AGNPH Stories

Lucario's New Family by tsukunertov


The Surprise (Part 3 of 3)

***To better understand this part, read the first two parts first.***

"Hey guys, why don't we celebrate by going to the Poke Diner. See, I think of the game more as winning = no casualties, so in that respect, we all won!" Ash cheered as herded the entire group together, except for Ajay who was already halfway to the hotel. On the walk over, everybody was talking about the highlights of the game. "O my God, when B-rad hit that ball over everyone, that was amazing!" Dante happily exclaimed as he pat the Marowak on the back. "It was no big thing, what really was awesome was when Jade hit the ball right over Vair. She was so shocked, she didn't even know what to do." Bradley laughed as he shrugged off Dante's compliment as no big thing. Jade laughed at her own stupidity before giving her own opinions. "Well, at least I didn't strike out as bad as Brock did. Even I knew not to swing at those." Jade passed the sarcasm onto Brock. Brock tried to think of something clever to retaliate with, but drew blanks. "Well, at least... Claire's homerun was out-of-sight, literally." Brock changed the tone of the conversation. "Thank you honey, but Ash's game winning home-run was way better." Claire complimented Ash, bopping him one on the shoulder. "It was nothing." Ash grunted as he tried to get the feeling back in his arm.

"It was kind of scary when Akuti had that ball explode on her face." Pikachu added. "Yeah, there was so much heat flying in my face that I couldn't avoid it and fell to the ground in agony." Akuti replied, reliving the traumatic event. "Ash and Penelope must of felt that too when Vair threw that monstrously fast ball at Ash." Espeon commented as they saw the restaurant now coming into view. "Yeah, it was crazy. Ash helped me through it and made sure I wasn't hurt. Thank you again for that." Penelope mentioned as she walked into the o so familiar place, for her at least. While everyone else went in, Staravia pulled back Dante and Akuti and told them about her suspicions.

"Yeah, I noticed that too when they were getting up. I think she was blushing when Ash examined her face, only to see her cheeks all red. Ahh, why couldn't it of been me?" Akuti asked as she did a spin thinking about if she were in Penelope's shoes. "Hey, I wouldn't be talking. I saw your eyes open when Ash was reviving you." Dante barked back at her. "It doesn't matter; leave this for the next meeting. I think we have found a new member." Staravia smirked as she flew into the diner. Akuti and Dante stared each other down as they too walked right behind her into the restaurant.

"Penelope, you don't work today. Why are you here?" An Absol waitress remarked as the group approached the welcoming desk. "O... is this that guy I'v..." She tried to speak, but Penelope stomped on her paw, making her squeal in pain. "Wait one sec, I got to go clear something up with the staff." The Bellossom spoke as she turned the Absol around and made the Absol follow her. "Ok, that is the guy I was talking about, but did you see the Lucario he was with?" Penelope asked. The Absol looked behind to get a better look, but had her paw stomped on again by Penelope. "Don't look back! Well, the Lucario holding his hand is his fiancé and I don't want to come in-between them. So, don't say anything about it while I enjoy my nice diner with my friends. Comprende?" Penelope glared up at the waitress whose only response was lightly nodding her head. Penelope went back to her normal, perky self before saying: "Good, now please show us to our seats." She cheerfully announced as she walked back to her group.

"Ok, let's see here. We have 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6, 7 8 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14 15 16 people! Wow this is a big party. Wait here while we combine some tables up for the enormous party." (Let's see: Ash:1, Jade:2, Bradley:3, Ashley:4, Vair:5, Penelope:6, Dawn:7, Piplup:8, Lopunny:9, Claire:10, Brock:11, Pikachu:12, Espeon:13, Dante:14, Akuti:15, Staravia:16. Holy crap that is a lot of people, plus if you include Ajay, that makes 17 people in this one story.)

So they waited while the staff tried to rush and rearrange the furniture to better suit the customers needs. Penelope was the heart of the Poke Diner and she never did anything but work. This was actually the first time any of the workers had seen Penelope out of her shift and they were not going to disappoint her. After making sure everything was set out and ready, all the workers got ready for the evening. The Absol came out, menus in hand and announced to the waiting group: "Your table awaits." Everyone followed the Absol while she walked to their laid out table.

"Hi, my name is Holly and I'll be your waitress tonight. Here are some menus and a children's menu for the little cutie right here." Holly went through her normal routine while handing everybody menus. "Uhh, Miss. Can I get children's menu too. I am going to pick from the older specificated (You have to love Vair's knowledge of English. He was trying to say sophisticated to sound more mature (or probably for him would be manure), but he did a Rugrats thing and mispronounced the word, still knowing what it means. Hey, I just did a comment within a comment. I didn't know I could do that!) menu, but I just want to do the activities on it. Thank you." Vair asked, thinking he just said one of the most intelligent things ever. Holly tried to cover up her laughing as she nodded and went on passing out menus. "Our special today is Ramon with spicy curry on the side. If you want dessert, I would recommend our new key-lime pie." Holly continued. Penelope chimed in contradicting Holley by saying: "Holly, we aren't just anybody. Say something you would actually recommend other than what they tell us to say. Ok, I recommend the strawberry cheesecake. The key-lime pie slice is our new product, so we are required to recommend that." "Yes, well, can I start you all off with something to drink?" She asked before taking down all their orders. It was mostly all water and lemonade, except for Vair. He wanted to order pop, but Ash forbid it, remembering the last time Vair had caffeine. Holly quickly rushed into the back kitchen getting their drinks.

After receiving their drinks, and ordering what they wanted to eat, the group talked about the Auraball game that had just taken place. Jade leaned on Ash's shoulder as the Ash Love Club (unofficial name) and Penelope looked on. Akuti, feeling disgusted, got up from the table and excused herself to the bathroom. Ash looked down at his darling fiancé, thinking of every moment they've had together. "Jade, can you join me in the normal spot now? Here, I'll go first, and then you come a minute later." Ash whispered, making sure only she could hear him. "Of course honey." She answered, sensing the urgency in his voice. Ash immediately headed towards the normal room while Jade was left there at the table. The rest of the table was lost in conversation while Jade sat there, wondering if this would be the right time to tell Ash.

After waiting what seemed like forever, Jade couldn't help it and left down the same narrow hallway leading to the storage closet. She walked into the closet and turned the lights on to reveal Ash standing there, waiting for her. "Jade, I wanted to tell you something. I know we haven't spent much time together anymore, but I wanted to tell you that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, forever. No matter what trials and triumphs we go through, I want you to know I will always be there for you. And with that said, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to have the wedding here, at the Poke Diner, a month from now." Jade started tearing up as she listened to every word of what Ash had to say. He wasn't just simply saying 'I love you' like any other man would. The words lose their meaning after you say them every day, like the word 'sorry'. You never really know when they mean it or not. "Now I know this is a little short notice and that it will take a lot of effort, but I promise that I will help you with every decision needed to make this wedding work." Ash continued to ramble on, but Ash was stopped with Jade pressing her fingers to his lips, not even needing to say anything. "Ash, that is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, but I don't think a month from now will be too good. Ash, I'm pregnant again." Tears started to fill up again in her eyes as she waited for Ash's reaction. "Really? That's wonderful! So then, when should we have the wedding?" Ash asked, a little disappointed that his whole speech was just upstaged by this one line. "We can worry about that after I have my baby. Now let's go back in there before everyone gets suspicious." Jade giggled. "Jade, I really do have to go to the bathroom, so I'll come back a little later." Ash said as he waited in the small room, realizing for the first time that this was going to work. Jade shrugged it off and started to skip back to the table.

Ash began to walk out of the room when in walked ... (the suspension is killing you, even though this is probably a no-brainer) Akuti. "Ash, I need to tell you something too." Akuti mumbled as Ash was stunned to see her in Jade and his not so secret anymore room. "Akuti, were you standing outside the whole time?" Ash firmly asked, not wanting to yell as to draw attention to himself. "Yes, but only because I needed to talk to you and I knew Jade would be coming sooner or later, so I waited outside until you guys were done. The thing is Ash..." Akuti trailed off as she tried to find the right words to say. (Why don't we come back to this after I tie up the loose strings in the other parts of the story?)

Jade continued to skip, entering the main room where she found her table rather easily. Her skipping seemed to cease when she noticed something was not right with her table. Everyone wasn't talking and they all seemed to be looking at one thing. Jade dashed over to see what could be causing this, only to find Pikachu, down on one knee in front of a now crying Espeon. Jade only came in half-way, so the first words she heard were: "...Now I know we haven't been dating for long, but what does that matter when we share a bond as close as we do? Ever since that night years ago, I have always had a crush on you. Back then, I was just so shy that I didn't even have the courage to pronounce my feelings to you. When you asked me out not so long ago, I jumped for joy and nearly fell down the stairs. After that day, I made a vow to myself, I said that if I ever had the opportunity in life to better myself or others, I would do it, ignoring and shyness I had. As you can see here tonight, I have done that by actually mustering up the strength to get down on one knee and not pass out. Espeon, I wanted to tell you just how much I love you and that I will always be here for you. I want to seal that promise with this ring. I was going to say more, but I can't remember because my head is swirling with so many things I want to say that..." Pikachu kept on going as he tried to remember everything he practiced on in front of the mirror. "Shhh, that's all you need to say Pikachu. And my answer is... yes!" She teared up so much that she was barely able to get out the word yes. Pikachu was astonished by this, knowing that she would say yes, but never fully prepared for the actual moment of when she did say it. He took her gorgeous paw and tried to insert the ring onto the finger. However, his hand was shaking so badly that he couldn't even hold onto the ring. After two times of dropping it, Espeon choked back the tears and guided his hand in putting on the ring.

Staravia, deeply touched by this, but still seeing this as an opportunity, wandered over to Penelope who was still so involved in the moment that when she was taped on the shoulder by Staravia, she gave out a short yelp. Nobody else noticed this though as they were too engaged in watching what was taking place in front of them. "Hey Penelope, I need you to answer this question truefully. Do you like Ash?" Staravia asked. Penelope's heart jumped a beat after hearing this. "Am I really that obvious?" She thought to herself before pushing it away by saying "Yeah, he's a good friend." Staravia asked again, but in a more literal way. "Penelope, I mean do you love Ash? I won't tell anybody, just tell me." "I don't have to answer to you. I barely know you, so why should I be telling you something so personal like the fact that I may or may not love Ash." Penelope answered back, dishing out her shame as anger. "I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to help you." She nicely kept her cool as she went in to give her a hug, but Penelope moved out of the way and angrily talked quiet, but firm as she went on. "What, are you saying it is a disease to fall in love with Ash? Am I now hopelessly addicted to him and I will never be able to come back? How dumb are you?" Penelope broke after saying this, bursting into tears as she went towards the hallway.

Staravia chased after her, catching her before she was able to leave the main room. "Let go of me." Penelope tried to yell, but the sound was drown out by her tears. "Why are you doing this to me? Fine, you want to know? Yes, I love Ash. There, you happy? Am I cured now? No, wait a minute, my heart is still bursting into flames and I am still left here, alone with nothing to show for my life except for my dull, boring work. He was the one person who got me out of this place and out to do something. Did you know that I have never had a friend before those two? Huh? Bet you didn't. I met Ash and Jade the first night they came here and those two were the first people to give my life excitement after the accident. When I saw them come into the Diner, my whole day brightened as I was always thinking about him." She took a long breath before continuing. "I was the one who sold Ash the engagement ring. Yep, that was me. On that day, he hugged me for helping him out, and I just lost myself in his arms. That has never happened to me. I was always the person who would come in early, stay late, and go back into the forest after all of this just to get some sleep. Always by the book I was. But that all changed after I met him. He... he brought me out of the darkness of walking around in the shadows. I was so worried about the path I was taking, making sure that each step got me closer to the end goal that I forgot to stop and enjoy the scenery. Today was the first time I ever took a break off work, ever. I stepped off that trail in life and took a little detour to play Auraball with you guys, and you know what, I had fun. I thought I knew what fun was, just something for lazy people who didn't stick to the goals in life, but I can see clearly now. (...the rain has gone. Sorry, couldn't help it. Comic relief was needed and I had to supply it, so there ya go.) So, there, you heard my story. Now was it worth it?" Penelope asked, controlling herself a little more now.

"Wow, I had no idea Penelope. I... I too love Ash unbearably. I know the feelings you are going through and that is why I am here, to ask you to join our club. We are mostly a fan club, but we all are feeling your pains. We join together to help each other out whenever it is needed. So, whadya say? Want to join?" Staravia asked she now found herself shedding a tear. "Well, that sounds... wonderful!" Penelope said as she tackled Staravia down to the ground and hugged her. "Thank you so much!" Penelope again said as she helped Staravia get back up. "Yeah, ok, I will tell you whenever we will have a meeting. I got to use the facilities now so I'll see you later." Staravia said as she walked on her feet for once. She didn't actually have to use the restroom; she just wanted to collect herself. She slammed herself against the wall in the hallway, not even making it to the bathroom as she slid down remembering everything Penelope said. It was all so touching, and Staravia felt her feelings. Staravia sat there crying uncontrollably, but stopped after hearing voices coming from the other side of the wall. Staravia couldn't really make out the voices, so she gently cracked the nearby door open only to press her ear up to the door. She didn't want to have the door so far open that someone could see her listening in on them. Just hearing the conversation was enough for Staravia.

"Ash... I don't know how to tell you this, but I guess I have to sometime. Ash, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant with your baby."

Chapter End Notes:Ok, finally, chapter 14 in its 3 parts. Hope you all liked it. Don't forget to review
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