tried to resist sending his muscle into her maw, as she ground her sex to his crotch and stiffening member.

BB growled and kept hammering her sex, keeping her from doing anything.. that is if she wasn't already high in pleasure with him. With those two kept disposed it was clear they'll both faint by the time the two are done fucking. She wailed out, begging him for more, getting wetter and wetter, loving it so much, "FUCK ME YOU BIG DRAGON!!! FILL ME WITH YOUR DRAGON CUM!!!"

Boltma blocked and struck his back with a thunder bolt. "Then be glad to know... we'll defeat him if you let us take at him. He's nothing more than a cold heart that has lost his chances of escape. Just let me and my... crew stop him!" she used her tail with Iron Tail to make a binding snare to hold him, she knows things are going all over the place so she's trying to speed up. The gallade eyed her, but nodded, "Alright...go on. But not even you can take him alone. I suggest you get some help." she could tell he was pulling for her victory...otherwise...he'd be dead.

Scroch was struggling to keep himself form giving anything back to the charmeleon wanting breloom, who was trying to take his rod into her, and he was managing to twist it away just in time, but he knew he couldn't keep it up forever as the breloom pulled back from a frenching when her clit rubbed his member. "Boltma...I'm sorry."

BB moaned and panted, "I... can't... STAND IT!" he roars as he hilted into her which sounded painful as well as pleasing. The pain part going to the fem as he plunged his dragonic stick all in and roars, sending pent up sperm to their doom inside the breloom. BB's breloom wailed out as she came with him, "FUCK!!!" she just stayed stiff for a while, before she went out cold from the joy. BB was gasping as he pulled out, floping onto his rear to rest up, he almost blacked out but he at least endured it. If possible he'll catch up later...if possible.

Boltma nods before she used an Iron Tail to knock the fem off the male she loves.. now she was ready to at least help her love as she was knowing how to get a guy off someone. "The guy doesn't want it so keep off mulch gal."

Scorch looked at her then smiled, feeling his head coming back into control, "THanks Boltma." he stood up, shaking his head, which got his member to wiggle a bit. He groaned, "I hope it goes away before we find Ranor."

"Considering I knocked out two, one gave in and one is...flooded..." they heared the stair way open. "...we can get though." Scorch nodded, trying to ignore his still erect member as they proceeded down. Boltma knew BB was a strong mon so he'll catch up later as the two of them take care to speed though the next 9 floors... taking a break near the stairs to drink some heaaling food made by Echa and Qui.

Luckily, Scorches erection was gone as he gathered his strength, looking at Boltma, "Boltma...I'm sorry for being usless in that fight on floor 20."

"It's ok... I had to expect that things were going to go south... And considering BB is going to have to play catch up, we got to do this outselves. Ready to do it?" she finished the gummi she had to help her heal up in her stomach at a time like this.

He pulled her to him and kissed her, "If I don't make it through this Boltma...know that I love you...and I was so happy have you in my life."

She nodded, "Lets do it Scorch." She had to deep breath...knowing her moves are going to work for so long.

As they entered the room, Ranor stood at the other end, smiling, "Wow...both of you made it! I'm surprised...though I can tell the big dragon's gonna be out of this fight." he chuckled, " know...doesn't this place bring back memories...I mean...wasn't it in this very room...where.."

Scorch snarled, "Shut your filthy mouth traitor!"

she blinks.. noting the blood as she had to have a quite uneasy chill in her spine, "You got some odd humor you know, I mean what kind of mon do you think you are threatening lives just to get what you want and killing those that get in your way? And should I even ask bout that last part?" She had to think of a way to stall a little bit to give BB the time to get with them.

Ranor smiled, "I'm the mon who's gonna rule the world...human and pokemon will bow to me! I shall bring ruin to all who oppose me." he chuckled, "And as for the last part..." he eyed Scorch, "Didn't he tell you?"

"To be honest I waited to know since it was a subject cut deep into him. And you have to be nuts to try and take two worlds...espcilly since it's just you against those two worlds."

Ranor smirked, "'s easy...if you get in to the worlds...make them think you're their friend..." he laughed, "Just like Team Blaze Fighter!" Scorch snarled, again, flexing his claws at Ranor. "I was part of Scorch's rescue team! I made the mission to go down to here! I ambushed them all!" he kept laughing, "I'm not sure who I loved killing more...Scorch's old squeeze...or his sister...who realized I had toyed with her...made her think I loved her...just so it'd be so much more fun to..." he dodged a fire blast from Scorch, who had tears in his eyes. Though he didn't see Boltma in time to evade the worst Thunder Bolt he ever gotten..right to the eyes... as he can't see for a while she might have taken his sight but had to be ready as she got away before he was going at her. Ranor cursed, "Fucking bitch!!! I'll kill you like I did his little pikachu lover!"

"I see your just insane... SO on behave of the Pokemon Rescue Team, your under arrest nd will draggd in for your crimes." she growled, "Dead or Alive! And you won't win this fight at all!" She whistled. "Bullseye Burner GO!" Ranor was entirely blind so he didn't even see the smash to his back from Boltma's Dig attack as he rammed him right into Scorch's aim to have him burn his life down. Scorch unleashed a fire blast which hit dead on, but Ranor forced himself through, and charged Scorch, twisting around and going to deliver a kick, but the charmeleon managed to block it...with force, "What the...?"

Scorch smirked, "You said I needed a new I chose something a bit lacks the grace and beauty of fire...but it has the strength of the earth." Boltma grins as she had to get herself ready as she knows more moves than he let on to her as she heard earth she nows only one move that she knew too well wasn't the smart choice to stay on the ground for. If it's earthquake she's taking to the air. Scorch moved to slam his claws into the ground, when Ranor finally managed to see, and lept up, just to see Scorch tear out a chunk of earth and toss it at him. When Ranor landed he growled, "Charmeleons...know rock throw?"

Scorch rolled his eyes, "What's so hard? You just pick up a rock...and throw...any thing with upper body strength and arms can throw a rock! Hell even a tail would do!" that's when they hear a grrr and BB came flying in and landing, "Sorry I'm late little bro, I had to play catch up after the wild time I had. Where's the boss?" by now Ranor knew the answer when he felt a Raichu foot kick between his leg going up to kick him in the planets. BB having to feel sorry for the Lucario for a moment since Boltma was one of the few females that would attack down there without regreating it.

Ranor growled, and groaned, but thrust his head forward, giving her a headbutt, then with a kick sent her skyward. As she stayed in the air, he went after her, "DIE!!!" he charged a metal claw. Scorch watched in horror...the exact same fate had befell his last love...he wouldn't let it happen again! "NO!!!" he charged forward, glowing white as he did. When Ranor closed the distance and was about to strike, a charizard appeared between him and Boltma, "YOU WONT LAY A PAW ON HER!!!" The charizad flipped foward, an iron tail smacking Ranor and sending him into the ground, hard. The charizard caught Boltma and looked her over, "Are you alright?"

She caught onto him, "Thanks... though he is so going to pay for the death threat." She jumped down as she caught BB's tail "Boys... Triple Tech... Double Golden Flamethrower." BB grins as he felt Boltma's lighting drive though his body as Boltma got Scorch's tail too as she charged his fire to hold Lighting. This'll hurt if they launch it. The attack fired, and Ranor roared in protest, "NO!!! I WONT BE DENIED!!! FEEL MY AURA!!!" he fired a gaint aura sphere, but it was blasted apart by the combined attack power. "NO!!!" He was hit and sent into the wall, "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING TO ME!!!" he thought of where he went wrong...what did he do that could have caused this...and it all came to letting Scorch escape that day so long ago. Then with an explosion, a massive wall of dust enveloped the area he was hit.

Boltma coughed, "That has to hurt. Check for lifesigns and sorry bout that Scorch. " she grinned, "Though your a fireball of a guy."

He blushed, smiling, "'t mind....this?" he spread his arms...afraid she wouldn't want someone so big to be her lover.

She looked him over and smiled. "I think we'll be able to manage some things when we figure it out." she rubs his body as she smiled to him as BB blew the smoke to clear what the mess is. Scorch smiled, and noticed a gleam. When they went up to inspect they saw the chest and paw spikes of Ranor...the chest spike had a characteristic that Scorch would never forget...the tried blood of his the form of a heart that started breaking, "He's dead...he's finally dead."

"We did it!" Boltma chuckled as she hugged the two. "This is so worth it!"

BB picked the spikes up. "We won't get as much as he was alive but he's paying our bills for a few weeks."

Scorch smiled, not caring about the reward...he was happy that his sister and lost love could rest in piece. She smiled as she knows now he can feel ease in his life. "BB, Scorch... lets get to the wanted office... this is one event I want to finally put to rest."

Scorch nodded, following them toward the office, and smiling when they turned in the spikes. " guys actually managed to beat him." the mon in charged smiled, "I was about to take down that many teams were dying in the attempt."

"I know... but then again you have to have some strong spirits to do it. And for the record....never... take down those since if someone doesn't stop those mon who will?" She looks to the Clefable. Though as she was holding her badge... it was flickering...turning from the diamond colored one to one colored in the Sapphire and Gold and Coal colors of a pokemon. The team just gained a rank few reach.

Scorch stared at his badge, "I...I don't believe it...we..." he smiled and hugged Boltma.

She giggled and smiled grinning. "We are now Lucario Classed. We finally did it...after taking so many missions!" she chuckled as they hugged... BB clapping along with others for their bravery and courage.


Boltma was holding onto a picture of Echa and the boys, Cause and Horn, "Echa is a lucky gal in a way. She's got two boyfriends now and does stay with the team.. though only 6 days a week. If you ask me she's going to end up mated to them with how much sex those three have."

Scorch chuckled, eyeing the picture with his love.

She laughed as she changed pictures. "I know but can't wait to be god mom to those angels." The next pic is Qui is on the phone as she was wering a black bow on her tail. "Qui is on the dating market and she' currently dating a Rhydon. Have to wait to see how that goes."

Scorch smiled at the picture as he nuzzled her some.

She kissed his head, "We're last on the list remember?" she laughed "BB still calls my Charizard "Little brother." and has recently done something wild...well sorta wild.. as he did keep that breloom gal that he fucked over."

Scorch chuckled, seeing the dragonite and breloom together, "Who'd of thought they'd stick together...I guess she loves his big dragon cock." he chuckled more...his own was just a little under BB's size...but he had some extra heat for the fem he plowed it into. Just then, something jumped on top of his head. A young pichu, whom they adopted. "Hey daddy!" he squeeked happily, hugging his head.

Boltma laughed hard, "CHARGER!" as she waved at him down with a chuckle., "As for me.. I got my mom like status... and it's quite a rush but I enjoy it."

The pichu hugged his mother, as Scorch smiled, "Ahh I enjoy being a dad." he smirked, "Hey about you go outside to play..." the pichu smiled and nodded, rushing out, as Scorch moved over Boltma, "And I really really love being the dad to your mom." he smiled, licking her cheek.

"Even if we aren't compadible, who said love is all about making kids... besides.. with him making love it's hard to keep some Rawst round...espcilly when he- !" Looks at him as she was groped.

He smiled down at her, as his red hot poker was out and needed to be cooled. He nuzzled her some more, licking her cheek again, "I love you Boltma."

"-gets like this." She giggled as she stroked it as she kissed up to him, "Your buying more berries tomorrow dear." as she was growing wetter with a smile.

He smiled and kissed her, "Of course." that ment that he had fun coming to him...and she had a lot of fun cumming to her. That was the best part about his evolution...on a good day...he could blow as much as 5 times in a row.

And she loved each one as she's soaked in his white hot sauce as she waves to the audience, "Take care... and thank you all!"
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